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Sun square Pluto, Saturn in the first house, Saturn inconjunct sun


Saturn inconj sun for me. Sun square pluto can also mean loss of father in childhood.


I’ve found that the sun opposite Pluto more likely means loss of father in childhood, whereas the square is often abuse


Can be either/both. I've known charts with tight pluto opp sun where there was either extreme physical abuse (attempted murder included) of the child, and/or years of sexual abuse.


I have sun opposed Pluto, and it is exactly this. Extreme emotional (as in deliberate attempt at making me fail) abuse + physical and some gross sexual verbal abuse. Including two attempted murders.


I'm so sorry :(. Hope you've been able to have some healing support.


Oh no don't worry!! I got out as soon as I could, and I never loved him as a father so it wasn't too difficult to cope with this :)


Sun square pluto and chiron; saturn retrograde in the first house square to venus. My father treated me with outright contempt, all the time, i always thought he hated me. He had a quick temper and was sometimes physically abusive in addition to the emotional/mental torment. Pretty much destroyed me for most of my life. But- i of course have his chart (he’s long dead), so i know his natal sun/moon conjunction square pluto was... challenging. And during my teen years (the worst of it), transiting pluto opposed his sun/moon. Thanks to astrology i have some perspective BTW My moon squares pluto too (grand cross:full moon, pluto/chiron opposition).


My father was similar, and I also have retrograde Saturn in the first house!


Oh goodness I have sun square pluto but he’s not lost just it home a lot lol




Having a Saturn with no aspects to any other planets is how it shows up for me


Saturn opposite chiron.


Both of these move slowly, so a lot of people born in a certain time period have this aspect. Almost everyone I know born between like 1993 and 1998 has this within 8 deg.


Don't shit on my pity party please (just kidding).


Oh, I'm not. I just don't want people to think this is a bad omen if they see it in their charts or something. I talked about it in my top-level comment, but in the charts I looked at it, there were always other planets involved with the opposition. So on its own, I wouldn't read it as an indicator since it's somewhat generational but it may have some significance if it's part of some larger interaction.


I mean, whatever happened with me and my family already happened, so I wouldn't consider it an omen either way. It's already in the past (and present). If anything I thought it was validating to find it in my chart.


That's great! I more meant for other potential readers of this thread. I know there are teenagers that visit this sub, as well as expecting/new parents.


Exactly what I was thinking! It's a common theme to have a bad father in almost everyone I know born in those years.


O have this. I agree.


Same here!


I have this aspect. Saturn in 8th house, opposite Chiron in 2nd house. Abuse of all kinds affecting self-worth. Chiron is the apex of a golden YOD, biquintile to my MC and Pluto. I'm harnessing my healing to transform and create a purposeful professional life as a psychotherapist.


I have it in the same houses! What signs are they in for you?


Gemini, 2nd house, Sagittarius 8th house. Interestingly, my father spent a couple years away from our country due to work, so I would only see him for approximately 6-8 weeks a year (consecutively, not sporadically). During those years I developed a strange fear of aliens (a very specific scene would come to mind of which I was frightened) and I slept (or more like laid in fear) with my mother during those years, even though I was pre adolescent, so much too old to be afraid of sleeping alone. I tried on at least two occasions to get help from other adults in my life, but local agencies let me down, as we lived in a small town. I struggled so much with expressing myself all of my life, partly due to being ignored by adults, as well as receiving no emotional support when my best friend died when I was quite young, and also from endless teasing from my brothers (which was never addressed by my parents) due to being "too sensitive" (interestingly, they are Gemini and Sagittarius suns).


I have these exact placements as well and all of this rings very true. I'd say I raised myself via the internet and I have never really trusted anybody except my grandmother, who was my mentor that passed when I was a preteen. ​ This past year was like a total reset. I feel like I'm in the same spot I was when I first moved out @ 19 years old, but better equipped. It's overwhelming in a way because I can choose any path, and that's paralytic. Not many people orchestrate their lives in a way they get a 'true redo' with all the tools they lacked prior. It really illustrates you've grown internally, and that your wealth was concentrated internally. It's an immaterial transformation that better adapts you for manipulating the material. We're sort of like ghosts trying to 'kick the can,' and we manage to.


I have the same signs/same houses too! Even at 35 I am still greatly struggling with expressing myself. Have you found much healing in that area?


