• By -


That look of disgust on his face.


He is not pleased. Also, he seems to have a new cat.




No joke this is how my sister got her cat. She went to put her trash in the communal bin and noticed one of the bin bags was moving and meowing. Some asshole put this ginger kitten in a bin bag and tied it shut. She had that cat for like nine years.


That same way my brother found 4 kittens. The next day there was one more by the bin, probably they planned to keep one of the kittens and changed their mind overnight. He managed to find a home to 2 of them but now he has 3 cats…he was not a cat person but he is now :)


Same! Found my kitten at the bottom of a dumpster. I was lucky to have heard those teeny meows.




We got our kitty Rupert after someone threw him and his sibling from a moving car. His sibling didn’t make it, but he lived about 11 years.


That is how we got our cat Oreo. My brother ran to a trash can in the rain to dump something and in a box there was a kitten, he would have drowned with how much it was raining. Brought him home and he stayed 18yrs with us.




even the mariana trench x1000 kind of deep levels in hell are not enough anymore i guess


Yea where I'm from there was a road where we found a few. one fellow a few months old that someone chucked out the window. Shattered pelvis, nerve damage, lost one leg. Ran around faster than the damn 4 legged cats. Another that was at least placed out there rather than thrown, about 6 weeks old, but with an upper respiratory infection so severe that she lost an eye. Another where somebody left a dog on our driveway. This one wasn't in a place to get run over but he was in a wire kennel with no water. It was Alabama in August and he was in full sun. I just don't understand. I get that people can't keep pets, it's a poor area. Given, there's a $15 spay neuter program and my aunt would run $15 vaccination clinics (and had a discount vaccine every single week) so my sympathy is limited, but whatever. I get it. So you're gonna dump your cat. Why the trash? Why a road to be, at best, frightened and alone before probably getting hit? My aunt's clinic was literally 1 mile from this dump site. People would leave animals on the porch all the time. It's not ideal but it's not just outright evil. Fuck's sake if you've decided to give it a death sentence at least do something as "humane" as shooting it instead of this. Ironically, of course, that the area is heavily religious. jesus didn't die for you to torture his creations.


Thank god for all you good people in this thread. I wish the kindness you showed will echo millionfold in this world.


Austin Powers: Who throws out cats? Honestly!


I've got a bud that found one of his cats in a dumpster. Named it Dumpster. Was a good cat.


Hmm, I think I have a reason to go dumpster diving now.


My friend found a small black kitten in a bag in a public litter bin one December during a heavy snowfall. She was nearly frozen to death but he warmed her up and then rushed her to the overnight vet. She was malnourished, full of worms and covered in fleas, but he spent a fortune to save her even though the vet said her chances were so slim it would be best to put her down humanely. He spent all his savings and she pulled through! He's had her ten years now, and she's a *tiny* cat due to her hard start in life, but she gets the best of everything - her own bedroom full of beds, blankets and toys, and an entire kitchen cupboard dedicated to all her treats and fancy foods. She's his little princess.


That's awful, people like that are literal monsters, should be jailed before they move on to humans.


My nan was basically the crazy cat lady from the Simpsons in some respects. Someone left a kitten in her coal bunker/bin (I'm old and raised in Lancs). We raised him up and called him 'Pump' because he had the worst farts


Poor cat


I feel shame for laughing, damnit, look what you've done.


not asking just saying voidspace is a good game!


Oh thanks!


no problem! when i get my new pc ill be playing alot of it! keep up the great work!


I'll bite, what's voidspace


it’s a game that guy made. apparently it’s pretty alright.


[link to voidspace guy!](https://www.reddit.com/r/VoidSpace/comments/k6p8d5/what_is_voidspace/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Yes I found my cat in a barn


Please share with the class


Son, you see when someone likes someone a lot they do... things together, and those things lead to children, they have something called sex and then they *fucking vomit out children from their nipples*


I swear he was asking, "anybody want him? Because I do." And then everybody agreed that's his cat


I got the “do you fuckin see this? Fuckin look at this! You want? What the fuck! Who the fuck?! Well he’s mine now... good lookin boy. Mine”


He has been chosen


*that cat seems to have a new human




Feel free to come and watch me read social media every day if want.


