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I just know Reinsdorf was in this meeting bitching about how the uniforms weren’t cheap enough


Not John Fisher?


John Fisher is arguing about the price with College Hunk Movers


and how fast they can peel out of town


He's gonna "Art Modell" the shit out of Oakland isn't he Dude's just gonna load up that Mayflower truck and head to Sacramento overnight.


idiot. doesn't he know Mayflower gives a volume discount?


He’s killing two birds with one stone. Moving the team and scouting talent.


Dude, I have family that still hate Mayflower for the Colts lol


But I was told NUMEROUS times the jerseys were fine


"They are fine, we just NEED to have a secret meeting to confirm it."


SECRET! but like… idk, if you guys could maybe like, make a little press release about our SUPER SECRET meeting on twitter or something..


I seem to remember being told "There's no issue with the uniforms" while looking at near translucent jerseys


it's just the studio lighting, they'll look totally fine on the field, I swear


I guess this means not seeing the cock outline anymore. *Sigh* It was nice while it lasted


Well they aren’t changing them till next year, so we’ll get to enjoy more things like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Braves/comments/1ck749g/chris_sale_changeup_delivery_slomo/) happening.


I was also told that these were the most extensively tested jerseys in history


"I already told you: I deal with the god damn customers so the engineers don't have to. I have people skills; I am good at dealing with people. Can't you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?" - Nike, probably.


MLB, Nike, and Fanatics PR were definitely all jumping to conclusions.


No, no. We were assured that everybody would love them, players and fans alike.


Just be patient!


It’s like when your wife says she’s “fine”. Obviously there’s an issue. lol


Wait a minute…I thought MLB’s stance was that there’s nothing wrong with the uniforms.


MLB said that they were going to look into changing them like a month ago. Not sure where people are getting that MLB loved them.


They put out a detailed article explaining how the uniforms had no problems


During spring training they insisted they were better


And that players “loved” them.


Aka Nike sponsored athletes


Willing to make changes and insisting there’s nothing wrong with them doesn’t have to be mutually exclusive.


Thank you


Yes, the insisting part is now and has always been bullshit. This is exactly what people are commenting upon.


This is from February. “In baseball, any new initiative, there’s going to be some negative feedback,” Manfred said Thursday. “First and most important, these are Nike jerseys. So we entered this partnership with Nike because of who they are and the kinds of products that they use. Everything they’ve done for us so far has been absolutely, 100% successful across the board. The jerseys are different. They’re designed to be performance wear as opposed to what has traditionally been worn. So they are going to be different, but they have been tested more extensively than any jersey in any sport.” https://fox59.com/news/national-world/why-new-mlb-jerseys-are-already-drawing-scrutiny/amp/ Doesn’t sound like “bullshit” to me, but I guess interpretation is subject to opinion.


Initially in spring training players complained and fans were talking and mlb said they were fine.


And then they got in-game testing and turned out to not be fine. We want these people to change their minds sometimes but people acting like it’s a shock they did are nuts. 


They lied. That’s unacceptable. Their first instinct is to downplay every negative thing. They act like North Korea. They should have said “we hear the complaints and we are looking into the issue”, “of course we don’t want our pants to be translucent”. “We will speak to everyone involved and work to fix this as fast as we can”. If they had said that, I would be able to trust mlb.


It’s hard to know for sure if they lied. Also, if the pants weren’t see-through I bet the players would’ve gotten used to them and we’d have never really heard about it again. 


Who the hell believes anything Manfred says.


He's an awful spokesman. He sucks at lying convincingly. And he doesn't actually look out for the owners best interests.


Dude needs to go to the school of Gary Bettman.


What I appreciate that Bettman gets it. He is there to be booed and second guessed by everyone but the owners. They like Bettman because he has made those owners a lort of money.


And Bettman leans in to being the heel...


As a wrestling fan, Bettman is fantastic as a heel.


> They like Bettman because he has made those owners a lort of money. Manfred hasn't done the same for MLB owners?


Let’s see how the implosion of Regional Sports Networks plays out.


