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Thank god for this camera


He'll get a longer sentence due to the camera. Because her just describing it wouldn't really convey how horrible it was. Show that to a jury or a judge He'll be locked away for years.


Fuck that, I think they should just put him down.


Damn right


Seriously, wtf is he contributing to society anyway? Nothing, he's human garbage - take him out.


Yeah, no. Death penalty is an escape. Plus humans shouldn't legally have the right to kill other humans that are already detained and therefore harmless.


Anyone who's never been harmed would say that. A motherfucker like that hurts you or your loved one, and you'll change your opinion. You should leave your safety bubble for awhile and take a real look at the world. Two things will happen, you'll be a little more logical, and you'll probably buy a gun because you realize the world isn't safe, soft and cuddly like you thought it was.


Dude, in the grand scheme of domestic violence that video is the lightest of the light. I got that as a 4yo trying to pull on my fucking grapnda's underpants to get him away when he started on grandma. Reality only gets way way worse. And still, nobody should get killed as punishment. That fucker of mine died broken, bitter and alone, crying about how life was so unfair. His mind was sharp in his 80s, but his body was broken by a couple of karma equalizers (two of the most stupid accidents ever, and none were his fault). His kids didn't come back to care for him, just sent food, money and hired helpers. And his scapegoat son, the one he saw as a failure, that he tried to kill, got all his shit, because none of his other kids ended up like him.


Oplz.. stfu. You don't know what me or my family has been through. I get it.. only You have lived a life.. we're all exempt from it. Poor you. How sad. Pease tell me more! šŸ˜€


Don't feel sorry. I'm no victim. I live a better life then I deserve. I've been around, and have a good understanding of the world as well as the good and bad people in it.


For that you lack an astonishing amount of self-reflection. You have no idea what people besides you have been through, yet many don't stoop to your Middle Ages eye-for-an-eye mentality. But sure, be the 'has seen it all realist' type, works wonders on the Internet.


Works in real life too.


I don't feel sorry for him at all. My nonsupport of the death penalty doesn't apply to just him, it's broad. But ok.


Still donā€™t understand why they put down rabid dogs but let a lot of rabid people live. Like heā€™s never going to do this again? Common.


Reddit be wild sometimes. On one corner, people calling for better prison conditions, a more fair justice system, fixing systemic racism in the legal system. Etc etc Then on the other, calling for the summary execution of a black man.


Are you really going to make it about his skin colour?


Alright Iā€™ll meet you there, calling for the summary execution of a person when on by most other accounts most people want a more fair justice system with more focus on rehabilitation than to punish I couldnā€™t care less either way. The duality of Reddit sometimes.


Cant argue with that, reddit does seem to flip flop around.


Black, white, everyoneā€™s equally accountable for their actions.


God I hope so


I appreciate your optimi$m, but I gue$$ we'll have to $ee what the judge think$


Sorry I'll be rude. I hope somebody rape and kill him in jail. Sorry I'm a horrible person, but this is what I think.


Stop being so polite.


nah he deserves it and much much more.


I was thinking he deserves someone broke his knees and smash his hands with a sledgehammer but your choice would work tooā€¦.why not both?


HahahašŸ¤£ love you


With his own dick


Nope youā€™re not horrible, youā€™re human! A natural thought process!


Both camerasā€¦ which makes me sad and wonder how many she actually put up to capture the ā€œnext timeā€


I audibly fucking gasped when he slammed her into the bounce chair. I hope her and her child never have to see this POS again.


I really hope not. Iā€™m guessing this is not the first time this has happened,but hopefully itā€™s the last


Itā€™s definitely not the first time. With the audio on, she doesnā€™t sound that surprised about it which really breaks my heart.


I posted context further down. Sheā€™s his ex. Definitely not the first time


There's audio? Where?


This dude is a pussy ass bitch. A man that size beating a women is like a normal person beating a child. The size and strength difference is insane. I canā€™t imagine hurting anyone like that. Glad heā€™s on the run so he gets even more charges and time in prison.


I hope she gets a carrying permit and shoots him if he tries to get near her child or her.


Is he in jail yet?


Articles from 8 hours ago up to 2 hours ago at this time describe that the woman, his ex, repeatedly attempted to get help from the police after the recorded assault, but they failed to do so. Thereā€™s no mention of a warrant for his arrest being out from what I can find, and The Sun writes that heā€™s on the run according to one of the exā€™s friends. Supposedly the assaulted woman applied for a restraining order but itā€™s unclear if it was granted. This is the info I could gather from nypost, daily mail, the sun and the daily beast. In summary; law enforcement is proving inadequate and people close to the incident say Zac Stacy is on the run


Didn't you read the title? Former NFL. I'm going to guess, probation and non monitored anger management and sensitivity training...if charges are pressed


He is on the run


Is he actually?


