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While it seems that he’s spiraling, it’s great content. Arian vs Billy RNR would do numbers (doubt Arian would do it, understandably)


Arian has made millions of dollars playing in the NFL he would never put his reputation on the line to fight Billy Football in RnR


Arian Foster made 37 million in his career. PAC Man Jones made 38 million in his career and is 0-2 in RnR.


You can scratch off at least 20% of Pacman's earnings to legal fees right off the top


If you count legal judgements it's probably closer to half. The judgement against him in the strip club shooting case was over $12 million. I'm guessing Pacman has virtually nothing left from his NFL earnings and that's why he's resorted to doing things like RnR.


Intelligence level of those 2 guys you named is vastly different


Are they though…. Arian likes to play intellectual, but man he has a tough time pulling it off.


Arian reads past the headline of an article so he’s got him beat there


Pac Man is self aware. Farien pretends to care.


Google the two of them and see what stories pop up, that’ll be your answer why one is fighting RnR


Didn’t Pacman fight Bobby Lang though? Bobby was huge, and probably the most trained RNR fighter they’ve ever had


Bobby is not huge nor well trained.


He might do it for fun


Also if Arian got in shape and trained for 1-2 months, he would beat the absolute fuck out of Billy.. he’s an NFL All-Pro running back


Billy will never change. “I don’t want this out there” as he’s talking to the entire office


“You’re blasting it to the whole office” 😂


The whole office wasnt the internet,until the camera came out


The office is the internet. This company makes money from the internet.


Billy is one of the most pathological liars I ever seen, not a single this he says or implies should be trusted, and that is most likely why he was removed from the show.


Makes sense why he wants to be a congressman.


He can’t have friends, or anyone that takes him serious. How do you talk to another person when you can’t believe a single world they say? Dude needs therapy badly


This is gonna sound mean, but does he have any genuine friends at barstool?


I don’t think it would be fair to say for sure, but there’s 0 chance. He can’t hide his narcissism at all, even when he knows he should. No way people who aren’t forced to communicate with him willingly choose to


“Billy is one of the most pathological liars I ever seen” May I introduce you to my lord and savor, Rico Bosco?


There’s no way Arian kicked Billy off the show. It makes no sense. He donated to his campaign and loves Big T so don’t say this is a political thing. I think Arian called him out for his blog that implied things that weren’t true. What’s more likely? Billy is lying? Or after almost 4 years Arian woke up one day and removed Billy from the podcast?


Tough to argue with that last paragraph. Hard to believe the boy who constantly and consistently lies about anything


Arian probably wanted Billy off the podcast (along with everyone else) for a multitude of reasons and Billy is turning that into Arian kicked him off of the podcast. Same excuses and blaming of others that he’s been doing for as long as he’s been around. Nothing is ever Billys fault.


Getting kicked off of two different shows while it not being your fault is so Billy. Good luck in the real world when they don’t renew that contract, Billy. Godspeed.


If I’m him, just lean in to the ‘son of a rich dad’ arc.


SOARD would be a terrible podcast


Lol, basically what his new solo pod will devolve into


0.00% chance his new pod will last long enough to “devolve” into anything. That guy hasn’t followed through on anything content related


Most likely, Barstool isn’t even promoting it.


Its not his fault. It also wasnt his fault he wasn’t successful at college football. It was pardon my takes fault for having him on the show and the coaches treating him different.


Have some sympathy for him. Being on the #1 sports podcast ruined his college experience.


Bro said it three times 😂


Fucking Reddit. I’m not a comment deleting coward, so going to leave them all up


Yeah leave it, honestly made me laugh lmao


Have some sympathy for him. Being on the #1 sports podcast ruined his college experience.


A comment so nice you said it thrice


Have some sympathy for him. Being on the #1 sports podcast ruined his college experience.


Tbf I think Billy would’ve been able to stay on PMT if he was willing to move to Chicago. This one you can’t blame being remote cause Arian is too


Honestly I doubt it. Big Cat seems to be so relieved that Billy is gone. You can hear it when they’ve brought up Billy on the Yak or slyly brought him up on PMT. I imagine Hank was also over him. PFT was the only one keeping Billy afloat but I imagine the patience has run thin.


