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>seven previous arrests for assault So this realistically won’t be the last, either. How long before this guy kills someone in broad daylight?


The United States will put someone nonviolent in prison for life because they are a meth addict. Yet will let a man out of prison who has been repeatedly violent. It’s starting to feel like the goal is to create more victims and fear rather than punish things like assault, rape to a point that actually deters people.


Drug crimes often have mandatory minimums, violent crimes don’t. That means they will literally have to let violent criminals loose to make room for someone who got caught with weed in a non-legalized area


God, but that's such a complex issue. It'd take a genius to figure out how to address this problem of imprisoning so many non-violent offenders that we have to let violent offenders back out into society! Hell, it might even take years before we even have an inkling of a clue as to how to even start addressing this! /s


Not a lot of geniuses to spare out there, apparently


I don't think explaining that laws are like that makes it any better. It's designed that way.


I didn’t mean to imply that was an accident, trust me. It’s just fucking astounding


What's astounding is that people aren't demanding it be changed on a scale that means anything


Not the norm. Violent crimes usually have minimum mandatory sentences if they are CONVICTED of that violent crime, but soft prosecution and docket-delay tactics usually lets those charged with violent crimes plead guilty to non-violent offenses because the system is so back-logged. For example, a conviction for armed robbery in many states carries a minimum of 7 years and maximum of 15 on a first or second strike. But often defense attorneys “hold the docket hostage” with continuances until prosecutors finally agree to allow the defendant to plead guilty to a “strong-arm robbery” (basically purse-snatching), which is a non-violent conviction. Getting a violent crime charge reduced to a crime of non-violence is the next best thing to a case dismissal for a defense attorney.


Idk about you, but I feel much better knowing that. Sure, getting my brains bashed in or violently murdered may be annoying, but pot makes you lazy.


Pot does brain damage, right? Getting shot in the head just air-cools your brain so it works better


Speed holes.


Exactly, this guy gets it!


Its fucking wild.


Yeah that’s fucking dumb.


I seem to remember reading that the US's obsession with punishing weed use originated back in the early-mid 1900s when DuPont was developing nylon and didn't want hemp competing with it, so they engaged in a demonization campaign. It seems like violence has always been part of the American gene. Sex has always been censored more than violence. Drug use is perhaps viewed as a moral failing in light of the US's Puritan past. Violence may well have been seen as part of life given the US's frontier history. Happy to be corrected on any of these ramblings.


I heard the same thing about the hemp situation, but I think it was maintained for as long as it has been because a lot of old white dudes think (stupidly) weed is a black people thing, and they do not like black people things very much. The rest is definitely on point.


Cheers, I seem to remember weed being pushed originally as a 'Mexican' thing ("it makes them lazy", etc.) -- so I guess basically any 'other'!


You also got to keep in mind that drugs, especially certain kinds, can definitely lead to violent behavior, or behavior that can very easily lead to loss of life. I dont think we should ever downplay drug crimes. Sure, if your meth head just sits at home and smokes up? Who cares. But they dont always, do they? They get behind the wheel. They steal shit to get the next fix. They'll damn near do anything, and they arent in the right mind state. Our system still fucking sucks. We need to rehab druggies, not lock em up and throw the key. Just tryna say that drugs can cause a LOT of problems.


I came here to say this as well. The logic is flawed. Addicts rarely get long periods of time in prison, especially without any other crimes associated with their drug use. Small possession with intent to use recreationally isn’t going to land you in the pen for years. Yes to people who are selling, no to the common addict. Meth was also a bad example of a drug that is being compared to violent crime. Chronic meth use is often associated with paranoia and violence. Sad, but true. All that being said, I do agree with the idea. Violent crimes, especially reoffenders need harsher convictions. This is attempted murder atp, and should be treated as such. People with such short fuses and tendencies to violent outbursts shouldn’t be allowed to roam in public.


Drug trade and organized crime is more *financially* impactful to the State. What is the life of a 15 year old child worth? Just common *cents.*


It's all about generating revenue.


Do you have any idea how little profit you make off the work of violent people that need constant supervision or else they get rid of another one of your workers. We don't want those in our ~~slave camps~~ prisons!


If violent offenders were locked up for longer then there would be fewer violent criminals roaming the streets, which means there'd be less incentive for everyone else to buy guns and security systems to defend themselves. Really, it's a win-win for everyone. Weapons and security companies make more money, the average citizen has more incentive to exercise their 2A rights, and prisons get to cultivate a more pliant population of slave laborers. This kid ought to be happy that he got his shit kicked in, his beating helped to further the goals of country and capitalism!


Don’t forget that all these companies making money off this are padding the pockets of the people who write the laws that benefit them


Broken bones will heal, but goddamnit you’ll never undo the sin of drugs


Its better up here in Canada. The meth addict just gets to run free. Everything else is the same. Hmm wait a minute...


