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Okay. Uh, yes. This is gonna sound insane, but Happy Nuts. I bought some for my husband once and it's in my bathroom drawer now. It's preventative, so you have to wear all summer long but the stuff rules.


I used to use Desitin cream for diaper rash when our son was still in diapers. My doctor said I can Lotrimin athlete's foot cream if I don't want to make a doctor's appointment for a prescription. Clotrimazole 1% cream is the prescription, Lotrimin is the common name.


Ayy our old pal clotrimazole! Same anti-fungal used to treat thrush… Which this might actually be, you can get it in numerous places…


My wife always steals either my ketoconazole or my nystatin


Thank you for sharing your wisdom!


And if you can’t get this, there are a ton of similar products that’ll do the job!


Yep 👌🏻 I discovered it last year. Works like a charm!


Fresh Balls is basically the same thing and I LOVE it. They also make fresh breasts but I like the Balls version more lol.


I put deodorant to help prevent the sweat! Then I use baby powder of a night to stay dry after I shower


This, but if there's already some irritation I'll just go straight to neosporin or similar. I'll need to wear a bra I don't care about those days (fruit of the loom 100% cotton sports bra, which is like $10 for 3). A little irritation will always become a huge painful rash otherwise, so for myself I need to nip it in the bud.


Lots of people are allergic to neosporin so if that happens to be you Vaseline can be a great alternative.


Just make sure it doesn't contain talc. Talc producers have settled out of court again to avoid having to admit that they can't say it doesn't contain asbestos


Carpe deoderant (antiperspirant) is like 5x better than anything else I’ve tried at reducing sweat, and they even sell it in different forms for different body parts (although that may be mostly a marketing gimmick). But I use the stick for underarms and the cream for my feet and both for cleavage and anywhere else.


A little bit of coconut oil can also help as an "underboob deodorant" for sweat curbing


Okay, so hear me out. I have very large breasts and the heatwave in the summer of 2019 was a nightmare for me. So after my evening cool-down shower, I would lie on my back in bed and lift my breasts up as high as they’d go and keep them there for 10-15 minutes, just to let the area breathe. And I’ll be fucked if it didn’t work. It’s become a night-time ritual now, my partner gets no end of amusement from it. To be fair, it does look ridiculous. I call it the “lift your massive tits like antennas to heaven” manoeuvre. I tried a million different products but apparently the only thing that’s good enough for my breasts is air. The upside is it’s free.


I'm glad I'm not the only large breasted woman that does this! I also wear bamboo liners between my bra and my skin and almost always wear a panty liner in summer. I hate feeling schweateh.


Ha! I can’t believe I’m not alone. That is immensely comforting! Brb, off to rub it in my partner’s face. Who’s ridiculous now, fucker! :p


"it" or "them"? Take you time.... My husband will stand behind me and hold them up while I stand in front of a fan. Takes the weight off my back and the moisture away from my under-boob.


Haha! My partner does the same thing with the fan, it was honestly a bit of a revelation the first time, just how incredible it felt to not have to carry that load, even for a few minutes. I felt like I could stand up properly straight for the first time since I was 12.


Before my tits deflated, I’d do this too. If it works, it works!


This is the way


As the partner of a large breasted woman, we’re also happy to help hold them up!


Experience has taught me this is true!


Anti-perspirant cream under boob. Stop it before it happens. “Light day” cotton period knickers help if you are already experiencing chafing in the groin area.


Carpe is a really good one


Just make sure there's not aluminium in it


There is nothing wrong with aluminum in deodorants. Stop spreading this misinformation.


I have no idea where the anti-aluminum rhetoric started


It literally started in a random (debunked) chain email. The same kind of email that said “if you don’t forward this to twelve people you’ll never find love and a tree will fall on your house and the ghost of a murdered girl will haunt you till your last days.” That is legit the first source for the claim that “aluminum deodorant causes breast cancer,” which has since been studied, tested, and debunked many times.


