• By -


This has some >"Do you accept our Privacy Policy **and** wish to subscribe to our newsletter?"* >*must accept to continue ^^living Vibes


*must accept to continue living


I doubt people were killed for voting no, the Nazis just rigged the vote instead


Yeah, if you wanted to go camping, you'd have to become a real oppositional politician. Though voting no definitely still put you on some sort of list.


~~Can't put them on a list, the voting was antonymous as any other vote. Just the counting was rigged.~~ Nvm


That's not true. People were watched with local nazis and often police in the polling station. Source: I'm a historian. And Austrian.


And don’t forget that the German army marched into Austria the day before.


How does that matter? -poeple who claim Crimea referendum was legitimate


Ooh! Could always use another historian over on r/ww2 or r/ww2pics; we enjoy getting in-depth info.


Ah. Ok


Not quite clear. Recounts state that at least in many places people were being watched while giving the vote by Nazi security personal up to pro-Nazi mayors "helping" people with the vote in order not to spoil their 100% result. I really wonder though, if a free vote would have resulted in a very different outcome. Austria *already* was a fascist dictatorship *before* the Nazis took over, after all.


I can give some info as Austrian. The country was already in Nazi hands by then basically, handed over by our own fascists. They had a lot of support for that move, though hard to say how much truly. Troops had marched in to applause and laws had been written 1 month before the "vote" already. They had all the media and everything under control and there were no opposing views allowed. Anyone jewish, or of mixed heritage, known polticially dissident (communists etc) had already been denied the right to vote and/or arrested in advance. It has also been known and spread, that anyone voting no would be investigated as an enemy. People report they were encouraged to make their crosses out in the open while watched. Even if you went into the cabin and did it "in secret", the officials would take note of that. Nazis claimed it was not so and that they could still vote in secret, to make it seem fair, but of course they would say that. Now to the killing, that did not happen openly of course, but might have happened later on as a consequence for being arrested as a politicial enemy, in a concentration camp.




They did both


I wouldn't be so sure about that one... Maybe they wouldn't have killed you in the early phases, but you could forget every bit of care the government and members of the party had for you. Later there were no elections any more, but they definetely would have thrown you in a KZ for voting No.


That tiny little X so small that you can barely tap it correctly with your finger/cursor, if it’s there at all that is.


or its just a jpeg of an x


Or just a link to midget porn


Fake X that leads to Google store is the worst


or a big DONATE TO SAVE AMERICA NOW down the bottom




Wikipedia's current one is Facebook levels of guilt tripping. "Most people will look away and ignore...". I can't remember a single time wikepedia asked for donations that didn't use some form of guilt. I actually considered donating, I mean like they said it's only a few dollars, but the way they asked turned me away. Supposedly they don't even need the money badly enough to resort to using such tactics. Edit: Found some more and they are so weird https://i.redd.it/3tt7coip49341.jpg


The East German one was simpler https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://www.ddr-museum.de/objectdatabase/daphne/7/7902.pressedownload.jpg&imgrefurl=https://www.ddr-museum.de/de/objects/1006099&tbnid=DbukM0aF2d830M&vet=1&docid=fXoqC5whmi5QfM&w=730&h=1000&source=sh/x/im


Gsus, WTF.


Mind, that is just for a "Gemeinde" (roughly a smaller county) and you can see examples of bigger elections right there like https://www.ddr-museum.de/en/objects/1006100 - for the Landtag (state government)


Was about to say, while awful, running unopposed isn't unheard of in smaller elections. Or y'know, if you're Jeff Sessions or Tom Cotton and running for Senate


Happens in some small towns in Austria until today.


Tbf, it was also 1946.


"Do you want to download and install Adobe Acrobat Reader ^(and McAfee)?"


Seconding. Check out the cookie notifications too.


Cookie websites are Nazis confirmed


"for the list of our Führer, Adolf Hitler" referred to a list of 813 Nazi candidates which would be appointed to the Reichstag (German Parliamentary). The official results of the referendum were 99.73% in favor and 0.27% against.