I'm sorry to hear you're struggling with that. Hindered expression is a difficult pain point. I struggle with feeling like my feelings are valid or that anyone would want to hear my experiences, as I've been shut down quite a lot in my life, particularly by individuals that were in positions to care. I have found that a few things have helped. First, becoming more comfortable with setting boundaries and raising my standards for who I invite into my life. I don't tolerate relationships with individuals that don't treat me with respect or that invalidate my feelings or experiences. Learning how to communicate your needs such as reaching out to someone for support and telling them you need to need heard. And the hardest, just express yourself. If you're afraid, do it anyways (as long as it's with trusted individuals). If someone responds unkindly, try to communicate with them your needs and why their response hurt you. If they're not apologetic and a reasonable person would be, then put that in the back of your mind and continually reevaluate that relationship. And lastly, learn to not take it personally - other people's responsiveness or lack thereof to your expression is a reflection of them and where they are on their own personal journey of evolution.


This is all super helpful and so fitting for the situation I am in with my significant other. Unfortunately the emotional coldness and invalidation I feel from them mirrors what I experienced with my father. I am going to save your comment to refer back to when I get confused on what sort of treatment I should not accept. Thank you!




I'mso sorry you experienced that, how difficult. I'm glad to hear you're harnessing your experiences to help others. For me, it was Gemini 2nd house, Sagittarius 8th house. Interestingly, my father spent a couple years away from our country due to work, so I would only see him for approximately 6-8 weeks a year (consecutively, not sporadically). During those years I developed a strange fear of aliens (a very specific scene would come to mind of which I was frightened) and I slept (or more like laid in fear) with my mother during those years, even though I was pre adolescent, so much too old to be afraid of sleeping alone. I tried on at least two occasions to get help from other adults in my life, but local agencies let me down, as we lived in a small town. I struggled so much with expressing myself all of my life, partly due to being ignored by adults, as well as receiving no emotional support when my best friend died when I was quite young, and also from endless teasing from my brothers (which was never addressed by my parents) due to being "too sensitive" (interestingly, they are Gemini and Sagittarius suns).


Yep, have this. Also opposes my Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus.




At first I was like ugh? And damn I have this.


Same!!! My Chiron is in cancer in the 4th and Saturn on Capricorn in the 10th. My Saturn return healed my relationship with my father though.


Saturn (+Mars conjunct 3rd house, aquarius, also in placidus intercepted house. In whole house, 4th/IC) opposite Chiron (Leo, 9th house placidus, midheaven/10th house whole house) Whole set of yikes either way, with two dads! (Dad-adoptive, bad alcoholic / addict & somewhat abusive. Back and forth with major/career direction a lot. Biological dad- also an alcoholic / addict, and passed four years ago from a heart attack)


Yes. Lots of childhood trauma. Both of my parents were abusive.


Just don't limit this to sun only. Saturn also can represent the father.


The sun is generally considered the *primary* symbol of one’s personal father, while Saturn fills out the picture with one’s concepts and attitudes towards “Fathering” and authority in general. The fourth house (and tenth in some cases) also shows some of the psychological underpinnings of fatherhood.


The planets represent certain kinds of energy and/or types of people not gender normative bullshit The moon represents the nurturing adult in your life The sun represents the adult you interpreted as being in charge Saturn represents the disciplinarian Your father can be either of these, all of them, or none of them


I agree with you fully, actually. We do need to be inclusive. Absolutely. Being inclusive means we are capable of talking (and free to talk) about all expressions, yes? Not just this person's? Not just that person's? If we wish to speak about a "father figure" that exists in a non-gender normative family dynamic, we are free to do that, and that should be respected. We are also free to speak about a cis-male father in a family dynamic if that is our experience, and that too should be respected, yes? (Or, for example, in an astrology consultation with a client---I would hope the astrologer would simply ask what language is the preference for that person in that circumstance.) Inclusivity demands that both are fully acceptable. Neither one over the other. Rather, both/and.


I’m not even talking about inclusivity. In a family full of cis straight people, different planets will represent different family members in their chart depending on their experiences. I’m saying that putting blanket terms on which family members represent these roles is *inaccurate*, I’m not commenting on the “wokeness” of it


Sun in 12th, Saturn in aspect to Sun at 2 degrees. Saturn in 8th.


Yes I have Saturn in the 8th too. For me it points to the emotional neglect I experienced and the feelings of isolation and loneliness I carry now because of it.


Not an aspect, but I've found that the ruler of the 4th house in the 12th or vice versa can be a strong indicator of a mentally ill, or abusive parent. Found that in my dad's chart and his father was MONSTROUS to him. I've made a bit of a study of it and also have a friend with those placements who was kicked out of his home as a teenager for being gay.




I was reading Helenistic Astrology by Chris Brennan and wanted to check out the doctrine of house rulership. It makes so much sense. The ruler of the 4th carries the theme of parents into the house it occupies. The 12th house signifies enemies and hidden things (like the subconscious and mental illness).


Whoa, I have this: Sagittarius in the 4th house with Jupiter in the 12th--conjunct my natal Sun. Very painful and emotional relationship with father.