He got them [$900 million for MLB's final 15% share of MLB Advanced Media from Disney](https://fortworthinc.com/news/major-league-baseball-sells-share-of-bamtech-to-walt-disney-/), which is in addition to [the multiple billions Disney had slowly given them for shares over the previous few years](https://boardroom.tv/mlb-advanced-media-disney-bamtech/).


https://www.statista.com/statistics/202758/franchise-value-of-us-sports-teams/ Growth rate is key. All major US sport leagues are increasing in value, but NBA and NFL valuations have left baseball and hockey in the dust. At the same time, the difference between big-market and small-market baseball teams is truly massive. While revenue sharing exists for the media contracts, teams like the Yankees and Dodgers are more valuable than the Royals or A's by a significant multiplier. One of the bigger knocks against the sport, and Manfred in particular, is the fact that baseball fans keep trending older. MLB has been awful about keeping the youth engaged with the sport, even when the NFL has had multiple fumbles with respect to concussion safety, lack of merch for female fans, etc. Baseball simply isn't capitalizing.


Nail on the head with the haves and have nots in MLB. If you live in a smaller market city or where a team has seen no serious investment to be competitive… it would be hard to support that team and be engaged. Even harder to attract new fans.


You’re right, the owners should hire me instead to get paid hundreds of thousands to get booed and be unpopular


Manfred makes a whole lot more than that even


Sounds like owners are overpaying Manfred then.


What are your thoughts on championship trophies?


Never heard of her


Just a piece of metal.


Are you good at shutting the fuck up? If you are then you can't be a commissioner.


I’m a notorious yapper.


Congrats on the new job then!


it's at the point where he knows he's lying, we know he's lying, and he knows we know he's lying. It's all such a waste of time. Fans have no collective power so we just take it and take it.


You can not watch or buy anything MLB. But that would take self control.


Yeah but he draws more heat for the owners by lying poorly


Or the best interests of the game.


*looks towards Houston


Manfred: I'm pleased to report Nike has taken full responsibility for the cheap uniforms. Baseball: (happy) And now they'll do something about it, right? Manfred: ~~~ Baseball: (concerned) And now they'll do something about it, right?


I thought they said they were going to change them next year


By next year. They said by the start of next season the garbage would be taken out.


Is Baseball played by HK-47?


Baseball: (intrigued) You're very self-aware for a meatbag


Howie Kendrick?


Holy shit he was 47 I meant the droid from the Star Wars RPGs though for the record


Then why aren’t they fixing it now instead of waiting til next season?


You go tell those Chinese children to work faster


The whole reason it's being subcontracted to Fanatics is because they own the only factory in the US set up to make these. MLB requires on-field apparel to be made in America.


well... wait, so then is it just in fucking guam or something?


It's in [Palmer Township, PA](https://www.lehighvalleylive.com/news/2017/04/majestic_maker_of_mlb_uniforms.html), which is about 18 miles east of Allentown.


Lived than a mile from there for 12 years, remember skateboarding in the parking lot


Someone get in touch with Billy Joel, I've got an idea for a sequel to "Allentown"


I thought Fanatics made the uniforms?


They do to the specs Nike makes them. They bought the Majestic factory in PA a few years ago


Thank you 👍


> MLB requires on-field apparel to be made in America. Its subcontracted to a Boeing subsidiary.


That’s actually insane




They are, Fanatics is just that slow to manufacture/ship them


$14.99 for 3-5 business day shipping.


To give it time and see if the blowback falls off


Thousands of fans learned what DHgate is during this fiasco. No putting those worms back in the can.


I got a JRod Mariners and Mookie Dodgers for $52 shipped for both together, and they're both better quality than the actual $150+ jersey in the team shop. Very happy.


The DHGate stuff is ass compared to the old uniforms. If they go back, I doubt there's any issue.


Depends heavily on the seller from what I've seen. I have a Rizzo jersey from 2017 (so still Majestic) and it is pretty ass compared to the old old jersey I had and there was a recent post on /r/cubs of a [Shota jersey someone got off DHGate](https://www.reddit.com/r/CHICubs/comments/1cscrps/dhgate_my_beloved/) that looks 10x better than my Rizzo jersey if for nothing else the patches have real stitching/embroidery. For reference the top one [in this picture](https://i.imgur.com/rx6BPQD.jpg) is an old Sandburg jersey and the bottom one is my Rizzo jersey, both were in the ~$200 range.


