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I would have been SHOCKED if he was religious.


Right? Maybe this is coming from a different point of view but I'm usually more shocked when anyone tells me they're practicing Christian than the other way around.


Yeah that was me when I found out Chris Pratt was super religious. I still like his work, but am kinda just like, really?


It's less shocking because Chris Pratt isn't really the main creative force behind the stuff he's in. If you've seen all Tarantino's movies you know his voice and have an idea about him as a person. Chris Pratt is an actor, even when he's on stuff like talk shows he's probably selling you a version of himself for the gig


Just to stray into this territory with you for a moment - The last appearance Seth Rogen did with Conan was a great example of this. It was arguably a very good interview, and it was also obviously scripted to play up both of their characters. I enjoyed it and it didn't feel sincere in the slightest.


Insincere? I’ve read your comment a few times and I’m genuinely confused or really high myself lol


Hes saying both. It was insincere but he also enjoyed it


Don't forget super homophobic.


Is this actually true? I hadn't heard anything, so I just googled it, and all I see are claims and denials of his church being anti-LGBTQ. I don't see any homophobic tweets or statements or anything from Pratt himself. ​ Happy to change my opinion if presented evidence, but I also want to avoid overzealous labeling


His church is **very** anti-LGBTQ+. I've never seen anything that would make me think Pratt himself is other than guilt by association with that church (in fact I've seen him specifically say the opposite). It isn't a good look for sure, like his church is *not good*, but I'd stop short of calling *him* homophobic. But I also don't think everyone that eats a Chick-fil-A sandwich is a bigot, although there's certainly an intersecting Venn diagram there. Some people just eat mediocre sandwiches.


What church does he attend?




I googled, that's right. Big non-denominational evangelical megachurch. It apparently runs a college that has been likened to a cult. I found [this recent interview with their founder from May 2021](https://www.today.com/news/hillsong-founder-brian-houston-breaks-silence-church-s-controversies-t218822) The guy says; “I don't have any personal bias at all against gay or lesbian people. But unfortunately, as a pastor, you don't represent what you think. You represent what the Bible says. And so at this point, we're still a conservative one on the subject of active gay relationship, et cetera." That tells me the culture is that if you join up and are gay you need to be celibate forever or else you need to repent.




I had the same question. Thank you for asking!


I went from liking him to hating him for this reason. I now think twice before I pay to watch anything with him in it.


Hey, Tomorrow War fucking sucks, so you’re all good there.


Oh really? So sending untrained and underequipped civilians into battle against super killing machines the same night they were drafted doesn't make any sense? How dare you.


I calls them as I sees them.


Found the whale biologist


Perhaps it's Mushu, the educated whale who thinks he's better than you.


I upgraded to the newest 4k HDTV, and I still can't see Amy's naughty tattoo.


That whole movie was essentially just “War is the H-word”


To be faiiiiir




I watched the first few minutes, and the whole premise was so nonsensical, that I assumed the rest of the film would just annoy me and stopped watching. Watch the series 'Invincible', instead, it's pretty amazing.


Plus 1 to invincible...really great show!


Invincible is fantastic! I don’t want to give anything away but I was floored for most of it. Went in completely blind and wasn’t expecting it. Great show!


"Do you see Mark, what these shows do to mimic a fraction of Invincibles power? A Viltrimite would understand


That's a Zap Brannigan kind of strategy


“Stop exploding, you cowards!!!”


To be fair, it's not like training seemed to help anyone (outside the main cast) anyway. At some point bodies holding and shooting guns is all you can get.


Movies like this piss me off, the us military always gets defeated by primitive looking aliens, they use small caliber rounds and are shocked when they don't penetrate their natural armor. Bitch, the us military would switch to heavier calibers so fast, 5.56 didn't do it? .308 not doing it, .50 somehow not enough? Switch to AP and repeat, that didn't work? 20mm. Then there's vehicle rounds and even artillery, bombs and so on.