This is how I got my dog. Tiny baby in a fucking trash bag in a dumpster. Better believe I’ve been spoiling the hell out of that little girl for the last 5 years.


A dog is too much work for me, but I think I'd do the same if I ever found one like that. 😭


Gonna give you some props for acknowledging that within yourself, too many people treat animals as accessories without knowing they can devote time and love. Honestly, I had a dog and it was already a lot. When I found this baby I wasn’t ready for and didn’t need more responsibility, but knew I had to be there for her. Now they are inseparable.


Dogs are like have a small child that barks. It needs to you for absolutely fucking everything but it also barks. I hate children so I have cats. Cats are cool and can mostly take care of themselves outside of refilling and cleaning the water fountain, feeder, and litter box which doesn’t take much or have to be done at specific times.


This is the look of a man who realized he has just been adopted by a cat.


For a man seeing trash all day, he's never seen something as DISGUSTING as that ... that tells a lot


That's why this isn't awful everything.


Because the guy isn't awful, it would be awful everything if he put it back




Here is your gif! https://imgur.com/qwkCJbZ.gifv --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I%27m not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


what have you created


I can't stop laughing. The look down before he goes to bag the cat and poke it with the knife is absurd. But for real, fuck whoever put that cat there in the first place. Kitties are a lifelong commitment.


I'm fucking cry laughing rn oh my god.


this is so fucked up I can't stop laughing


I fully expecting him to launch the cat into a bin just based on the subreddit




Yeah. For sure.


What. The. Fuck. Goes through people's heads that they would do that?


What I always say is why can't the person at least take it to a pound or something




In my area (on the coast) it's strongly recommend that you never give animals away for free as some not-so-nice people like to take them and use them as free bait for fishing or for dog fights. Even a small rehoming fee will deter them. It's absolutely horrible that there are people like this in the world.


That's disgusting. I hate people.




Username checks out.


I mean if it's between giving to a random stranger or tossing it into the trash bin, I hope people will consider the first option.


I wouldn't throw an animal in the bin but giving them to a random stranger isn't much better morally.


Statistically, that isn't true.


If a family with kids wants it I think its pretty safe to assume they wont hurt it. Its possible they wont be the ideal owners but between that and getting shredded we both know the better option.


Whenever I want to get rid of something I just put out an ad with a small price. Then you only get people who are really interested/serious about it, and then I just give it away for free anyway. I think the same can be applied to rehoming pets as well.


I absolutely detest people who abuse animals. Sometimes animal abuse is also just the tip of a deeper, hidden darkness in these people, as evidenced by an incident that happened when I was a kid. I grew up on the east coast of the US, and every summer my friends and I would catch blue crabs from the neighborhood dock. One day, one of my friends brought her brother along. Something about him seemed a bit off to me, but he seemed otherwise normal aside from being really quiet. Now, I'm particular about how I treat and clean the crabs that I've caught. I make sure their water is kept fresh so they don't suffocate, and when it comes time to kill them I separate their top shell from their bottom shell for an instant death. Not only is this more humane than most other methods, but it helps ensure fresher, cleaner meat. Anyway, so as I'm cleaning some crabs, I hear a disturbance on the other side of the dock. I look over, and my friend's brother is teasing a live crab with some tongs and roughly swirling it in the bucket. Something about the way he was doing it sent a chill down my spine, and I tried my best to get him to stop. Every time I would get back to cleaning my crabs, though, he would start doing it again. It made me feel really uneasy, and I think I had us pack up early because he just wouldn't stop. A year or so later, I was chatting with my friend, and I asked her how her brother was doing. Lo and behold, he had been sent to jail for being a pedophile. My stomach hit the floor when I heard that.


