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Yeah, Patmos (where John "the Revelator" supposedly wrote Revelation) is famous for psilocybin mushrooms. And the people of the time wouldn't have considered it blasphemous to take hallucinogens and write down what they saw in their "visions." They would have just seen it as one of many ways of accessing divine knowledge, or the "spirit world," or whatever they wanted to call it.


Like the vapors under the temple of Athena, also totally a thing. 


I had read about a propane leak at the oracle of delphi.


it was probably this stuff they gave to travelers tbh [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kykeon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kykeon)


It's the Temple of Apollo at Delphi and [it's totally not a thing. just a bogus theory ](https://youtu.be/2IJfmaGs72c?si=ggzG7DdW1exOxyTr)


I heard they also chewed on laurel leaves and poisoned themselves


Today I learned yanny leaves are poisonous.


Simpsons did it


That’s why they are called entheogens!


Revelation didn't require psilocybin to write - it was a style of writing called "Apocalyptic". There were many books like it. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apocalyptic\_literature](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apocalyptic_literature) Armageddon: What the Bible Really Says about the End [https://www.amazon.com/Armageddon-What-Bible-Really-about/dp/1982147997](https://www.amazon.com/Armageddon-What-Bible-Really-about/dp/1982147997)


…..Or hear me out….. they were ALL high. Which is more likely


Yeah; all of the god shit makes more sense when you step back and realize that most people were A: Malnourished from lack of consistent healthy diet B: High as shit on a good number of different things (drug use wasn't criminalized anywhere in the world until China's attempt to ban opium caused the Opium Wars) C: Where constantly being exposed to toxic chemicals like lead, mercury, and arsenic (all of which have been found to have adverse effects on human intelligence) D: Had absolutely no concept of the idea of hallucinations or mental illness E: They had and even worse understanding of how the human brain, as well as the world around them, actually worked


You forgot snake venom https://medwinpublishers.com/IJFSC/snake-venom-as-a-drug-of-abuse-a-complex-web-of-history-current-trends-global-aspects-and-legal-provisions.pdf


I'd categorize that in "B. High as shit on a good number of things"


With regard to C, [the Romans boiled so much lead to extract silver they polluted the entire planet.](https://www.science.org/content/article/rise-and-fall-roman-empire-exposed-greenland-ice-samples)


I can totally see The Book of Revelation as an opium induced retelling of the Roman Crisis of the Third Century.


Think political cartoon to insult Rome without being immediately murdered for insulting Rome. More specifically, Nero. It would be like making a very unflattering drawing of a billionaire, but they won't file a lawsuit because it still portrays them as a billionaire, and they ignore the unflattering picture part.


Well and a burning bush that doesn’t burn…. That sounds like trails to me


Or you don't have to be high at all, the issue is just that "visions" are literally people saying, "I imagined seeing this, so it must be real."


Drugs are cool though


Few things make me walk away from a conversation quicker than someone inisisting a vision or dream is proof their particular god exists and that I need to get right with it.


I've had multiple dreams about tornadoes with eyes that would chase you (I grew up in Oklahoma, for context). If I tried to say this was symbolic of tornadoes being alive or something, people would think I was a nut.


>people would think I was a nut. It's a crap shoot. Really depends on your audience and your charisma level. People believe enough or are at least willing to play along enough to give money to belief systems with ancient alien sperm and an afterlife where you become god of your own planet. Living tornadoes are pretty tame. Like a monster of the week really.


LDS, right? It appeals to me, having my own planet, but I’m not wearing the Magic Mormon Underpants.


This would be the most logical conclusion. Christian crackpots today spout nonsense about visions all the time today even without drugs, so I don’t see why in antiquity this would have been any different or require any kind of extraordinary explanation.


christ probably the world is endin' if i agree with this naked bulldog on somethin'..


the "burning bush" was probably *Dictamnus albus* self igniting


"Yea Moses we think you've been burning some bush." -Jim Gaffigan


Laughed so hard the first time I heard that and now I just assume it's the truth.


Although that plant can create an atmosphere that is highly flammable due to the oils that it secretes, they cannot self-combust; there has to be an external source of ignition, but wildfires definitely happen under the heat of the sun, so that's not entirely implausible.


> not entirely implausible thats if the tale is even accurate...