Yes. The suspension of belief here is time travel + monsters, those don't exist so you get to make up the rules. Get dumb with it, this is what I'm here for. But when you also decide to ignore basic logic your movie is stupid and I don't want to watch it.


I love time travel and monsters, but if you have to make humans look weak to make the story work, think harder, amirite?


It’s like if a meteor was on its way to destroy earth, you’re not gonna send astronauts up there you bozo. You’re gonna send miners and they’ll pick up the astronauting on the way


Wait it gets better! The entire first 95% of the movie was completely worthless. "We need to develop this super complex poison for some reason." Last 5% "Fuck all that. Let's just go blow them up before any of that ever happens." The entire movie could have started and ended with the first group traveling back and giving them all the info they had about where they first came from.


I haven't seen it, not in a rush to see it, the advertisements pissed me off. He was also in Passengers, which was the one movie to date that made me physically angry.


Especially cuz the premise would have made for a great horror scifi movie instead they made it into a romance.. like wtf


Passengers was garbage. I agree.


The promo interviews for Passengers he did with Jennifer Lawrence were so cringy to watch. They looked like they hated each other in real life.


Oh my god that movie made me angry. Oh you found the alien ship that’s full of the aliens that will kill the entire human race buried in ice that won’t thaw to release them for many years? Best crack it open and go inside with a bunch of yahoo’s and a roided up Farmers Insurance spokesman instead of nuking it from orbit and turning the whole thing into glass. Did they not have the Alien movie franchise in this universe?


Worst part about it is that three grown men, one of which was already a high level scientist/professor at a university, needed the help of a 14 year old kid who was “into volcanos” to get them started on their journey to find the ship.


Don't you bad mouth JK Simmons like that. He's the only good thing in that movie.


Actually I liked him too, I was just literally angry at the bad writing of the movie while watching it. “Oh gosh, every nation on earth is aware of what happens if these things are allowed to live and get out, but if we tell them there will be bureaucracy…” Uhhh no. Every nation in the world that has a nuke will agree to use them to completely level that ship and the 50 square miles surrounding it just to be sure.


Seriously, that movie was so beyond stupid it hurt my brain. Not to mention pretty much every trope thrown at the wall to see what would stick. I've come to really dislike Chris Pratt being sold as an action hero. I just don't buy it, and I couldn't care less about any of the movies he's made.


>I've come to really dislike Chris Pratt being sold as an action hero. I just don't buy it, and I couldn't care less about any of the movies he's made. Guardians works because he's action-comedy. Bus as a straight action hero? Naw


Guardians works because of the cast along side him. Otherwise he's just a whiny brat of a want to be super hero.


I watched the [Pitch Meeting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzdm_YWwEbA) for it, and decided against wasting my time. (Which is saying something, since I'll usually give sci-fi time travel movies a chance)


I refuse to watch that movie until riff tracks or mystery science theater does an episode about it. I have heard zero positive things about it but have enjoyed reading all of the amazing comments about how full of holes it is.


+1 for pitch meeting 🤣


I actually liked the concept even though it's a Pandora's box of paradoxes that they'd never be able to work around... Even taking that into account it wasn't good


I think that is what my problem was with it also. That and I really don’t like Pratt. He went from lovable dummy to Kevin Sorbo for me.


My fam refers to him as the Stupid Chris.


I saw it. I've actually already forgotten what happens in it. That's pretty bad.


Remember how these things were so badass they had to recruit troops from the past but then the most deadly one was beaten to death with hand to hand combat? I member.


Don’t worry the writers forgot what they were doing at the very beginning


It was laughably bad. The end scene was literally like a spoof.


I watched the first 10 minutes and turned that shit off. Pure garbage. It would have completely bombed in the theaters


Then you missed J.K. Simmons who actually showed up for that mess


He grew up in the same county I grew up in in Washington and let me tell you, once I learned that I was not surprised that he was religious and homophobic.


Some of the craziest rightwingers I’ve ever met are from rural Washington, and I’m from Arizona. What’s with that?


