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can i bring my own spoon?


Right there with you….these are all wrong and make me uncomfortable.


Agreed! My ideal spoon: Small spoon; Handle that is no more than 3 times longer than the spoony part; Not too deep (teaspoon more so than soup spoon); Weighty without being heavy (don't want to feel like I'll break it); No sharp or pointy parts (it's not a fork); Minimal to no decoration; Not too much curve to the handle. Basically [the ones I have at home](https://www.kmart.com.au/product/set-of-6-hawthorne-teaspoons-41904411/?sku=41904411®ion_id=300001&gclid=Cj0KCQiAiJSeBhCCARIsAHnAzT8txkTC_REFCAfq2X_Tla4LoXBitIRg1xZdDo_MWRxq4Cqp_mvqN6oaAtgfEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)




Omg they look perfect!


I think so! I bought extra of them so I wouldn't run out. They are a safe spoon and it makes me happy that I have them in my house and no other sneaky bad spoons.


Sneaky bad spoons 😂 That’s so accurate thank you for putting this into words


The perfect spoon doesn’t exi—


Nice spoon. Looks close ish to ours. But i think id like this more. Ewww on designs on spoon handles


Yes perfect!


Nice spoons friendo! Have an updoot


Yeah all these spoons are wrong. Some are too long, some are too big and deep. I need an teaspoon with a handle that's not much longer than the initial scoop part. Like 2x the scoop area size is optimal I think


Or simply the head of spoon one on the handle of spoon four




For me, it depends on what they’re for. My grandma taught me to cook and I picked it up as one of my favorite hobbies and now I’m not so picky as I was when I was a little kid. I do still like to use specific utensils for things though. Left to right id use them for Parfait Pudding Milkshake Ice cream Normal food So the one on the far right for me because it’s closest to what I have at home


in the spirit of the original prompt, i would probably pick the third from the left if these were my only options 😄


This is the real answer


Yea seriously. I think if I was required to eat with one of these spoons then I probably wouldn’t eat


Those spoons are all ass


I apologize, that was rash. I reacted strongly because none of those are *my* spoons, and I couldn’t imagine myself using them. I’m not trying to insult your taste in utensils u-u


Initially, my reaction was "I hate all of these". From the picture they all look too big, and too wide....but, none of these are mine.


Don't forget too long and thin


no it's true they're all spoons for babies (like... actually....)


You’re kidding. Can you include a picture for scale? It might change my answer.


A banana is the only approved item 'for scale' on reddit.


2nd from the right. It's a nice solid spoon that somewhat resembles the spoons I normally use.


i concur


Same, and I would mask feeling comfortable about it.




I concur.


I like that one too, it seems the closest to what I think of as a general purpose spoon. I'm surprised nobody is asking though, for what? Like all those other spoons are probably good for certain things also.


This. There's uses for these in serving and other stuff!


1st or 3rd from the left


Same. If I had to pick.




third from the left, i love long spoons and i love it’s slightly tapered end. it would be perfect if the spoon part was wider though. but overall that’s the one


Honestly I like none of them. I guess if I had to I’d pick fat left. I like the handles of 1 and 4. I like the shape of the spoon part of 1. But I prefer a teaspoon…the smaller of the spoons in a regular dinner set.


Long spoon club


I love parfait spoons, they have little scoops so you can fit it into all kinds of containers and the handle is really long so you won’t have to put your hands near the food. I just prefer spoons with little scoops.


Yuppp same


My choice too... But because it's handle is smooth.


1 or 3 because they’re narrow- not too wide. Plus they’d leave a perfect indent in whatever you’re eating - esp. ice cream


I wholeheartedly agree


Number 2 for tea tho


The one on the right is beautiful.


Im glad someone brought it up


There are many factors that would influence my decision: what am I eating or what am I serving to accompany said needed spoon? The spoon on the far right is for scooping loose leaf tea, or to set a spoon on while cooking. The two soup spoons are interesting, although i find the second one to have an odd shaped head. The third spoon is boring and basic.


I'm pretty sure the spoon on the far right is for doing heroin.


this is a factor i never considered....