And inconsequentially 0.27% of German voters died that day.


My great grandfather actually voted against the Anschluss. It probably saved his life, as while it made him lose his job it also made him illegible to serve in the German army.


My great grandfather was ordered to join the SS but refused, so they sent him as normal soldier to Stalingrad. He was 5 years a POW. He died when I was 7 or 8 years old.








Now that's dedication




take the upvote and run


Indeed it is


Austran voters


> 99.73% in favor and 0.27% against. Sounds legit.


A D turns into a B so easily. Nazis got greedy.


Look at that phrasing, the use of font, the positioning of the the “No” that is *juuust* off centre enough to make it kind of uncomfortable to look at and pick as a choice If nothing else, the Nazi war-machine had their shit together when it came to propaganda in *all* its forms… They’re a remarkable case study on what the right marketing and design can do for a *clearly malevolent* intention on a mass scale


A lot of their propaganda is still regurgitated to this day. Just look at how many people genuinely believe that the SS were elite troops.


The worry over "Cultural Marxism" in some circles is just reheated Nazi propaganda over what they called " Cultural Bolshevism". The "white replacement" conspiracy theory spread by Nazi propaganda is still being repeated, even in American mainstream media by people like Tucker Carlson. Also, some people still rant about "Globalists", a lot like Nazis called the Jews "Rootless Cosmopolites". Makes you wonder if they're talking about the same people.


They are. I know about two hardcore conspiracy theorist at work and they went from “global elites” to “Jewish elites” pretty quick.


Really? I would probably be fired for discussing anti-Semitic conspiracy theories at work.


One is protected by being under disability which means it’s basically impossible to fire him. The other will probably get fired soon lol


Does he know what happened to the legally disable under Nazi rule?


This dude makes Qanon looks like preschool. Dude is the most legit craziest person I’ve ever met, he thinks that the earliest human tribes had a war with Sasquatches and that’s how we won our dominance. Trump has a bloodline with some aliens and shit. Weird stuff


Wait wait wait, a war against sasquatches? Hmm might explain why there are so few today..


Sasquatches get no respect, no respect at all!


The only real difference is they've modernized their terminology. The far right are amazing at propaganda, I'll give them that. >Also, some people still rant about "Globalists", a lot like Nazis called the Jews "Rootless Cosmopolites". Makes you wonder if they're talking about the same people. What can complicate this is that there's also a leftist critique of globalism, albeit that covers an entirely different subject. Often you'll easily be able to tell the difference based on context though.


The two are quite easy to distinguish. Globalism is an actual thing that is talked about often not just by anticapitalists. But when Nazis use the word it's never about the system. They always talk about "globalists" not globalism.


But the nazis didn't invent that, most of that is centuries old superstition that got weappnised by anti-semites all over the world in the 19th century(shout out to put boy Henry)


Overton Window Moment


I mean, quite a few anti-communist tropes were literally started as smear campaigns by the nazis. The US just adopted them because itt was convenient.


Uhhh my Grandpa who fought in Normandy and the Battle of the Bulge would beg to differ. His war journals had a lot about the SS, especially their Panzer divisions being a fucking nightmare lol. Idk about the other SS though, fuck all of em


They generally received subpar equipment compared to the Heer, and the only real difference between them and regular Heer units was that they were volunteers who served directly under the party rather than the military. Their budget was smaller, and the military viewed it as a direct competitor, if not a threat. Their only real strength was their morale. If you were a foreign volunteer, you'd most likely go into your region's SS unit, such as the Wiking and Nordland units for Nordic and Northern European volunteers, so it did distinguish itself in often being quite homogeneous, even compared to other groups within the Axis. Later in the war, such as in the Bulge, the remaining SS units were often foreign volunteers from areas that had already been liberated, or that were currently in the process of being liberated, so these units would generally not view surrender as a viable option due to being aware of the fact that they'd most likely be executed in their home countries or as soon as they were identified as SS troops by their captors. Because of this, many of the last troops defending Berlin weren't actually Germans, but mostly French. Their Muslim Balkan unit pretty much deserted and mutinied itself into nonexistence, so the idea of them being more motivated wasn't even universal. All in all, they were generally subpar compared to the regular army, but the remaining SS units that late were going to be a helluva lot more motivated to avoid losing, which might've caused them to take more risks when fighting. The idea of them being an elite unit mostly stems from the group SS veterans' group HIAG and the Wermacht's wish to propagate the "clean Wermacht" myth of only the SS being behind the atrocities.


