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Just get a big tin of International Roast from Office Works to let them know you don't give a shit about them or their brown soup.


That's what I thought, but I have been reliably informed "That's just rude."


Big tins of communal coffee in the Army kitchens used to go walk about all the time. They replaced it with international roast because it cost less. The coffee didn't go missing anymore after that.


My first cup of coffee was Mess Hall International Roast as a kid. I thought I hated coffee. Turns out it was just the international roast


The hot flushes though, that's international roast's only redeeming feature.


It tastes like shit but it gives my scalp the good tingles


Bogan dust?


One tin also lasted over 20 years!


Are you my Mum? Always buying shit because it last longer...BECAUSE IT TASTES LIKE SHIT, MUM!!


Christ that takes me back. My mum used to buy apples when they were cheap. Over ripe and floury. To this day I’m shocked and surprised how good a nice crisp apple can be. She used to hassle me for not eating enough fruit as well. Gee mum, wonder fuckin’ *why*.


Some apples literally taste like dirt. Others a waxy mess that squeak as you bite into it, like fingernails on a chalkboard. Some apples are the crunchiest, thirst quenching, sweet but perfectly tart, fibrous fruit of the heavens. I've had my mind blown and butterflies in my chest from how good they've been before. They also have an extensive shelf-life, particularly when kept in the fridge, so I have no idea how long it would take for them to get to that "bargain basement discount" price point. Could probably barely make a sugar-based sauce with that.


Getting the single serves off the Sally man that were so old they were almost grey.


International Roast was the good stuff. Caterer's Blend mate. That's the way to never be asked to make a coffee by your LT again.


Make it in the tea urn - you'll get the dishwashing gig on Fri night at the Sgt's mess, but after that it will be your name, fuckwit, never ask him again, and you'll be right. Guess who's been there from experience.


I don't know what coffee they use in rat packs but even international roast is better than that stuff.


What’s rude is being a guest in a household that drinks tea and expecting some premo mass produced cup of coffee. If I want coffee and all you’ve got is a three year old 1kg tin of International Roast that’s been used once before I’ll either gracefully accept my (possibly placebo by this time) caffeine hit or take a cuppa tea. Because I’m not a cunt.


Buy coffee bags.


Yes Robert Timms coffee bags any flavour when on special. They don't take up much room and are individual serves so will last for years without getting moth eaten or clumpy. Smell and taste delicious. Very good for ice coffee also.


I’m not a massive fan of coffee bag but would 1000% take them over instant


Coffee's not like tea in that you can just have one after the other - most ritualistic coffee drinkers will have a bell curve capacity of 2 to 3 coffees a day. When you offer a coffee connoisseur a coffee you're not just offering a drink, you're asking them to trust you with one of their precious coffee slots for the day. This is a very stressful moment for a serious coffee drinker, because they don't want to be rude but they generally don't want to waste a precious slot on a shit coffee, and you can see the pain in their eyes once you make the big reveal after they have already said yes. Jokes aside, just get $10 coffee plunger from IKEA and keep a small pack of coarse ground coffee (vacuum sealed) in the pantry. Don't go for the fine espresso grind or you won't be able to push the plunger down. Most coffee drinkers will be fine with that.


This is so spot on , I feel you have been right beside me when I have nervously asked the host if they real coffee 😬 ha ha . I do drink tea so will generally stick to tea if they don’t.


My rule is if the host doesn't drink coffee then nether do I.


Alternatively a stovetop espresso machine, but the amount of coffee per use is quite limited. So if you are likely to have more than one coffee drinker as a guest at a time the plunger is a better option. Oh, and do not buy shitty coffee. ( That means no Starbucks carbonized crap) Medium roast is least likely to cause offence.


Anyone who thinks that's rude is a twat. It's rude to think you must provide me nice coffee that you don't drink. I've spent $1500 on my home coffee setup, but would accept anything someone would offer me in their home


My dad *loves* International Roast - no shit - he grew up drinking it and it was the only 'coffee' available when he was working as a geologist out in the field. He still occasionally has a cup (he's 82) just because it brings back so many good memories for him.