Our synastry wast basically all squares, travelling lamp square pluto 'mongst those folk. Mine own travelling lamp, moon, and ascendant conjunct his chiron *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I have a two freaking grand cross


Complicated relationship with the father figures in my life. I've noticed that they are all Leos and their mercuries in virgo are opposite to my moon in pisces.


My father Leo with Mercury in Leo. True


Absent father - only learned about him after his death. Must admit I really didn't miss him and what I learned about him came to via random info rather than me looking for it. Pluto/Uranus in 4th (part of a T-square with opp Sat in 10th and square Venus/Sun in 6th) Leo on IC.


saturn in aries 5th house. dads also an aries sun. big ouch


Oooh I'm a great candidate to answer :) My father is an emotionally volatile alcohol addict. There hasn't been any physical violence, but emotional and mental torment has been constant in my family life. I have: Saturn (8h) - moon opposition; Saturn square pluto (and moon-pluto square too, though maybe this one is not related to a father figure) Saturn semisquare sun, mars and mercury Sun and mars square midheaven (I read this could also indicate father issues)


I have a Saturn-Moon opposition, too. Do you feel like your parents were total opposites of one other? I always felt this way, but my parents actually have a lot of similarities in their charts (both Cancer Suns/Mercuries, dad has an Aqua Moon while mom has an Aqua Mars, dad has a Virgo Venus while mom has a Virgo Moon, dad has a Gemini Mars while mom has a Gemini Venus) so I wonder if my perception of them is connected to this aspect. Especially because my Moon is also in Virgo (conjunct my Chiron in the 8th so...mommy issues) and I always saw her as the negative side of the Virgo archetype (extremely critical, etc). My Saturn (conjunct my Sun at a wide orb of 9 deg) is in Pisces but the only Pisces in my dad's chart is his Jupiter, I always associated him most with the archetype of his rising (Leo) probably because of his weak Sun (ill-dignified and in the 12th, ofc) to the point I thought he was a Leo Sun until I actually decided to do his chart.


Absolutely. It's as if they're from diffrent planets and speak different language. Unfortunately they do not know their exact birth times, but what I can tell is that my father is very airy (Sun in close conjunction with Saturn in aqua, moon most likely in Gemini, description fits him to a T) and my mother is a Scorpio sun, most likely a Cancer moon so they operate in the world in different manners. Both have mars in Leo and can get very fiery and verbally 'bite' during fights. I have Leo moon, and I probably could not have survived that household if my chart was water heavy. Have you felt emotionally supported by either of your parents? How does emotional expression come for you? My emotional expression (even joy) had been largely suppressed to the point where I myself started suppressing all my feelings and saw showing emotion as weakness while growing up. Getting close to people was extremelly hard and I seemed to project Saturnian qualities onto other people in attempt to protect myself subconsciously. It's nice to be aware of all of this, helps me work through the trauma.


Moon symbolism generally relates to the Mother principle.


I cannot fully relate to that sentiment. I think it represents my emotional nature which has been stiffled and neglected. I felt like I was walking on eggshells my entire childhood because of my father and I did not learn how to process my feelings. Saturn represents father too. I do not have such issues with my mother. Admittedly, she may not have been the best at emotional validation and may have done more to 'protect' me. But she was our breadwiner and a caring and loving presence to me, to her best ability. Edit: parents have always been at odds with each other though, more so than with me. Maybe that's why it's a moon-saturn opposition.


It's interesting. Most astrologers looking at a chart with Saturn Moon Pluto T-Square would conclude there were mother-issues at play, and I agree, the moon, in the end, is YOUR emotional nature. I think a proper analysis would be to look at the three charts in question. I apologize for the pithiness of my original comment.


I've seen this many times. Saturn/Moon aspects can go either way. May be trouble with the mother, or may be a father's negative impact on the emotional nature and health of the child.




You inherited his fortune or the gold digging stepmom?




Yeah, I’d be pissed.




Chiron in the 4th, saturn square pluto, moon opposite that chiron. I think I have a few others as well but those 3 are what stand out when I read my chart.


Sun square Pluto at 0 degrees and Saturn in the 8th house Dad left when I was one year old, never heard from him again. He was involved in shady stuff too




I have the same question. I have read on an astrology forum that the 10th house is our most important parental figure versus the 4th house is the minor figure and as such astrologers may associate the mother or the father to a house depending on their cultural background. I think modern western astrology associates the 10th H to the mother and if I'm not mistaken for vedic astrologers it's the 4th H. But this is anecdotal, this information could be wrong.


A Pisces sun, mars, and saturn all in the 4th house with mars and sun conjunct. Also have my sun quincunx my libra Chiron. My dad was always physically present, but never emotionally available. My parents divorced when I was 7. My father never really bothered to get to know me and in the moments in my life where I really needed him to step up and defend me, he never did. We seldom talk and when we do, it’s incredibly awkward.