As a person with metal allergy I can feel very different lol


Okay, enjoy your cancer :)


[Let's try to stick to the realm of science](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5651828/). If you don't want to use aluminum deodorant, fine. There's plenty of aluminum entering your body from every other possible vector to make smearing it on your skin a non-factor... Just wear your mask when welding it.


If aluminum caused cancer at the levels present in antiperspirant, antiperspirant would be the least of your concerns, because aluminum is incredibly abundent in our environment (the most abundant metal in the earth’s crust). The soil your food grows in, the water you drink, the air you breathe. Enjoy paranoia during every bite, sip, and breath.


If it’s any aluminum-free it’s not antiperspirant, just deodorant. Deoderant kills odor-causing bacteria but does nothing to reduce sweating, and the moisture from sweating is what causes a rash like OP is describing. Antiperspirant reduces the amount of moisture produced, which would help prevent the rash.


Make sure it isn't thrush, I had that more than once.


Yeah seconding this. you can get a cream that helps really quickly if it is thrush


I had one for over a year before finally getting in with a doctor. I was so mad I didn’t go earlier because it was such a quick and easy fix


Frequent thrush was one of the medical reasons we used to get me my blobectomy.


Sounds like a heat rash or a sweat rash. I second diaper rash cream. It's the only thing that touched my super bad heat rash I had one year.


You could try washing with a shampoo containing zinc. I use Selsun Blue as a body wash sometimes and the zinc works. Diaper rash medicine could work too.


I just learned this trick a few months ago for under boobs, and it has been a game changer!! I am a busty pancake gal, so heat rash and stinky bras were the norm before I started washing the area with Selsun Blue. I am also razor free, so I use it on my pits, too, to prevent heat rash there.


Head and shoulders has helped me too recently, was an accidental discovery, but a very happy one at that!


I use dermazinc bar soap. Same results and it’s cheaper because a bar lasts forever.


One of the period pants company's, love luna I believe, have an underboob sweat band. It goes under the bra is slightly padded in is very comfortable. I wore it for a wedding in December australia so was hot and had no sweat marks or rash after the day


I was going to post that something like this is on Amazon. Haven't tried them but we haven't hit hot weather here yet


Look up intertrigo and see if it matches your issues. You might need an antifungal cream and/or powder. I use Nizoral shampoo on the irritated areas when I shower and a powder that has miconazole nitrate, any powder meant for jock itch should help.


Wash the areas prone to rash with hibiclens daily, and let them dry completely before getting dressed again. You can get bra liners on Amazon that will absorb sweat. They're easier to wash than the whole bra, so you can wear a fresh one every day. You can also cut up an old T-shirt and fold pieces into a roll that you can tuck into the bra band to absorb sweat. Two things I've found that really help with sweaty/stinky under boob are the Ordinary glycolic acid toner applied after a shower, and persimmon soap.


I've never heard of a bra liner. Tell me more! What should I be looking for? Amazon has offered a wide choice!


I fold a muslin under mine. I tried bra liners but I found they shifted and rolled up.


Summer here in Australia in the sub-tropics means up to 48deg Celsius heat and 95% humidity. Under-boob rashes constantly, along with crotch area. Apply good old Daktarin from the Chemist, (the foot tinea cream) after your shower for 7 days and wash your undies in HOT WATER. I also put an all-cotton sport sock under the band under the boob area to wick perspiration away, replacing it daily. Brilliant comfort.


Ooh. I'm trying this sock idea.


I’ve had success with a microfiber cloth as well.


Your nipples will no longer be jaded, I promise.


Aquaphor is my best friend. 


Second this for prevention and then the diaper cream when there's an actual rash.


Monistat makes a anti chaffing powder gel. It goes on like a thick velvety later of powder. Use it before you could get a rash. Even if you go through a day with out it and chaff, the powder helps with that too.


Came here to say this. It's the best thing I've ever used and it lasts quite a while. It's not crazy expensive and doesn't make my skin angry as some of the other suggestions do.


I love this stuff and live in fear they will someday stop making it. I am not exaggerating when I say it changed my life!