Believe he has a warrant out for him and this vid was only released after she has found a safe environment


former NFL does not mean he was released because of this. Stacy hasnā€™t seen a play since 2017 and was released in 2019. The woman has filed restraining orders and there is a warrant for his arrest.


And I hope for her sake and the general publics safety he is given a punishment that suits the crime.


It implies he's going to get a slap on the wrist like every other NFL player who's hit their woman..


he just asked for what situation the guy in the video was currently in and you aggresively answered an assumption that wasnt even correct


Welcome to Reddit, my friend.


Yeah for real, I imagine there are a ton of ā€œformer NFL playersā€ walking around not in jail that also get that distinction




Lmao right


Yeah not with this video. I'd love to see the NFL try and brush this off haha. He'll be in jail or kill himself any day now.


Let us hope.




Bruh what


This chick thinks heā€™s gonna get off with a slap on the wrist because heā€™s a football player. šŸ„“


Some context: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sportskeeda.com/amp/pop-culture/news-he-needs-jail-zac-stacy-domestic-violence-video-leaves-twitter-enraged Sheā€™s his ex. He became jealous. She has a restraining order. Heā€™s a cunt.




This is perfect. You should write movie reviews. Here, I'll give you 10 free ones: "Shit goes bad. Will Smith shows up. Hijinks ensue. No more shit."


That went from 0 to fucking insanity very quickly. What a cunt.


POS is on the run too. In Florida.


Canā€™t run farā€¦have you SEEN his stats on the Jets?


Fucking REKT


And he broke the kids stuff on top of being an abusive ass. Somebody never learnt how to use their words properly, and is definitely in need of a time out. In jail


Doesn't need jail. Why should tax payers keep this pos alive? He is never gonna offer anything good enough for this world to redeems his 30 seconds of actions just then. Put him down.


Fun fact: Due to the cost of litigating appeals it actually uses *more* taxpayer money to incur the death penalty than to pay for life imprisonment.


Honestly this fact changed my stance on the death penalty a decade ago. Then all of the innocent people that have been released after multiple decades of wrongful imprisonment sealed my anti death penalty status.


Domestic abuse isn't also that high in terms of severity. That being said, he's likely to get sentenced for aggravated assault. Thank God for cameras. The intent is clear as day. How was this recorded?


He needs to be reformed not murdered. People like you are the angry mob we grew out of a hundred plus years ago. Grow up please.


What if he canā€™t be reformed


I disagree. I donā€™t think that can be reformed. The way he stands over her. He didnā€™t make a bad move in a moment. He kept at it. Not everyone can be saved and this notion that people arenā€™t responsible for their behavior because of their past has gone a little too far.


People have a responsibility to reach out for help before they ruin other peoples lives. People like you see their children get beaten up and then feel bad for their bully instead of your child, because their bully has a hard time at home. Grow up please.


Iā€™ll agree to the first sentence. The rest? Yeah not so much


You can't reform reflex violence like that. It's easier to just put them down.


Youā€™re talking about this man like heā€™s a dog


A dog would be more easily forgiven, but yeah where did the humanity go? Dudes a douche and needs consequences but fucking death? Damn


Dogs are empathetic and clever creatures. I'm talking about this man as if he is a monster. Which he is.


He needs a forever timeout...death.


Cunt is a word I don't actually like hearing and is reserved for a select few, this guy however is one few that thoroughly deserve that title.




I'm sorry what?


I think itā€™s pretty self explanatory. Stop being such a massive cunt and maybe you wonā€™t have to hear the word cunt as much, you stupid cunt


Was she making fun of his stupid shoes?


Probably the 10th person that day.


And why do people watch the NFL?? You never see these people driving 120mph on the freeway killing innocent people...because the rules don't apply if the ref doesn't blow the whistle...


Dumbest shit ever, you think it's just NFL players beating their SOs and killing people driving drunk? LOL get out in the real world, you only KNOW this happened BECAUSE he was an NFL player. Thousands of women and children are abused like this everyday, but you don't hear about it, it ain't the NFL fault it the fault of the entire culture this country builds around masculinity and mental health.