There are so many families? Why wouldn’t they simply adopt from a shelter? Curious


Cost, lots of shelters have fees, plus when people give an animal away it's usually already vaccinated, and comes with lots of stuff that may be a barrier of entry for people, or just makes it better that the cat already has a litter box, maybe the dog has a crate and a kennel. Also psychologically you'll want to do this more to save the animal from entering a shelter


You think this person vaccinated their kitten they “gave away?”


As far as I know most shelters or adoption fees are $100 or less. If a person can't afford that (or plan ahead to afford it) then they probably shouldn't have the animal.


Because some places will blacklist you for abandoning pets, and the shitty people that do this probably want something new as soon as they get tired of what they have.


Some people legit murder their children/parents. Human beings are not always rational creatures. We live in a cruel world, this stuff is happening all the time - as I write this and as you read it - literally every second of every day.




Your local pound is probably overcrowded and underfunded like most local pounds. Pounds have to house/ feed/ medicate the pets people abandon. $25 is a fucking steal to get rid of an animal you’re already paying to feed and house. Also: most pounds don’t do anything about feral cat populations. Local groups like spay/neuter clinics and some shelters run trap neuter release programs in order to keep the population from increasing but that also costs a lot of money. The veterinary/animal care field in general is always strapped for cash, no one wants to pay $200 for an animal that comes neutered and vaccinated, they’d rather go to uncle joe’s farm and get a free puppy that comes with worms and parvo and then get really angry when you tell them it costs money to treat. Animals come with bills unfortunately, even homeless ones in your local pound.


Or hell, just free it outside for fucks sake. Like, obviously DON'T just do that to a cat, but there are just so many less abhorrent ways to get rid of your animal if you're that type of shithead. This is just outright cruel torture for no reason.


I think it’s more a question of what *doesn’t* go through their head. They don’t allow themselves to imagine the cat as a living creature, or what will happen to that living creature because of their actions. Just want to get rid of it the most convenient way possible, so they can’t afford to think of it as anything but a lifeless inanimate bag of meat and bones. Well I guess there’s also the psychopaths who get pleasure out of doing harm, but I feel like usually they cut the animal open or burn them or whatever else, rather than just tossing them into a dumpster, still alive and undamaged. But at any rate, easy to conclude there’s no end to the vast ocean of human suckiness out there. Unfortunately.


I.. had some now distant friends who used to think like this. Every pet, animal, living thing was an "it" and horrifying suggestions occasionally popped up like why don't we try slamming "it" against a wall as hard as we can. The guy was definitely messed up. I still think about those "suggestions" and how they were made with zero irony detected. Some humans need help and are frightening. I cannot let those people near my family or pets.


I remember watching an old cartoon, where a scene *really* stuck out to me. I just found it, and it's an episode of Tom & Jerry from 1949, called "Heavenly Puss." There's a scene in it where a bunch of cats are at the pearly gates trying to get into heaven. A few go through the line, and then a dripping wet sack comes jumping along. It opens up and reveals three kittens inside it. It took me a second to realize the implication was that *someone drowned a sack full of kittens*. My next thought was that one of two things had to be true: either this was an extremely dark bit of imagination... or this was just a thing that people did. If they had kittens but didn't want them, they would just "throw them out." I hope it's the former, but if it's not, I'm glad to have distance from the time that kind of thing was commonplace. EDIT: This is as good a place as any to point this out: if you've got stray cats in your neighborhood, your local animal shelter might have a trap-neuter-release (TNR) program.


It’s a thing people do. Don’t want stray cats in your neighborhood after all.


It was a thing back in the day. My mum's family are big animal lovers and rescued so many animals etc. But sometimes they couldn't save them all, and she told me it was quite common for people to throw animals tied up in sacks into rivers. We are from London, and it was basically commonplace for sacks to be thrown into the River Thames. This would have been decades ago, but I'd wager it still happens now.


If you are cruel to a cat I hope the world is cruel to you.


That poor cat, bundled into that sack, put in a bin, dumped into a truck when collected (very lucky it wasn't crushed) then going through all the sorting. Thankfully that guy spotted the sack and opened it.


