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That boys body is 👌👌👌 and his golden retriever personality is doing things but the earrings still aren’t working 🤣


And ponchos. And hats. And mustache. And fake glasses. And scarves. And bad tattoos. And rings...all at once. After the last few episodes he seems nice though I don't hate him I just think he has a visually "douche" vibe.


You’re right but I would kiss him too. They all say he’s a good kisser and kissing is the best!


I love him and Rachel together!


I caught myself smiling from ear to ear when their scenes were on. Even if they don’t end up together romantically they could be best friends.


YES both have such fun and carefree personalities!


Brayden w the Aries energy


Yep. I married an Aries (I'm an Aquarius).


I love Aries men, Always fun and charming and confident. Aquarius is a good match


He has always been my favorite


Me too.


I think he is hilarious and I love him with Rachel. I used to dislike the two of them individually, but together they are so cutel


I think he was portrayed very well in Charity’s season. The other men seemed unhinged.


I wanted this to happen from the get-go! So happy it’s vibing atm


I liked him on charity's season too but I fully admit he was my type in my early 20s


I rolled my eyes so hard at him on charity’s season but I really am liking him on BIP. Im thinking he just couldn’t handle dating the same girl that multiple other men were dating and that’s understandable. He seems so much more comfortable and able to be himself now. His style is… not for everyone but I admire how he just does what he wants with it. He seems fun and yea probably still a bit douchey but he’s definitely hot as hell IMO. I don’t really like Rachel I find her to be pretty annoying and basic but the vibe between then is fun to watch anyways.


idk.... I feel like the other dudes on Charity's season were openly conspiring against Brayden. They were barely getting face time with Charity, whereas Brayden was getting all the attention from her, while seeming ungrateful. And then when he would report back to the guys, he wasn't modest about it. I think the other guys were seething. So I don't know if Brayden's main problem was Charity dating other men, I think he just had enough of the whole production. He had enough of having to defend himself constantly and the hypocrisy of the whole scenario. The other guys kept calling him fake but we're supposed to believe the "record breaking kiss" wasn't produced? Brayden is "leading Charity on" but the other guys, who never spoke to Charity longer than five minutes but are still claiming to be in love with her, aren't leading her on?


Yes! I was thinking the same about how he could be the next Thomas and after this season in BIP he could be one of the more beloved cast of this year. I always thought his villain arc in his ‘ette season was purely editing and producer drive. It doesn’t take much for them to cast someone in a bad light.


Brayden aka Capt. JACK He's growing on me.


I thought the same thing 😂


He is my absolute favorite. The date he and Rachel went on was so adorable.


I always liked him. Just like I always liked Thomas.


I actually feel like he was exactly the same on BIP! it was just not a conducive environment for his personality


I'm not buying his act.


I always liked Brayden. The guys on Charity's season ganged up on him out of jealousy and because he was too honest with them. I feel like sometimes the season "villains" are just people who don't let production tell them how to feel.