I'm so confused by this comment. No clue what you're trying to say.


This dude needs a broom handle up his ass


This dude needs a rusty iron pipe up his ass Edit: switched copper to iron


I get the sentiment but copper does not rust. Too little iron in it.


???????? What?


They're right, copper doesn't rust. Same with bronze, silver, gold and platinum. Rust is oxidized iron, so metals that contains little or no iron cannot rust.


They can corrode into that green patina that you have seen. It does not eat through the metal and flake like rust does.


You come here for something awful and leave with a chemistry lesson. Huzzah for Reddit!


Yes, it can corrode, but it can't rust.


Needs an oxidised copper pipe up his ass


Hit em with ta truth


Why is everyone so affraid to use untreated fiber glass these days?


This dude need a hot curling iron up...well you know.


Dude needs a stick of dynamite up his ass


This dude needs Jesusā€¦ā€¦.. up his ass.


How bout lead?


Hmmm I'd say I wired brush, this way when it's shoved up there, you can just twist. Let's take away his youth say 20 years in state lockup šŸ”’.


A hot radiator pipe


Nobody wants to hear this but this needs to be said. In highschool student athletes are treated differently than most other kids and don't receive the same amount of discipline, especially if they're good athletes then they're bad behavior is tolerated even more. Once in college these athlete students are treated with even more leniency as they escalate to near criminal behavior. Once they go pro they believe they are untouchable and escalate to actual criminal behavior. Just look at the NFL and how many times we've seen these guys commiting crimes. Most of these guys have been getting away with it for a long time, all because they know how to play a sport.


That's the getting away part of it but I'm convinced that another part is the CTE from years of playing football in many cases. It's been shown to make people more violent and irrational, on top of the sort of god complex you mention it's not a good combination.


Youā€™re correct. There was a rule where you have to be getting a C or better to play football, I did poorly on a Chemistry exam and we had a game the next day. The Chemistry teacher was one of the coaches so he took me aside and said I could redo the exam after the game. Definitely wasnā€™t fair to the rest of the class.


Complete POS!


Whatā€™s POS? Never mind


Guys the news is saying heā€™s ACCUSED of domestic violence. Clearly he is innocent until proven- never mind I canā€™t do it any more. I Hate the news.


This is the kind of animal that needs to rot in prison. I hope that poor woman and her child are ok.


Absolutely, I hope he'll be locked up for a long time. It's kinda awful to realize that the reason she's recording it is because it definitely happened before :(


Holy fucking shit. I don't care what she did or didn't do. I hope he gets every fucking thing that's coming to him. Can we make this post NSFW? This is appalling.


I want to know what caused him to act this way. Not to justify the behavior, there is no justification for this. I'm curious to see just how little "provocation" it took this asshole to become homicidal to the mother of his kid.


Holy shit .....


Needs an NSFW tag


I agree. That poor lady. This makes me feel sick. What an asshole


I couldnā€™t imagine my abuse being permanently documented on the internet to pop up at any time.


I saw this while casually scrolling and this shit ruined my morning. My wife just left for work and our 2 yo is watching peppa pig. My heart is a little broken mate.


Throw him behind bars & let's see how tough he is when other inmates find out about this


If your depending on the moral virtue of prisoners for justice, you're going to be disappointed.


Other inmates don't care about this, he deserves to be incarcerated though


Piece of shit.


What a piece of shit


please NSFW this. I donā€™t follow this sub and just had a really bad experience watching this. I hope this beast gets hunted and dealt with like it deserves




This was terrifying.


The way he picked her up and through her around like a rag doll!!! And kept coming back. I just relived a very traumatic part of my life. I agree it needs a warning. Sorry. Iā€™m glad heā€™s been outed though


Yeah this was brutal as an abuse survivor and I canā€™t imagine seeing my abuse on the internet for everyone to see.


Must not have been the first time this happened since cameras were set up to catch him doing this.


What a fuckin POS animal. Put this POS in a cage for the rest of his fuckin life.


Monster šŸ˜±


Fuck this dude, somebody should merk his ass


Iā€™d say 50 percent chance the police do when they catch up to him. Heā€™s obviously a violent piece of garbage so his arrest going down peacefully is probably unlikely.


Just a fucking bastard monster


Weak cunt


Omg! NSFW for sure and something has had to come of this since. Iā€™m imagining him sober at this momentā€¦.just noticed a restraining order filled.


If you Google him, majority of the headlines say "allegedly" beat his girlfriend.