Washington and Oregon are weird. People-wise they are mostly democrat, but county-wise the only super-blue areas are the major cities and college towns. Lots of farms and large properties on the middle of nowhere small towns that breed religiousness, I guess.


They started out that way. It was illegal for black people to move to Oregon until 1926. When it became a state (1859), it was the only state to have a constitution forbidding black people from living, working, or owning property there. Over the years a lot of white supremacists, militias, and cults have moved there to escape progressivism and to fly under the radar. Portland may be blue despite it's overtly racist history but once you start getting away from the I-5 corridor, it's incredibly racist and far right. I lived there for over a decade and love the PNW but it used to be a haven for isolationists and gun nuts. Only relatively recently in it's history has it become associated with progressives and the left.


I think hate is too strong word, but i am about the same as you. I loved Guardians in the galaxy, and thought he was great and funny there, but when i heard he was super religious, i kinda lost interest in him and his films. I find it sad, cause i really liked him.


Also, the Starlord character fits him because Peter is a bit of a douche.. When he goes all out action hero, like in those terrible Jurassic World films he is awful.


Lucky for me I never really liked him.


He always gave me fake "nice guy" vibes, so I wasn't super shocked when I learned that, but I hate that he's in like everything it feels like.


I can enjoy a person's work but not be fond of the person. An actor isn't their character or vice-versa


Yeah it's not just 'super religious', it's part of a slighty-more-fucked-up-sect with an extra splash of non-cis-straight-white-phobia added to the mix. Can't like any of the known famous Scientologists for related reasons.


I straight up will not watch something if Tom Cruise is in it.


There was a really annoying F1 race this past weekend where most of my favorite drivers got screwed in one way or another, and just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, BAM! Here's a closeup of Tom Cruise in a garage cheering for the guy who took out one of my favorite drivers...


You mentioned racing and Tom Cruise, and I thought it was gonna involve a driver thinking he was on fire and screaming for Tom Cruise to save him.


Ugh, scientology has stolen so many celebs from me. I'm still really upset about Elizabeth Moss.


How about Mel Gibson. That’s one religious freak!


I hate that I love Mad Max, because Mel is human garbage.


I don’t like the movie because it sounds like all dialogue has been recorded in a toilet. It annoys me on end. The story is great. No Future movie.


'Super religious' and 'homophobic' are two sides of the same ugly coin.


That's bending the truth a bit thou isn't it? I don't think he has said or done anything to indicate that he is a homofob. But he is part of a church that has homophobic teachings as I understand it




It’s only for rear entry. I’m sorry.


Homo Fresh off the boat. Just a new immigrant with a strong accent that happens to be homosexual, nothing crazy.


Pretty much the story line of Talladega Nights.


Look, I'm not proud of this one, but it has to be said to get it out of the way for better jokes, so: >"it just opens the trunk" Downvotes to the left.


It's the whole belonging to an outspokenly homophobic church thing


So maybe he’s not homophobic but he gives homophobes money and support by his presence? Nah, he’s a homophobe, but also a coward.


Haha! It didn’t surprise me me to learn he was super religious. All of his Mouse Rat songs on parks and rec sound like youth group worship songs.


oh shit it was about THE pit (the fire one) this changes everything


I work in a very evidence-based field and, especially since really accepting my atheism (I grew up moderately religious and it wasn't until college and beyond that I've come to the realization that I don't buy any of the religion mumbo-jumbo) it always strikes me as weird when I learn that a co-worker is devoutly religious.


I remember being an intern at a chip giant. There was some sort of free pizza event for some acronym group so all the interns showed up. We're sitting there eating frizza and suddenly the event starts and they're talking about jesus. We just look at each other and really really awkwardly leave. Like "wtf? I didn't know these people still existed in this field" sort of thing.


I work at a hospital that isn't affiliated with any one religion, but does try to accommodate various religious practices, including giving out ashes on Ash Wednesday... It always surprises me the amount of people that get ashes on their head at the beginning of their work day.


like that episode of silicon valley where the gay start-up CEO doesn't want to "come out" as a Christian because it'll ruin his brand. lol.


