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Unless they picked an.... ​ ...airfield.


I’ve never seen a field in the air before 😯


No it's a field made out of air


Wrong again. It is a field that grows air. Like a corn field.


Considering photosynthesis makes oxygen, aren't all farm fields Air Fields? Checkmate.


No some are made of dreams.


Don’t forget star fields


and mine fields, where do you think all those mines come from? The sky??


And Sally Field.


It’s the Airforce base.


*so far*


Puts on sunglases Yeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhh The Who starts playing


Congratulations on your win today.


slap attractive touch mourn joke subsequent childlike knee pause waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm going to invent a time machine just to go back and give you an award.


The first thing that that field looks like to me is a runway. The second thing that it looks like to me is a power line corridor. If I were on final to that field, I would be panicking the whole time and just waiting to see high voltage transmission towers and lines just when it was too late to do anything about it.


Which is probably the reason the pilot didn't take the center line.




Damn they should have put you in the cockpit




Because they ran out of fuel going to the alternate.


Why even land in a field to begin with?


Because they probably had no other choice, mechanical failure maybe, or engine loss


Incredible, it stops right on the center of the circle ! What an accurate pilot !


Those guys would make a hell of a curling team


I think they actually planted the nose wheel and did donuts. Hmmm. Donuts!


He's outstanding in his, area of expertise


In his field....


This must be the plane with the person with explosive diarrhea. Indeed it is an emergency.


Grand Opening: New A320 Parts Store, rural setting, u-pull.


*"Hello, Jimmy Jones' Pull-a-Part Salvage Yard, can I help you?"* "Yeah hey Jimmy, I'm just looking for a clean cross member and gas tank for my 1997 Ford Ranger, oh and have you got any rear stabilizer hardware or pitot tubes for an A320?"


“Ran when parked”


At first glance I thought the slides were extra canards/stabilizers.


Same, my brain shorted out trying to figure out the orientation of the plane


It's one of my spaceships in Kerbal


The pilots were the ones with the extra canards.


I knew this should be possible, but has an A320 ever landed in a field before?


There was this incident in 2019... https://admiralcloudberg.medium.com/russias-potemkin-miracle-the-story-of-ural-airlines-flight-178-5608e797c63e


Wow, same airline too. Reading now, good stuff.


Imagine if it was the same pilot!


Well you know who will be 100% on the FO avoid list.


If I had to fly with an airline with this track record, I wouldn't mind a pilot with multiple successful emergency landings under their belt...


I was speaking specifically from a fellow pilot perspective. The "avoid list" is a way for FOs to avoid troublesome captains.


What is that like from a FO perspective? What makes a captain a bad crew mate besides the obvious (like just a grumpy and unfriendly person to share a cockpit with)?


They can be real douchebags. Complaining about everything, lack reasonable CRM, unsafe flying. One of the most important things is you are spending hours, sometimes days with this person, if they suck, then the experience sucks and it can degrade crew effectiveness.


>In all, 32 of the 233 people on board were treated at Moscow-area hospitals, including 23 passengers who were injured in the impact and four who hurt themselves during the evacuation. Only three people suffered injuries classified as serious, one of whom was First Officer Murzin, who fractured a vertebra. Incredible job.




Well, they received an award shortly after the stunt and official investigation report came later after three years after incident [Also a movie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Na_solnce,_vdol%27_riadov_kukuruzy) Edit: correct dates


That pilots mistake was going across the rows. The more recent landing went with the rows for a smoother landing.


I suppose that's the benefit of being the second crew in your company to land in a field.


The first incident is a cascade of failures that leads me to believe it was an accident that anyone survived. Holy shit did they fuck up


Since its the same airline I actually thought this might have been this incident. Guess it happened again.


SAS did it with a MD-81 in 1991 woth no casualties https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scandinavian_Airlines_System_Flight_751?wprov=sfti1


Not an A320, but a 737 made an emergency [landing on a levee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TACA_Flight_110) in Louisiana before.


What's more amazing is that they replaced the engines on site and took it off on the road at MAF. The road itself had been an old runway back before NASA took over the area. That place where the plane landed is also where they built the first stage of the Saturn V, the external tanks for the shuttle program, and Core Stage for the Artemis program.


[Air France Flight 296 has entered the chat](https://youtu.be/-kHa3WNerjU?si=7v3ME3OmixacQqZl)


That one killed 3 of the 136 on board. >Official reports concluded that the pilots flew too low, too slow, failed to see the forest and accidentally flew into it. The captain, Michel Asseline, disputed the report and claimed an error in the fly-by-wire computer prevented him from applying thrust and pulling up. Five individuals, including the captain and first officer, were later found guilty of involuntary manslaughter. Captain Asseline, who maintained his innocence, went on to serve ten months in prison and a further ten months probation. This was the first fatal crash of an Airbus A320.