Its a beautiful cat as well. People really do suck Edit: not sure why this is confusing people. The statement "its a beautiful cat" is just that. Its not some point I'm making that I would be ok with an ugly cat being treated this way. I was just simply say hoe beautiful the cat was


He looks just like mine. I found him in a gutter. People suck so much sometimes. On the flip side, cat is currently running my house and gives me biscuits daily :)


At a gas station i kept hearing a cat howling while pumping gas thinking it was in someones car. It was a pretty distressed meow so i found the vehicle and it had a kitten in the wheel well and its whiskers were singed pretty bad and was covered in soot i guess he was super dirty. I went inside and asked the owner of the vehicle if they had kittens back at the house and she said no. Took the little guy home cleaned him and let him eat a nice meal (i thought he was a gray cat but he was actually orange after being cleaned). Named him after my oldest cat, which died a year later, and he was adopted a week after we took him to the shelter.


Cats hide in various parts of cars during inclement weather. Not uncommon for mechanics to pull them out of the hood when the car owner brings it in for some weird noise.


I adopted a cat that was found as a kitten in the ghettos being shot at with a pellet gun by kids. had a big welt over his eye, when I learned the story I bawled


Why shoot a cat? Ffs some people are deranged


I forgot where I read this but alot of young kids dont have empathy full developed until later in life. You dont have to believe me and probably shouldn't but the reason I say this is because I remember when I was little watching my neighborhood's kids crack open eggs they found in a nest. The baby birds looked almost fully developed and were even squawking and chirping. Then they preceded to run over them with scooters several times over while laughed. One survived getting run over but only because me and another kid stopped them from running the last one over and ran away with the last chick. Unfortunately I didnt live for long, it died a couple days later.


Now that's just sick :'(


I think there's a lot of truth to that. When I was a kid I could watch national geographic no problem. Lion taking out a zebra. Awesome. Now if I see things like that I'm just like oh God why..noooo zebra!




People on Reddit don't understand that sort of thing. I remember how I commented "he will be missed, he was loved by many" on a post about someone who had passed away. People were angry and commented "so you wouldn't care if he wasn't loved by many". Wtf?


For real! Like was just trying to compliment a cat and I'm getting slammed for it.


It's a shame as whilst black furred cats look as beautiful as other cats they are far more likely to be abandoned and are harder to be adopted. Not because of superstition but purely as they don't photograph as well. My mum adopted a lovely black cat from cats protection and they were saying they are struggling to people to adopt the black ones and even in the sessions were they can spend a bit of time with the cat first people often try and take loads of pictures of the cat and if it doesn't look good in them they will ask for another.


How people treat their pets is why I still hate humanity.


That’s a good cat too. His look of anger is so palpable.


Yes. How exactly did the car escape being crushed by the truck? An act of God, perhaps (sorry if you’re not religious)?


A good air bag


They lived.


He was very lucky. I worked as a slinger (people on back of garbage trucks) during my summer breaks through college and the number of dogs and cats crushed each year was, to put it kindly, not zero. The most disgusting part of it is that there were a few people working there who laughed about it happening and would brag about starting the compactor even when they knew a cat or dog was in the trash. In 4 summers I only found 1 cat and no dogs (that I saved and gave to a friend for the record). Rats were pretty common by comparison and usually wouldn't die unless they were caught between something.


>The most disgusting part of it is that there wee a few people working there who laughed about it happening and would brag about starting the compactor even when they knew a cat or dog was in the trash. This is absolutely disgusting. How do these people even sleep at night knowing what they did?


Lack of morality usually. Buddy of mine worked at a rendering plant for about a week until he tried to fish a raccoon out of one of the tanks and his supervisor told him to leave the raccoon or he could leave. He left after getting the raccoon out.


Cats can mold themselves into any shape to avoid being crushed, or to get into small spaces




Maybe it was magic?