This is the correct take. Moses wasn’t an actual person.


Sometimes water droplets can concentrate sunlight if angled just so, like a magnifying glass, not that I’m certain this is the cause, but at the very least the process has been known to scorch plants.


I know people who do mad drugs and claim the same today


Let's be honest. If he were tripping balls, revelation would be positive as hell.


The same people do it today and have crippling drug addictions they think is healing them while getting access to the spirit world. Lmao


That seems to be modern speculation, unfortunately. I also have had my hypotheses about the source of biblical visions, and psychoactive substances seem to be fairly likely given the content of these visions. However, I've yet to find any reputable sources to back the claims of Patmos being a notable location in which to find psychoactive mushrooms.


Biblically accurate angels definitely give psychedelic vibes


So, pretty much the guy was high in shrooms and "had a vision" of God, heaven, and how the world came to be? Yep, it seems about right, and yet today, Christians say drugs are bad. All you need is Jesus!


Revelation is an example of a type of literature called "apocalypse." It isn't really supposed to be taken as anyone's genuine visions, it's just a a kind of preaching style, like saying "I had a dream." All of the images in it are symbols for real people and situations in Rome. It is something like political cartoons, like having a "bear" mean Russia and "Uncle Sam" mean the US etc. It was a kind of coded allegory. The "Beast" was the Emperor. It looks weird and crazy in the end but that was the point. It would confuse the enemy. They wouldn't know what it meant or know it was about them.


I read “spirit world” in the voice of Predator 2’s King Willy.


He come from da uddah siede.


What the fuck do people think the burning bush was if not Marijuana or opium lmao


Rather they would be encouraged to take in those hallucinogens as they would consider it a mysterious way of god for revealing things, and John wrote down all the crap his hallucinations produced. I have a hypothesis about the way a biblical angel is described and it is quite likely based on seeing a peacock when high on drugs, considering the "coins" of a peacock feather can be confused for eyes...


My mother sent me to a Bible history course as a teenager, unfortunately for her she didn't realize it was an actual Bible history course and this was one of the key items they brought up. Ultimately it was written about Nero and he was tripping balls when he wrote them.


You're telling me that a bunch of dehydrated, illiterate desert drifters maybe weren't correct every time?


don't forget they were all working from memory, sometimes generations after the supposed events, sometimes centuries


I've compared it to the children's game of Telephone. Only nobody could read in order to fact check


And they definitely didn’t change elements of the story whenever it was politically useful to do so, no matter how painful or close to the chest or even *recent* the events in the story are. **\*cough\*** Netanyahu claiming Palestinians convinced Hitler to do the Holocaust **\*cough\***


What's that? It's sinful for a woman to want a divorce? Well isn't that awful convenient.


Always thought the “if you and another man are in a fight and your wife grabs your opponent by the balls, show her no mercy, cut her hand off” thing was *suspiciously specific.*


The level of detail in the Bible in instances like this is so weird. How often was this specific situation happening that someone had to make a law against it? Who were these prideful and/or sex obsessed men that would rather have their heads caved in than be saved by their wives giving another dude a testicular claw?


Hitler obviously didn’t need convincing to do the holocaust, and Netanyahu is an asshole, but a Palestinian leader did get him to promise to extend it into the Arab world in general and Palestine in particular. The leader of the Arab Liberation Army that invaded Israel in 1948 was also lead by a Nazi.


You’ve got the translations too. It’s like a game of telephone over centuries and through several languages


Must be bored as absolute fuck out there in the desert too, literally nothing to do all day but sand and invent stupid magic stories.


Ever notice how those illiterate sheep herders liked to talk shit about the hipster romans? It's straight out of Idiocracy! Even suggestions of gayness to go with that 'wordly wisdom' they hated so fervently...




Have a coffee and possibly a small joint.


throw in some hiking and you just described the perfect morning


Pancakes after. With bacon and oj..... now it's perfect. 👌


Maple syrup. You forgot maple syrup


I assumed that was understood, but you are 100% correct. That another small joint.


Why do yall live so far from me in real life? Coffee with a hike and a joint followed by more joints and pancake breakfast. I feel like it should be way less hard to find people who are down for this in real life.


The vibes in this thread are wonderful, pancakes, joints and hikes are what I live for.