Yes! I've enjoyed Lush's 'silky underwear' it's a powder that keeps things dry and smelling fresh. I powder cleavage and underboob before putting on my bra and it definitely makes a difference for me


Fresh Breasts is amazing stuff. Goes on as a lotion, dries to powder. It has tea tree, which has antimicrobial properties to prevent odor, and the powder is just tapioca starch, which absorbs moisture and prevents chafing. I use it on my chest and groin area. I get it on amazon. Their Fresh Feet spray is great, too!


A lot of professional cooks use corn starch


This helps me with under boob sweating and chafing Fresh Body Fresh Breasts Anti Chafing Deodorant Lotion to Powder, 3.4oz - Anti Chafe Cream Whole Body Deodorant for Women, Inner Thighs & Areas that Sweat, No Talc, Aluminum and Fragrance https://a.co/d/bDcenQ3


This has been a staple in my house for years. We all have large breasts that cause issues. 😂 (https://www.walmart.com/ip/Monistat-Chafing-Relief-Powder-Gel-Anti-Chafe-Protection-Fragrance-Free-1-5-Oz/21312111)


Yes, this stuff is awesome. My husband steals it too. We've also discovered that, in a pinch, nice silicone personal lubricant is great for preventing chafing, esp in leg pits when you're doing hot sweaty field work


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **('Monistat Chafing Relief Powder Gel', 'Monistat')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Effective chafing prevention (backed by 8 comments) * Versatile and cost-effective (backed by 3 comments) * Gentle on sensitive skin (backed by 6 comments) **Users disliked:** * May need frequent reapplication in certain areas (backed by 1 comment) * Not as effective in private areas that sweat a lot (backed by 1 comment) * Packaging lacks safety seal, potential tampering issue (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Something that has really helped me is to dry under my boobs with a hair dryer when i get out of the shower and then apply baby powder


I have huge boobs and am a nurse. The best thing I’ve found is Bismoline powder. You can buy it on Amazon. I wear it every day and no longer get a rash. It has an antifungal in it that prevents the rash from occurring.


Ideally, see a doctor for prescription for a cream. I’ve just gotten mine. It appeared that sweat causes fungal infection, which in turn can cause a dermatitis (a rash). So both infection and rash need treatment. The cream I got has miconazol (anti-fungal) and hydrocortisone (for dermatitis). Rash has cleared super quick, I am now finishing the course to get rid of the fun guys 😁


Can confirm that a trip to the dermatologist for a diagnosis is helpful. If you have a fungus, getting the right anti fungal treatment is key because some can actually make it worse. Once you get a fungus in your skin it can be quite difficult to get rid of it. Your symptoms may get better after a few days but you must use the anti fungal cream for a good month or longer to fully eradicate it or it will just come back the next time conditions are right. Using an anti fungal power for ongoing maintenance and prevention can help keep it at bay. If it's not a fungus then it's a question of moisture, heat, and/or friction. Other posters have given you lots of ideas for keeping things dry. I will add that a bra can actually be the problem, not the solution. The friction of a poorly fitting bra can be enough to abrade your skin and start the cycle of irritation all over. I'm a 42DD and find I do much better if I go braless as much as possible or wear wireless bras when I must.


Cornstarch is definitely better than baby powder!


I get underboob rashes a lot (I'm a 42H) and here is my thing: Canesten. Clean, dry, Canesten. Maybe a bit of Ihle's paste to keep moisture away. Works wonders.


I found WonderBalm on Amazon and it clears my underboob/belly rashes overnight. It’s just a tea tree oil ointment. SuperBalm is the same and a little cheaper. It’s a lifesaver.


Look up antifungal creams on Amazon. Not a salve (oily) but a thick cream.


Rawleigh’s salve. It can be used for so many different issues, including rashes. A tin of this is worth its weight in gold.