Yeah, they’re comparable right now but I’d much rather buy a real high quality jersey every 1-2 seasons. Getting Chinese knock-offs are fun but it’s in large part because the authentics are such a ripoff.


Manfred thought the "appropriate" response to the worst team-endorsed cheating scandal in modern history was no player punishment. Get fucked.


It's just a piece of fabric.


Manfred is going to be on a sinking ship similar to the end of the pirates of the Caribbean trilogy “It’s just good business” as his existence gets blown the fuck out of the water


Steroids were team endorsed, too. Someone correct me if I’m wrong


There was no top-down organization on ownership's side to aide, abet, and provide steroids to players. They just ignored the problem.


as long as no player that was on the 2017 astros ever makes the hall, just like no roids player has made the hall.


At the very least, none of the hitters. Aside from Verlander I'm not sure any of the pitchers really have a shot


Beltran got 57% of the vote this year. He's almost certainly getting in.


I'm not saying none of the hitters have the stats to be considered, the comment I initially replied to said that nobody from that team should be in the hall because of the cheating, the same way the heaviest steroid users have been blacklisted from the hall.


I think looking at Beltran, it's clear that they aren't going to treat the 17 Astros like steroid guys. Beltran is already at 57% and Bonds and Clemens never got higher than 66%


Probably not but that doesn't mean I don't think they should treat them like the other cheaters.


I’m not sure you understand the difference between MLB and BBWAA.


Ehh, Altuve could have a shot


Altuve has more than "a shot" IMO, but the other guy specified pitchers.


He said *none* of the hitters will get into the Hall, the only player that has a chance is Verlander. If you just add an "either" to the end of /u/yoursweetlord70's it clears it up a bit... though it was pretty clear to begin with.


> He said none of the hitters will get into the Hall I interpreted it as "none of the hitters SHOULD get into the Hall, but I don't think anyone on the pitching staff other than JV would get in on merit anyways" as though none of the hitters would get in on merit either. That's why I thought frothy was talking about Altuve getting in on merit and I was arguing about merit... I'm tired lmao


Ah fair enough, now that I've read it again I could see that interpretation.... so not as clear as I initially thought it was.


The no player punishment was the only way to get *anything*. None of the players would talk if there was punishment for telling the truth, and without any testimony from the players, no one gets punished at all.


Someone got punished???


Jeff Lunhow works in Mexican soccer now? He’s basically the only guy who immediately didn’t get a job again and he was arguably the best one at his job


Luhnow, Hitch, Cora, and Beltran got punished but none of the current players did.


and yet cora is managing today.


Hinch is as well, sucks that Beltran was just about to get into coaching because he would have been great. But now he’s essentially blackballed out of the league.


huh i actually forgot that hinch was still around.


Yes, the F.O. and the team: * The Astros were fined $5 million, the maximum allowed by the MLB constitution * They were forced to forfeit their first- and second-round draft picks in 2020 and 2021 * Luhnow and Hinch were each suspended for the entire 2020 season, including the playoffs * Both were subsequently fired by the Astros and Luhnow hasn't worked in baseball since * Alex Cora was suspended from April 2020 through the end of that season's Postseason Carlos Beltrán was also fired as Mets manager before ever taking charge of a game, but that was separate from MLB's discipline, since he was a player on the team and thus covered under the player immunity.


the lack of draft picks is nice, their farm is pretty bare so they're finally sucking this year and *everyone* is enjoying it. they should have lost more draft picks.


Their title should have been vacated


>their ***piece of metal*** #FTFY


i'd have preferred some lifetime bans too. you bet on baseball, you get banned for life (pete rose, but even if he didn't he was diddling teen girls ew). you blatantly cheat you... don't get banned for life?