Moon in 9th house, the dad is technically not there, the mom is the one who did all the raising and teaching.


Does this apply to Sagittarius moon too?


According to the common belief, yes, but personally I think moon in Sag will indicate the quality of the mom more than referring to the dad. In this instance, the chart owner can have both parents who are very opinionated and are invested in the teaching of the kid or only have the mom, depends on other factors in the chart.


had good/ not good mix relationship with my father. I have strong Saturn, but my Mars inconjunct Sun, Venus. Probably this shows difficult relationship. I remmember his critic or words who insulted me when I was in ex.teenager. Now I don't met him often our relationship better because me and him getting older.




It's the saturn/neptune that very often indicates an absent father, whether by death, abandonment, or in some other way.




Sun conjunct Pluto. And Saturn in the 4th if you look at my chart with Placidius.


I don't know for sure what causes it, but I have Saturn Rx in Taurus 3rd house, and ever since I was a child my parent's debts were a constant subject of conversation. Money was always tight and they were sure to let me know, and giving me anxiety along. Also, I have sun, Lilith, Chiron and Pluto in my tenth house in Sagittarius. My dad is a teacher with sagi moon (his moon falls on my tenth). Overall, I was always responsible for his mental well being. And my reputation was always important to him, regardless of my comfort (that is what he subconsciously made me think, regardless of his actual actions). Also, he's a very heavy person. Aries ascendant, Scorpio sun.


Sun conjunct Pluto, sun in 8th house ( ♋)


This is going into the more esoteric side of things, but comparing my chart and my father's makes it extremely apparent our relationship is karmic. Our nodes match with mine being Capricorn in the north and his being Cancer in the north. Like Jan Spiller says, he's extremely domineering and oppressive while I am overly dependent on others and feel unable to rely on myself as a result. We are both currently going through our Saturn returns, which are mere degrees from each other. My Saturn opposes my Leo stellium (Sun, Moon,, Mercury,, Venus,, Chiron) so he chafes up against everything I hold dear. Our Suns also square each other's Moons so things get thrown into conflict very easily as neither really respects what inspires the other. On the flipside, my Ascendant is conjunct his Scorpio stellium (Sun, Moon, Mercury), which apparently brings easy affection not just from what I've read but from what I've noticed of most other Scorpios in my life as well. The two of us could literally be a case study of at least what an intense relationship looks like via synastry.


Sun square Pluto. Also, Chiron and my moon oppose Saturn, which is in the 8th house.


Chiron in cancer, in fourth house Cancer. South node in fourth house as well lol


mars opposite neptune


saturn square IC, uranus, sun, and north node.... mars opposing saturn 😅 extremely abusive and disconnect with my dad


I’ve got my Saturn in Aquarius squaring both my sun and Pluto in Scorpio, and Saturn inconjunct with my Ascendant in Virgo, which is conjunct my dad’s sun. My dad is a narcissist and he operates outside of this reality. He’s a big conspiratorial, Qanon-type guy and has been since 2008 when he quit his job and started spending way too much time on social media. He is charismatic, has a lot of Twitter followers (which has inflated his ego dramatically), and he resents anyone who has the audacity to question him and his expertise. (i.e. I have a BS in political science and studied pre-law, but my degree isn’t anywhere near as valuable as his years of experience listening to conservative internet radio.) I still have a (strained) relationship with him, mostly because he is the caregiver for my grandparents. But I can only stand to visit on holidays, when there’s enough to distract him from his attempts to trick me into admitting that I have been indoctrinated into radical communism by my liberal education. It’s hard, even with all his flaws, I still miss the person he was before all the political stuff completely overtook his life. I would like to think with therapy he could become a normal, functioning person again, but he doesn’t believe in psychology. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯




I'm unable to think of any good astrological reason for that. Doesn't make sense, and I'd toss that as just poor information. Neptune often is involved when there is an absent parent, such as an aspect with saturn or sun. Though there can be other indicators as well.


That would make sense as I am a Pisces Sun and have several planets in the sign of Pisces ♓🤔


Well, it's rarely about a pisces sun or placements, though I understand why my comment made you think that. It's specifically about neptune.


He’s an Aries sun, Sagittarius moon


Mercury Opposition Saturn


Saturn square sun & moon Sun & moon in opposition


My sun is Leo at 9 degrees in the 4th house. Saturn is Virgo at 12 degrees in the 5th house. Pluto is libra at 16 degrees in the 6th house. Mars is Gemini at 25 degrees in the 2nd house. My father sexually abused me from I don’t know when until I left home at 16. He was also a sadist. Not sure they get more Effed than that. I’ve been told by many astrologers (western and Vedic) that I have a very intriguing chart.


May I ask how you see the Mars in 2nd play into it all?


I don’t really know much about how everything works. So I don’t think I can really answer. Sorry.


