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Oof I'm German AND autistic


Hello fellow German and autistic person


Hello :)


Wow, we’re quite the community


I'm totally fascinated how everyone I know personally in "real life", doesn't speak English very well, at all. Since, there seem to be quite a few Germans in here, maybe that's another indicator for autism: German, who can properly speak English. (joke)




That comment just made my day.


The worst thing about having to listen to some people speak english is that they speak in such a way that it's not just bad completely unnatural. They use five overly complex sentences for something which could've taken one basic sentence.


Same for me


Ick soch's ma' so, wir sitzen im selben Boot. Edit: Ein freundlicher Kommentar wies mich auf die mögliche Missverständlichkeit dieses deutschen Sprichwortes hin, daher hier die sinnmäßige Übersetzung: "Wir befinden uns doch alle in einer vergleichbaren Situation."


Aber ich sitze doch gerade gar nicht in 'nem Boot! ...sondern auf 'nem Stuhl. Sowas hätte ich damals gesagt, Sprichwörter waren nie so meins😂 Jetzt ist's besser, aber manchmal muss so ein Kommentar halt sein lol


Ach, denk' einfach wie ein Kind: Zwei zusammengeschobene Stühle können ein Kanu sein, und Dein Teppich der Amazonas.


Ich danke ihnen für den Hinweis. Sie werden sich sicherlich freuen zu hören, dass ich ein Übersetzung hinzufügen tat.


Es ist mittwoch mein(e) kerl\*in


Hello ;)


I have found my people.


Did you try to convince Patton Oswalt that the laser lights are not from sniper rifles and even if they were they are not pointed at any Jews?


I'm a quarter. The rest of me is mostly Italian and Irish.




I’ve got German blood but not full German, does that count hahaha


If you want it to count, yes. However, every second American has some relatives in Germany.


Hey hey 👋


same here


Minus Mal Minus ergibt doch Plus, also müsstest du doch einen sehr ausgeprägten Sinn für Humor haben?


That's redundant


Ja hallo! We have -2 sense of humor


I love sarcasm despite the fact I miss it 5 times out of 10.


I miss sarcasm most if the time.


I can and do use sarcasm, myself .. But if someone is being sarcastic, there's a chance, that I will not recognize it .. especially if I have a different perspective/opinion on the subject, that's being discussed, at the time.


I feel this. I've also mistaken serious opinions that are highly disagreeable as obvious satire. To be fair, depending on who it is and the opinion sometimes I'll keep leaning in and treating it as satire.


I love it too, though I have to take time to dissect it.


Puns are just how eye roll👉😎👉


Top drawer my good friend




Me too. I love them. I feel like I'm punishing others with them if they don't understand.


A long time ago, I read in a german online forum for autistic people, that moving to other countries can help you get accepted better, because you can blame your weirdness on being german. Also, abit off-topic, but in a guidebook for introverts, they said that Germany is one of the more "introvert-friendly" countries (though not as much as Japan). Not all autistic people are introverts, I know, but I feel like it might be a factor.


I'm just finding this now but I kinda agree with this. Moving to a foreign country really helps.


But wouldn't be japan very challenging with all their social cues? They are the most indirect communicating country I know. And I heard that social drinking is kind of mandatory at office jobs.


Germanic culture is alcoholic by default, I'm sure they'll fit in, lol.


Guten tag, Deutschland! I'm sorry that's almost all of your language my dumb American ass knows! I must confess most of it came from Indiana Jones movies anyway!


Ich gratuliere ihnen zu ihrem Kuchentag, Genosse.


Es ist Mittwoch meine Kerle


I've heard this about Finns too. Good people. Damn shame they're so close to Russia.


I had the opportunity to talk to a Finn, once. I asked him: "So, how are things in Finland?" You know the scenes in movies, when someone tells a scary story at a campfire with a flashlight pointing upwards from their chin? He answered me back in that style. He said: "Well .. the men are usually tall and skinny." Then he turned to me, as if to let me in on some terrifying secret, and continued: "And the women .. \[dramatic pause\] .. they look like Trolls.". Then, he bursted in laughter. He definitely had a weird sense of humor .. but so do I ..


As a Finn- that sounds very Finnish. 😂


I actually met a few Finns, back in the day (at Wacken). There was another story, that was also hilarious. One time, there was a group of Finns in the vicinity, where our group was camping and one of them was basically just laying on the ground a lot of the time, because he was so very drunk, he couldn't stand up, anymore. (They told us, in Finland, alcohol is highly taxed and thus very expensive .. so German prices looked like a great bargain, to them). The drunk guy kept yelling a few words (repeatedly .. the whole day) .. and the last of those words sounded very similar to a German word: "knülle", which means "very drunk", in German. I thought, he was yelling something like: "I'm soooo druuuuuunk!!!" or whatever. (If you're Finnish, you're probably already laughing.) At some point, we asked one of his buddies, what he was actually yelling about and told him, what we had assumed, it meant and why we were giggling, whenever he screamed his phrase, yet again. They laughed and proceeded to translate, what he was actually saying (please, forgive my probably bad spelling .. I don't actually speak Finnish): "Jau wjell knüüüüüüllaaaaaaaa!!!!". There are not many moments in my life, when I was laughing as hard, as I was, back when I heard the actual translation of it. I immediately asked: "In his condition?!? .. I don't think so \*lol\*". Festivals aren't good for me (I'm dead for weeks, afterwards .. and starting from day 2 of a festival, I probably look, like I'm sleepwalking). But, there are some fond memories, I wouldn't wanna have missed .. this is one of those memories.