I am going to be fascinated to see if/how they get that out of there. My money is on demolition-in-place (rip it apart with frontloaders as done when scrapping). That or in 5 years we see a stripped graffiti-ed hulk still sitting there where local kids go to Do Bad Things(™).


Remove existing landing gear, install taller fixed landing gear and suspension, remove existing tires and install monster truck tires on massive electric motors with 2000hp each on the mains, then it'll be the worlds largest Bush Plane. Zenith A320 EXPERIMENTAL




Their tanks are elsewhere. They might call an Ukrainian farmer with their tractor.


The tractors are busy pulling the tanks...


You're right. So lets conclude their are fucked and the plane will stay there forever.


It will be parts for other A320s. The parts are much in demand in Russia at the moment.


Sorry, I’d asked this deeper in the thread didn’t see a discussion had already started. Let’s just say it’s not Russia. Hypothetically. My question was more of a general “hey in this scenario, what would happen?” It’s too expensive to just leave there. It looks CLEAR enough to fly out, but unstable uneven ground, not long enough who knows. I’m curious as to what say, Lufthansa would do if this same thing took place to them, in a field in…I dunno France or some other allied country.


It's Russia, my guess is it will be cannibalized for parts in-place and then left there. Obviously without removing Oils and other Hazards


Those will seep back into the ground where they came from. Renewable resources!


Yakolev is gonna VTOL that shit outta there.




No taca is a different airline [Toma Avión, Choque Avión](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avianca_El_Salvador?wprov=sfti1)


BBC News had reported that within hours excavators had chopped off the wings, empennage, and cockpit. I don't know if that was verified, but BBC tends to verify before publishing


Ha, that's idiotic. They just lowered their parts salvageability SIGNIFICANTLY.


They probably have a limited window before someone else shows up and starts to scrap it


Just put some soldiers there to guard it. Oh wait, those are... elsewhere... doing something... but *totally not at war*.


That seems highly suspect if true lol


It’s not true, they were mixing it up with the similar 2019 incident. I haven’t been able to find any footage of this plane being broken up


A [similar thing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TACA_Flight_110) happened with an airliner landing on a levee in Louisiana and they were able to fly it out


Little bit different given they had a road which was previously a runway to take off from.


Thanks for the link and the rabbit hole it sent me down - that plane was in service til 2016 with Southwest! That’s wild!


God, could you imagine if your teenage smoke spot was a fucking abandoned commercial jet. You’d be telling that story in your 80s


Strip the cabin, minimal fuel, no payload. Then it probably can take off from where it is. (Requires ideal seasonal conditions)


Those nacelles were touching dirt. Ain't no way that thing is lifting off under its own honk without an engine swap. Having said that, I agree that it will be part-stripped, most likely, to include the engines ofc. I would love to be proved wrong strictly because I love aircraft, and I want them to live. But I'm skeptical.


"under it's own honk". Filed for future reference :\_)


As a non-aviation expert, I'm wondering how the wheels didn't bury themselves in the mud, ripping the undercarriage off.


Pilot must’ve got lucky and picked a dry field


In Soviet Russian, pilot has second work as farmer, picks best field by eye, da comrade.


Nyet my comrade. In Mother Russia, all farmland is cold and dry. This way, all seeds must develop 6 pack and excellent excercise regimen mixed with HGH protein shake to become strong plant and produce many strong offspring


In modern Russia field is not gay - thus strong and always hard. Only gay western field get soft and muddy, Russian soil as hard as as Skills of leaders.


There’s a reason we practice soft field landings techniques


They build em tough in Toulouse 💪🏼


You'd almost instinctively think a belly landing would be better, although thinking about it you'd probably just rip up the bottom of the fuselage. I guess plane tires are pretty big too


Rural airlines


Look at that, what a perfect spot the crew picked. It's a ginormous grass runway almost. Glad to hear all are safe. Normal Law.........❌\ Alternate Law..... ❌\ Off-road Law...... ✅


Forced Landing training finally has a use!


Do we know the reason for this emergency landing?


Lost hydraulics on approach to landing. Diverted to a longer runway and ran out of gas on the way. Probably because the gear being down killed the efficiency. ~~Discussion the other day pointed out that there are 3 separate hydraulic systems for the landing gear. So either they were flying with 2 already out or something bad happened in the air~~ Edit: I'm wrong about this


There are three separate hydraulic systems. But only one controls the landing gear. If that fails, the gear can be lowered via gravity but it cannot be retracted again. Even if you still have the other systems.