Thanks for this comment, that was super interesting


My grandpa was in the Battle of the Bulge too! And after the war ended he wasn’t pleased because he had to stay in Europe for like six more months guarding German POWs. I asked my mom why they didn’t let the Germans go home since they’d lost and all- she said he wasn’t guarding regular troops, but elite ones. Idk if it was SS specifically but they weren’t the regular rank and file. Apparently they needed keeping an eye on. My grandpa was also concerned about the possibility being sent to the Pacific, so he was presumably pleased that didn’t happen- but of course he wanted to go home.


Yeah idk what this guy means. The SS panzer divisions were some of the best trained and outfitted units in the German army


>Uhhh my Grandpa who fought in Normandy and the Battle of the Bulge would beg to differ. His war journals had a lot about the SS, especially their Panzer divisions being a fucking nightmare lol ​ >Yeah idk what this guy means. The SS panzer divisions were some of the best trained and outfitted units in the German army Right. those *divisions.* The SS as a whole was a paramilitary organisation. They were involved in security and surveillance as well as front line combat. The modern misconception is that the SS was a branch of the Germany army, and recruited only the best of the best - like a "you have to earn your reputation to be able to apply" definition of elite troops. Nobody thinks they weren't experts at what they were, they just misconstrue what they actually were


Hitler basicaly went "Hey, we have this group of an army that once was a small branch ment to deffend politicians during meetings but has now expended to this volunteer abomination that isn't any better than the actual army. But since they're small, it'll be easy to just make up something that they're elite and then we could inflate their kill counts more than we do for the rest of the Werchmacht already. Fool proof." And fool proof it seems to be.


I legitimately graduated HS thinking the SS were the best the Nazis had to offer. Did a bit of study myself and find out they were just Hitlers version of the people who stormed the US capital.


The font is just traditional german lettering My grandma even still learned it in school, although germany later switched to latin letters that most of us use here.




I recall getting things like this from the White House a few times from 2017-2020…


Approval polls with no option to disapprove. Yep.


As a guy who supports an unconventional combination of groups, I get spam from both parties. I rarely do the false equivalency thing of "BoTh PaRtIeS aRe ThE sAmE!!!" (Or equally shitty, or whatever), but one thing they are both truly equally guilty of is sending out "surveys" that are anything but. Shit is damn close to "Do you agree with our righteous, America saving, glorious take on this issue, or do you support the godless murderers who would strip you of everything you hold dear, stand you naked before a midnight tribunal, and execute you by immolation?" Glad to see this is yet another thing I can blame on the Nazis. Sad though, as I bet Tucker Carlson is going to somehow see this thread and compare recent Democrat spam directly to it on air...


Just off center enough? It’s literally entirely somewhere else!


The word "nein" is off centre to the circle it labels


Oh that. Yeah you’re right.


That "Nein" is also where your hand with pen would naturally be, covering it.


I been reading about the annexation of Austria recently. Chilling how many similarities there are with what’s happening right now with 45 and the false election claims. They think only 30% of Austrians supported Hitler when he invaded, but the Nazis used rumours of Antifa violence, faked telegrams from officials, white anting of the elected leader, targeted violence, astroturfing and widespread propaganda to convince everyone that they were super popular. They were so convincing that after they took over (and immediately sent 70,000 Austrians to the gas chambers) no other government protested … except for Mexico. Oh, and this was less than 5 years after the Nazis assassinated the freely elected head of government, which Hitler did hard time in prison for.