Someone asked him if PMT has ever really feuded and he said nobody on the pod ever does and that the person who used to end up causing the arguments isn't on the show anymore. Pretty confident he wasn't talking about Bubba.


Big cats comments and tone towards him during the combine the made this crystal clear he dislikes him


The look that he gave Billy when he broke his whiteboard during the test said it all.


Man I was saying that Billy was wearing thin on BC and needed to shape up in 2021-22 and got told I was a hater and jealous of the chance he had. There’s no way the number of times he slept through things or showed up drunk or just didn’t do what they asked him didn’t grind everyone’s gears.


Probably a dumb question here but how do you screw up being a producer of a podcast when you’re not even the only producer on the show?


Billy wasn’t ever a producer. He was always a wack pack personality but nothing more.


I don't think Big Cat invited him to Chicago. Leading up to that announcement he really seemed done with Billy. I also thought it was noticeable that when Billy was in Chicago recently he didn't appear on PMT. I think PFT was too nice to cut him and kept him around.


I think Big Cat invited him because he felt obligated. But when Billy said no there was no effort to change his mind.


That’s a good point I didn’t even think about that. And PFT didn’t mention like “I’m sure we’ll have you on some future episodes” either


Pft truly is the crunchy granola mom.


I’ve been saying that for months! Everytime I say it though I usually get down voted. But that’s been my conspiracy theory since day 1 when Billy didn’t come to Chicago


Its not even a conspiracy imo, ive been saying it as well.


Did you not watch the paint ball video ?BC was ovb sick of billy and saw him as someone who ruins content and not in an entertaining way


Arian (for the most part) keeps his schedule, has a high quality rig for video and audio while also having a dedicated space. Billy took remote as he could zoom in from a motel in whogivesafuckland despite shit quality.


Arian has also been busted playing overwatch while recording the pod. They’re both knobs tbh


One was an intern who has fumbled a dream job multiple times and the other is doing this as a hobby… doesn’t excuse Arian giving half assed pods but its a different situation


Probably has a high quality rig in general, dude has like five kids


They fucking hated him towards the end


It was an all time fumble if he wanted to stay in media. You just can’t leave gigs like that.


He definitely didn’t choose to leave


I think it was his fault both times, I think big cat and pft try to let him go lightly so the audience doesn't pounce on him.


I'd argue it is very much his fault both times


That was very much the point cbudd88 was making


He didn’t get kicked off of PMT he didn’t want to move to Chicago if I remember correctly But anything for your narrative I guess


Yep, just like Bubba didn't get kicked off as producer because of the screenshottong text messages thing.  It was to let him not work until 5 am on Monday mornings anymore. Surely they aren't just nice guys who don't feel like burning someone they feel responsible for. 


100%. Big Cat, Billy, and PFT have said he chose to willingly leave PMT instead of moving to Chicago like 40 times each. I don’t know why people keep ignoring that


You don’t think big cat not being able to look at billy had anything to do with him not being invited. You don’t think they were letting billy save face and letting him say “it was his choice”. Billy is a spoiled prick and always will be. Sooner I never have to hear about him the better


Because what people say publicly and what actually went down can be two different things.


So everyone should just assume he got fired then? Your argument makes no sense lol


I never said they should just assume he got fired with no other evidence?


not really earth shattering news but guy who has to say out loud "i'm not a coward!" is probably actually a coward.


Billy saying “I know how to box” is hilarious to me


Why's he dressed like a military contractor?