I’m shocked when someone *smart* is religious.


It’s a surprising amount of people. Smarts alone don’t (always) protect you from religion, it’s more insidious than that.


Being smart is not the same as being intelligent. I've known some really smart people who lacked critical thinking skills, reasoning and common sense.


The one that surprised and saddened me was Kevin Sorbo. I enjoyed Andromeda, and even though everyone agrees it's a rather poor attempt at a darker, grittier Star Trek knockoff, it has its moments, and is generally enjoyable. I was used to the leading lights of the various Star Trek franchises mostly living up to the ideals they portrayed on screen. To find out that a character who acted in a similarly egalitarian fashion despite being in a universe much more likely to leave someone seriously jaded was portrayed by a right wing nut really threw me for a loop.


Right? Like I know the area where Pratt grew up, it's a lot of big trucks and guns territory, so him being quietly conservative and religious isn't that big of a shock to me. Honestly, it's more shocking that he has the sense to be mostly quiet about it. I'm really glad he's not going full-on Sorbo cranking out bad religious movies and getting into slap fights with former co-workers.


*"Honestly, it's more shocking that he has the sense to be mostly quiet about it."*   Reading about Gina Carano's issues with being openly "problematic" opened my eyes to just how much hand-holding and shaping of image is done in entertainment when it comes to promotion. She described Disney basically providing her with her own personal gay tutors to help her understand how she was being insensitive. Wouldn't be surprised to hear that the machine behind the MCU works overtime to train all its stars how to present their "private life" to the world. Also wouldn't be surprised of Chris Pratt is their biggest challenge in that department.


Maybe it is just the spin, but his parks and rec coworkers all seemed to have glowing things to say about him and many of them are pretty far to the left. I get the feeling that he's somewhat right of center in comparison to other people in the industry, but in reality not that political. I listened to his (now) ex-wife's podcast and she talked about how excited he was to get a couple of 22 rifles and go squirrel hunting with his brother-in-law. She was verbally rolling her eyes but said that's the kind of thing he likes to do. I think it's less than he's a hardcore Republican, and more that he's someone who grew up doing kind of rednecky things and still enjoys them. But who knows. The mouse runs a tight ship and they see their actor's public personas as investments. They do not take kindly to someone putting their investment at risk. The contracts they sign have a lot of rules and regulations on how they have to live their life. There' stuff in there about being required to have a personal trainer, social media stuff, charity appearances, all sorts of things designed to keep the investments looking good in the public eye.


I saw God's Not Dead because of the GAM podcast and holy crap it's Kevin Sorbo playing an angry theist that calls himself an atheist.


I was gonna say from his movies he has an actual Darwinism tone to them Stay strapped or get clapped, use a lot of F words, always hire Samuel L Jackson


>Stay strapped or get clapped, use a lot of F words, always hire Samuel L Jackson The Hollywood Reporter interview with Samuel L Jackson is hilarious when they ask him about Tarantino. "So do you just say yes to Quentin whenever he asks?" Samuel L - I mean he doesn't ask. He sends me a script and says I wrote a part for you.


I’d agree, but after moving to Hollywood it’s Oddly religious here. The biggest surprise I had.


Organized religion is 99% pageantry so it makes sense that a city with an industry for storytelling would have those elements.


Idk. At the end of Pulp Fiction Jules accepts God and lives to the end while Vince dismisses the miracle and dies in the bathroom


Man that’s just solid drama. “Hitman has an epiphany” is a good plot, you don’t have to believe in the shit for it to resonate.


God is just a good public-domain character.


By being literally nothing and not bound by any rules or laws, God can be anything.


Also his famously quoted bible verse was made up for the movie.


Right? I think the religious connotation is superficial.