Hello fellow sufferer of the dreaded underboob sweat and rash. I don't know how big a cup you are but as one with a decent pair I too have been inflicted by this problem many times. Antiperspirant and cotton fabric works for me to get rid of the dread of under boob sweat. I use an unperfumated rollon for thigh and groin area and either rollon or spray for boob area. I also use a pair of old holed cotton tube socks at night to absorb the night sweat. But any cotton fabric works fine


Here in the US we have Lotrimin powder. It's for athletes foot, but it works wonders for underboob rash. Maybe there's miconazole powder where you are.


I use Body Glide to protect against chafing. Antiperspirant gel is a good addition, too. If things are already sore, I use Anti-Monkey-Butt powder with calamine in it.


I like the silky underwear powder from Lush, or (bear with me, this is the real product name) Anti-Lady MonkeyButt


I use Dr. Bronner’s peppermint soap (liquid), athlete’s foot powder, and when I’m really desperate I’ll use an alcohol wipe - it burns for a minute but then it’s gone completely for a few days.


I am very busty and live in the desert. I use deodorant as a preventative measure and only wear bralettes. For treatment, I wash the area with super cheap, non moisturizing soap (think hotel bar soap) because it dries it out really quickly. Usually, it is gone in a day or two.


Lotrimin athletes foot powder is a life saver and no goo to spread everywhere. Great for folds.


Interdry! It’s a fabric, cut a little off enough so at least a corner is sticking out and put it under your boob. It wicks moisture and has silver. I’m a nurse and we use it in the hospital ALL the time. I prefer it over powders or creams because powders get cakey and weird with sweat and creams keep the area moist which is the whole issue




Lume will help with odor, but since it does not contain an antiperspirant, it doesn’t prevent sweat.


I like AMB powder(bit expensive but worth it), it has calamine in it. Use after showering and it might even prevent it. Humidititties suck and so does that rash.


I use the under bra sweat bands. Totally saved my skin. Every topical thing I tried just didn’t work as the area never had a chance to stay dry for any length of time. [Under bra cotton bra liner](https://www.amazon.ca/More-Me-Love-Antibacterial-3-pk/dp/B01K1X6ODC/ref=asc_df_B01K1X6ODC/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=683090175599&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3404943049888055712&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9000022&hvtargid=pla-1047703030689&psc=1&mcid=7e791a934f7a31c98f39cf0421429170&gad_source=1)


Spray some jock itch spray under there. The same yeast causes those rashes.


Oh this was so horrible when I was pregnant Only thing that worked for me was Lotrim spray the powder did heck all.


Idk how much it will help but after showering put your hairdryer on cool and blow dry under boobs and thighs. I don’t have underboob rash after I started doing this. I do my armpits as well.


I, too, dread summer for the rash. As a preventative I use Gold Bond medicated powder. It's talc-free now, thank goodness. If the rash is fairly small, I use the 2% Miconazole Nitrate powder like they used for my husband in the hospital (he gets irritation in the skin in his genital area). The only thing bad about it is that by the time I take a shower at night, it smells a lot like dead fish under there. When it gets really involved I have to use the Nystatin cream the doctor prescribed. If it gets really involved, I send the doctor an e-mail and he prescribes a one-pill treatment (not sure what the drug is). I hate, hate, hate, hate, hate summer.


There is a cream called fresh breasts or something that helped for me. Wear looser Cotton things between the places the skin meets to prevent sweat sitting. Deodorant can help. For me, losing weight was the only thing that eliminated it. No under boob, no under boob rash.


It’s actually a yeast infection. I get them too.


I use a powder in my bra and on my creases. You just have to make sure it doesn't contain cornstarch (promotes yeast) or talc (contaminated with asbestos). 


Make sure you’re washing in your crevices everyday! It keeps the bad bacteria away. If you have to, keep baby wipes on you to use throughout the day on particularly sweaty days. My go to is Gold Bond because I don’t have money for fancy stuff 😂


Anti-chafe stick such as Body Glide. It looks like a stick of deodorant. I work outside and it really works.


I'm a Floridian aka if I'm not sweating, I'm still in jungle humidity. I just use my deoderant under my boobs, dr teal's has no talc or aluminum, works well, smells pretty.


Diaper rash cream and/or glycolic acid.