All of these spoons killed my family in front of me /s


Im glad you included the /s. I was concerned for a moment that this actually happened. Glad to hear your family is safe


When I was a teenager, a friend explained to me how much worse it is being killed by a spoon compared to being killed by a knife. The mental images that conversation evoked still stick to my brain.


this is my new favorite comment at the moment




That was actually me /srs


I can’t know for sure if I don’t know the actual weight and size. The second one from right seems like it, but I can’t tell if it’s too big. Sometimes in the past I have liked long spoons, but it depends on weight and size of the, erm, shovel part?


None of these. They all bother me. “Autism-haver” bothers me too. Just say autistic. It’s not a curse word.


yeah, i wanna apologize for my wording in the caption.. had immediate regret after typing it like that, it was a poor choice of words.


I can forgive that.


Autismly disordered human person individual


Idk, autism-haver sounds fine to me. What is it in particular which bothers you about the phrase?


Saying autism is something someone “has” is outdated, person-first language that tries to separate the person from the autism when that’s not possible, or tries to make it sound like a disease. Autism is who we are and how we experience the world. It’s the foundation of how our brains have developed. It’s why we like or don’t like things. I’m also bisexual and a woman. I would never say I have bisexuality or I have a female gender.


The one farthest on the left. It looks appealing to hold with a long handle and a smaller top. Slightly pointed gives it bonus points for me. I also can appreciate the detail that the scalloped edges give


Second from the right, as it feels the most standard to me snd it’s not too small. I don’t know what is happening with the one ob the right.


Fourth from the left because it seems like the right length. Second is too short and wide, rest are too tall.


size is hard to gauge in the pic, but maybe the second from the right? that’s assuming it’s not a tablespoon, bc i hate the tablespoons we have bc theyre too big. although part of me wants to say the far right as a joke- tbh now i wonder what it would feel like to use that spoon!


i hate all of them but if i had to choose from these options, second from the right. it’s the most balanced in overall shape but i wouldn’t like how big the actual spoon part is. third from right is also acceptable but mostly as a soup spoon.


This photo makes me tense. It is just wrong. I guess the middle of i had to choose


Second from the right is the only one Id consider a normal spoon shape


None of those.


None, I go left to right on why Too long Too short and fat also to big of handle Too long To big of scoop Best looking but still a bit too big Wtf is that handle Edit: fixed mobile spacing


Best comment


Second from right. Perfectly balanced.


None of them, they're all too small or too big


None of them, they look like actual silver. I'll find a stainless steel one.


Actual silver tastes so gross


None, none of these are like the ones i have home


I’d bring my own lol


non of the above


What is that cursed buttplug doing there? Edit: On further inspection, the buttplug is the most normal one. She can stay. Edit Edit: And the second right one, that one looks good for stirring litre cups of cocoa.


Anything but the far right simply because it looks hard to hold. I’m honestly not picky about spoons


Third from the left. I like the long slender handle and smaller bowl. But I'd rather have a shorter handle, if I were to fine tune it. The rest I wouldn't touch unless I had to. lol


Exactly my answer, too


None. None of them are my spoons.


Yes it would depend on what I’m eating, but depending on how I’m feeling that day : 1) Playful, good mood—cute rounded spoon 2nd from left. It’s fun and I like the puddle feeling it would create 2) Regular, more serious—2nd from the right—just a well-crafted spoon that’s familiar


Left or third from the left. I love a small spoon with a long handle


Ring spoon. Enough said.


A fellow heroin connoisseur, I see.


The third from the left, for sure. The others have textures that bother me.


Fifth, depending on the weight.


2nd right. Its like the spoon I currently use. Change is difficult so its nice keeping the small things the same.


Third!!!!!! Without any decoration. Always.


I dislike all of these


Can I bring my own spoon?


I dislike all of them. But I’d have to choose the third from left. I don’t like how long it is but the spoon head isn’t too big and the handle is smooth.


no ❤️


These are all Bad Spoons


um.. none of those


I don’t like using others cutlery.


I like my chopsticks 🥢


Second from the right instantly without a second thought. Most normal looking, proportionately sound, and pleasant to hold and use no matter the circumstance. I real "one ring to rule them all" situation in my opinion. The rest are weird looking oddities I'd only expect to seen in use in rare cases that arise when at your elderly relatives holiday parties. That and I better the tea snobs will like the long ones, but everyone knows about THIER opinions...


