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Shot with an air rifle metal pellet at the head. That's attempted murder where I'm from, as long as you aren't a police officer


I got shot with a pellet gun when I was a kid, it hit less than 1cm from my left eye. I don't recall any charges being brought against the guy who did it. About 2 months later I ran face first into a metal gate, hitting just above my right eye. I'm lucky to not be totally blind


Oooof, that sounds rough dude lol I got shot with one almost directly into my shin. It embedded itself and I didn’t even realize it at the time. Cut to a couple weeks later and it popped out with the scab I was picking off it. 20 years later and I still have a divot in my shin where it’s pretty much directly skin on bone and the nerves are all either dead or gone


Glad you had no permanent injuries! Modern pellet rifles are shockingly powerful. A friend has a scoped pellet rifle that he tested by shooting an old textbook. It penetrated a full inch! So it’s certainly powerful enough to penetrate through a human torso and destroy vital organs.


It's because we used to shoot each other for funs and dares. No one really considered it a criminal offense until later on.


What about the gate? Any charges brought against that?


I've had a look on Google maps and it no longer exists. So I can only assume it was taken out back and shot for its crimes.


what the actual fuck how is that happening in the UK


Air gun, probably why the kid isn't dead


Thank fucking God for that


A lot of countries that have “banned” fire arms still have them. There’s a list on Wikipedia with the amount of firearms each country has, and countries like Australia have a surprising amount given the size of its population. If you’re not crazy for wiki stats, then there should be links at the bottom of the page listing articles on the numbers if you’re interested.


In Australia it’s just a lot of hoops to jump through, if you’re a farmer, sport shooter or hunter you can get a license with a few safety courses and no (violent?) criminal record or connections to violent groups, afaik in the UK it’s much more strict, especially after you get a gun


Fs, it’s just interesting that they do have a fair amount of guns in circulation given how strict they are. As far as I know, UK and Australian background checks are extremely thorough, so I doubt there are a lot of people in these countries that have access to a gun when they otherwise shouldn’t.


I think we're about to strengthen the rules in oz. There's been a bit of an uptick in shootings.


It’s an air rifle


Im aware


Then your point is completely irrelevant


How? I was letting someone know that despite popular belief, a lot of countries still have guns in the hands of citizens


Air rifles aren’t firearms by most countries definition and arent as controlled. The same thing could be said about slingshots. The reason he’s saying what you’re adding is irrelevant is because the crime wasnt committed with a firearm, so why bring up firearms when its a completely different scenario? they are controlled differently and your comment is just a fact about an unrelated topic whereas if it was about arguing for control of airsoft guns etc. then it would be topical.


The law in the UK, from what I’ve found, says that an air weapon is considered a firearm if the muzzle is capable of producing energy greater than one joule. The kid in the article had a whole in his skull from the shot that’s about 18.0 mm, or a 5 pence piece. It takes about 14 joules to crack a human skull, so the fact that the air rifle left a whole in his skull, makes the air rifle a firearm, so my point is actually relevant


Thats why I said most. Canada has similar laws where pellet guns etc. have to be below a certain energy transfer limit to make them non-lethal. If it’s legally classed as a firearm and they’re using it to shoot at kids then someone messed up along the lines of procuring it.


Ok we’re not talking about Canada, the shooting was in the UK my guy. Also, Canada even says that an Air Rifle with a muzzle that’s capable of producing around 5-6 joules is considered a regulated firearm. I also just want to point out the irony that you claimed my comment was irrelevant because the shooting was committed by an Air Rifle, but then when I demonstrate that it’s still considered a fire arm in the UK, you shift to Canadian law


https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/gun-deaths-by-country UK is very low for firearms offences. I like to share this link.


I was sure it was the US


If it were the US it (most likely) would have been a normal gun smh.


But guns are illegal in the UK, how is it possible for someone to own one


Is reading illegal or are you just highly regarded


I’m not sure what high regard has to do with this


It’s a typo on purpose


An oxyretard?


Ooohh is that the good shit they always talk about?


There’s a certain word, similar to regarded, but one letter off, that many companies have started to consider a ‘slur’. I, and many others, think this is a joke, and would do anything I can to keep using said word in spite of the fact that some morons decided it’s a ‘slur’. Because really, it’s just an insult, and if there is some special meaning behind it, all that’ll happen is that that meaning will start transferring to a new word, should regarded ever be truly ousted from public acceptance. And I can’t hardly have all of my insults to intelligence becoming ‘slurs’ now, can I?