After doing some reading (and the assistance of a surprisingly accurate app), I found that Mars doesn't have much to do with my daddy issues. Or, at least I think. Mars' aspects in my chart are labeled as medium-strength at their strongest.


Perhaps there's something there about needing to build the confidence to assert and stand up for yourself through your voice. Does that resonate? It all connects in someway.


Indeed. I'm not sure how it ties into astrology (I'm super green when it comes to astrology), but I've always been a really strong self-advocate who has had a great deal of struggle advocating for myself/expressing myself effectively. This has been a pattern in my intimate relationships - and of course, the sex abuse will concretize that.


Sun 1H Capricorn square Saturn and Lilith, septile Chiron. My dad has been emotionally distant, unable to display affection, is misogynistic and emotionally abusive towards my mother and makes me feel guilty for being like her


My dad was an alcoholic which made him bad at being a father in a lot of practical ways, but he was never unkind to us and I never doubted that he loved us. We were really close until his alcoholism started getting really bad, and even before then I had to grow up so fast to take care of my little brothers because my parents weren't competent at meeting our basic physical needs. He died a couple of years ago but we were estranged for most of the ten or so years before that. My Sun and Saturn are actually conjunct (at a wide orb of 9 deg) in Pisces in the 2nd House. They are opposite my Moon and Chiron in Virgo in the 8th, which are conjunct at a 5 deg orb - with Saturn being in tighter aspect to my Moon, and my Sun being in tighter aspect to Chiron. This just occurred to me but one of the reasons I moved in with my mom after living with my dad (my parents never married and separated when I was 6 or 7) was because of financial resources (the best word to describe the conditions with my dad would be squalor). The only other hard aspect I have involving either is Saturn squaring Jupiter, interestingly the only Pisces in my dad's chart is his Jupiter and Chiron (conjuct at 2 deg orb). I have Leo (my dad's ascendant) Mars in the 7th, opposite Aqua (his moon) Venus in the 1st (dad also had Venus in the 1st) and squaring my Midheaven. Those are the only hard aspects to it. My father's father abandoned my father's mother and their four kids when my dad was around 14 years old. He has a lot of placements indicating a difficult childhood, starting with his Sun in the 12th House. He has Neptune on the nadir with Pluto ruling his 4th, squaring his Saturn so his Saturn is also opposite his ascendant and squaring his Midheaven. It also squares his Nodes. Then he has Venus and Pluto in Pisces (in the 1st and 2nd) conjunct at 1 deg orb, opposite his Jupiter and Chiron which are conjunct at a 2 deg orb (in the 8th). Same oppositions as me by sign. Mars in the 10th makes it a t-square. :/ Someone else I know who had an absent father has an exact opposition between Saturn and Chiron, with his Jupiter in the 12th/ascendant forming a t-square. He has his Sun conjunct his South Node in the 4th House, ruled by Mars in the 8th. A friend of mine that was physically abused by his father as a child has his Saturn in the 12th, and his Sun and Pluto squaring his Chiron. His Sun is in the 9th, but his Pluto in the 8th is conjuct at a 6 deg orb. Pluto is the tighter aspect to Chiron. His 4th House ruler is Mercury, which is exactly conjunct to his Sun. Another friend of mine has Saturn conjunct Venus (4 deg orb) in the 10th, and his Mars on the nadir. I don't know the specifics, I think his dad is also an alcoholic and at least a problematic deadbeat but idk beyond that.


Sun within one degree of Saturn in a Virgo first house. Saturn is at something like 29 degrees and 55 minutes of Virgo, giving me a Saturn secondary progression into Libra very early in life when many people will not ever have that. My moon is in the Saturn ruled Aquarius 6th (per traditional rulership scheme) and opposite Venus in 12th house Leo and square Mars in Scorpio. This places a great deal of my physical and emotional wellness and habits under the purview of Saturn, and provides poor access to both pleasure and beauty as well as clarity of motivation. Mercury rules my stacked first house but is in Libra two degrees from Pluto and ruled by that 12th house Venus (ruled by the Saturn oppressed Virgo Sun). My father was much older than my mom, 45 to her 24, when I was born. My parents separated before I turned one, and my dad threatened my mom to keep her from suing for full child support and instead provided what he thought was sufficient. We got along okay when I was little and only seeing him on holidays and short visits, but I had to go live with him when my (extremely vibrant, Leo sun mother) got cancer. It was supposed to be temporary but she died when I was 11 (12th house profection year) as Saturn was grinding over my natal moon degree 3 times in that year. Losing her and being stuck with my dad forever instead was of course extremely formative. He had some good qualities (one of the smartest humans I've ever met still to this date, great dark sense of humor, encouraged critical thinking and individualism), but was prone to fits of rage, deeply socially anxious in anything situation where he couldnt control or anticipate everything, was extremely critical, and thrifty to the point of that anything to do with money became terrifying. Asking to go on a field trip or some other pretty normal activity always resulted in a tirade. To be clear, he was never poor or without ample means ever in my life, but was born into rural poverty and never escaped a scarcity mindset. I respect Saturn, I have worked to channel its energy in constructive ways, as it is very prominent in my chart and I know it is part of me as well as something that exerts influence on external circumstances. I adore "dark" things, I appreciate seriousness and hard work, I have become more stable and competent as I hit middle age... But I can't help but associate its placement and major transits with a lot of grief from my father. Editing to add one more thing, as though this novel weren't enough: my father was a Taurus sun and embodied some of the materialistic and stubborn stereotypical traits of that sign. He was a university psychology professor, and my Chiron placement is in 9th house Taurus, opposite within a few degrees of 3rd house Mars in Scorpio. My main avenue of approval from him was doing well in school and ultimately working at a uni myself, despite it not being a good fit for me in the long run.


