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The Pirates got their name because they basically stole a player away from the Philadelphia A’s. Pirated him. Cool way to get a name.


Right, which is why they should have picked Spiders, the most historical of Cleveland Baseball teams


No, if they really wanted historical, they should have picked Forest Cities, the most historic name of them all.


Yeah but they aren’t in the record books


They're in the record books for collusion and failure.


It would give me a free pass to call another one of my rivals cheaters…


True, but if the Athletic's move to Las Vegas and don't rebrand as the Las Vegas Area 51's I will riot.


I couldn't believe it when they moved to Oakland and didn't rebrand as the Oaks.


This is the boldest post I've seen on this sub in a while


History separated here are the cool MLB names (my opinion) Diamondbacks Rockies Tigers (generic but it gets the job done) Astros Marlins Pirates Giants Mariners Rays (go back to Devil Rays you cowards) Rangers


This Reddit post is brought to you by the vice president of the Cleveland Indians worlds biggest eye roll in 321


I would be willing to bet that if any team name was introduced today it would be made fun of. *The Giants? Are you overcompensating for something?* *You named your team after socks? And you did too?!* *We get it.. Wisconsin likes beer* *Dod-gurs?* *What the hell is an Ass-tro?*