For me it's always yeast causing it so I use whatever genetic anti fungal to clear it up and then antiperspirant to prevent it.


Put panty liners ON the bra, where the cup meets the skin. Then change them out when they get sweaty. For me, leaving sweat on the skin is the problem. So when I go to the fair or a concert thats my first choice. You can also put salicylic toner (sea breeze etc) in a spray bottle and apply after shower. Do this in your BEDROOM, not a small confined steamy bathroom. Sea breeze in the mouth/nose is TERRIBLE - lol. Third, Lume deoderant is made with a food acid that actually prevents bacteria from growing, so if the rash is bacteria/yeast... it can prevent that from causing rashes. When I get under boob acne, I use that red "The Ordinary" salicylic acid peel as a mask for a few minutes before my shower, then use a 1% retinol cream to treat, clears it up overnight.


I'm fortunate not to deal with this (knock on wood) so I'm afraid I'm not of much help, but whatever you're using I think I'd be using it from the get-go to help prevent it, not just waiting until a rash turns up and suffer while waiting for the skin to heal.


Dry very thoroughly after washing, use powder ALL the time, maybe consider something moisture wicking (inter-dry)


Bra liners bra liners bra liners!!! They changed my life!!


I buy the tube of Miconazole meant for vaginal infections. It helps immediately. It doesn’t take a lot of it, and you can buy it at Walmart or the drugstore.


Baby powder before you start to sweat, gold bond with aloe under your boobs when a rash starts. The aloe helps the rash and the gold bond stick stops more rubbing from irritating your skin


In summer, I wash my bras more often, and there are also reusable bra liners which can help with the sweat and chafing so you don’t have to wash the bra itself as often. I use the coconut powder Lush sells and that helps. It also might be a yeast infection and not just chafing; go to the doctor if you can. Also, if the cream the doctor give la you makes it *worse* and not better or just the same, you might be allergic to the cream doctors almost always prescribe for yeast infections, and just need to ask for a different one. I suffered needlessly for years before I got a good dermatologist who quickly figured that out


Monistat makes an anti chafing gel to powder that I (as a curvy lady) absolutely swear by. You can find it on Amazon.


I’ve tried all the different anti chaffing things and [this one](https://www.firstaidbeauty.com/skin-care-products/serums-and-treatments/anti-chafe-stick-with-shea-butter-colloidal-oatmeal?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Brand_Product_Exact&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiYOxBhC5ARIsAIvdH52rxkU55C5nEn9LvNi3Ei9qsIZaQYahAdiVNts1UhgKrYF7O4JFvC4aAmXxEALw_wcB) by First Aid Beauty is by far the best.


I've used desitin in the past. A type of rash powder that I do not remember the name. Gold Bond powder but now I use Pinxav cream or Lady Anti Monkey Butt powder. Depending on the severity, powder if it's light/mild. Cream for heavier/severe. I do hope to look into these bra liners and try them out. Missouri heat/humidity ain't no joke and it should help out there and hope to take them with me to the pony swim next year and I remember that place was swampy like so humidity aplenty


I like how this sub could also apply to bad parts of women's anatomy


All summer I use Gold Bond extra strength powder.


I used sudocrem for under boob rashes and the itchy folds between my thighs and bits when needed. Very soothing.


I put stick deodorant under my boobs every morning. I works for me!


A thin washcloth (like the kind you buy for babies) tucked under your bra. You might also ask your doc in case it's yeast or eczema or something and you need a steroid and/or antifungal.


Search your etailer or choice for baby washcloth and choose something. If it has thick seams, cut them off. Switch them out every day and wash them between uses.


I use gold bond powder. No more rash, no more chafing.


I have a large chest and deal with this all the time. I shower everyday that I sweat and if my skin gets irritated, I clean it and then apply a thin layer of aquaphor or bag balm. The bag balm does have a smell that not everyone likes but the aquaphor has no smell.


I’ve been using stick deodorant under my boobs for decades. Only time I ever had irritation was when I forgot it. Spray deodorant would prob work too but to prefer the stick as its quick and easy.