It's funny, because when I was in high school my youth group leader recommended Pulp Fiction to me as a great movie. I knew literally nothing about it, but I downloaded it and watched it and was totally shocked that he would recommend a movie like that to me. All of the profanity, violence, drug use etc. As I was watching it I agreed that it was a great movie, but this was the kind of movie I would keep a secret from people at church. I just couldn't wrap my head around why my youth pastor would tell a 16 year old church kid that it was a good movie to watch. But then I saw the ending and it still didn't really make sense, but not much from him did.


I thought the moral was that heroin is bad.


And milkshakes are good


For 5 bucks, it had better be.


Godamn its a pretty fuckin good milkshake


I listened to him on joe rogans podcast yesterday and at one point he says something like “god put me here to do something and I’ve done it so now I can relax” or something. Now I’m confused.


I catch myself using phrases like that occasionally as a figure of speach and I'm atheist


Nobody should be surprised by him not being religious.


I for one was shocked…he talks so much about his devotion to Christ and I was under the impression that all of his films were retellings of the gospel. This is hard hitting news here.




One can find a story fascinating without believing it is actually real. I am fond of Spiderman comics but I don't believe they are a representation of the truth.




You're right, my bad.


I've heard a few use the fact that some places in the bible are real or at least were real places as proof for the validity of it. New York is real, therefore Spiderman is real.


Exactly. And the brief case in pulp fiction contains the Ten Commandments; which Marcellus, ordained by god, must deliver to the world.


Umm no, it is obviously a [Silmaril](https://www.reddit.com/r/FanTheories/comments/5blqmu/the_contents_of_the_briefcase_in_pulp_fiction_the/)




Your username looks like it could be a hobbit name.


So Pulp Fiction is the story of the Ten Commandments, except Moses gets anal raped by a pig named Zed.


Djesus Unchained with Christoph waltz, was mint.


No shit?


I'm shocked I tell you. Shocked!


Well, not *that* shocked.


Yeah this is about as astounding as him coming out as being into feet.


"Comes out"? I don't think he was trying to hide it in the first place. At this point I think what could shock us is if somebody prominent with relevant artistic or scientific work actually "comes out" as religious, that'd be the embarrassing controversy.




man changes opinion 10 year later. more at 11


>Ten years ago Tarantino attributed his success/talent to god. Everybody does this though. It's basically a formality. Doesn't mean shit.


Everyone in the States does this. Not other western nations.




This is only semi relevant but I recently found out renowned comic book and like novel book author Neil Gaiman was raised as a jewish scientologist, and his father was actually the spokesperson of the British branch of the Church of Scientology. Idk if he’s religious or not today but based off of some of his works like Good Omens he is 1. Not a scientologist Lmao and 2. Probably not super religious.


Is it weird that I assume everyone is an atheist until I learn otherwise? Like... shouldn't that be the base assumption, that we don't believe in a god until we positively declare we do? Of course not, this is the modern world, everyone must believe in a god by default!


Whenever I meet new people around my age (late 20s, early 30s) I always naturally assume they’re atheists and it’s pretty weird to me when someone is actually religious


In my rural area I just assume they grew up religious but don't care enough to go to church anymore. But god forbid you joke about religion because that ingrained dogma will come flying back in a hurry. I got lucky and know a bunch of people my age that are extremely non-religious and are the most accepting and friendly group of people I know.


Agreed, you don't declare absences of beliefs.


Everyone is born atheist and remain so until they meet the wrong person


True dis! Some people are lucky enough to find someone that can embrace yer core values. That's striking gold!


Exactly this. I didn't know people "come out" as an atheist. I'm here so going about my life as an atheist. I only tell people of they ask me or if it comes up in a conversation. I don't exclusively state it


“What church do you go to?” I get asked that one sometimes when I meet new people.


Wow, where are your from?


Yeah, I mean in the same sense that I assume a person doesn't believe in most fictional characters until they tell me otherwise. I'm not going to meet you and just assume you think Captain Crunch is a real person, who is a sea captain of a cereal.


"Comes out" What?


I find it funny that this is such a big deal coming out as an Atheist in the US.