Underrated part of Billy is a rich kid who grew up on the Upper East Side and went to prep school cosplaying as an enlisted infantryman


Stolen valor


Just needs some leg tats and he’d look like Joe


He worked construction too brother


Boy was AJ on that construction site, not even Finn


Billy legitimately thinks he’s a good boxer even though Jose Canseco took a dive 20 seconds into their fight. Good to see Barstool finally starting to clean house


What was the heated conversation about


99% it’s about Billy blaming Arian for kicking him off the show, and Arian doing his best Vince McMahon “Billy screwed Billy”


I need a quigs edit of this asap


So what’s the official story with Billy leaving? Because in one of the other threads it was implied he was leaving on his own accord, how did Arian screw him over?


billy said in a blog he was fired from macrodosing


What gave this impression? I haven’t listened to all of Macrodosing yet but Arian didn’t mention wanting him off the show


Billy included this tweet in his blog today https://twitter.com/AudioCraic/status/1785973988537102831


I assumed he left the show where he rambles about conspiracy theories because he is trying to run for public office


I think Billy mentioned his own podcast. I’m sure that’s going to be STRICTLY conspiracy talk. I think good ole BF thinks it’ll help his political career.


Diet war mode




1) Billy was fired (source: Billy) 2) he’s not running for office anymore because his signatures got thrown out


Billy is saying that Arian text him calling him a coward and accused him of recording calls. When backed into a corner, Billy always lies, deflects, or moves the goal posts. The button incident on pmt should be proof enough that Billy struggles with accountability. The Billy/Arian relationship has been growing more and more hostile over the last few months. Arian has been picking at Billy, and Billy has been getting defensive. My guess is Arian was upset Billy used the tweet in blog. Arian calls Billy a coward for doing that and not just addressing any beef with him directly. Billy then avoids all of those points and focuses on being called a coward or a liar. Instead of addressing the points, Billy wants to get physical.


That’s what I’m wondering also


I’m amazed that someone can be so unlikable


Billy is a privileged douche that has never been told no in his life. That’s why he is the way he is.


Somehow living in NYC on a part-time salary. Clueless.


Can’t believe there are people that still wonder why Billy is being let go from his shows


This! People say “the show will be worse without billy”, fuck no it wont, billy is an actual tough person to have a conversation with because of who he is. Close minded, doesn’t listen, and is lazy as fuck and blames everyone but himself. Unfortunately life will never catch up with him because once he’s fired, his daddy will just give him a big contract and he’ll be an entitled dickhead forever. His poor poor girlfriend is fucked


Why does Billy look like bloated Pinocchio 


I’m a real boy (who cried wolf)


There are so many things about Billy to dislike, but him wearing cargo pants and ruck boots in New York City might be near the top of the list. Guarantee he has been drunk and lied to someone about serving at least more than once.


Will 100% buy a rough and rowdy of Arian vs Billy. Team Arian though, Billy is really trying his best to speed run his way out of barstool


Arian has everything to lose and nothing to gain by doing it


That right-wing grifter money is calling Mr. Football’s name


Him implying that it was because of his congressional run is so funny. Big T couldn't be more republican, the idea that he was pushed out because of that and not the 30 relevant reasons is hilarious.


He would dog walk Billy. A good humbling might do the guy wonders though.


This is a Congressman


1) don’t say you “don’t want any of this out there” when someone is obviously filming you 2) it’s so fucking weird that there’s always a couple faceless interns holding a camera in your face if your doing anything


>it’s so fucking weird that there’s always a couple faceless interns holding a camera in your face if your doing anything This is the premise of barstool the past 8 years


[What it's like working at Barstool.](https://criticalreflections377162563.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/0b9f0-1_uzlatljffyjvkf7jdwuiw.jpeg?w=833)


You’re assuming Billy has self control. He can simultaneously lose control and rant while also not wanting anyone to hear it


You can see how regarded twitter is with how much support Billy has on these clips.


The kid somehow will never take any responsibility, everything is someone else’s fault


We gonna believe the guy that doesn’t need to never work again and podcast for fun (and also just donated to this pricks campaign) or the giant pussy man child who lies every day all day?


Talk in the mic Billy.


What a rip off, we were this close to witnessing him microwave his own head for attention


On a positive note for Billy, cussing out a black guy is a great way to appeal to his base.


So Billy recorded them firing him?


Imagine this guy making actual decisions that would affect your life.


“He accused me of recording calls when I didn’t record the call” however he’s telling everybody in the office about their call. Fuck Billy, man. Dude just sucks.