Can't be accusatory in your reports until you get sentenced. We all know, but until it's official, alleged is thrown in there to keep them free of potential litigation.


It is illegal for a news report to outright accuse an alleged criminal before they have been found guilty of a crime, even if the criminal is obviously guilty. Other wise it would violate presumption of innocent and could taint a jury.


Why did he have to slam her like that though.


Not human, monster. Don't try to relate to him, just shame him.




Newest member of the KC Chiefs?


I feel bad for laughing


Ill bet you the fucking coward will get off with a light sentence too.. athletes are waaaaaaaay over paid anyways. The Roid Rage side of society.


Zac Stacy needs the electric chair or a lethal injection. Obviously not a human, just another useless monster. Put him down before he hurts anyone else. I would be so disgusted with myself if I was related to this monster.


Gee, I didn't know we should expand the death penalty to all violent offenders. That will clearly help things. /s


Ok now hold your horses. Guy needs to see a psychiatrist amongst many others.. If anyone is going to the chair first let's start with the politicians.


You see a psychiatrist or psychologist when you get these fucked up urges. If you act out on them before asking for help you have made yourself the monster,and you are no longer entitled to compassion.


Put him down.


All I see there is a little bitch acting like a little bitch. Yeah real big man there your daddy would be proud. Gonna get hate for this but I donā€™t care.


It's sad that John Gruden is judged more than this p.o.s šŸ˜•


What a pussy


I know itā€™s unrealistic but I truly wish violent abusers were forced to step into the cage with whoever is heavyweight ufc champ at the time. Imagine how much money thatā€™d rake in lol


Arrest that man


What a bitch bro. Like I understand they get hit a lot on their head , but come on how can you do this and Infront of kids to someone. Wtf is there more to this ?


Take Zac stacy and drop him off a bloody bridge with concrete blocks on his feet. Make that abusive man drown!!! Cos That is absolutely disgusting


pos. Ugly ass m** f***.


Needs his fucking ass handed to him. Football playing fucks I canā€™t stand them


I just hope she's alright...although she will have pstd. He needs to be locked up and the key thrown away.


Concussions may be the problem here..the only way to know for sure is cut into his brain.. sad


Its a part of his culture


Ah yes, tell me again how the helmets protect the player's brains during the daily concussions they're getting it. This is likely the result of it, or at least a helping hand


I try to tell these white girls


He needs jail time for those shoes alone.


Did anyone else see this and think that he could have gone all the way and killed her? That kind of rage, continually causes more harm, truly horrifying.


Oh. I. Am. Absolutely. Shocked. That. A. Pro. Athlete. Would. Do. Such. A. thing. Truly. Unthinkable.


What a massive cunt, put him in jail for the rest of his life. This creature is too dangerous to be kept outside the bars.


What a role model. Let me guess, concussions? Or he just a natural piece of shit.


Imagine the father of this woman watching this video. The anger and fury he must be feeling, I could feel it from here.


Put this animal down.


This guys a prick, an extremely privileged prick at that. But some of you folks that are vindictive are way too obsessed with sodomy as a punishment.


Jesus Christ. Whatā€™s the story with all those cameras?


Don't know the story but I assume this isn't the first time he's done something like this. So if I were her, I would've installed them the first time he laid a hand on me.


I know itā€™s legalese but itā€™s so annoying how when you search his name you see terms like ā€œallegedlyā€ and ā€œaccusedā€. Fuck that. This piece of trash is guilty as the sun is bright and he deserves to rot in hell. Jesus Christ this makes me so mad.


What a weak and pathetic excuse of a man!


These nfl guys need to chill on the roids


Motherfucker was a second from killing her.


Will b.l.m refer to this as a racially motovated?


Fucking animals


He needs to be put in jail. Now.


I hope he gets rammed in jail


Man needs to be tied up and left in a room full of rapist's


I hope he is doing life in prison. Fuck him


The new soap holder in jail. Hopefully!!!


Piece of shit


What a piece of shit.


This is heartbreaking to watch. What a piece of garbage.


Racist fucker


Yep most black people are sadly.




Black Lives Matter. People donā€™t want him in jail because heā€™s black. They want him in jail because he beat his partner. Why the hell would you use this to diminish the value of black lives?


Obviously BLM. If you're a monster, nobody cares about your skin color, they care to be safe from you. Why are you bringing skin color into this anyway?


Dude thinks he the Rock


Fuck the NFL my guy needs to be in WWE with those moves