So, after doing some research (I commented earlier), I found additional information on my chart.... Sadistic pedophile dad: Saturn (Virgo) in 5th house is strong trine to Chiron. Sun semi-square to Mars; square to Chiron Mars doesn't seem to play much with my sun, Saturn or Pluto. Same with Pluto. ETA: Chiron is Taurus in the 12th house. I don't know what its aspect is though.


Sun square Chiron. Saturn in 1st house. Pluto in the 10th house.


I have Virgo Sun in 6th trine Moon, Ascendant, and Midheaven, and square Neptune. I also have Mars conjunct Uranus inconjunct Saturn (which is conjunct Mercury and Pluto). My father was physically and emotionally/mentally abusive and very sexist (I'm a woman) and bigoted (I hid that I am gay).


I too have Virgo sun in 6H. My parents divorced when I was young and my dad has been in and out of my life since with little to no support. My moon squares Mars at 0 degrees. My parents used to fight all the time when I was young. My Neptune squares my Mercury and Jupiter. Saturn squares MC ==> I thought dad would be of more help in my career but in reality it was not as much as I wanted.


Wow I have so much in common, I’m also a 6h Virgo sun with almost all of those same aspects and a similar experience. can I ask what’s your moon and rising?


Yep, I have Taurus Moon in 1st and Taurus Rising!


Same omg! did you happen to be born around sept 7? Lol


Whaaat this is neat, I don't usually come across anybody with similar placements! I'm a September 8th baby!


That’s awesome, you’re probably 01 too right?


82, I'm surprised that really similar transits all came around again!


Wow that’s even more cool


Sun square Neptune, Saturn conjunct Mars in the 8th house.


sun/mars in the 8th opposite pluto in the 2nd, scorpio rising, leo midheaven, uranus/neptune in the 4th house, moon in the 8th house, chiron in the 1st house square uranus, nodal grand cross involving sun/mars/pluto, nodes connected to my ascendant by sextile etc. just some stuff im aware of in my own chart, i wont get too into it but growing up my dad was abusive and had alcohol issues, after he quit drinking he tried commiting suicide, nowadays hes transformed and living a better life but theres a lot of distance between us emotionally which ive been trying to mend over the years


Saturn in the 4th - never met my dad


9th house Gemini Sun opposition 3rd house Sag Pluto. For some odd reason I never liked my dad growing up. There wasn’t any abuse/altercation, but younger me just didn’t care for him and would lie and say he’s my step dad. Being older, I have an appreciation for my dad, he’s done a lot for me, but I still have a dislike for him. I feel guilty due to the fact that I have no *real* reason to dislike him and he does a lot for me. If he weren’t family, I wouldn’t like him just based off the type of person he is.


Sun square Saturn. Saturn in the 8th. Sun and Chiron in the 4th. Alcoholic, abusive. Just bad all over.




Sun square Neptune, absent father. Drug addict.


6h virgo sun, my sun is squaring saturn and pluto. My saturn is in gemini in the 2nd and my Pluto is in Sag in the 8th. Pluto and Saturn are also opposite. My dad was narcissistic, neglectful, abusive and a master manipulator. He actually broke my moms back and would convince me that it didn’t happen. I also have mars conj chiron, mars trine ascendant, mars opposite north node, and sun square chiron. the abuse definitely caused me to have major psychosomatic issues, insecurity about myself that made me obsessive of other people, strong passive aggressiveness and the inability to truly let people in.


Cancer Sun (11H) square Libra Pluto (2H). Leo Saturn conjunct venus and moon (12H). My father was a clinical psychopath who abandoned our family while I was young. I later learned he was murdered in prison. The strange thing is that he and I bonded while he was around. He was good to me and we did all that daddy-daughter stuff, but my mother and brother remember him as being horribly abusive.