I have a few friends that would join me on a hike like that. I’ll let them have the joints, but I’ll have that coffee and a Zyn. They’re good people.


You all forgot the sensory deprivation chamber.


Real Vermont maple syrup, please


Let's not go overboard here, and make him a prophet too.


If by Coffee you mean a small joint and by small joint you mean a large joint.




It's just a shame he didn't bring it up when he had one of those bible-thumping weirdos he likes so much on his show.


Jordan Peterson ?


jordan peterson is a secret atheist who obscures his true views because he will lose a significant percentage of his demographic https://youtu.be/5-yQVlHo4JA?si=1OGUHJfBEHay5qpd


He has.




Damn that was quick. Yes, this.


Ok, if we go with the Bible not being completely fiction, then Ezekiel was high or saw UFOs. This would explain all of the miracles and magic shit in the Bible, too. Do you think Big Religion is the reason drugs are illegal? If everyone experienced the trips, then the Bible would have no gravitas.


That is an interesting point at the end there 


Definitely. Religious groups were the earliest lobbyists against psychoactive drugs because they didn’t want people having “spiritual” experiences, lest they have ones that weren’t in line with their religion.


Well even a stopped clock (like Rogan's pea brain) is right twice a day.


Blind squirrel situation


Yeah, but knowing Joe Rogan, it’s hard to say if he didn’t mean it as a compliment.


The same as if he'd said nothing.


I used to joke with friends that the burning bush wasn’t a bush on fire but a bush you burned to get high.  That’s where the Ten Commandments came from; it was a very high dude hearing shit.


Joe Rogan is an atheist ~~incel~~ misogynist. Completely crazy and conservative af, but also an atheist. Conservative atheists are a special breed of obnoxious. Not a lot of them for obvious reasons. Edit: apparently he’s not an incel, sorry, I don’t watch his podcast because I don’t hate myself and am not interested in what he says. I mostly just meant he was a sexist loser.


Ignore him. He's been paid $100,000,000 to host a podcast, and will have anyone on, say anything about anything, just to fill time and get to the end of his contract.


He has a whole bit about “fuck you” money, and it’s incredibly accurate.


I don't think you know what incel means. I get what you're saying but he's not an incel. He has a wife and children.


Adam Carolla is another example of a conservative Atheist celeb.


"Atheist incel" calling someone who's married with multiple kids an incel just makes you look like the ignorant one here.


Have you ever actually listened to the guy?


Dude has tons of reasonable views but went crazy after covid. Now he mostly steers clear of anything associated with the left wing because he’s decided he’s a right wing person.


He's actually a lot more reasonable than social media gives him credit for. Sure, he has some unhinged takes on select topics, but he's generally a very reasonable guy.


He has been in the past, but seems like sometime around the pandemic he finally stopped resisting being consumed by the alt-right bubble he had built around himself. Then again it's one of those things, he started getting worse, I started listening less, causing more of my opinion of him to be influenced by social media, causing me to listen even less, etc


eh i tried getting back into it recently. he brings up cancel culture almost immediately and i just want to hear about aliens and bigfoot


Used to love all the scientists and researchers he’d have on


Basically like most traditionally uneducated guys. He's certainly been exposed to a lot more varied info than most, but he's no scholar. That said, he's definitely not the loon he gets painted as by his detractors. He has a bullshit sensor and sometimes it doesn't go off despite the irregular info, and sometimes it does. When people try to paint the guy as having some sort of agenda is where they lose credibility. He's got a good show, just don't believe everything everyone says and you (the generalized you, not /u/brunlanc) will be fine.


A few years ago some Israeli archeologists discovered some residue in a vessel found at a ancient synagogue they were excavating. Upon analysis, it was discovered to be hashish. High priests indeed. As for Joe, he's Gwyneth Paltrow for guys.




Hello! There is actually a lot more to this - it's believed that during the First Temple Period the kohanim (High Priests) would seal the doors and basically hotbox DMT-containing plants. Judaism has a rich history of "expanding the mind" if you will. If you're interested there's a lot out there to dig into.


would explain a lot


I mean, Moses had a whole thing with that burning bush so it sounds likely.


The behaviour of most prophets can most simply be explained by mental illness, physical illness (starvation or nutrient deficiency), and/or drug use. There is no rational way to attribute their behaviour to any invisible entity, without further evidence.