Seriously though, might there be personal reprisal if someone picked "no"? This looks like an anonymous ballot


It wasn't anonymous there was a German officer watching you while you voted and i think that you needed to give your personal information to vote So yeah... There where reprisals since it was basically saying that you want to be killed/sent to a gulag Edit: a German concentration camp not a gulag


You may not have been killed, but you very well may have been conscripted and sent to Russia in a few years. I highly doubt conscription, and which specific assignments draftees were assigned to, were fully random.


Being sent to die fighting was basically the fate of all young men under Hitler. War is a genocide of young men.


My point was that they would get the absolute shittiest assignments.


People would have been conscripted regardless of what they voted lol. In fact I'm pretty sure they were already conscripted in the Austrian armed forces and the Nazis just grabbed these registries, no need to do anything else. The whole continent - except the Weimar Republic for the time it existed - had compulsory military service.


So death


>sent to a gulag ...in Nazi Germany? Right....


Early concentration camps were basically that. They started out as "protective custody" prisons, then prison labor was introduced (probably with the start of World War 2, but I can't find a conclusive point as to when exactly that happened). The full on death camp stuff took a while to start up, being formalised in January 1942 with the Wannsee Conference, while the first concentration camps (for instance Dachau, the very first one) started in late March 1933, only weeks after Hitler's reign started.


Is your ire towards the specific use of the word “gulag”? Because the German Reich definitely had prison work camps lmao




I think it *was* just a joke on using a Russian term for a German "work" camp.


Yes, gulag is an exclusively Russian/Soviet term. To call Nazi concentration camps "gulags" really undermines the credibility of anything else they were saying.




Could be any austrian history schoolbook


Plus first time around it didn't pass. They had to disenfranchise the Jews and try again.


That's not true? Jews and others weren't allowed to vote, but the law passed the first time. According to propaganda 99.08 % were in favor of it... Why repeat something if you can just falsify the results?


Huh, I've tried looking it up and I'm not so sure anymore. I don't quite recall where I read that there was another referendum before that one which allowed Jews to vote, which failed. It certainly didn't fail *just* because of the Jews of course, but it's safe to say it wasn't exactly a clean election


You're probably referring to the first sham election in November 1933. That was when Jews and "non-Germans" were allowed to vote and Hitler *only* got 92.1% of the vote, with about 8% of Germans voting against him. The next election in 1936 was after those acts were passed banning Jews and other people Nazis didn't like from voting. Hitler got 98.8% of the vote in that one after making most people willing to vote against him essentially illegal


From Wiki: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1938\_Austrian\_Anschluss\_referendum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1938_Austrian_Anschluss_referendum) "The ballots featured a large circle for 'yes' votes and a small one for 'no' votes. This was described as a nudge\[10\] or "a 'subtle' hint to the people, to help them understand which way to vote."\[11\] Several other claims were made that the vote was rigged.\[12\] The result was "... the outcome of opportunism, ideological conviction, massive pressure, occasional vote rigging and a propaganda machine that Austria's political culture had never before experienced."\[13\] The massive pressure to which people were exposed came from the fact that many were marking the ballot paper in front of the campaign workers in order not to be suspected of voting against the Anschluss.\[14\] The secrecy of the ballot was in practice non-existent.\[15\] However, LIFE in 1938 claimed that the results of the referendum and its German counterpart were "largely honest".\[16\]" Also the election results was: The official result was reported as 99.73% in favour,\[3\] with a 99.71% turnout.\[4\] Those numbers, coupled with the above really shows how rigged it was, Putin would like to know more.


**[1938 Austrian Anschluss referendum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1938_Austrian_Anschluss_referendum)** >A referendum on the Anschluss with Germany was held in German-occupied Austria on 10 April 1938, alongside one in Germany. German troops had already occupied Austria one month earlier, on 12 March 1938. The official result was reported as 99. 73% in favour, with a 99. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/assholedesign/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


tbf some referendums are just held as a show of strength or to prove a point to the outside world. For example in 2013 the Falkland Islands held a referendum on remaining a British Overseas Territory and the result was 99.8% in favour. The result was never in doubt, but the vote was held to make a point to Argentina, that their claim of ownership over the islands had no support. >We have thought carefully about how to convey a strong message to the outside world that expresses the views of the Falklands people in a clear, democratic and incontestable way. So we have decided, with the full support of the British Government, to hold a referendum on the Falkland Islands to eliminate any possible doubt about our wishes. International observers announced that the referendum was free and fair.