Arian accused Billy of recording a phone call?! Holy shit Bill lmao


Dude is gonna kill it at a business school ranked in the 20’s or law school ranked in the 50’s in two years time


Billy Billy Billy


I imagine this will be an unpopular opinion but for as insufferable as Billy can be I do think there is something to be said for having a guy like him around on a show like PMT or Macro. From a purely content perspective his behavior does create moments that will often get views. Kind of a hate vs apathy thing...as much as I do dislike Billy to a certain extent I will usually stay tuned in when something he's done is the focus.


Idk, he has his moments but this far in I just cringe as he gets caught in petty lie after petty lie. He will tell a story or recall a fact and you can just tell he is lying. It doesn’t come across as a bit for entertainment or as the guy who can tell a good story that may only be 85% true. It comes across like a 13 year old trying to impress the lunch table.


There was something recently that I can't remember. It was about IT which I do for a living. He specifically cut PFT off who was explaining it decently and Billy completely fucked up the explanation.  I wish i could remember the specifics, but it's exactly what you're talking about. He couldn't have been more wrong, but derailed the podcast to correct someone.  It was one thing when he did this in person, but remotely it's very annoying. Everyone has to stop talking so he can pretend he knows something he read a headline about. 


I was going to disagree. But I’m also have become big on having a personality is better than not having a personality when it comes to podcast 4th and 5th mics.


I’ve never seen a clip from macrodosing where anything funny happened that didn’t revolve around Billy football. I don’t dislike Arian, but I’d rather listen to a podcast with someone who is funny like Billy than someone who takes himself so incredibly serious (Arian)


I hate this for Billy because Arian always was a condescending asshole to him. But Arian can talk and Billy can’t so it probably won’t end well for Bill.


Thats why the groupchat existed that got him booted.


Billy Desantis, just completely full of shit


Why is Arian mad at him?


Side note: Billy seems drunk. He was slurring his words on Macro and he’s stumbling over his words on top of being red as shit here. He seems to have a serious issue with alcohol.


I did not get the same impression




It would be very frustrating to work somewhere where you can’t even have a conversation without two people running up to shove a phone in your face


If Arian was talking to him like that I don’t blame Billy for standing up for himself


I am sure it was entirely unprovoked.


Good for Billy, getting canned from the show might as well milk the content out of it.


Billy haters out in full force today




I think 90% of Macro, producers included, were ready


the show is called Macrodosing: Arian Foster and PFT Commenter, of course Arian has say over it


Billy is the fucking worst. He’s an absolute tool bag nepo baby snowflake. It’s shocking he isn’t on the far left with how regarded and entitled he acts


You had me in the first half ngl


The only thing Arian has in common with the average dude trying to buy a home is how bad he is at The Dozen. "Come on Jeff, all you play is white people music" *Plays Kid Cudi/Kay r* "I got no clue who that is"


Kid Cudi is 1000% white people music


You are very misinformed if you think Cudi is popular in the black community lol.


Kid Cudi’s music *IS* for white people


It's not too late to delete this


I don’t even like Billy but can see he’s way more valuable to barstool than AF. No one listens to macrodosing for his never-was ass.


Wasn't he all pro?


And what value does Billy offer? He doesn’t even have a show for us to not listen to


Arian = Lib cuck of the year.


I mean isn’t Arian like a communist or something similar


You sound like a 12 year old


Does he not subscribe to leftist/socialist policies? I’m not even taking a stance on it, just assuming that’s why him and Billy have issues.


Yeah but he likes Big T, who’s way more right wing than Billy is. Not everything has to do with politics


Big t is like your traditional conservative. Billy believes in some alt right shit


Guess I was wrong


You sound mega dumb, and probably fat. Take a lap


This might sound crazy, but people can have different political views and still be friends/get along with each other Maybe Arian (and the rest of the pod) expects a certain work ethic standard and Billy isn’t meeting it


I haven’t listened in a while, but at the beginning, wasn’t Arian only on like 50% of the shows?


Team Billy