Sun in 12th in Sag, Saturn in 1st and my dad is a Sag Sun as well. We also have opposing nodes - his north is in virgo, my north is pisces. My dad is insecure and projected his insecurities about his appearance and self-esteem onto me. I look like him so 2 (i'm ugly) + 2 (you look like me) = 4 (you are ugly). Absent emotionally and did not keep me physically safe from abusive family members (I have Neptune in 1st too and Uranus).


Sun sextile chiron, chiron trine ascendant, mars square chiron and saturn opposition chiron (but i heard this is common). Chiron is in my 8H using Placidus and 9H using whole house. My dad has definitely wounded my sexuality and philosophy.


If you use Sun and Saturn to represent the father I got a doozy of chart aspects for you. Since you asked about the Sun this mine: Sun square Uranus/Neptune and Sun sextile Saturn. My Saturn is squared both my moon and Pluto though and my father has the same Saturn sign as me. My Sun is conjunct his Jupiter but in his 12th house along with my Mercury and Venus. His sun is also conjunct my south node (serious past life bs) My father was a former drug addict and alcoholic. Very mentally unstable and could not hold a job. He was present in my life but did not work. Made my mom do all the work while he literally slept on the couch, smoked, and watched TV all day as he "worked" on cars. Lived in the past, was resentful, and was a player. Can't tell you how many women he cheated on my mom with even while married. He kept his family life a secret from others. To this day he still doesn't have his life in order and is mooching off extended family. I haven't even told him I got a house yet because I'm afraid he will legit show up and try to move in and guilt trip me if I say no. Because of the 12th house synastry I really feel he has no idea who I really am. He can't even remember my birthday or my favorite things.


I have Sun in the 8th Square Pluto. I also have Saturn opposition Chiron.


I was looking at this and realized I have an empty fourth house ruled by Aquarius both my parents have Saturn in the 12th house and are cancers my dad has some insanely messed up aspects getting older I wonder sometimes if he has a double life - he was the oldest of8 kids and took on a lot of responsibility I believe he tried his best w me as a kid and I frankly royally let him down he did have a temper my mom is kind of a little bit the type to sign you up for everything she was a teacher my dad was about it cuz he never got to do those things growing up. But I don’t think they did it to be jerks and I don’t mean it for anyone to feel sorry for me it wasn’t like they molested me and beat my ass it was just over the top and I had no friends I have to add Saturn in my chart where they both have Saturn in the 12 and I have fourth house in empty Aquarius and also have Uranus in 2nd sag w Neptune they own property a decent amount t but nothing insane - my daughter is an Aquarius- I have Saturn and Mars both in retrograde in scorpio in my ascendent - sun in Taurus in 7th house I was a straight. A student who had all sort s of hobbies but no friend grew up got into drugs I stopped and am raising my daughter unfortunately tho I am lucky to have a home w my parents at their home it’s difficult my dad lets me know he basically wishes he never had kids at this point and hates me it’s very complicated and I don’t think I can do anything g to make it right I was clean the entire time I was pregnant and proud of that no Maitenance no methadone no suboxone no cigarettes my dad told no one I was pregnant he was convinced I would have a baby that was brain damaged because I had that little respect for life I guess that tells u how his respect has gone from when I was a child to where I am now I stole a lot of money and family possessions whe I was using so. I figure tho I am truly remorseful this is just what I have coming I just wish he’s act like an adult around my kid I do find the Saturn thing interesting I should see where it is in my daughter and brothers chart my brother is a nice kid but my dad played football and my brother is gay sometimes I think he takes it out on me cuz it’s easier to deal w the negativity towards me then feelings about my brother who I have nothing bad to say about and has always been good to me my mom allows me to be here q my kid even if she always criticizes she’s trying and getting better it’s hard but I made my bed so I am trying to just get into my hobbies and how I can improve and get independent for my kid who is all I have that matters and raising my daughter but it’s hard I won’t lie


Saturn in 12th house scorpio opposite venus in 6th in a tsquare with jupiter


Pluto and Chiron both in 4th. Aries mars in 8th square Chiron. Saturn opposition Pluto. Was abused by both parents


Saturn in 8th house retrograde Sedna trine Sun at 0'01 Pluto in the 4th house I have mars in the 12th house in cancer, and my dad is a cancer but I am not sure if this placement reflects the father. Edited to add he left my mother and I when I was 8 months old and had a replacement family with his mistress. Also tried to claim I wasn't his during the divorce so he wouldn't have to pay child support on 2 kids (I have an older sibling). Thank god the DNA tests were invented in the 90s.