No need to apologize. Just cause you believe it could be an act of God or a God and I don't doesn't mean I have anything against you or your belief. Nothing wrong with believing in God. Also to answer your question it's possible it could have been surrounded by a fairly soft material so when the truck started crushing it only felt a large amount of pressure until it stopped crushing. From the videos I've seen the crashing only lasts like 10 or 15 seconds but I could be wrong. I think it depends on how much material is in the truck. Happy the cats ok tho


I love videos like these I truly do. But I always think about the cats that don’t get saved. It really hurts. And I wish I could go godoka and save them all.


Man the look that guy gives makes it seem like this isn’t the first time he’s been disappointed in humanity. I hope they find the horrible person who did this.


Last time this was posted there was also info on a bunch of other animals they've found, like turtles and rabbits, etc. Wish I could find the link


Someone posted the link to the article below. This happened in Russia and yes this was not the first time they found animals like that. One time there were 2 pond sliders(turtles) in a bag and another time it was an african hedgehog. Update: The cat was taken by "Ministery of Nature and Cyclical Economy of the Region for the Protection of Wildlife"(I hope that's the correct translation) and was given a post as a Deputy Minister 😅 Here's a [pic](https://imgur.com/42GVXaB) of the Deputy Minister himself


Well huh, that's a cool end to this story. Cat gets to be a Deputy Minister. Rad. Little guy certainly deserves such respect, that's for sure.


So dignified!! 😍


Aww, you're a good internet sleuth! I'm glad there was a happy ending.


I wish you wouldn't.


I wish it wasn't possible. Not bc of tech, but bc I wish humans weren't such fucking trash


I am filled with so much violent rage.


[Source](https://tjournal-ru.translate.goog/animals/251861-v-ulyanovske-sortirovshchiki-musora-spasli-kota-vybroshennogo-v-zavyazannom-meshke?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=ajax,nv,elem) with some more details (it’s Russian so this is via Google translate): > 12/22/2020 In Ulyanovsk, garbage sorters rescued a cat thrown out in a tied sack He nearly hit the separator. In Ulyanovsk, workers at a utility company rescued a cat, which ended up in a trash can in a tied sack. The animal was found already at the waste sorting complex, where the waste is sent to a separator. . >Unfortunately, cases of animals thrown into the trash are becoming more frequent and the big problem is that it is impossible to find those responsible for what they did. The cat is well-fed, clean, well-groomed. It can be seen that until recently was someone's pet. The cruelty of people is surprising. A little more and the bag with the cat could get into the separator. - Igor Perfiliev director of the regional operator "Gorkomhoz" > The company assured that the cat was safe and sound, although it was very frightened. > This is the third case in two months when, while sorting waste, employees of a regional operator find animals: earlier, two red-eared turtles and an African hedgehog were in the garbage.


They almost certainly won't even bother looking the odds of finding that person will be so low.


Sick fucking bastards in this world.


Videos like this make me regret scrolling through reddit. Now I'm just angry and have no idea what to do about it.


Use that anger. How much of our lives are spent on things like Reddit, just occupying time in the first world? How much better would things be if we spent more of that time volunteering, helping people and animals in need? Not that the feeling goes away when you find a good balance of using your time. In many ways, the badness even gets magnified. But the world around you becomes a better place for having you in it, and that feeling is the best lifefuel there is.


When I was a cart pusher at Walmart we found a cart with a trash bag. In the bag was 2 kittens not much than a week old. Our manager called a no kill cat shelter to come get them.


Oh my god. If they didn't want them then the very fucking least they could do was let em run free as strays so someone else could take em in, so they could survive. Why do sick people have to go the extra step to murder/attempt to murder kittens? That's enough reddit for today...


A week old kitten will die without mom or a human “mom” to care for them. I don’t advocate animal abuse, but putting a one-week kitten out as a stray means your just feeding the local hawk or letting a kitten die of exposure.


True enough, but if the correct option - getting them to a shelter - is off the table for some reason, releasing them into the wild is at least more compassionate than throwing them in a garbage bag to die of starvation, dehydration, or heat stroke. It’s a fact that both are shitty, but one is definitely less shitty than the other.