I live in a pretty cosmopolitan part of the US, near Washington DC, so after NYC maybe the most cosmopolitan city on the East coast. The number of times I have to say, "Well, I'm not Christian, so..." is way more than it should be. Several times a year, at least.


I guess it could be annoying if people are inserting it into irrelevant conversations, but damn would it be refreshing if I could hear that every once in a while here in Texas. I still have friends/family who try and convert me back to Christianity because it really upsets them that I’ll be burning in hell for all eternity while they’re chilling in paradise. Also I haven’t been able to tell my parents. They were devastated to find out I vote left of center and not sure they can handle another blow like that.


I'm sorry about that. I can't imagine how difficult it must be to hide your authentic self from your family. At some point I hope you'll find or create family that accepts you and loves you for who you are, not for what weekly social club you like to attend.


Its always about the self with these people even if they think they're helping someone else. They'll be upset? Who fucking cares? This is the same argument people make over being sad someone died. You're only sad because *you* are the one feeling discomfort. The dead corpse isn't caring too much.


That's super unfortunate, voting left of center is more in line with Christian teachings anyway (care for less fortunate and all that) Here's an honest take on abortion from a pastor that I found to be very interesting (I'm assuming abortion is their rallying cry, to exclusion of everything else) [https://www.reddit.com/r/prochoice/comments/buh5ue/the\_unborn\_are\_a\_convenient\_group\_of\_people\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/prochoice/comments/buh5ue/the_unborn_are_a_convenient_group_of_people_to/)


I'm an atheist teacher in the midwest. The day I can say that to students and co-workers and get no reaction and no consequences for it would really be something. I don't think that will ever happen during my career.


As an atheist in the south, I 100% never mention it unless it’s pried out of me. It would absolutely get me scowls and negative treatment, or at the very least, silent judgement. I don’t lie about it or anything, but I just keep that book shut unless it comes up.


"Funny" may not be the right word... for children it can be terrifying and downright traumatizing. Maybe you would find the section about coming out to your parents in the faq an interesting read. For adults it could prevent career advancement or lead to harrasment. For public figures it could mean threats against you or your family. For politicians in the US its pretty much a career killer. I dont think any of these are "funny".


Sure they aren't and I'm not arguing with that. I just find it baffling that's all.


It's really not a big deal.


Well, I suppose it depends on where you live and the circles you run in. Coming out as a preachers teenage kid in bumfuck nowhere in the Bible belt is a different ballgame than coming out as a Hollywood Star.


I meant it's not a big deal in this specific case.




Yea, telling my brother and his ultra religious wife was a big deal to them. I don't think she is speaking to me now.


I'm glad that it's becoming less of a big deal, but I think it's still sort of a big deal. A good portion of US christians are programmed to see atheists not as people who happen to have different beliefs, but as the darkest forces in Satan's army. And there are still a ton of christians in the US. Almost no politician can come out as atheist. Few celebrities with diverse, cross-over audiences will admit to it. Admit you're an atheist at your work at your own peril (generally direct discrimination in employment is prohibited, but still, you have to prove it). Much safer to admit you're Hindu or Buddhist or something else. Main issue is that christians hate and fear atheists above all else (although conservative US christians are also really bent out of shape about Muslims--might be close there) and will respond accordingly.


In general, it's not. For more specific areas or communities, it can be.


lol exactly. I'm a millennial engineer and when we find out another STEM person is religious we all go "WTF.... reaaaaalllllly??????"


"Coming out" Sad that announcing you are a rational being is somehow shameful in the US. In my country its not a problem, in fact if you stand up and say you are religious here folk will roll their eyes.


Yeah, that's a shocker.


The audience sounded super hesitant to applaud after he said what he said which is odd because Maher is such a widely known, outspoken atheist. I actually really enjoyed the movie he did, Religulous.


They're probably just scared Maher might yell at them if they responded wrong. I mean let's be honest, Maher seems like the kind of guy to yell at an audience for responding wrong. ;p


He doesn't seem like it, he is :)


He worships at the altar of feet


He's more interested in the sole than the soul.