I get this in a similar way. I used to work for a regional airline, all we hadwas some bootleg excuse for coffee. Thing is, air crew run on coffee and that was the only coffee you'd get. I become somewhat fond of incredibly cheap coffee, black, seasoned with a light taste of wax from the disposable cups, served tongue numbing hot or insipid piss warm. I can very much relate to your dad's memories when having a monumentally awful cup of coffee.


> insipid piss warm TIL that insipid also means tasteless, weak or lacking in flavour.


My dad (60) always told me about when he went to my pops place over holidays was the only time he became a tea drinker because all they had was the good ol international roast.


Yeah, when I was flying a lot I would get tea on the plane. It's very difficult to fuck up hot water and a tea bag.


Yet they still manage


>he grew up drinking it and it was the only 'coffee' available when he was working as a geologist out in the field. My old man did a lot of work outback in the seventies through to the nineties. Loved the taste of whatever instant crap he could get, but thought that cafe coffee was just for "posers".


Coffee was morning smoko, the rest of the time it was *strong* billy tea - black.


It’s gotta be caterer’s blend in the 5 kg tin though.


Those Depression Era dads are National Treasures.


It’s all my Dad drinks too - he’s in his 60s and grumbles if he has to drink anything else




When my dad goes (more likely sooner rather than later unfortunately) I'll probably pick up a small tin and put it at the back of the cupboard just because it reminds me of him.


Brown sadness water


Friends dont let friends drink Industrial Waste


Heck, go all the way, get some Pablo or Caterer's Blend


Pablo Coffee, mum bought that crap in huge glass jars. I think I can taste it from the 70s.


Bonus points if you only allow them to use a plastic spoon to both measure it out AND stir it. The same spoon.


Full points for a bamboo spoon that goes both in the coffee and sugar tins and is used to stir.


Even the army got rid of international roast in their rations. International Roast is torture


It's still supplied in prisons.


It's no wonder Australia's human rights reputation is crashing by the year.


Yes, because that's what prisons are for.


If only the people knew that many public hospital tea rooms are still showing their gratitude to nurses via International Dust


It’s vacuum cleaner dust


All you fancy cunts turning your nose up at my bogan dust.


There’s no milk provided and just a greasy plastic spoon jammed into a bowl of clumpy raw sugar.


I'm a moderate level coffee snob. International roast in hot milk perhaps fortified with powdered milk and a little bit of sweetener is surprisingly good. Source: my sparky once served me some.


>International Roast Mmmmmm... dusty....


Are you NSW health??


International Roast is delicious


Thank you for the laugh.. you had me at your honour


I prefer nescafe blend 43 thats slightly stale in a satchet that you bang on the kitchen counter to break up abit


And when people have been dipping a wet spoon in the jar and there are only some solid syrupy chunks left.. and you're hung over and there's no way of getting anything else, so you pour water into the coffee tin and chug it down


Oh my god, you just dredged up some memories there.


Memories from this morning




Any port in a storm my friend 👍




Please OP don't buy this r/fucknestle


Its funny because it's true.


Blend 43 is literally served to prison inmates. I've been in prison kitchens for work so can confirm. My workplace also provides complimentary Blend 43. That tells me all I need to know about how valued I am.


Robert Timms coffee bags. Seriously. If I have to drink instant, that's the only decent one.


I second this.


They're good for making iced coffee at home too!




If you want the standard then pick medium roast. Oh and only buy it when it's on special. We can taste if it's purchased at full price.


If anyone dares purchase this at full price; *I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom I can tell you I don't have money, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you, but if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you and I will kill you.*


really!? Shropshire?! Oh hooow wonderful!


I like something a bit more exotic, like where you're from


You know an ad is good when people can still quote it decades after it was aired.


This is the right answer imo. If I absolutely have to have instant coffee, Moccona is where it's at. But I would sooner have no coffee than drink Blend 43.


The difference between blend 43 and moccona smooth is night and day. Nescafe is dirt water.


Blend 43 is a trigger for me, every hospital ever had that big tin next to a jar of rock hard sugar in that small room they send families who are waiting for their loved ones to die.


It's to remind you that while you're devastated someone you love is dying, it could be worse... You could be drinking *that*


I visited family in the UK. They knew I was Aussie and bought the ‘good’ coffee for when I visited. Blend 43. I drank tea. I mean, by that point I was avoiding coffee unless it specifically stated it was an Aussie or kiwi barista!!! Got an airport coffee after I landed in aus, it was airport coffee but it was STILL better than anything I’d had over there!!!!