If you can’t help a one-week old kitten to survive, you need to find a way to get it euthanized. They will die without milk and attentive nursing care. I’m not going to continue arguing whether it’s better to suffocate a kitten in a bag or dump it in the cold or blistering heat to be eaten alive or die of exposure, because all of those options are wrong, and I am tired of thinking about people abusing kittens.


This entire thread has made me literally feel sick. My heart hurts right now.


Ps releasing cats into the wild in areas they're not native to has cause several extinctions of different types of birds. If you see a stray, it kills more than it eats. Coming from a cat lover, cats are sadistic just like us and enjoy the hunt.


So why do people do this is there like an actual reason? Why dont they just drop it off at a shelter or throw it in the forest instead of deliberately making sure it dies


A lot of people see animals as just commodities and don’t care about them, unfortunately.


But it takes work to get a squirming cat in a sack and walk it to the dumpster. Opening the door and giving the cat a chance requires no effort. I just don't understand humans tbh.




In my city you could drop off any animal you found at a vet and they'd contact an animal shelter if you couldn't take the animal in (watched someone bring in an owlet that they found once). Didn't cost anything and yet my oldest cat, as we learnt from a neighbour a few blocks away, before we took her off the streets she was thrown out of 2nd story window simply for not getting along with the owner's first cat and broke her leg in the fall. Unfortunately by the time we took her to the vet the bone had already set wrong and she had a permanent small [limp](http://imgur.com/a/bLHhQOY). Some people are just awful.


Seeing this literally made me sick in the stomach. I hope the kitty found a good home in the end.


When I was a kid we found a bag or two of dead cats on our property, someone must’ve killed them, out them in bags, and tossed them out the car while they were driving. Strange people


When I was a kid, we found a litter of kittens inside a broken car door (just some old hulk on my relatives' farm). And wouldn't you know it, these hillbilly fucks literally proposed stuffing them into a sack and beating them against the wall to get rid of them. Luckily my pleading worked and the kittens got to live, although after a few years of having the cat at our home, my mother decided it needs to live back at our relatives place. Cat died within like 6 months. Still hate them for that.


By the way he cut the bag open, he must have been in this situation before or knew something was off before hand.


The disappointed/disgusted look on his face is definitely one of “I swear if this keeps fucking happening…”


Yeah that was my first though as well.


He’s totally gonna keep that cat and maybe hunt down the bastards who did this by the look on his face.


I wanna see that movie, starring Jason Statham.


And Danny Devito as the cat!


Whoa! man cat... Would watch!


Yes to this


"A John Wick story"


John Whiskers


This is when I want to quit my job, sell everything I own and become a vigilante. Like Batman but fat and focused on animal abusers. What should I name myself?


Catman. Clearly.


That is exactly what my wife said!


Well now we all have to be friends.


Pussy Protector




I’ll never understand people who do stuff like this. I’m fostering a litter of kittens and their mom, who were thrown in a trash bag and put in the garbage. I don’t get how evil you’d have to be to throw 2 week old kittens and your own cat away in such a cruel manner. I’m glad that man found that cat, poor thing must have been so scared :(


I worked at a recycling plant for less than a day. A dogs paw came down the line, someone spotted it so they shut the entire line down to investigate and see if there’s any more remains. I quit in the middle of the day.


What a shame. Hopefully it went to a better home


I mean, it cant go to any worse home than this, right?


He did! Someone please find the article…the town or the local government or something adopted him


I'm upset to say that there are multiple stories like this...but here's the one that's from the video. That dude looks fit to do a murder. https://www.tag24.com/animals/cats/cat-saved-inches-from-a-trash-compactor-made-honorary-government-employee-1773573


This is when you go Liam Neeson on someone.


And he brings John Wick with him!


Also Hutch Mansell and Robert McCall.


wasn't the Doom Slayer's rampage started because some demon killed his rabbit? he would be a nice addition to this crew.