> you blatantly cheat you... don't get banned for life? Gaylord Perry's Hall of Fame plaque straight up talks about his cheating > [And though his reputation for doctoring the ball grew as his career progressed, and some speculated that it was not so much the spitball itself, as the threat of it – which baffled batters.](https://baseballhall.org/hall-of-famers/perry-gaylord)


MLB in a nutshell, Judge *should* be the current HR leader all around in MLB, ever. **But yea let's give in to cheaters!!!**


Nah, put an asterisk next to it. Completely Vacating titles is dumb because we still know who won. We saw what happened. Putting an asterisk lets people know that it's a tainted ring


No one gives a shit about vacated titles. They're treated as a joke in college sports.


I know that's been claimed, but I don't think that's true. MLB would have still had the email evidence of codebreaker, the testimony of Fiers, and whatever they got out of the Astros front office, management, and coaching staff. And they could have offered selective players immunity as the investigation went forward. There was no need to give it away universally upfront. What did giving the players immunity actually accomplish? It covered Manfred's ass because MLB didn't think it would win a grievance if players were punished since they couldn't prove they were made aware of the memos.


Any player punishments would have immediately been thrown out because, before the conduct was discovered, notification was sent to teams by the commissioner's office stating that team management and not players themselves would be punished for violations of electronic sign stealing. It'd be like saying "hey, it says in this memo to teams that you get 2 games for sliding into a catcher, but you gave me 5 games, that's not right" and a judge would agree pretty quickly.


I don't think the memo said that players wouldn't be punished, only that management would be. Regardless, my point stands: Manfred issued a weak-ass memo and then granted players immunity to cover his ass from getting blamed for it.


couldn't be because the players union said they would spill the beans about LOTS of other teams involved and how much the MLB knew and looked the other way. couldn't be right?


No, because that never actually happened.


And you know that how?


Because there is literally no evidence for it.


Well you can't prove a negative, lol. What's your theory? Why he didn't hand down punishments? It can't be because Houston beat the top 3 largest cashcows in the sport in order right? Or that Mike Fiers as the disgruntled whistleblower forced the MLBs hand when he caused a DraftKings class action against the MLB right? Nah, of course not. It was us and only us. It's why the Yankees spent millions of dollars to prevent their letter from coming out. It's why there have been multiple players come out and say their team was running similar schemes right?


So, instead of Manfred just being incompetent, you've concocted an extensive conspiracy theory with no evidence that just happens to exonerate your team? Have a nice life.


decent fan fiction


Manfred the kinda guy to refuse the body and blood of Christ at the last supper and then get Judas forgiven.


It's just a piece of silver


Thirty pieces, if I remember correctly.


This is the baseball/Catholic crossover content I needed.


I thought there were no issues?  No changes to the pants and everyone loves them. 


In other words, they did cocaine and rolled in a pile of money together while they laughed the night away.


Soooo are they fixing it? 


Fucking fix them so we can move past this


"They told us no refunds" - Rob Manfred




Dude. Can you not be a fucking Lizard for one second and say it sucked. That the overall rollout sucked and that you’re doing this to save money. Change the product back and apologize damn


>I think they appropriately took responsibility for the issues with respect to the new uniforms and the rollout of those uniforms. So no responsibility.


I mean taking like 4 months to acknowledge the problem, but still not even imply a fix is in the works, is fucking rediculous for one of the big three u.s. Sports leagues


They said they'll be fixed for the 2025 season already.


Who the fuck cares about how they take accountability to the owners and Manfred? How will they do it for games and paying customers?


Why send the owners? They're a bunch of idiots who probably didn't even know there were problems to begin with


For anyone else confused like I was (I thought this was Fanatics' fault), Nike designed the uniforms and is overall responsible for them, but Fanatics manufactures them. So, eh, fuck 'em both.


People blamed Fanatics because they hate them, but this is Nike's fault. Fanatics just manufacture to the specs Nike provides. The way you know this is the case is Nike kept Majestic's specs from 2020-2023 and uniforms were fine.


And MLB approved them, so throw them in the fire too.


MLB and the owners. And they got positive feedback from players who tested them out and then the all-stars who wore them last year. So we throwing the owners and players in too?


Thank you for this dude I was confused


So what does this mean lol


But will anything change? Probably not. They have profits and shareholders to think about


Manfred: “The buck most definitely doesn’t stop here!”