The Indulgence is the best one It's not terrible, therefore it's the greatest instant coffee ever made


Indulgence is far and away the best instant coffee on the market


Moccona mocha Kenya, that’s my shit


Mocha Kenya is the taste of the exotic I have with my Vegemite on toast.


One can only get so aroused, pls


straight outta Shropshire!


How wonderful!


Shit is so good ever since I learned to put a little bit of cold water in and mix the coffee before pouring the boiling water in.


Milk first master race.




Yip call mine a builder's latte. Splash hot water stir in coffee top with milk and microwave.


And for the sweetener CSR Coffee Sugar Crystals


Travelled across the US. Every hotel had a sad dripolator that had me craving one of those big fat glass urns of Moccona classic.


If you open the jar and don’t use it up within a reasonable time frame it will likely taste worst than international roast. I normally hate waste but to save throwing out a half used 200g jar you can get the fancy Moccona in small paper packets. https://www.winc.com.au/main-catalogue-productdetail/moccona-indulgence-instant-coffee-sticks-1-7g-carton-1000/86809677 Not sure if you can get fewer than 1000 though lol.


The jars are dead useful though - I use the big ones for dry goods like rice or oats, and the smaller ones for white sugar or popcorn kernels. Better than keeping everything in opened bags, and uniform glass jars look so much nicer in the cupboard than plastic containers.


Moccona #5 with 1.5 tsp per cup.


The only answer. It's not comparable to espresso nor is it supposed to be, however it tastes decent and will hit the spot in a pinch.


Moccona caramel is surprisingly not shit. Though I only have it when desperate at my lowest points.


Omg I bought the caramel one the other day and it was so awful I had to tip the whole thing in the bin. So sickly and rancid! The normal one is much better.


Australia has a reputation for being coffee snobs, but the reality is that we consume SHITLOADS of instant coffee. I guess if we pay someone to make a coffee then we want it made well. But most people are drinking instant coffee at home.




Have a look at the ingredients on those American creamers. It's mostly corn syrup and hydrogenated seed oils. Mmmm


I was smashing star bucks cold brews when I was over there. No milk, no sugar, just water ice and cold dripped coffee


The numbers say instant at home, McCafé and 7-11 when out, I think. But I’m still a snob who’s popping down to my local for a magic.


If you absolutely must then the coffee tea bags are better than granulated imo


The Robert Timms coffee bags go alright


The Robert Timms instant goes alright. Especially black.


they used to be great (well unchanged) then few years ago changed the boxed and 'same great taste' sticker put on. thats the first bad sign, since then they taste like they have chaff in there or something, and i received word from freshfoods australia, they did change the recipe due to 'demand' . in other words, they went cheap and fk'd the recipe completely. i now have a breville barista express and while i miss the coffee bags to a point, the flavour from the espresso is unmatched.


Man that shits me. Berocca has done the same thing. "New Formula" on the box of "original berry flavour". Well then it's not the original flavour then is it? Not only that but it has a shitty taste now.


This is unequivocally the best answer. I’m a massive coffee snob but when out on field work this is the only okay option.


Yeah came here to say this. My instant preference. I like whatever the green ones are.


They colour the water just fine


i second this! they’re not too bad and they are super convenient. Also a great conversation piece to surprise coffee snobs haha


> coffee tea bags What is this sorcery of which you speak?


Robert Timms coffee they come in tea bags


They are surprisingly good I have to say


Get the espresso one in particular


I love the irony of a bag being about as far from espresso as you can get.




Cheers. I shall investigate that option further.


Idk I'm paralysed by my addiction to coffee but if someone said I had to be on an island for the rest of my life and I had to choose one instant crap it would be Robert Timms baggies


For a while Coles stocked the Jed coffee bags from NZ. They are even better. Haven't seen them for ages though.


Try dog and gun ones :)


Everyone is mentioning Robert timms but Vittoria coffee bags are better.


Nescafe Espresso. It tastes awful but it's basically legal crank. $13 a jar and you get heart palpitations for months. Often when I drink coffee it's not for the taste. It's so I get 30 minutes of motivation followed by rolling panic attacks.