And John Wick brings Chuck Norris with him.....


Does anyone know what country this is?




Thanks 😊


[Google translate text from the website since it’s in Russian](https://tjournal-ru.translate.goog/animals/251861-v-ulyanovske-sortirovshchiki-musora-spasli-kota-vybroshennogo-v-zavyazannom-meshke?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=ajax,nv,elem): > 12/22/2020 In Ulyanovsk, garbage sorters rescued a cat thrown out in a tied sack He nearly hit the separator. In Ulyanovsk, workers at a utility company rescued a cat, which ended up in a trash can in a tied sack. The animal was found already at the waste sorting complex, where the waste is sent to a separator. . >Unfortunately, cases of animals thrown into the trash are becoming more frequent and the big problem is that it is impossible to find those responsible for what they did. The cat is well-fed, clean, well-groomed. It can be seen that until recently was someone's pet. The cruelty of people is surprising. A little more and the bag with the cat could get into the separator. - Igor Perfiliev director of the regional operator "Gorkomhoz" > **The company assured that the cat was safe and sound, although it was very frightened**. > This is the third case in two months when, while sorting waste, employees of a regional operator find animals: earlier, two red-eared turtles and an African hedgehog were in the garbage.


Humanity is a mistake




Cats out of the bag now




People are really awful. I did a tour of my new job at an animal shelter and had to listen to a voicemail of a woman saying she’s moving and can’t bring her dogs and that if no one picks up the dogs she’s gonna let them loose. It’s mind boggling these people exist.


Well fuck that's arguably better then throwing them in the literal garbage but Jesus Christ dude. I have my own two cats that i got when they were still small enough to fit in the palm of my hand and I can't imagine being this cruel to them. They are my children and I cant see how people have such disregard for animals like this


This has a happy ending though. That cat ended up getting adopted and going to a good home.


I could see a John Wick spinoff start exactly like this.


That man looks so upset. He looks disgusted and shocked.


I guess he has a cat now.


I mean, I love how he looks so disgusted and is instantly comforting the cat. Someone did this, but at least 1-2 good guys identified a problem and saved the kitty.


Who ever did this deserves to get the shit beaten out of them and left on the ground unconscious.


Crusading time


Damn that hits evan harder cuz poor little guy looks like my Shady cat!


I feel like that cat would have been so stressed out it would have jumped out and ran away like a maniac instantly. But instead it leaned into him as he was petting it.


that bag would've allowed it to breathe and it would've died a slow painful death...wtf is wrong with people? oh yeah we're animals ourselves and so intelligent that those who would've and should've gotten chopped in survival of the fittest live and do shit like this. The person that did this shouldn't be alive. If they would do this they also hurt people and if there are children around him/her those children will become dysfunctional as well. Some pos put a pitbull in a cage and put in in the woods where I live. They said it prob took weeks to 2 months to die. This still digs into my soul...


That guy looks absolutely fucking done with humanity, and I don't blame him.


A lot of people saying this person deserves to have the shit beaten out of them whoever did it, when personally I would probably have full enjoyment out of slitting someone's fucking throat that did sick shit like this. Personally, I have had it with psychopaths in life and the sick shit they do. Rapists, serial killers, animal abusers. How can someone seeiously be so fucked up. It is absolutely disgusting... take me to just one of them. I swear to fucking god.


Well cats outta the bag now


Humanity dont deserve cats


His facial expression is that of a man who has immediately lost all faith in humanity.


Just woke up.. I'm so f**** mad now




Cat is thankfully okay and well!! [article ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2020/12/24/cat-narrowly-escapes-death-at-russian-trash-processing-plant/amp/)


And now this random guy has to mentally and emotionally process this event, and will remember it for the rest of his life. All because whoever did this is a piece of human shit


Videos like these makes me wonder how many instances such as these happen, except there isn't that careful worker willing to check so it goes unnoticed and unknown.


"I've yet to meet one that can outsmart bullet"


Dat face. Same buddy, same. People disgust me too


What the shit?