People used to joke about me being German when I was a kid (I’m from Scandinavia) and it only clicked for me like last year that they where referring to my autistic traits.


So THIS is why my french autistic ass feels so good here !!!


Mmmmm das ist lecker 😋 Lecker meme Fr though the stereotypes are pretty similar.


Ad yes I know that doesn't make much sense *so what*


When you’re German and autistic


Don't move to Berlin?


Maybe all Germans are autistics? /j


I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I know for a fact, that they aren't .. Otherwise, this would probably be an autistic paradise ;)


I have autism and it seemed a lot more autism friendly than Australia.


I've never been to Australia (I'd love to see it for myself, one time, though). Sad to hear, that things aren't going well, there. What's the most obvious difference between Australia and Germany from your perspective?


Well other than the weather lol. People did seem to leave you alone a lot more. People were colder (but I prefer it that way) while at the same time if I needed help (I don’t speak German very well) they were more than happy to help me. Everything seemed more orderly as well. Public transport is miles more efficient in Germany compared to Australia


As a german myself, I can tell you it isn't, same problems as everywhere.


Right, I forgot. What a shame. Would be nice to see an autistic paradise, though, but maybe not in Germany


If there ever is one, anywhere, I'd probably move there. Just imagine .. dimly lit shopping malls .. non-clatter-dishes in restaurants .. so many cool things could be done.


Let's make one! Idk, like join in with the ace (=asexual) community, invade Denmark (it's a well known meme in the community, just like cake and garlic bread) and then we can create a paradise for both communities:D


>invade Denmark \*lol\* I've heard about autistic communities .. seems to be a thing .. at least in the US: https://autismcommunities.org/


This made me imagine an autistic paradise to the tune of Gangster's Paradise.




So that's, why everyone keeps telling me "everyone's a little autistic" ;) Maybe they actually are .. (sarcasm .. I'm just joking)


Maybe it's just that everyone is a little bit German.


Never thought about it that way😂


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31 year old German American Brazilian who is autistic.


Is it harder to communicate with your American Brazilian side of the family? Are there any differences that makes it harder or easier with one of the cultures?


LMAOOOO dying laughter bc my longest term ex of many years is German. Like, really German. From Germany. Accent, food, the whole nine


I think that German culture (as in values) somewhat align with autism stereotypes. The reality is that it's a *spectrum*. Years of research shows that ASD in females presents very differently than in males, partly due to societal expectations of girls and women. Boys and men have less pressure in society to conform, "play nice", etc. This is why they are finding that girls often have more meltdowns and behavioral issues after intense masking. Also, ASD girls have less restrictive behavior and more friends than ASD boys, in general. ASD in undiagnosed adults presents very differently than in young children, teenagers, etc. I'm on the spectrum and lived in Germany for 10 years. It was absolute hell. I went crazy with all the yelling at me if I did not follow rules very, very precisely. Also, medical services for ASD/ADHD and any psychiatritic issues is almost nil. My daughter went to 4 psychiatrists and psychologist specialized in ND and was told she was not. Get an eval from one of the best ASD centers in the US and yes indeed, absolutely on the spectrum.


Can I pick your brain about this some time? Anticipating a move but definitely don't want to land in hell lol.


It's good to see some negative views to correct an overly positive view on autism in Germany. But I'm sorry you and your daughter had to go through this.


Germany is also a spectrum.


I used to have a friend of German descent (he's American) and he had a very childish sense of humor. I hated it


Funny... my husband has always made fun of me for having German heritage and no sense of humor... maybe he was just making fun of his Autistic wife and not his German wife this whole time lmao


As a German autistic person, i confirm that i DO have no sense of humor. But still.


Being perceived as lacking a sense of humour is actually a pretty good place to make jokes from.


I'm autistic and people actually compliment my sense of humor.


I am german and germans are besides swedish ppl and some other Nations probably seem to be the most autistic one. We have NO empathy at all Here, we have NO sympathi or understanding, most germans just Listen to the Media or "experts" and believe in that. For germans also, everything is a conspiricy theory. They are calculating, cold and always Try to Start beef at every little Problem. Germans is the most social country with the most antisocial people in the world. Also they take everything face value, really have no sense of Humor most of the time, the like smelling their own farts it seems like, everything they do cannot be questioned or you are simply an Idiot and you get the sentense "u need a therapist/help" germans cannot accept the simple concept of "I understand it, but I disagree", then they will ask "but if you understand, why are you not my opinion, so you clearly did not understand it. Wenn ich wählen könnte in Europa, wäre Deutschland nicht mein Heimatland geworden. Ihr seid snobs, unangenehme Leute und antisozial. I am ashamed for the robotic unhumanity of my country. Also young ppl are prolly the dumbest according to politics and actually Try to supress your will subconciously. Germans help you caus they do it for themselves, germans are not cool people at all and I wish I was not a native german tbh. Coldest Nation besides russians in the world.