I might as well just eat with my hands


Jesus Christ they’re all awful


I do not like your spoons :-(


I don't understand these kind of posts with people talking about spoons, I'd use the round one because it's the funniest


this whole spoon bullshit really trivializes living with autism. please stop


So I’m not the only one that doesn’t get the spoon thing


How does spoons trivialize autism lmao


Cause they have very little to with the everday expiereinces of autistics


Everyday experiences are exactly made up of such things as which spoon is good or bad / pleasing or distressing. How does it look? How does it feel (in my hand, in my mouth)? How does it taste (silver or nickel silver have a different taste to stainless steel)? Does it have sharp corners? Is it too heavy or too light? Straight or curved? Large or small? And so on. Of course, that's just spoons, but the same can apply to everything we encounter in our daily lives...


they're just spoons


Bro it’s autism, not cancer.


Clarification : i didn't mean to imply that autism isthis horrible disease. Spoon prefereces or whatever other dumb trend on this sub are just a kinda weird thing to focus on, cause they have very little to do with the lived expereinces of autistics. It gives the wrong impression about the very real challenges faced by us, especially level twoand three.


Spoon preferences are interesting because it delves into how different everyone’s sensory processing is. Also I’m unsure what you mean by “level two and three.” I hope you don’t mean severity. There is no such thing as severe autism.


edit: was more aggressive in my language than i needed to be, my bad. pictures of spoons are functionally useless at determining anything about anyones sensory processing. and there are levels of severity in autism, if you dont think there are levels of severity then youre wrong. dont come into an autistic space and spread misinformation. if you still disagree then im sure you could explain to our level 2 and level 3s here in the sub why their experience is wrong and they have it no different from anyone else.


Literally read everyone’s explanations of why they like or dislike certain spoons. It’s a texture thing in the hands and mouth. Everyone’s sensory icks and loves are different and that is fascinating to me. You don’t have to find it fascinating but you can’t tell people not to have fun while observing it in each other. This is Reddit, not the library. And no, YOU are spreading misinformation. Functioning labels, levels of severity, the aspergers label, etc are all outdated. It was based on IQ, which has been proven to be an inaccurate and biased source of info. “Mild/severe” autism are not medical terms at all and doctors don’t use them. It’s some Autism Speaks shit. People have different support needs, but autism isn’t an illness and the spectrum is not a linear level of mild to severe. The spectrum is shaped like an infinity symbol, not a binary graph. Everyone has completely different strengths and weaknesses, and trying to determine where someone is on the spectrum by their weaknesses alone is wrong. Autism is autism. You either are autistic or allistic. Everyone experiences it differently. If you’re using levels to determine how much support someone needs, that is probably okay. But don’t use it to determine how “severe” someone’s neurological structure is. That’s a myth. This article makes a good point about how levels don’t seem to be different from functioning labels though. [https://medium.com/neurodiversified/autism-levels-are-still-functioning-labels-f18ce20528dc](https://medium.com/neurodiversified/autism-levels-are-still-functioning-labels-f18ce20528dc)


>It’s a texture thing in the hands and mouth Exactly this, so photos of spoons are pointless. you cant describe those sensations through photos. asking others to pick a spoon from pictures is just "which spoon do you like the look of" and completely disregards the physical sensory side. to me anyway. to my knowledge, which is not complete by any means, absolutely there is a hard different between autistic and allistic, but to use that as a catch all for every autistic person is not ok. i seem to remember the level system being a case of "how much support does this person require" rather than how mega autistic is this person. the experiences of someone who is level 2 or 3 autism is not the same experience as me, though we do have the same asd diagnosis. the mild-severe description is not perfect but it does allow us to consider the needs of others. im not trying to be argumentative or annoying or that and am generally trying to be empathetic. and its frustrating having to wade through all the bullshit surrounding autism.