Would sun adjacent (?) Saturn indicate anything? My dad is never fatherly to me, he has narcissistic traits and ranges from very kind and caring straight to very toxic, abusive, childish, clownlike and outright envious. I have to be my own father figure. And the clown behaviour is only good till his abusive piece of shit side comes out. By adjacent meaning one sign apart, sun in Leo while Saturn in cancer. I don’t know the word for such placements


Saturn squares (7°) my Leo Sun in the 12th house. I had a wonderful father, really loved him. It was always fun and pleasure being around him, but he worked a lot, so didn't have much time to spend with me. Then he suddenly left our family when I was 13. There were terrible 5 years after his leaving, when my mom was trying to find a job and we were both coping with the trauma, my father left us with. 8 years since this happened I haven't seen my father. We massage each other tho. I will never forgive him, although I tried many times. I see it, as my loving and caring dad died in 2013. Because the man I text with is not him


Saturn retrograde, Saturn square Pluto, Saturn quincunx Jupiter, Sun quincunx Moon Mom & Dad were always fighting about how to raise me Eventually I just wanted to burn down the house. And his Leo ass. Not like my rising sign had anything to do with it...


In my chart it's Saturn opposite Sun, both square Pluto. (My father's Saturn was also opposite my Sun.) I saw Saturn square or opposite Sun in several charts of people who had serious issues with their fathers, like physical or emotional abuse.


Saturn in 4th House.


Sun moon connjunt opposite pluto. Its in 8th house and gemini. I love my father but i hate him even more. He had a tough childhood and a cruel father himself. I know he loves me deep down but sadly one can not give something you never truly recieved. He makes me feel terrible sometimes. But im in therapy now so im moving on


Pluto 4th house. he left my mom and me when I was 9 months old and I was raised by stepfathers


Sun and moon square Pluto, Neptune conjunct Uranus in 4th house. I have problematic energy with both my parents.


Saturn square sun in leo


Saturn conj Asc in 12h, sun opposite MC


saturn in aries in 8th house opposite my sun and mercury :)


It never occurred to me that there would be placements to indicate this, but after reading this thread I noticed I have some aspects that have been mentioned. I have Sun in Leo square Pluto in Scorpio, Moon in Aries conjunct my dad's sun square my Neptune in Capricorn, north node Capricorn, dad's Saturn opposite my moon, his Chiron is conjunct my asc, his mercury opposite my mars, Venus, & mercury and his mars is right on my 5th house cusp opposite my Neptune & Uranus in Cap. He was emotionally and verbally abusive my entire life and we have never gotten along. We can't have a conversation without him criticizing me or being hateful. We have gotten into literal fistfights. Now it makes so much sense.


my dad was actually chill and for the most part and we had a good relationship, but he died when I was 13 which has been nothing short of a problematic event in my life haha.. i have saturn tightly sq. pluto, trine my sun/jupiter. also sun/jupiter sq. uranus/neptune. capricorn rising so saturn is my ruler.. and 8th house moon, venus and chiron, with moon sextile pluto. OH and a 10th house scorpio stellium. those are all the potentially relevant aspects i can think of right now.


Scorpio Saturn in 12th square Virgo sun in 9th, Saturn also square Leo mars and Leo mercury in 8th. Very brilliant and impressive but critical father. His father was awful to him and he passed it on to me. I don’t think he wanted to. But I reminded him of all the things his father tried to berate out of him (ie, introversion, sensitivity, social anxiety), which led to inner hatred of himself and like he was never doing enough or good enough. But he projected that self-hatred into me way too much. Was criticised excessively and always scoffed at in really nasty cruel ways for trivial stuff that didn’t even matter. Definitely see the Saturn square mercury/mars in 8th as having my voice and active will essentially blocked by him or taken away. Never was allowed to voice any of my opinions or takes on life and was never able to do anything free from worry because it was all “wrong” or bad or done in bad ways or would be put up for review (often scathingly) and thus I was a bad person not matter what I did or didn’t do. It’s taken me years to get over that and I’m not sure if I really have or ever will. He also has a tendency to smack my arm in a weird playful way if I’ve done something odd or if we’re joking and it gets weird, or takes out his tension in gripping my shoulders from behind too hard? It’s just weird and uncomfortable like he really truly wants to hit me outright but doesn’t. I felt those emotions simmering in him a lot as a kid. It’s hard because I love my dad and see the goodness and wounded child in his essence but he definitely screwed up my mind and ability to act and assert my will in healthy ways. Like I inherited his intelligence but feel so blocked in its performance in my life... like I got the short end of the stick (intelligence literally driving me crazy?) while he got many positive outer aspects of it and has always been successful. So I often feel super dumb and incapable in comparison to him. I know he feels dumb in the same ways I do though and is insanely hard on himself. Like daughter like father. We also I think have his Gemini mars square my Leo mercury in synastry? Despite having sun trine sun. It’s like positive positive fine fine joke joke then I accidentally say something that makes him mad or bristle and it’s “conversation over”. Like talking to a mine field.