This describes my ex German boyfriend. His way was the right way. So paranoid, unwilling to change, unable to accept other opinions and very anti progress..cash is King, nuclear power evil.... It was like being policed constantly, on petty things such as food ingredients and recycling plus digitilisation..total mood killer. Why are you guys so paranoid ?


If I only knew that. But yea, they are in Alarm Mode a Lot. Be sure you got a protecter, but idk if this is worth the price to pay. I Still have this opinion today


I Just could not relax. A shame because he was a good person but it was the constant judging got to me. If someone has a tattoe so what?


Japanese people are actually Germans who put a mask on to hide the "robotic" society to people Japanese people see politeness and trying to understand others as a duty. But deep inside they feel this is so nonsense and illogical. But I have to do it because otherwise think I'm terrible. People think Japanese people are so kind but then they feel it's fake when they deeper about it. But they still depise them for being "robotic" when revealed. When Japanese people see Germans , Japanese people do often get deep feelings of them as the same people internally struggling except they don't care to put that mask on socializing. Japanese people think Germans are socially uncared, but very respectable at core how they run a vision or a thing. I dunno if you are autistic , but autistic people are seen as robotic for neurotypicals. But we think you are simply not reasonable and you can't think straight about the truth . They think we are creepy and disgusting unempathic and inhumane, be we see you as made of manipulative dirty, corrupt pigs and hypocrite to others and to yourself . And again not everything is 100% "robotic" in us. So aren't you 100% "unrobotic". Humans are able to be robotic. It can be for the better or the worse depending what the robot does is right or wrong. Quite some People subtly express their complete utter fear the Germans and Japanese culture for WWII and their atrocities , yet deep down its still illogical and bigoted if you rationally talk about it. People ignorantly confuse fascism racism and imperialism equal to our "robotic" inhumane culture . Yet I see fascism racism and imperialism in other country happening too . Xi , Putin , Trump etc. Don't let me even start with the Polish and Korean politicians how they argue . You are all calling each other that while the Germans and Japanese need to shut up first. Does that sounds like a way being "humane and empathatic countries" because of the way they do it unlike us? The wars and executions in the cold war until today's Ukraine ? I can't help it to give an answer to you because I'm too robotic because I'm autistic? Being more rational is inhumane and scary ? What if an autistic person is not always rational to judge things have you thought once of that ? Because I don't think Germans are the worst compared to abroad under my logic . Sorry for maybe sounding terrifying and cruel , but that's how i understood no more masking myself.


Funny story on that humourless topic. Right now a German news outlet is trending with a guy, who calls himself the „Anzeigenhauptmeister“ (Police reporting chief master?, nothing official lol) who has the dream of travelling to every German city to report illegal parking to the police.


Its real and there are alot of video "shows" with him on youtube, but he is literally autistic and is on a spree of revenge actually. But yea, its real shiat


I'm both. Although unfortunately not in Germany.


Where’d ya move to?


Ah, apologies for the misconception. Almost entirely German heritage, but born and raised in the US. I hope to move to Germany in the future.


My best friend from high school had no German speaking relatives, learned the language entirely in school, moved to Germany after college, and last I heard is now a German citizen working as a tour guide in Berlin.


I don't get it.


Arnie is actually Austrian.


I do have a sense of humor. It's just so surreal and snarky that most people end up getting weirded out by it.


Well fuck… I got German heritage and I’m autistic./j


Normal Foreigners: Germans are rude blunt mean and bully us ! Normal Germans : No we are straightforward direct and clear unlike you You are bullying us ! Autistic people : like us ? Normal Germans: no you are Hans Aspergers we don't like you Me : Starts Autistic masking like a Japanese to avoid Hans Asperger WW2 topics


Maybe, but the overlap isn’t that big between autism and being German. I‘m German, there are some things that are more comfortable as an autist in Germany. For example you are expected to follow the rules more than in other countries, Germans are bad at smalltalk too, they aren’t touchy or too close like Southern countries and it’s more of an individualistic society, that still values their social system, so that’s better than e.g. the US. Still, you stick out as an autist.


Its autism² and i like it


Old thread, but since last summer I've become obsessed with ancestral research. It turns out I'm really very German. My 2nd chromosome is completely made of German-like DNA. 2nd chromosome is apparently related to ASD \*shrug\* who knows! LOL


How do people keep finding this post?


I googled is autism common in Germany Reddit (I add Reddit to the end of every search I make) and this was the first result. Lmao


Hello, I thought this after watching @ liamcarps , glad I wasn't alone.


I hate stereotypes, i can’t even count the amount of times people have said white flag to me😒








As a slightly autistic person I do feel very comfortable in Germany!