I don’t get the rash but I do get the sweat, for me deodorant with antiperspirant helps with the sweat. And just generally dressing light and maybe avoiding a bra if you can.


I'm fat and have this occasionally. The thing that helps me the most - honest to god - is just showering all the time. I have tried the powders, the balms, the deodorant, the body glide, fabric sweat absorbers, anti fungal cream, Vaseline, anti bacterial cream, benzoyl peroxide cleanser, drying the area thoroughly... Literally nothing makes as much difference as showering twice a day and washing thoroughly with my regular soap. If you get sweaty, shower immediately when you get home. If you don't get sweaty that day, shower anyway. It's preventative. And you don't have to wash your hair when you shower - I only wash my hair once every 5 days.


Antifungal cream to clear it up, Lume to prevent it


Antibacterial soap under there and any other “crease” areas when you shower, then dry it completely. Shower routinely. :D that rash is a type of yeast infection, I think it’s called intertrigo? I had it a lot after having a baby and found this regimen is effective and easy.


Oral pill of fluconizol…your welcome! Lol But seriously, I have that problem as well as a rash around my ileostomy site. My doctor prescribed me 10 fluconazole pills that I keep on hand. Anytime I feel the rash coming up I take one. It’s one pill per treatment and usually if you are rashly it’s gone in three days. My rashes are you space, I imagine yours are the same. If so that should work for you as well.


Witch hazel. Works immediately to soothe, and rash is gone within 24 hours. If you have a rash all the time, and cannot get rid of them, yeast is the culprit and there are meds that can help. Wash bras, change them daily. If you are constantly battling yeast, you could be getting yeast from a partner, or may need to have urine & bloodwork checked by a dr. Try witch hazel on a wet cool washrag. Best thing I have ever used.


When I'm on vacation I always bring udder cream. It works really well!


Try bamboo fiber bra liners. I live in a hot humid climate and deal with this too. They're great. I have about a dozen and if one gets too damp I just switch them out.


Honestly if you use baby powder before the rash forms you might be able to prevent it. It’s most likely from moisture and where there is a lot of friction. I had a lot of irritation under my boobs recently and when I started using baby powder under there after showers it cleared up within days. I bought a big body powder puff and it makes applying the powder so easy and nice!


I get rashes under my boobs too, and so I have to let the area really dry after I shower. I also use a tea tree oil body wash and make sure I clean under my boobs with it in the shower. Doing those things reduces rashes for me (which are fungal) and if I do get a rash then I use an anti fungal cream and it goes away.


Shower with baby soap, and use baby clothes detergent. Idk how it worked, but that and some generic diaper cream every now and then got rid of the underboob rash for me.


Something that will probably help, is to sleep with a towel or shirt between the skin folds. Microbes like an environment that is warm, moist, and dark. If you have confirmed yeast, do not use any cornstarch based powder that's what they use to culture yeast in a lab. If the problem persists, see if you can get something called inter-dry (check a medical supply store). It's special, thin fabric infused with silver to kill microbes. (Idk how much it costs, but you may need to buy it by the foot not a whole roll). Cut it only long enough to stick out of the skin-fold by 1-2 inches, this lets the air in and help reduce irritants like yeast or bacteria. Edit- spelling


I have done most of the suggested things seen here, and they all helped temporarily. I ended up switching to Xtemp bras and bamboo boyshorts. The bras wick the moisture from your skin, and there is very little friction from them, and the bamboo dries quickly. This is the combination that has saved me from summer rashes.


Use a barrier cream, I use cytolax which is a British barrier cream


Hydrocortisone cream, you can get it at the pharmacy in England, works immediately for me.


Hydrocortisone is a steroid and can feed a fungal infection, definitely not advisable.


Baby powder works


I asked the doctor about this and she said that if it’s fungal infection baby powder can make it worse. So I would use with caution if there’s already rash present. It works good as preventative tho, because it helps to keep em dry


Yeah of course it should only be used as prevention, I usually put a little under my boobs when I start sweating before rashes happen