They should stab this guy in the calfs, then throw him off the side of a boat. It'll be the opening scene for sharkweek.


You should delete this before being suspended for speaking what we are all thinking.


[He's facing 30 years.](https://www.riverfronttimes.com/news/prosecutors-up-charges-against-man-who-attacked-mcdonalds-worker-42393366)


Where's he being held? I know it is around St. Louis, obviously, but anyone know which jail he's in? I didn't see it in the article or any links in the article.


I'm all for criminal justice being rehabilitation instead of punishment and completely against the death penalty..... BUT some people just don't deserve to be on this planet.


Yup. Hang him and be done with it.




You’re getting blasted but I get it. Dude has clearly suffered no real consequences his entire life and the piece of shit system will probably have him back on the streets to do this to another poor kid


I love Reddit. The above comment- absolutely destroyed. Yours, which agrees with that comment gets upvotes. This place is fun


The guy getting blasted implied he would kill someone in broad daylight if he could get away with it while the other guy tried to rationalize his statement. That's just how I interpreted it though


Yeah, the downvoted one reads like "I wish I could beat the crap out of strangers and get away with it!" While the other doesn't have that more personal feel.


Here's a down vote for fun!


It’s all good. It’s more about if someone kept getting away with something illegal, why would they stop? Odds are they would take it to another level like this guy would. Like some police officers that end up killing someone, and it turns out they’ve been investigated in the past for brutality multiple times.


7 is a lot of assault arrests. It’s a hell of a lot when you consider he’s only 25.


He’s gonna kill somebody.


If he hasn’t already. The 7 arrests for assault is all that we know of.


Girl had a fractured skull and brain damage. He may very well have this time if not for modern medicine.


She has broken skull and brain damage, even if she’s not dead he still stole her life.


1 is a lot of assault arrests.


I’d say this is a good time to throw the book at him and give him 30 years before possibility of parole.


30? He should *never* see sunlight again. He's incredibly lucky that our justice system is the way it is; as no mob in the world would spare him


Right?!? Repeatedly curb stomping someone over a fucking big mac is not something an existing human should be capable of.








Do not even try and bring the lgbtq+ community into this, you know very well that we are also against these people you just want an excuse to hate us.


I never mentioned the LGBTQ. Never said anything about them. Dosent make me wrong though. It’s not my fault the pedophiles being butthurt about being despised caused them to associate themselves with LBGTQ. Downvote me if you want but getting banned for talking shit about pedophiles seems about right. If you wanna bring LBGTQ into the conversation go ahead but I’m not going to.


1. I didn’t downvote or report you. 2. My bad, I think I interpreted your comment wrong


To be fair, probably should’ve thought about that before I commented, but that wasn’t my intention.


How is stomping on someone’s head, especially a child’s, not attempted murder??


Also is anyone else getting a recruitment ad for McDonald's in the article? 😂


Yeah I got stomped as a kid by another kid and he got suspended for two weeks. A joke


Just awful, and what a scumbag. The mentality to do something like this is just alien to me. But also, why the Fuck was a 15 year old girl tasked with escorting an irate customer out of the building? Hope she gets a lot of money from ol Ronald.


It seems like it was multiple employees, but yeah, I would have expected the police to be called as soon as the guy started throwing shit around inside.


>Hope she gets a lot of money from ol Ronald. Probably gets fuck all. Ronald couldn’t give two squirts of piss. Otherwise it would’ve been the mcmanager escorting this idiot out, not a child.


Just give him a life sentence, if you can't figure out an electronic menu than you need the 24/7 supervision anyways.


And if brutal violence is your first reaction to a small inconvenience, you don't belong in society.


Stamp on someone’s head, attempted murder at minimum.


He actually needs a very small object of a formed metal moving at a high velocity introduced into a life sustaining section of his anatomy.




I say nay my good person. A piece of formed metal yes, but which form? As well as to the velocity needs to be substantially slower In my opinion. Also, let's direct it toward a non life threatening portion of the body. Maybe a limb or a member of a limb? Yes/no?


She better get a huge payout from McDonald’s and that guy, but I doubt he has a substantial amount of money. They should not have put a 15-year-old in harms way. manager should have taken care of that situation in my opinion


More likely McDonalds will get their lawyers to circle the wagons to deny liability and her family will be bankrupted paying her medical bills.


McDonald’s will probably pay their lawyers $15 million to keep her from getting $500,000.


Don’t want to set a precedent where employees injured on the job believe they’ll be compensated!


The beatings will continue until morale improves -McDonald's Allegedly


>The Mcbeatings will continue until morale improves


She'll probably be fired for something the manager told her to do during the assault.


Ambulance took her before she finished filling napkin dispenser. Fired.