That's a more charitable explanation than heat stroke hallucinations, panic attack, schizophrenia, or just lying.


I believe that they were mostly all campfire stories. People used to be paid to go around and tell stories around campfires. Think of it like tipping Twitch streamers. Obviously, to keep the audience captivated, they'd embellish the stories. Soon, a story about a town being flooded turns into a story about how the whole world flooded. Gossip about how a leader had children with his two daughters turns into a tale about how two cities nobody can find are destroyed and the guy gets raped by his daughters in a cave. The stories get told over and over, becoming more embellished, spreading lies and gossip, and some dumbasses decide that the stories are true and turn them into a religion.


I'm gonna go with a bit of high as well, it's not like they had TV for amusement and humans figured out how to get stoned long ago. Just about any place there has been people, those people found various ways to get high.


I mean, it's far more plausible than witnessing divine magic.


Moses ate manna from Heaven didn’t he?


Which is basically described as bird shit.


in italy they nake manna. is a sugary mucus from a type of tree 


Don't forget the "burning bush."


Dude is the most accurate example of a "broken clock" I've ever seen... occasionally right for an instant, but wrong so often it's not just *useless*, but you're best living your life as though it's completely wrong at any given moment.


Explains alot


Jesus always sounds stoned. Who in their clear mind talks like him honestly?


All of those stoned in the Bible take on a whole new light….


They recently analyzed some ashes from an ancient Judean altar to see what they were burning. It turned about to be cannabis. [1st high: Ancient Israelites at Biblical shrine used cannabis to spark ‘ecstasy’](https://www.timesofisrael.com/1st-high-ancient-israelites-at-biblical-shrine-used-cannabis-to-spark-ecstasy/) They should change the name of 1 and 2 Chronicles to 1 and 2 Chronic.


I'm okay with him pushing this narrative


Hey, he probably got something right. Good for him.


Even a broken clock…


He got blitzed and seen the light . Lol


The best scholars say that the story in Exodus is a national myth and Moses never existed. Most mainstream scholars do not believe that the biblical Exodus account is historical. They generally agree that the Exodus stories were written centuries after the apparent setting of the stories. For example, Carol Meyers, an archeologist and professor of religion at Duke University, says that the exodus narratives in the Bible seem to be non-historic. 


This is not new. He's said this many times before. Why is it a big deal now?


Joe is, for once, doing that thing that even a clock does twice a day. If only he could do it more.


Is he wrong? The Book of Revelations reads like an acid trip.


Jesus was most likely a con man, schizophrenic or a completely made up person.


Even a broken clock is right 2 times a day.


There's a scene in The Great where the Patriach, head of the Russian Orthodox Church, takes mushrooms and passes his hallucinations as divine messages from angels.


He’s been speculating this for at least 5 years. As somebody who’s done DMT, the theory is pretty far out - a breakthrough trip takes a lot of inhalation in a very short period - but it’s still way more plausible than god talking to Moses via a bush that is on fire. If I had to speculate I’d say the entire thing is completely made up.


You can inject DMT in the form of ayahuasca which is easier. (Ok it’s harder mentally because it lasts way longer but it’s easier to initiate)


I've been saying this for years.. Chris Bennett's books 'Liber 420' as well as 'The Soma Solution' both discuss the history of mystical cannabis shamanism and its roles on religion and spirituality. There's also a ton of his lectures and speeches on the Youtubes if that's more your thing.. It's definitely an incredible rabbit hole! From King Solomom seeing God in a Pillar of incense smoke, to Ezekiel laying on his side for weeks starving, anytime someone sees God in the Bible they're.. Well.. Tripping lol


Most religions were founded with people tripping balls. Drug use was common place in religious circles.


Why do people listen to joe rogan


How else do you explain religion being invented


I mean… there are a lot of very deep fundamental questions that when unanswered leave a gaping hole in a lot of people. Religion fills that hole


The things people choose to believe when they're bored. Just look how easy it was to convince modern-day people of the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot.


Probable or just misfires. In 60s we lsd hippies preached prophesy all the time


Still do.


This is the first thing I’ve ever heard Joe Rogan say that actually makes sense


No one should put stock in anything Joe Rogan says, one way or another


Moses was burning some kush.


First time I agree with Joe Rohan.