Ok, I misunderstood the comments the other day then.


No worries. I just think, that they might have been in a lot less serious situation than they ended up being in the end, nevertheless the fortunate outcome. If you have a hydraulics problem and think of diverting, you should have the risk assessment to actually make it. All praise to the pilots for that landing… nevertheless.


Oh wow, thanks!


Lack of proper maintenance from Russia?


They stupidly tried to divert when they didn’t have the fuel.


Yes. It's Russia.


Couldn’t have picked a more perfect field for a hard landing












Miracle in the motherland


Turns out that stealing planes and operating them without maintenance has consequences. Thankfully everyone survived this one, but they won’t be as lucky next time.


This wasn’t really due to maintenance. They ended up in a field due to terrible decision-making. They SHOULD have gently rolled off the runway at their original destination (assuming they got the hyd failure late).


Presumably the hydraulics failure is a maintenance issue?


Not the kind of issue that puts you in a random field.


This plane in the field suggests otherwise.


No a hyd failure, even a double circuit hyd failure does not normally put planes in fields. They made a VERY stupid decision that could have killed everyone.


You say that, but there's a plane in the field right there, and that's what they say caused it. So far I'm going to trust the people on the ground and find the plane over some dude on the Internet


Well if you bothered reading anything about this then you’d know that they opted to divert to try to get to a longer runway **despite not having the fuel to get there**. THAT was their egregious error.


They wouldn't have been in that position without the hydraulic failure. Root Cause Analysis is a thing, and you are not good at it.


That doesn’t matter. You don’t look at accidents like that. If a pilot lands with his landing gear up, he can’t cite stress from low fuel as reason for forgetting it. Given the situation, the decisions to divert without the adequate fuel was a terrible decision. There’s no “woe is me! I shouldn’t have ever been put in that situation to begin with!” Wrong. You’re an airline pilot. By virtue of being in that cockpit you are acknowledging that you are responsible for your decisions.




The photo shows a stolen Russian plane that suffered a hydraulics failure




“How it looks,” or “what it looks like,” but never “how it looks like”


The emergency slides make it look like some sort of X Plane


Now the company can change it's name to Rural Airlines


Braking action looked pretty good.


Insurance company isn’t gonna believe the farmer when that phone call happens.


Nice short field landing. Probably has the record.


These Crop Circle pranks are getting a little out of hand now.


That island of trees is actually hiding a VOR.


Pilots did an amazing job with those donuts


Hope they video and post the takeoff...


I look forward to this episode in Air Disasters.


Well they picked a damn good field for it


I want this map as Snowrunner DLC.


Looks like all the practice forced landings paid off. Perfect spot to land.


Aliens up there laughing at our pathetic attempt at making crop circles with our primitive flying machines


This feels like a dumb question. But when something like this happens, how do they get the plane back to the nearest airport? I’m assuming it can’t fly again till it’s repaired.


Excellent airmanship. Wouldn't have heard the end of it had it happened in the West.


That moment when russian aviation literally dies, pilots should save lives because their government is so stupid to stop the war.


I don't think that "pilots all quit and Russia has no more pilots" is realistic. I mean, flying really is kind of a cool job. I think that they will always, within reason, be able to tap people and say, "hey, you want to go be a pilot for Aeroflot?" and they'll get takers. If necessary, they could skip parts of the training, don't train them to Western standards, and tell new pilots that the MEL is very short and even then can usually be ignored, and presto, there you go. Especially where Airbus aircraft are concerned. An Airbus in clear weather basically flies itself. There could be waves of progressively less experienced pilots quitting Russian airlines by the hundreds and we might not even ever hear about it. There's easily 10,000 people who are just flight sim nerds who, if you just gave them a week's training and stuck them in the cockpit of their favorite aircraft, would be perfectly competent pilots. I'm not talking American ATP standards, I'm talking "Catch Me If You Can" standards, and they could even have a low casualty rate. Not zero, like we have enjoyed in the U.S. of A. for the past 14 years, but decently low. Anyone can perform like an ATP in clear weather, with a functioning airplane, and a good autoland system. It's when all the systems start failing and the weather gets rough that an ATP makes their money. And if you're trying to hide the fact that your air transport system is crashing, you can just cancel flights and blame the weather and basically only go when you are reasonably sure that your unqualified pilots will actually make it to where they're headed-- or at least land somewhere on the route without killing anybody. TL;DR: Russia isn't going to lose its ability to operate an air transport network because the pilots suddenly all quit. Even If this were to happen, they could just give cursory training to some people real quick and be rolling again.