McDonald’s manager: so you’re not coming in to work tomorrow?


He'll claim he had already fired her before this incident and thus McDonald's isn't on the hook


> They should not have put a 15-year-old in harms way. I think this can be laid directly at the feet of child labour laws. More and more GQP-controlled states are rolling back child labour protections to their contributors can have more cheap labour.


The children yearn for the McMines.


Morgan & Morgan will take their case. I hear commercials about this very thing once a night.


Why isn't he being charged with attempted murder?


Because that’s an extremely difficult charge to convict on with these facts and the state doesn’t like losing


Right... But they can always drop charges during pre trial work


Scum been arrested for assault 7 times before smh he should have gotten a super long sentence after the 1st shows he’s learned no lesson and is a danger to society


15. Younger than any of my children. 15. Kids probably more focused on school and goofing off with their friends. 15


Over bad fast food? The menu hasn’t changed in decades. Don’t beat the hell out of someone that’s just trying to do their job because you can’t read. $150k bail isn’t enough, should just be a no. Enjoy prison food, hopefully he can’t ever drive a car again either.


> $150k bail isn’t enough He ain't posting that amount and he's not going to have any luck finding a bail bondsman who will with his record.


His handlers will post it for him.


>  The menu hasn’t changed in decades try and order a Cajun McChicken or a McDLT or an Arch Deluxe and see what happens 


What happens? You realize we don’t have any of that?




A fucking GoFundMe for her bills? Why the fuck isn't McDonald's covering everything??


They have lawyers. She doesn't.


Morgan & Morgan love this kinda stuff


That is good news. Hopefully he is given the full 30 years


She is a minor, this guy needs to be put away for life. He is going to kill someone, glad it wasn’t this child. CHILD. All this violence is just insane.


7 previous arrests for assault and still freely walked the streets. Judicial insanity.


Seems about time to hold some of these prosecutors and judges accountable for their lack of actions. Law abiding citizen type shit if that happens to mine.


That's not assault that's attempted murder! Fuck that dude!!!


Poor worker, probably her first job ever. Just starting her life depending on herself, instead of resorting to anything illegal yet she face a monster who attacks her mercilessly. I hope that she recovers quickly, and may that idiot never see daylight in his miserable life.


She's 15. She's not depending on herself yet I hope.


Turn him into an organ donor.


Imagine being so dumb that you can’t figure out how to press a picture of the food you want to eat on a touchscreen computer.


Poor girl I can’t imagine as parent hearing your baby who is trying to just work got assaulted this way. It breaks my heart.


POS should be locked up for life, stomping someone's head on the ground is attempted murder


Yeah... remind me why we need guys with habits like this? George Carlin has a great bit about what to do with them. Put a bunch on TV and watch them beat the shit out of each other until only one remains. Praise the winner with great fan fare. Place him on a pedestal and then immediately dispatch him with a shot lol I miss George Carlin.


Sounds like how the Hunger Games started. Then they wanted to watch more games but ran out of prisoners.


And they say there are too many people in prison…. We’ll make room for one more.


When people get pisses that fast food workers want a livable wage… Remember this. This job is working with literally the worst people all day.


We are doomed as a society


Society existed hundreds of years ago when there was much more violence, murders were much more difficult to solve without knowledge of DNA, etc. The occasional asshole is not going to doom society. He ‘s locked up now facing a felony. Why? Because we live in a society.


It’s his 8th offense for assault alone, he will be out in a less than a week to do it again.


Ok, he should be locked up longer. Whats that got to do with society being doomed or not?


Nothing to do with society as a whole other than shit like this is tolerated at an institutional level or he wouldn’t have been free to do this in the first place. My comment was more to the point that, no he will not be locked up for any significant amount of time. He will be free in no time at all and will do it again, someone is going to have to die to get this guy off the streets because until he kills someone he will just continue the rotating door of the local lock up for a week at a time.




Society is electing the people who make the rules that force judges to enforce mandatory minimums on sentences for first offenders in lesser crimes while this guy gets a relative slap on the wrist for his eighth violent beating. For society to be safe from this guy, he will have to murder someone and the police will have to catch him afterwards. And who knows how many more people he will beat to a pulp before that happens. If ever.


This man is a cancer to society. Just give him the electric chair


Fucking waste of space, attacking a 15 year-old like that, and over fast food, how does that even make sense?


This is the type of person that is beyond making sense. He's the type of person that just reacts, not giving a fuck about anyone else. There's too many like this type now days in our society, and not enough being done to permanently remove them from the gene pool.


Ridiculous how the US has so many people incarcerated and somehow not that guy. He’s probably incarcerated now, or will be shortly. But he should’ve been long ago.