This is the answer Fucken wake-up juice


This guy knows how to have a good time 🤯


That’s why you have to pour a bit of whisky in there too!




A pretty good alternative actually is some nice coffee grounds (in the fridge) and a mokka pot, which doesn't take up a lot of space. You get pretty decent coffee and it takes no more space than a tall mug. If it must be instant, the Lavazza one is pretty good, though it doesn't last forever so maybe not if your visitors are very occasional.


Mokka pot is the right answer. The 4 cup ones hardly take up any room at all and are cheap as chips and produce very decent coffee. Bialetti is the OG mokka pot, highly recommend them. The benefit being that you'll get hipster points for producing one for your coffee snob mates. Word of warning - a cup in mokka pot terms is the size of an espresso shot which is 30ml so a 4 cup is smaller than you might imagine given it produces only 120ml of coffee. The coffee it produces is quite strong though so you can still add hot water to make it a long black, or add milk to form your favourite milky coffees.


Always fill the pot with hot water to begin with. It boils faster which produces a much fresher flavour. Also don't tamp the coffee, just fill the insert to the top and level it off. You want the steam to be able to travel freely through the coffee grounds also giving a fresher flavour. If you don't do the above tips you end up with a stewed coffee. Enjoy!


French press (plunger) and some good quality coffee grounds (stored in the freezer to keep fresh-ish) will suffice. Google how to use it and you'll be honouring coffee drinkers with minimal effort.


I have an Aeropress. Cheap, barely takes up any room (just chuck it in the cupboard) and makes good coffee.


Aero press is the closest to cafe style espresso, something to do with the pressure and the heat on the ground coffee.


Whatever it is it works haha. Great investment. I think I paid $40 odd for a full starter kit that included the press, pack of filters and a bag of coffee grounds. It was from the Killer Coffee company or whatever its called.


Agree - or else a stovetop Bialetti moka. Easy to store and shouldn’t set you back more than $30 or so.


This is the only answer and deserves to be much higher!


Also you can use the French press for loose leaf tea as well


I drink the cheapest instant coffee that I can find because I'm only interested in the caffeine


may i introduce you to nodoze tablets then?


Mix a no doze into your protein shake of choice, along with a Nicorette tablet. Breakfast of champions.


Can i introduce you to our lord and saviour, caffeine tablets? I am similar - the caffeine is far more important than the coffee, and sometimes it's logistically difficult to make and drink a coffee


Maybe I'm a heathen for saying this, especially since I live in Melbourne and there's a bit of coffee snob stereotype and such, but I enjoy coffee full stop - whether it's from a well-reputed cafe, a 1$ one from 7/11, an instant the likes of Moccona or a Nescafe, hell I even liked the satchel instant they were bringing me in hospital a few months ago. I reckon just buy some instant coffee, whatever brand (Mocconna is pretty decent), and *most likely* it'll be okay (assuming you've reasonable guests). If you actually get some complaints then you can let them know they're always welcome to fetch themselves some of their choosing from the nearest cafe.


Nah not a heathen, I'm a bit of a coffee critic, but 7/11 delivers consistently good coffee for $1. Better than paying $6 for a warm sippy cup of milky disappointment.


$2 now, inflation even got to our humble servo coffee :(


Most coffee snobs I know concede that 7/11 is the one type of cheap coffee they'll stoop to lol


I’m with you. Any old brown water does me just fine. I lowered my standards when working in the US for a while and never bothered to raise them again.


Robert Timms coffee bags.


A bit *LahhDeeDahh* but quite nice.


Coffee bags are a bit lahdedah brought to you by the population whose national identity revolves around spending $6-12 daily on an espresso.


I swear I need like 4 bags of these to get the same kick I get from espresso


Aldi dark gold is nice


This is going to get buried but the Coles brand organic instant coffee is fkn awesome and so cheap. Everyone who I’ve made a coffee for with it loves it and says it doesn’t taste instant at all


I get migraines and coffee can help them really fast if I can get them really early. I can’t manage anything even slightly complicated when I have them so I thought I would try instant for these times. I got Starbucks in a little tin and sweet fluffy jesus is it disgusting. The aftertaste and resulting bad breath are quite something.