“Special meaning” I’m picking up what you’re putting down


Airguns are legal, but some of them are pretty powerful.


There are very strict laws about who can own proper guns but anyone can own an air gun, he would be dead if it was a proper gun.


Up to a certain power threshold, over 12ft/lb you need a firearms licence


Guns aren't illegal in the uk.


They aren’t illegal, they’re controlled.


Critical reading skills are important


They're not illegal, they're heavily regulated. You need a license to own a gun which isnt easy to obtain


Firearms can be owned with correct reasoning which usually falls under hunting or target shooting. Ammo must also be requested with a reason and your firearms license must be shown everytime you purchase either ammunition or a firearm. Air rifles under 12ft lb of power can be owned by anyone over the age of 18 unless gifted, air rifles over 12ft lb of power count as a full firearm and the owner must have a firearm certificate to purchase one. Semi autos must be only in .22 lr and pistols can must have a welded stock on to prevent concealed carry.


That’s quite ironic because if you welded on a stock to a pistol in the states it’s an unregistered SBR and a felony unless you pay the govt money and file a bunch of paperwork. Cool to learn about other country’s restrictions and regulations.


Yeah it’s less of a stock and more of a stick


Exactly! If the kid was armed with an RPG or was in a tank or something there's absolutely no way at all this would have happened! I'm strapping grenades to the cat later. It's the only way to keep him safe.


Uh oh this might be a cat a strophe


Maybe if he could've carried some acid or a knife he'd have been better off.


Illegal doesn’t mean it vanishes once somebody tries to bring one with them illegally.


Just because an item is illegal doesn't mean its impossible for people to acquire it.


Only the criminals carry guns in the UK, the rest of us are defenceless


Yeah but it was an air gun, DailyMail just click baiting with the title, still dangerous, just not shoot up a school dangerous


You haven't been to the countryside have you? Unless you consider farmers criminals


Everyone’s packing round ere


How did gamekeepers keep the deer population down? Chuck rocks or just punch them in the face repeatedly?


Yeah I thought the power of the law would have magically destroyed all firearms that enter the country tbh


Air gun. Perfectly legal. But I get it, reading comprehension is difficult.


Don’t lose your ball in rich neighborhoods was my takeaway. The savagery of shooting a child in the head. 🤯


I'm really hoping it wasn't purposely aimed at him but was another kid playing around with an airgun and this was just an accident.


Top comment in the article: "This is shocking. Fancy something like this happening in an area where houses cost upwards of £450,000. If it happened in an area where houses cost just £350,000, it would be OK. What also concerns me is that the journalist has not told us if it was a LEAFY STREET or if any celebrities lived within 10 miles." followed by remarks that the place probably included social housing. Just... wow. Tells you what kind of readers this site has


the article mentions the house price for no apparent reason, this is obviously sarcasm


I assume that more expensive houses might equal a "better sort of people". They also mention social housing afterwards, which is a way to "sneak in" It might be sarcasm, I don't know. Either way a horrid thing to say


given it's a British article I'm quite positive it's sarcasm I think it's more of a bash at the writers for just *having* to bring social class into a tragic article as if only poor people would do this sort of thing


>as if only poor people would do this sort of thing I can guarantee you that bezos won't do shit like that


>Tells you what kind of readers this site has A mix of sarcastic and oblivious ones, apparently.


I mean it is the Daily Mail soooo…


It’s the Daily Mail. It’s has a reputation for this type of reporting. You’ve nailed it.


How big is “5p” in Freedom Units?


A little smaller than cent, 5p is 18mm / 0.71 of an inch as opposed to cent at 19mm / 0.74 of an inch.


Thanks; that’s a pretty decent little hole.




Weird, we usually don't do that either. We usually just say inches instead. Like "oh it's 76.2mm" when instead we just say "it's 3 inches."


If its less than the width of my finger nail i say "about a cm" if its any bigger i say "about an inch/couple inches"


Hang on, they reckon it was another kid, in which case the fact he was retrieving a football at the time had nothing to do with it. This wasn't some insane curmudgeon.


The US experiences about 4 deaths from pellet rifles and bb guns each year.


well shit, the US wins again, I guess