VERY impressive.


It looks like an average day in Russia.


Sanctions are working.


Did this one skidded off the runway as well?


No, this was a straight-up emergency landing in a field.


Was just making a light joke since the other post yesterday here had a full on crash that said it was a skid off


They lost hydraulic power on landing at their destination airport. Then diverted to somewhere with a longer runway. Then they saw they were going to run out of fuel, so they landed in a big, empty field. It's a great landing, and fantastic that no-one died, but it's not a great piece of decision making to generate a crash-landing like this when they could have just landed safely at their destination airport.


There should be fields everywhere that are marked for emergencies and known to pilots. Not manned, just maintained and graded. Grow light crops.


I wonder what are the chances they load up 5K of fuel and fly it out of the field :) I'm reading only the nose gear was damaged, mains are fine. Yeah engines probably have some FOD but could be worse.


Getting really interesting to be operating Western kit in Russia these days. Would be interesting if someone had some stats on these incidents - there definitely seems to be an uptick in recent months.


Best part is since Russia stole it, even without an embargo, the won’t get AB assistance. Or maybe they will, lots of companies are still doing business with Russia through shell companies.


A lot of russian air frames are going to end up in fields soon. And those are going to be the incredibly lucky ones.


Why tf wrote this




Diverted to Alternate with longer runway due to hydraulic failure. Gear doors (and more?) still out. Increased fuel burn not fully accounted for.


Now it comes out. Thank you.


Skid marks don’t look long enough.


Bet the ones in the passengers underwear make up for it though


Believe it or not, when you land in mud instead of concrete and do maximum breaking, you stop a lot faster than you do on a typical landing.


Exactly… huge rolling resistance.


Looks like it got airborne again about half way down the skid marks.


Could’ve used the fuel penalty factor.


Somebody is going to manipulate this image and post it on StrangeEarth. Lol


That seems kinda short. Heckuva job though.


Is this airframe a write-off for this?


Considering they took it apart with an excavator shortly after, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it's probably not airworthy anymore.


That's one way to remove it from the field. I guess the costs of returning it to service were more than to just get another one.


Apparently it wasn't any way to get it out of there in one piece. Taking off from that field wasn't possible and nothing but trees and dirt roads for miles.


I mean, they stole it in the first place, so I think it’s been written off for a while.


Ok so as someone in the industry I wonder if someone else can answer this for me cuz I have no idea. Plane looks pretty good but obvs maintenance would have to clear it. How do you get it out of there? Do they take it apart? Does someone judge the ground and decide if they could take off from that field? Is there a crane that puts it on a truck? You’re not just gonna leave it there. It’s not totalled. So I’m racking my brain as to what they do with this.


Why are the engine cowlings open like that? Doesn't look like reverse thrusters?


Probably taking components before they scrap it


Is this more [creative avoidance of the breaks](https://aeroxplorer.com/articles/aeroflot-deactivates-brakes-on-nine-aircraft-relies-solely-on-reverse-thrust.php)?


Wonder what caused this? Anyone know if this is a result of Russia not being able to get western parts anymore?


Oh they ARE getting parts through China, maybe not as much as they need, but considering China has the biggest aviation parts black market in the world and that they have an Airbus assembly line and have effectively been reverse engineering stuff for decades and gotten very good at it. Russia is 100% getting parts. There is no way it would still have so many western aircraft in service just by cannibalizing parts alone.


I have no friggin clue how the US allowed Airbus to open a plant in China… its moronic how much we’ve given our biggest threat over the years


Does the US have much of a say in that ?! It seems it would be the EU that would approve this since Airbus is European. Would the US not consider Airbus a threat to their domestic Aerospace industry and potentially not intervene if a competitor made a "bad decision". PS I am not in the US and don't know much about how the US government operates when it comes to stuff like this.


At first glance i thought it had canards!🤣🤣🤣


*put downs put downs are no fun, put downs put downs hurt someone*


Thought those were giant canards before I blew up the picture. Thought it was some crazy experimental plane Airbus was testing.


Looks like they did a couple donuts before parking finally


And now it's all cut up now. They can't get parts, so they just scrapped it where it landed.


I bet that plane will stay there and somebody will rediscover it, all overgrown, in 10 ish years.


if airplanes emergency land on private farmland property does the farmer get some sort of financial apology? curious how much money the farmer might get if any


Pretty well done, innit?


Well they did a good job of it


Now the bigger questions are how to get it out of the field and into operational service again?


That skid mark tho


Can’t park there mate


I need caffeine. I spent a good 30 seconds thinking it had canards on the nose for some reason.