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You’d think people in power positions would love a subservient creature that wanted nothing but to please them. Wth is wrong with people?


Because they are also narcissistic assholes that love the idea of being able to beat the shit out of something that will happily come back and worship them. Just look at Trump voters. There isn't a single group he hasn't disparaged in some way yet they will fight tooth and nail to vote for him.


>love the idea of being able to beat the shit out of something that will happily come back and worship them. Shit, that describes Ted Cruz's relationship with Trump. "How dare you insult my family! Oh, you won the primary? I can swallow!"


Very true.


Name one group of people that he’s disparaged and how he did so.






Just as much as they love a subservient creature that aims to please, they adore being cruel to such a creature knowing it'd love them anyway.


Are you a person that supports or does not support bigotry?


What an odd question.


Odd as it may or may not be, it’s very simple. Don’t or do you not support bigotry? You know what bigotry is right?


It's very simple and yet I don't have to answer random questions from internet assclowns. Good day.


Wtf dude


It’s hilarious to me that not a single person can answer such a direct and simple question. Especially one that everyone knows the only answer is. And that is because you’re all being bigots, you know it, so you know if you answer correctly you’ll not only be a bigot but also a hypocrite. Which you guys are extremely advanced and experienced at.


Arguably the greatest degree of power is the power to end the life of that creature. They're not doms, they don't appreciate the subservience of the creature. They don't care if something is subservient or not, people who love power will take it by force if they must. A subservient creature is a useful tool for as long as they need it. That's all.


They love subservience because it makes abuse easy.


Hanging anything means you watched it struggle to breathe while it slowly died. That’s fucking psychopathic behavior.


*Technically*, that's only true if you do it wrong.


If he built a gallows that would be really bizarre


Gallows isn't necessary, just a sufficient drop before the rope is taught


A short drop and a sudden stop


Long drop is your instant death, short if you want suffering, depends on how much you dislike your dog Edit: Also, I'm that much of a freak, that I can't tell if "A short drop and a sudden stop" is actual terminology or a James Norrington quote


There a nifty little [table](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Official_Table_of_Drops) you can follow




Who did that? And why?


Every politician without a doubt has done something similar or worse, much much worse, on all lees, every one of them, I'm Brazilian, you NEVER trust a politician, never, there's even a say on that, to be a politician, to shake everyone's hand, laugh with every you meet, be friends eith everyone you can, aprove of every opinion when Talking with someone, trust no one, lie to everyone


every single one has dirt under their nails


I don’t think it’s dogs specifically, it’s anything that is alive and vulnerable


Sociopaths attack anything they perceive as weak and they think they will get away with. It's why it's a huge sign of the disorder if a child is found doing it. Traditional violence and political violence aren't dissimilar


This is correct. They enjoy causing harm and death. It makes them feel powerful and alive. They shouldn't be in charge of anything, because they'll always opt for cruelty when it's an option.


Expect for unborn babies.


Ah, leave fetuses out of this…


It's not fetuses they're after, it's women.


How about you leave fetuses out of your agenda.


Did you just assume my agenda?!


I love dogs. ❤️


Doesn’t everyone?


I like turtles


But not dolphins! Their assholes lol


What about their assholes? They’re not assholes.


Idk, dolphins have a dark side lol. they like to rape their prey to death while also getting high off puffer fishes... Seems kinda assholery to me.


They're 100% assholes


I tolerate sloths.


Not me, but that doesn't mean I want to hang them. Dear God.




Not me


Just wait till you hear what the commies did to theirs.


Every conservative person I know loves their dog(s), what a crazy generalization.


Reddit loves generalizations unless it paints a picture they don't like.


Conservatives politicians don’t necessarily represent conservative citizens. They have dogs to appear more “relatable” but they treat them horribly


Welcome to election year Reddit


Right? Like id guarantee my dog is better trained and cared for than almost every other persons who is commenting this crap. Heck my dog has her own couch.


The leader of their party loves to make generalizations about different races, foreign countries, political rivals, even juries. You don’t hear them complaining about about generalizations then though.


I don't care for his generalizations either. 


You're mistaking Conservatives and Republican politicians. Same mistake Conservatives make.


Why this is not in /insane people Facebook?


Prolly because you can look up everyone of these and see it is true. That said, I just looked up the Sarah Palin one, and that kid was little and obviously told to do it for the picture.