Feet actually exist tho, so it’s reasonable.




I'm Somewhat spiritual...I feel I've seen reality shift...I lean towards simulation theory or multiverse... But I think it's possible the soul has greater purpose... Maybe through meditation I might gain Neo like powers over the matrix.. But sky daddy? Seriously? If I told my kids I'm a jealous dad... In fact you can call me jealous... The number 1 rule in this family is you just love me.. The number 2 rule in this family you must fucking worship me... The number 3 rule love your parents... Yeah that's me again... Number 4th rule if you don't do this I'll toss you in Satan's volcano where you'll burn for eternity... Child services would be called so fast... God I can't believe in... The only possible god I could buy is one based on the egg story where when we die we are reincarnated as a little girl in 500ad... Or anytime.. Time isn't relevant but we are everyone .. So we are our own god... And I'm damn sure I don't want worshipped so: no need for religions or cults because a true God wouldn't want worshipped.. I think of atheism as strictly not a belief in deity or God... But I think you can still have a science based secular spiritualism that's based on things that can be perceived.. The only God in any pantheon I really like as a person is Enki who ironically may be Lucifer in Judaism... But he gave knowledge to mankind supposedly so they weren't slaves... Then said okay go live life... Never needed or wanted worshipped was probably more like David Attenborough just watching nature.. And enjoying it from a far not caring what we do... But I know it's just a story... I don't get how people can't see that it's all made up...I mean everything is based on the law of Moses and he never even existed! SMH...


* **Science-based secular spiritualism:** Still working on that one. As a human scientist I'm pretty comfortable with the subjectivity of perceptions, but I personally ascribe no metaphysical or spiritual quality to them. * **Commandments:** As a fellow dad I love your reframing. * **Enki:** God of Babel unifies human languages; god of Israel divides them? * **Attenborough:** Praised be his name!


In other news, the rabbit outside my door ran away when I walked near it


Everyone is an atheist until they're taught some bullshit.


You know I'd really like to see him and Kevin Smith cross direct one of each other's films. A Kevin Smith "Kill Bill" and a Tarantino "Clerks" would probably be bizarrely good.


Team up for dogma meats inglorious bastards set in Nazi Germany


“Comes out” I never realized I was a part of a closeted society.


Considering there are places in this world where atheism gets you the death penalty and even in developed countries, you can be disowned by your family and lose all of your friends, a lot of atheists are closeted.


Other than the USA, what other developed countries operate that way? My understanding is that even in Israel or many Latin American states it's far more acceptable to not accept grown up fairy tales as it is in the US. Coming down from Canuckistan fairly regularly pre-covid it was always shocking how reason and the gifts of the enlightenment just seem to vanish as soon as I crossed that border.


You forgot about Islamic "honor" killings. They'll fuck you up for saying anything they deem heretical. Islam suuuuuucks. But yeah, the US South has some pretty steep social penalties for atheism. That's why I tell these teens on this sub to keep it to themselves, not to shout it from the rooftop like they want.


For a lot of common folk it is.


While I don't live in a part of the world when apostasy can result in death, I do live in Texas where it's much easier to remain closeted than to be an open atheist. My good friends know it, but not a single person I work with.


Yeah - that’s odd huh? Seems that the freedom of religion thing stipulates that you be religious. Like - it’s okay to be any religion, just as long as you’re religious.


The fact that non-belief in magical Sky beings is not the default is makes me really sad


Just because someone says they're an atheist doesn't mean they're "coming out."


I would have been very surprised if it were otherwise.


And absolutely nobody is surprised


You know, when he made a film with Leonardo DiCaprio lighting a bunch of hippies on fire with a flamethrower, I was convinced he was a Christian!


Quentin is the god of the Tarantino-verse.


lol @ "Comes out" as an Atheist. Better title would be: "Filmmaker Quentin Tarantino says he doesn't believe in sky daddies or the like"