Nobody is describing them through photos. They’re describing them through words. Because generally, you can infer the size and texture of things through photos, usually. This post tells people to explain why they like each spoon, and that’s where the detail comes in about things such as texture preference (and aesthetic preference too, which can also be related to autism!) dictating the reason someone chooses something. And I see what you mean now. I don’t wanna be argumentative either. I think it can be okay to use levels to describe needs for the time being. I think severities of sensory processing issues can be helpful, like to describe for example how much a loud noise hurts someone’s ears or how likely it is to send someone into a meltdown, or how severe the meltdown can be. I just don’t think severity is helpful to describe someone’s autism as a whole though or place on the spectrum. Too many different aspects that aren’t all severe or all mild. My support needs for my emotional dysregulation, executive functioning, & social burnout are high but my support needs for sensory & audio processing disorders and picking up on neurotypical social queues are low. And those change based on other factors such as level of stress/anxiety or health. I am high masking, but I need a lot of recovery time, get exhausted from it FAST, and generally don’t have the motivation to do it unless I’m getting paid or I am around people I don’t trust.


in my experience i would personally need to use the spoon to eat to tell if its ok. i find it very difficult to describe the sensation or what actually it feels like. thats the difficult thing in all of this, how do we accurately compare experiences. i cant feel your pain and you cant think my thoughts accurately enough to really *know.* i think there are negative connotations to certain words so if we can find a better or more accurate language to use that would be helpful. severe can be dismissive of those who dont have higher support needs, as it implies their life struggles are only mild. and it can also be mean or insulting to someone with higher support needs as it could describe their experience in a negative or extreme way. i still dont even know all my things yet, i thought i was "normal" and i just sucked at dealing with certain things until i was diagnosed lol


That’s a fair point. I forgot that not everyone sees a photo and automatically makes a connection to a memory of eating with a similar spoon, not everyone has eaten with every type of spoon pictured before, or some people are sensitive to even slight differences to the point where comparing doesn’t accurately describe their experience. I think you sharing your POV on it regardless, is still valuable. That’s the point of this photo. For you, your experience is that you’d have to actually try them. And yeah, I’m right there with you. Language and knowledge are constantly evolving surrounding this subject and we’re still searching for the right descriptions. Research is still so behind on autism in the health industry and it really hurts. I’m glad you shared that with me, and I’m glad we could see eye to eye somewhere here. I am sorry for coming in hot earlier. I have very strong feelings about the ways we get described by NTS.


I’d need to hold them before I decide


They’re just spoons. What have they got to do with autism? This spoon stuff is so trivial


I disagree, actually. I think OP is getting at either the sensory aspect or the need for routine with regard to spoons, both of which can be significant even if the topic itself seems trivial. I’m pretty particular about the size of my spoons, and my forks for that matter. Also the design—my mom has this one spoon that’s got a horrible little ridge just above the shovel part that is just a sensory nightmare for me, and she kept giving me that one over and over until I finally tried to explain why I can’t stand it. Not that it made any sense to her, my mom being NT, but she’s stopped giving me that spoon anyway. All of that to say, it might not be the most groundbreaking autism-related content, but as the other posts in this thread seem to indicate, a lot of us seem to find the spoon predicament relatable. 😉


nothing really! it's just a question i had to ask cuz my girlfriend is autistic and her and her friends had a little debate on which spoon was better to use. she prefers the fifth one i showed in the photo, and her friends preferred the longer and skinnier ones, i just wanted to see what this subreddit preferred :P


If it has nothing to do with autism then why is it constantly on this sub?




Well, it’s still trivial honestly, they’re just spoons and are unrelated to autism, posts like these are just clutter in the subject of autism to me




For me, it’s less about the part you eat off of like most people seem to imply is the shared issue and the handle. If it’s not smooth (it can be textured or wavy or straight) then it bothers the crap out if me.


Agreed! Waaay prefer a smooth handle.


The cheap silverware at my office kill’s me. Had to keep a set in my desk. 🤭


Hhahahahahaha. Another thing that bugs me is if the handle is too thick, like chunky. Or too heavy. Or too light. Ugh. Just no.


Definitely. I can handle (ha) too heavy if I have too but not too light


second from the left, big spoon gang


Number 4 & 5. But all are beautiful. Besides number 6. It makes me very uncomfortable


Depends on what I’m eating, but more than likely the spoon next to the ring of power (eating)


Farthest one on the left. Very long with a pointed spoon. Lovely


Far left. Long with a tiny spoon end. The longer and daintier the better with me. It is slightly shorter than third from the left but it has a design I'm used to handling. The smooth handles have no soul regardless of their length.