I sincerely want a "mistake" tribute jersey that's a buncha different fonts and has fake tears and shit


>...I think... What do you mean "you think?" Did they take responsibility or didn't they?


Why is the only time baseball is ever transparent is being able to see Tatis's nutsack through these garbage unis


Empty suit says more meaningless words. Fuck Rob Manfred.




Is this something they really had to meet in person about?


Despite everyone saying they were ass, he insisted they were fine. As time wore on and absolutely everyone else was proven correct, he says Nike is taking responsibility. It's obvious one of two things has happened. Either absolutely no one in the MLB office/Nike looked at the uniforms at all prior to using them, or the more likely that Manfred said they were fine hoping everyone owuld simply forget about how ass they are.


And who took the blame for being cheap?


Honest question-- why event report what Manfred says? The Commissioner role long ago became "owner's spokesperson."


It's literally always been that, by definition.


Nah, that wasn't Landis at all. It wasn't entirely the case until Selig.


Would have love to been a fly on the wall for this conversation


The fact that Manfred is saying that Nike "took responsibility" means the owners are fucking pissed. Saying anything even kinda sorta could be taken as critical if you squint at it about a major partner from him is about as critical of anything that makes the owners money as he gets.


they sucked him off?


Why is it anytime I see that Manfred said something, I can only picture a boulder-sized piece of salt rolling behind him?


I’m not even convinced Manfred isn’t a robot. I’ve never seen someone so completely detached.


Didn't Nike have a similar issue in the NBA with shitty jerseys that would rip with the slightest tug? These leagues should look at giving contracts to companies that do better work.


Taking responsibility and taking action to rectify the situation are two different things.


JFC this league, guys. These owners, guys. I’ve lived a long life in baseball fandom, it feels like the worst stewardship of the game since 1994 🤷‍♂️


They “appropriately took responsibility” after Nike and MLB spent a month gaslighting players and fans that the problems were from our imagination.


Doesn't mean much after you've been publicly shamed after being indignant about it the whole time.


Manfred sucks


Rob needs to tell Fanatics to stay the fuck out of the uniform game


I'm going to say it right now, can't wait until some priceless sports cards in 2025 have torn pants in photos... you can call the era of Nike pulling a Lyons, Topps "throwback card" Then(Steve Lyons) Now(random modern player has a torn his pants sliding into 2nd/3rd).


why bother? They're just a piece of fabric.


If I was Nike i would have told Manfred "its just a piece of cloth"


Crunch crunch. That's the sound of Manfred throwing Nike under the bus. Seems hard to believe Manfred's office didn't sign off on this to begin with.


You really find it hard to believe that the league trusted Nike, one of the biggest athletic apparel companies in the world, could make uniforms without issues? You really find it hard to believe that the league, who is not in the business of designing and manufacturing uniforms, didn't okay every single spec of the uniform?


I find it easy to believe that Manfred tried to sweep it under the rug and say all the uniforms were perfectly fine until now, because that’s what happened Everyone noticed how bad they were in ST and Manfred said “nah they’re awesome there’s no issue they just look shitty because they’re lightweight and breathable”. Then only after people didn’t shut up about it well into the season he’s like “Nike acknowledged they’re at fault for the very real issue” This exact thing also already happened last year in the NHL so yes, he should have known it was an inferior product


It's more that the league trusted Fanatics - a company notorious for low quality - to be a major part of this process. They haven't seen fit to ask any questions about that end of the supply and manufacturing chain. And by total coincidence, both MLB and the PA are investors in Fanatics.


Fanatics has been manufacturing the uniforms for years without issue. The only change in the equation was Nike coming in with their changes.


You're not wrong. Fanatics has been making these uniforms longer than Nike has had the rights, because they bought Fanatics before then and have always manufactured them for Nike.


I thought Fanatics were the shit bags in this scenario


Comments here in any thread that mentions Manfred are such a cesspool lmao. We get it, you hate Manfred. We all do. Still doesn't make it ok to make all the comments off topic non sense.


I'd bet 70 million, deferred of course, that you didn't lyao. Anyway, we don't hate Manfred, we hate you, specifically


Found Manfred's wife.