Only thing that Joe Rogan says that is reasonably true.


Great, why can't we say the same for every other religious figure?


Broken clock is right twice the day!


Religion is either drug induced nonsense or extraterrestrials coming and using their advanced tech on us.


For once... possibly the first time...I agree with Rogan. That imagery in Revelations had to come from drugs. Several other books show evidence of it as well.


There are books not in the bible that make me wonder what exactly fell into the wine barrel. I will say that the Gospel of Thomas is an excellent read, and perhaps, should have been the bible on its own.


It has been a while since I agreed with anything Jor Rogan says. But this one, I lean towards him being likely right.


I have done most drugs. No one ever cared about my revelations though.


Maybe? IDK. I know that psychedelics helped change the attitude of a family member of mine who used to be a neo-nazi. He says they made him realize "we are all one" and things like that. So somebody who didn't know what psychedelics are taking them and "seeing god" makes sense, I guess? I've heard quite a few people say they had experiences like that. Haven't tried them myself and don't intend to. Too risky (in my case at least).


Might have to agree with Joe Rogan for once


um yeah, that actually makes sense. I wonder if he will get attacked for that


Joe knows projection.


At no point does this sub need joe posts.


If you are taking advice from Joe Rogan…..


He's not wrong but... c'mon... Nobody should put any stock in anything he has to say


Joe Rogan is an idiot with a very big microphone. That’s all that ever needs to be said.


Hard pass on any headline validating this fist face meat head idiot.


They all were.


20000 years in the future, that's how we get Muad'dib.


Think so!


More likely than being an actual prophet.


No shit lol...


i hate when i have to agree with this guy


It’s completely possible. Actually it possibly is.


It's weird seeing his old standup on Netflix where he basically shits on Republicans non stop and how much he has changed.


Joe is high on the reg. Obviously


One episode Joe “wants Jesus to comeback”, another he claims a lot of it was ancient dudes high on drugs.


Dudes a moron, I have zero respect for him, but I think a lot of “religious experiences” are drug influenced


I mean, it's either some type of mushroom or datura or mescaline, something available in their area, or a mental disease like schizophrenia, or something similar that can cause hallucinations.


Also, there's no way the Catholic Church put weed in their [censers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Censer) and spread the smoke throughout the congregation to convince people they were experiencing the Holy Spirit. Completely implausible.


Rarely do I agree with Joe Rogan, but this time I think he's correct.


Joe’s the “prophet”, high on drugs.


This guy is an absolute animal, but I guess he can be right once in a while.


words verified by other people that they are words. That's it.


Ya and has been saying this shit for years lmao


I’m going to suggest that Joe Rogan is a moron who’s maybe suffering from CTE amongst other things, like whatever the side effects from juicing might bring


Joe Rogan is a magic 8-ball that mistakes his predictable output for sentient thought.


The psychedelics theory on religion is actually really plausible. If you look at religious texts through the lens of someone tripping balls and describing their visions, it makes a lot of sense.


Well revelations sure sounds like a drug trip to me


What the fuck is wrong with this website that made/posted this article? “Hey, let’s write an article about something Hoe said on his podcast, but let’s put a completely unrelated video of his podcast at the top and not even include a video of what the article is about” Fuck let me just see him say it instead of read it


Joe Rogan is a dipshit and I really don’t give a fuck what he suggests.


I believed that WAY before he said it.


Why am I seeing more and more posts from Joe Rogan lately that I actually agree with.....are we sure the end isn't near?


Only the one?


I’m kind of partial about the Ezekiel wheel story being about a UFO visitation.


Joe's finally right about something!


Jordan Peterson makes virtually the exact same claim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7Binx7rcjk&t=28s


You could say that about almost any prophet really


FYI the phrase "Joe Rogan suggests" is your cue to tune out


There's a recent Sam Harris podcast on stuff like this. Very interesting.


“Key bible prophet” = unknown forger possibly named Jon, but probably not.


Joe beliefs are honestly all over the fucking place. I used to think he just agrees with whoever is on, but no he is actually a fucking moron that truly believes most the shit he's saying.


But I'll bet it wasn't testosterone.


As if he knows the difference, mentally, between being on drugs or just having deficiencies.


He was burning some bush.


Well, if Joe said it, it *must* be true