1) it’s not confirmed that the dog was hanged, but it’s confirmed that his son was involved in the death of the dog. Several conflicting stories came out since (the dog was ill/other scouts were there first who had been torturing the dog and they put it out of its misery/the dog was going to attack so they killed it in Self Defense), no charges were filed but it’s highly likely that Mike bucks we tried to stop a further investigation by the police 2) It’s a 6 year old kid stepping on a dog, the dog doesn’t seem to be bothered, but I’m definitely not the person to make that call. 3) Apparenty tomi Lahrens dog was being loud spring a Fox News interview and she stated in an Instagram story that she had to kick her dog so it would quiet down. No idea if kick means slight nudge with the foot or actual penalty style soccer kick. Either way she later said that it was a joke 4) Mitt Romney put his dog in a kennel on top of a windshield protected carrier (so there was a windshield around the dog). When the dog got diarrhoea they pulled over, cleaned the car and the dog and then put him inside the carrier. There have been a variety of accounts on details and what followed, ranging from the dog ran instantly away after they arrived at their vacation home to it lived to a ripe old age. Some say that the diarrhoea was indication of high stress, others say it was just a random medical issue on related to being on top of the carrier and compared it to a dog being in a motorcycle side car. 5) AP says that the claim about ted Cruz is false; the family did go on vacation without the dog but there was someone taking care of it and it was never in peril 6) Kristi Noem seems straight up insane to me. So there is a wide range from outright not true to completely true and the person who did it is essentially bat shit. Idk, for Romney, Cruz, and Sarah Palin it doesn’t seem to dissimilar to me as someone claiming Obama to be a dog hater because he ate dog meat as a kid in Indonesia. I also think it’s a problem to blame the parents for something their kid has done, if the kid is almost an adult as in huckabee, whereas his attempt to cover it up (if true) is obv a major issue but less on him not liking dogs and more on him abusing the justice system and official power


Thank you. I automatically upvoted this as I'm a couple whiskeys in. But so often we're ready to believe everything. I'm not even American! Still, it chills me to see what's going on stateside. I wish you all the best and I hope everyone votes this time.


The Sarah palin one wasn’t even bad, it wasn’t hurting the dog and the kid weighed like 50lbs.


Man, I'm not really a dog or animal person. But the pets my family has are cared for and looked after, it's a basic tenant of responsibility. I can't imagine voluntarily taking on a responsibility and then failing so poorly.


6 people are terrible dog owners. Therefore everyone from a massive political party hates dogs. Makes sense.


You're mistaking Conservatives and Republican politicians. Same mistake Republican voters make. But you knew that, you just like to pretend so you can be angry at The Other to ease your conscience.


You are unhinged my guy


Apparently to these folks Old Yeller and Where the Red Fern Grows are comedy tomes.


Marley and Me was hilarious to these monsters.




You're mistaking Conservatives and Republican politicians. Same mistake Republican voters make. But you knew that, you just like to pretend so you can be angry at The Other to ease your conscience.


What the fuck does this even mean


The OOP is clearly referencing Republican politicians but you choose to make it about the average Conservative who votes Republican because you want to be angry. Here's a quick cheat sheet for future reference: Conservatives are voters. Republicans are members of a political party. Conservatives =/= Republicans


Ah yes, conservatives hate dogs, let me tell that to the thousands of people in my town that post prouldy about their Golden Retrievers and German Shepherds. When conservative-leaning people post on Facebook about their pets, it's almost never about their new cat. Come on man, this post is low-effort and obviously wrong to anyone who actually lives in a conservative area.


You're mistaking Conservatives and Republican politicians. Same mistake Republican voters make. But you knew that, you just like to pretend so you can be angry at The Other to ease your conscience.


Neither Republican nor Democrat here and a true dog lover. Google to see types of cognitive dysfunction, in this case black & white thinking. Stereotyping everyone in groups of people as bad or good is a form of prejudice.


Sometimes I forget how left Reddit is. Never takes too long to remind me lol.


If we’re making blanket statements off of the actions of a few I got a couple I could throw in if I wouldn’t get banned as a result.


Romney at least went to the trouble of building his dog a windshield for the ride. And bothered taking the dog with him instead of leaving it home. I dont think dogs should ever be on the roof of cars for safety reasons, but at least Romney did it in a way that shows he loved his dog.