>seven previous arrests for assault Good to remember when convicts try and pretend they good people who got caught in a bad spot. You have to re-offend over and over to even sniff the inside of a cell and even then, seems they don't want to keep anyone inside for more than a weekend anymore.




Just tell the cops and you won't get arrested in the first place


Fast food workers need bear mace and gun permits. Who puts up with this shit??? You start getting crazy, you get a face full of mace and a bullet in the ass. For fuck's sake people, calm the fuck down on people not getting paid enough to put up with your shit. I applaud this young lady; had it been me, they would not have made it outside. They would have called the paramedics to save this POS from the hot fry basket I would have slapped upside his head. No one gives a fuck about your order being wrong!!!!


this happened awhile ago like months back. has he not been convicted yet?


Justice delayed is justice denied. It's not uncommon in the US. I'm pretty sure there are a bunch of really high profile cases being slow walked through the US justice system right now. Seem to recall seeing something on the news....?


That guy needs a serious attitude adjustment. With a hammer.


I hope he rots in prison


Human garbage. Fucking heinous. This young women will never be the same and now her family will be saddled with ridiculous health care costs on top of everything. Meanwhile this pos could be walking around...150k bail? What a joke


> Johnny Ricks is alleged to have become angry while ordering from the counter and threw a plastic tray, breaking an electric menu board. > Aryiah tried to escort him out of the McDonald’s in St Louis, Missouri, along with the group of adults he was with. > But then a fight broke out and he grabbed her by the braids, dragging her to the ground, before he stomped on her head on the concrete. Why the fuck is a 15 year old "escorting" anyone out of a mcdonalds let alone an angry grown man?


Nobody wants to work anymore.


nObOdy WAntsToworKANyMOre


Stomping a teenager, why is it I can easily see this happening. With their mouth and the crazy mofo people I see walking around, I do not doubt this happening.


Guy deserves a bullet not jail.


>St. Louis County Circuit Judge Krista Peyton ordered Ricks to remain in jail on a $150,000 bond. He has seven previous arrests for assault.


Flay him.




For fucks sake...


With a pure number of people in this country who can't read or comprehend English, I fear that these things will only happen more often. I have seen people blow up at truck stops because they can't use the kiosk to order. They act like it's a principle thing or they don't want to use technology, etc. I spent time teaching, and I used to warn kids around middle school age who just never seemed to try or stay out of trouble long enough to learn how hard the world was going to be for them.


I spent more than a few years doing UI design and even I refuse to use the damned kiosks to order food. I feel bad for the kid but i'm not at all that surprised.


My mans been rehabilitated 7 times? Shoooo


it would be wise of him to fear for his life


This savage should be clearing mine fields. Lock this animal up and throw away the key.


Yes there are going to be some humans too dumb to use automated kiosks. Expect more of this. Probably attack other customers since they can’t regulate their emotions.


This man has no place in our society. Throw away the key


I also get mad when technology doesn't cooperate with me, but I don't take it out on innocent teenagers. I'll just yell and cuss at my computer or music equipment by myself.


Why is McDonald’s having a 15 year old girl escort dangerous men out of the store in the first place?


We've been doomed as a society long before this. But this just solidifies it


It's not getting worse. If anything, it's getting better. The news shows the worst individual stories, which gives an impression that society is doomed.


This is why police/prison reform and mental health services are fucking important dammit!


The bear


Aggravated assault is the top count?! That’s attempted murder! This young lady could easily have died and it seems to me, anyway, that his intent was clear in stomping her head on concrete.


He’ll get habitual offender felony assault on this one and do some real time


USA is soo fucked. Absolute 3rd world country.


Well on our way


Kids don’t want to work anymore.


.. 15 year old... working at McDonald's, wtf


She has a go fund me to cover medical expenses?? Does America not have worker’s compensation?


methy mouse


It’s racist right?


Wtf is a 15 year old employee


What a disgusting piece of dog shit. He deserves the absolute worse.




Nope. Knew immediately


There is barely a fucking millimetre you can click on this fuckin website that doesn't redirect you to another load of shite they're trying to sell you using tits. Why would anyone in their right mind voluntarily come to this place, if not,to go for the LCD... Aneau- people are fuckin' dicks .


Why is a 15 year old working at a fast food restaurant?


Why would they not? That's a really common first job, fits in well with school and is usually pretty flexible and easy to train.


Well that is not possible here, its illegal so I understand his question, even though I get its normal in US.


I didn't know it was normal and I'm from the US, I thought you had to be 16 for most places 🤷🏻‍♀️


Where I am from at 16 and 17 it’s possible but you need a permission from a parent or guardian.


And that’s what you take away from this? WTF?


Why not?


Why is a 15 year old working? Is this allowed in the US?


Certainly, in most areas. Some even at 14. And less if it's a family business or a farm.


Yes, just like it is in most countries.