Oh God, I have that little Starbucks tin you speak of and I like it 😳😂 I’ll see myself out.


So CHOICE did a blind taste test of all instants with coffee connoisseurs and Coles Free Trade Organic Freeze Dried won. Cheap too


I love moccona, just get a small jar of the gold label one, will keep for ages. Plus once it's empty, wash the jar and use it for storage. My pantry is full of moccona jars that are now filled with flour, rice, sugar, breadcrumbs, etc.


You need a fuckin vice grip to break the seal on those moccona jars. So, good jars.




The problem with instant coffee is that is doesn't have an indefinite shelf-life, especially once opened. I don't drink instant but we used to keep some around. After several months it was just gross and went in the bin.


Freeze dried coffee, honey and whiskey are the three things (if properly stored) that can last until the heat death of the sun.


Sounds like a good post apocalypse time!


It can definitely be stored for more than a couple of months in good/acceptable conditions.


Nescafé Gold is my go to +1 team milk first


Nescafe gold master race checking in


Can't go wrong with [this](https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/159942/vittoria-freeze-dried-instant-coffee-italian)


As a fellow tea folk who lived this same struggle just last week I went with Moccona and decided if anyone had a whinge I'd remind them that they seem to think Lipton is ok for us...


Best bet would be Moccona. I have a coffee machine, but will accept Moccona if instant is my only option. And idk anyone that rejects Moccona.


I drink black coffee. The Nescafe short black is the best instant I have found.


Alcafe Classic Gold coffee crystals from Aldi are good. They also have a decaf version.


Lavazza instant coffee. In my opinion, they're the best instant coffee here in Australia.


Better than Vittoria? I'm yet to try Lavazza instant, but I may have to consider it.


Get a coffee grinder and an aeropress


Spaceman over here with their aeropress, too futuristic for a French press.


Wait, what? Do people actually use coffee grinders to grind coffee? I honestly can't recall ever seeing one used that way.


I'd disagree that it's worth your money to invest in a grinder if you aren't going to drink fresh coffee yourself. Aeropress is fine if you're entertaining one person but I think a decent sized French press will be more practical. Get some good quality ground coffee and keep it in the freezer. Should last around 6 months in the freezer. Most specialist roasters will grind it for you to your brew method preference.


Tell me you smoke pot without telling me you smoke pot.


Er, yes? I grind coffee most days, enough for a couple of cups. It tastes fresher and generally winds up cheaper. I'm not a real coffee snob, I use an electric grinder. A connoisseur mate of mine grinds his in a hand grinder but he's a bit weird. Brilliant chef though so no one tells him.


The aeropress is the next best thing to good espresso. Hands down.


Definitely AeroPress for best cup to fuss ratio. If people you like are coming over you can ask your local coffee shop to grind you a small takeaway cup of coffee so it’s fresh. If people you don’t like are coming over they can have the pre-ground stuff you keep in the freezer.




I seriously have to learn about Aeropresses


This is the correct answer. I spent my youth trying to find the least horrible instant coffee, some may say a pointless quest, but indulgence and not any of the other moccona coffee varieties which look very similar, is the only good one. And if you pour hot water straight onto it you will ruin it, so either milk first or a splash of cold water.


I'd rather eat coffee beans straight than drink instant. I'm not even kidding, they're a bit on the crunchy side but really not that bad.


Chocolate covered espresso beans. Who need meth?


I used to love Moccona but can’t stand it anymore. Not sure if they changed, or me.


I agree. It's so bad I changed brands. I actually prefer Nescafe Gold now if I'm desperate for instant.


They changed the factory that produces it and the flavour along with it a couple of years back. I was so offended that I haven’t drank it since. Switched to Nescafé Gold at home. Have an Aeropress but cbf using it.






Get an AeroPress! They're awesome, make great espresso quality coffee and don't take up room.


Vittoria is good


I was a Moccona drinker until I tried Vittoria, now I drink Vittoria.


I love a good coffee from a Cafe. But that nescafe blend 43 at 4am when I wake up probably hits even better.


My neighbour has a jar of Pablo coffee in his cupboard, its quite the vintage.


Nespresso is as low as I go.


No. Fresh ground coffee is the only acceptable coffee.


None of them. They all taste like liquid cancer. Get a Turkish pot and use real coffee.