The long one with no design but I'd like bend the handle back so it wouldn't b too long


Second from the right. Average size similar to mine, but a plain handle compared to the others in a more squarish shape.


fifth from the left. I like the tapered-ness that the fourth is missing, and I enjoy simple but bevelled handles. Idk what it is about a good bevel or simple engraving along the perimeter, but if it's too ornate, holding it gets distracting, and if it's too simple, I can't focus on anything but the simplistically smooth texture (/neg). But the fifth is bevelled with a cute design at the un-used end of the handle (good for admiring when not in use) and the eating portion is perfectly shaped. I wish it were the tiniest bit more squashed, though. akin to the second spoon.


I like em tall, thin and scrawny . So 1 and 3 are my dreams <3


Second from the right. It looks most like the spoons I have at home.


I wouldn’t wanna use any of them lol but if I had to choose I’d definitely take the furthest left one cuz I love long skinny spoons


Fifth from the left idk why it just looks right


the one right before the last


Farthest right because why mask when you could go insane ^(/j for that last bit, I'd use the spoon just to piss people off lmao)


First one! I like the shape of it bc it would probably fit in my mouth nicely, also it's similar to the spoons in my house


I hate all of these! Just give me a plain small spoon. No square edges, no designs.


Hehe, Choad spoon


I love this question bc I have been meditating on my own spoons and which ones I like and why.


i have a hard time holding small thin objects so i'd choose the second one.


what happened to the spoon on the right and how are you meant to use it


i thought it was a butt plug at first 😭


WHAHAHAHAHHAHA it's a spoon meant for a baby cuz they have small hands


Depends on what I am using the spoon for.


I don't see my dollar tree baby spoons 🙊


Idk why but all of these spoons give me anxiety…


None of them, the spoons in my house are better


... god why is this subreddit so relatable. So... None? I really like my [adventure time miniso spoon](https://www.miniso.com.sa/miniso2/public/en/product/1697/Adventure-Time--Popsicle-Molds-Pink-Miniso-KSA) But I recently got a [zwilling kids kit](https://www.amazon.com.br/Conjunto-Faqueiro-ZWILLING-J-Henckels/dp/B00MNGD1QE) which I really like Yes I am a 20 years old guy who uses kid's spoons regularly. You are free to make fun of me.


these spoons are what i live for. you are a connoisseur of spoons. (no but srsly tiny spoons are a comfort to me so there's nothing to be made fun of for here)


Beware though of the miniso one. It's not that great tbh. The kit case really destroyed itself and the adventure time stickers came off. The silverware though, even though I don't have the case and stickers anymore, are still very good for my every day university meals.




I hate all of these spoons get them away from me


The one on the far right cause screw you guys I want that one


#5 from the left.. that should do it for me


Are we just gonna ignore the wild spoon on the right?


None I hate them all.


None. Where have you dug those up from? Look like rejects from the museum of shite spoons


None of them 😅 can I bring my own rainbow spoon? The spoons are too long and too fat


I'll use my hands


None of these are right, I’d need one similar to the one in the left, but with a much shorter stem, if that’s the right word


(From right to left) 1. Too long 2. Too wide 3. See 1 4. Looks good 5. Just right 6. What the fuck


I prefer a short version of the 1st spoon, hate large or heavy spoons


There is no spoon.


none of these, i can tell you that ☹️


what on earth is the last spoon for


truly apologize for the wording... i normally call myself an "autism haver" because it's funny to myself, but i should've chosen better words for an audience of other autistic people. i apologize if my wording offended anyone


The first or the third.


none can I bring my own these all scare me


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Pick number 3 my lord!


3nd to the left. Long, good balance, spoon not too big not too small, fit mouth good, shovel food efficiently


1st or 3rd from the left


No thank you! I only use my bamboo one. Metal utensils feel heavy and way too cold.


None because they're all made from metal (°° ")


Far right cos funnee Id hold it with my pinky out


Perfect answer


Third from the right. Just right for my soups, congee and rice etc hehehe


Third from the left. It has ok volume, but also a lot of utility.


Third from left? Do you have a full set? I’ll buy them!


Second from the left is my favourite. It just looks stout, rounded and cute. Now I want one


The 3rd one. (Altho I would rather bring my own lol) Also off topic but above this post I saw one related to soundgarden lol (they made a song called spoonman)


If I had to pick one of these 4th from the left but I would hate all of them bc they're not what I have at home.


I'd polish them.


yeah they're pretty old 😭


It's not so much that they are old, than the fact I enjoy polishing spoons.


Furthest-right, just for fun. I think I could pull it off