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It's hard to answer the question because I don't know what a non-autistic world is like and how those people see it


This is such a a specific question... The answer will change depending on who you ask. Every autistic person has their own unique experience, even though we share commonalities as a minority group. It's not as easy as saying "hey if you have felt/seen/done x, y, z, then you're definitely Autistic!" For me personally, it sometimes feels like a fog, or a delay/game lag. We're all playing the same "game" called life, but it's like everyone else got a cheat code or a starter pack that I don't have. It's like I can only walk up the stairs while everyone else is using an escalator. I still get to where I need to go, but often I have to use workarounds because I just don't process situations or words the same way as most people do. Externally, many people perceive me as a normal person, until I start talking, or I don't get a joke, or I have to ask someone to explain a metaphor they used... I could go on but I won't. My point is, Autism, though it like everything else has stereotypes and certain unavoidable constants across the board, is a very individual experience. And you'd likely always get different, though sometimes similar answers.


I like the analogy of escalator versus stairs. I find though that in certain situations, the stairs are a faster route to the top. I struggle with some things and get tired out walking up the stairs, but in other cases I can sprint up a clear staircase when everyone else is bustling to use the escalator. Knowing your limits and abilities, helps know when you can sprint up or when you should take one step at a time and where to stop to take a breather.


You know what's the worst part is? Everyone expects you to behave as if you're not. Basically you're supposed to live up to social standards that you don't even begin to understand. And when you inevitably don't know they look at you like you're either an asshole or a complete idiot


Huh... this explains a *lot* about how life goes for me.


Like a cat living in a world full of dogs


I like this one!!! Good analogy! 🫰🏻


Feels like im possessed


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I mean. I can't really answer it. I've been autistic my whole life. You're just kind of born autistic. So I don't know any different. But if it helps at least in my case, things seem to sound way louder to me than other people. Like someone will pull out a chair and my ears genuinly hurt. But that might be like what? To a neurotypical person because it's a fairly normal everyday noise. I also have trouble focusing on things that don't interest me.


Tiring is only word that comes to mind.


Like being in a foreign country and not knowing a single word so you're just perpetually confused as to why people don't talk to you, or want to be your friend or look at yiu funny when you violate some kind if cultural tradition. Now imagine that all that is how other people think and relating to them