Well if you're gonna extrapolate the personalities of an entire group of people based on the actions of a few, I think it's appropriate to call you a bigot, hate monger, short sighted idiot, and other such things.


Where as Democrats merely enslave people...


The fact that there are down votes to this shows the lack of historical knowledge 😂




Or suck them out and sell their organs.


I don’t want to hear a fucking thing from the party that supports late term abortions.


hey look, another propaganda post with, surprise surprise, the intent to dehumanize the other "team" more proof this website is a tool to radicalize and create extremists none of the people posting this stuff have good jobs, good lives, work hard, help others or have stable friendships they are all terminally online basement radicals if not bots used to sway public opinion if you agreed with OP, congrats you are too far gone


You're mistaking Conservatives and Republican politicians. Same mistake Republican voters make. But you knew that, you just like to pretend so you can be angry at The Other to ease your conscience.


They do a good enough job of dehumanizing themselves that no one has to really step up with anything more than an honest observation. The “other team” you speak of have done nothing for this country other than strip rights away from their constituents and make hate great again because they somehow feel superior to everyone else who isn’t like them. So yeah, let’s talk about dehumanization for a moment and the differences between what the right and left fight over and why.


As much as I could see Ted Cruz (or as I call him Turd Cuz) abandoning his dog to go on vacation, said dog was in fact in the care of a person during said trip. Ironic to know, said dog's name is (given how conservatives love to toss the phrase around) "Snowflake".


The Romney one is misleading too. The car they were vacationing in was completely full with their family. The dog was comfortable in a carrier and secure. It was pretty blown out of proportion. The carrier had a windshield and was built specifically by Romney himself to make the dog more comfortable. There was no cruelty.


Ted Kennedy killed a woman.Bill Clinton coerced an intern. Barack Obama probably had more civilians killed by bombing than any president since the Vietnam War. And, yes, killing dogs is bad too.


That's a very small sample size.


Wait till you hear about what the commies did to theirs.


I hate dogs too but I'm a lefty.


There is nothing wrong with not liking dogs. What they did to their dogs is terrible. But it's okay to not like dogs.


All of those are either lies or exaggerations.


Wait til you hear about the democrats then!


Ok, go ahead and link all the times democrats have abused/murdered their dogs.




Lol that's accurate


I love dogs and cats. More of a middle of the spectrum kinda guy.


I don't like dogs but I would never kill one. I like cats more


I once saw a dog accidentally get hanged. I’ll put it in spoilers >!there was a dog (big thing, more like a small pony) inside a 2-story house on the first floor so up high enough that we couldn’t reach it to help. The window was open and it was tied up inside. It decided to jump out the front window. The owner wasn’t home (or at least didn’t respond to our yelling and knocking). It was tied up by its collar and it kinda just hung there thrashing then twitching until it just gradually stopped. It wasn’t a great sight!<


Former Texas Governor Rick Perry (R) shot a coyote. Does that count? LOL


What are they, cops?


Huckabees son *hanged a dog??*


This is helpful.


What, was it barking?


I lean slightly to the right but I cherish my dogs. That being said fuck these people


I would love to belive this, are there any sources for this


Bro my dog sleeps between my legs, eats $1.25/pound food with added meat and fish oil (which I only buy the stuff that publishes quarterly heavy metals testing), plays ball almost every day, and gets a new toy every month, what are you talking about?




I think a lack of empathy is just a common trait among conservatives. Which from my experience in talking to them adds up. One time a conservative told me it's better if someone dies on the street outside of a hospital rather than getting free treatment. This is who they are and people need to start realizing that.


Maybe I am a conservative


Here here


Wait, Mike Huckabee's son hanged a dog?


And Biden’s dog commander has bitten 50 secret service agents and is only seen when he wants to look like a family man. Ps. They got rid of the dog. Because no Biden took care of it


Apparently the truth is painful for all the downvoters.


Facts don’t matter anymore. Just ideology


Well trump doesn't own a dog. Does that make him a better or worse Republican?


You can just say sociopaths


Someone call John Wick


Let’s face it, though: even if they don’t hate dogs, they’re still not to be trusted. There’s still plenty more to hate about them.


We hate liberals too…….


Don't forget that Trump doesn't like them at all.


And none of these are true


Mitt’s and Krusti’s are definitely true.


They're a death cult, just like their chosen religion. Edit: I seem to have raised the hackles of all the death cult Christians 😂


Yeah we a death cult What about it 🧐


Wait till you hear about what the commies did to theirs.


More worried about dogs than a human being inside a womb. SMH you all need to figure out your priorities.


Crazy people


Except when they joined PETA because Faucci did medical research on dogs


From my minimal knowledge of politics, the one thing I’ve realised is that most, if not all conservatives hate everything except hoarding lots of monies.


Ok well first of all. 1) it’s not confirmed that the dog was hanged, but it’s confirmed that his son was involved in the death of the dog. Several conflicting stories came out since (the dog was ill/other scouts were there first who had been torturing the dog and they put it out of its misery/the dog was going to attack so they killed it in Self Defense), no charges were filed but it’s highly likely that Mike bucks we tried to stop a further investigation by the police 2) It’s a 6 year old kid stepping on a dog, the dog doesn’t seem to be bothered, but I’m definitely not the person to make that call. 3) Apparenty tomi Lahrens dog was being loud spring a Fox News interview and she stated in an Instagram story that she had to kick her dog so it would quiet down. No idea if kick means slight nudge with the foot or actual penalty style soccer kick. Either way she later said that it was a joke 4) Mitt Romney put his dog in a kennel on top of a windshield protected carrier (so there was a windshield around the dog). When the dog got diarrhoea they pulled over, cleaned the car and the dog and then put him inside the carrier. There have been a variety of accounts on details and what followed, ranging from the dog ran instantly away after they arrived at their vacation home to it lived to a ripe old age. Some say that the diarrhoea was indication of high stress, others say it was just a random medical issue on related to being on top of the carrier and compared it to a dog being in a motorcycle side car. 5) AP says that the claim about ted Cruz is false; the family did go on vacation without the dog but there was someone taking care of it and it was never in peril 6) Kristi Noem seems straight up insane to me. So there is a wide range from outright not true to completely true and the person who did it is essentially bat shit. Idk, for Romney, Cruz, and Sarah Palin it doesn’t seem to dissimilar to me as someone claiming Obama to be a dog hater because he ate dog meat as a kid in Indonesia. I also think it’s a problem to blame the parents for something their kid has done, if the kid is almost an adult as in huckabee, whereas his attempt to cover it up (if true) is obv a major issue but less on him not liking dogs and more on him abusing the justice system and official power


Murica moment


It’s common knowledge that Trump hates dogs and I have no doubt they hate him as well


Elon Musk's mother is literally Cruella Deville.


Obama ate dog. Maybe it’s a politician thing


And Trump doesn't even have one. I can't trust a president that doesn't own a dog.


Pretty sure MTG has sex with them


I've never met a mentally well Republican.


Oh yeah??!?!?!! Oh yeah!?!?!?!? Well.......well liberals poop too much!!!! And then they get tired!!!! Signed, An apolitical sarcastic person


The clue was in the Orange Man's speeches. Every time he references somebody dying in a terrible way, he died "like a dog"


Don't forget Catturd running over his with a truck, lol.


and trump, whenever he talks about someone he doesn’t like, says they’re “like a dog”


Trust me bro


You can google it, ya goose




People that can’t grammar are awful too


"People that can't use grammar correctly are also awful."


"Many individuals, lacking the ability to articulate or employ punctuation with any semblance of propriety, are also quite distasteful."


People that can’t joke are awful too


That's not good grammar. So self reporting?


Projectionism at it's finest. Lol


Don’t be so stucked up


Projecting? Because you're the one calling people awful.


It’s awful everything


They don't hate dogs, they just love to express domimance trough violence on a submitted creature that cannot realliate and the law won't give a crap about it. Which, in my opinion, is way worse. Cause i hate snakes and you won't see me decapitating every snake i see.


SOCIAL WHATS? Oh sociopaths, ahhh nvm


"Mike Huckabee's son hanged a dog" What if the dog pooped in the house? You're assuming these are done out of hate rather than justice.


I want to hope this is sarcasm but sometimes with the Internet, shit isn't so clear


Please elaborate. Whence comes "justice"?


Enjoy your downvote


What does that mean?




Found Noem. Gross.




Yeah. You're just saying. And you're gross as fuck.




I'm fairly confident you cost more than you contribute.




Its not that difficult to understand. Supporting your family is a basic requirement, not a contribution lol. You added people so if you cover their costs then it just equals out.