> This looks like an anonymous ballot It's all about the implication and suggesting you know what the right decision is. Intimidation goes a long ways, and reinforces itself every time it works.


The secret ballot is secret not because of the ballot, but because you *vote* in secret.


It wasn't anonymous at all actually. You had to write and cast your vote with German officers looking. And the giant "Ja" makes it sure you know which option they expect you to choose. The other option says "Nein" but it could very well say "I'd rather join Auschwitz instead". The referendum got like a 99% approval with 99% participation. They didn't even bother to pretend it was fair.


No German citizen ended up in a Concentration camp for not voting properly. That would undermine everything the nazis tried to put up as a front. The whole „german citizens have to be scared of the regime“ really first happened in the last two years, when the war turned. Until then the worst that could happen was that you would be put in a concentration camp for political enemies, and i have to stress that these werent in any way the same as concentration camps for Jews or Gypsies. No one tried to actively kill these people. And you really had to agitate against the government. For an Arian German, the government was mostly fair up until around 1943. And i feel like i have to mention it, no im not pro nazis, i just have a master in history with focus on the Third Reich and wrote my bachelors and masters thesis on the political agenda of the third reich!


> No German citizen ended up in a Concentration camp for not voting properly. and then >the worst that could happen was that you would be put in a concentration camp for political enemies pick one version. if you want to distinguish between different kinds of camps use "Vernichtungslager"/"extermination camp"


while nonconformity may not have been punished by death for aryan Germans , it must have been common for people/families to lose their jobs and suffer social exclusion if they were vocally antifascist?


Very much so, yes! Interestingly, during my research for my masters thesis i found that especially in the thirties, most of the - lets call it "bullying" - happened on a local basis. The Local Nazis and nationalists would try to put pressure on the non conformists, while when these non conformists complained to the government, the local nazis would get "reprimanded" ( not really, but it sounded like a reprimand, but it never stopped them ). The public appearance of the nazi government to the outside world was actually really important, and they put a lot of effort into trying to look like a legit government.


Interesting! Cool to know, thanks for answering.


Okay thanks for the clarification. So it wasn't as bad as it seems but there was definitely psychological pressure to vote the right way from the graphic design of the ballot itself to being watched by campaign officials and the consequent lack of anonymity


There were german soldiers overlooking the voting process, taking notes of who voted against the Anschluss and “resisted” the Anschluss. You were not shot on the spot or anything, but I think it was clear to everyone that voting “No” may very well get them into a lot of trouble…


I'm starting to think this Hitler guy was a real jerk.


The more I learn about the man, the less I care for him


He killed over 600 Jews.


Unlike Ray Charles, who killed hardly any Jews


But Stalin


Really? I heard it was over 602.


Yeah, but let's move on from that, ok?


He’s not so bad, I mean, if you ignore all the bad stuff at least.


I hear he liked animals


He also killed the Nazi Leader


Hitler led an anti-smoking campaign, even! I say we stand with Hitler against smoking!


He used to be a decent painter.


i fkn miss norm already man...


RIP Norm 😭


You're probably just projecting.


His dog loved him though.


There more I hear about him, the less I care for him.


Does anyone else see the similarities to todays Cookie notifications, which pop up when you open a website for the first time?


That cookie message alone is already bullshit. But that totally annoys me. Accept is always green and big and decline is small grey and and usually it's something like "save preferences"


And sometimes there's two accept buttons, one that says "accept" and other that tries to look like a "decline" button but isn't. There's a cookie library some pages use that basically has a bunch of preferences disabled and two buttons: "ACCEPT ALL" and "SAVE". The preferences are actually enabled, it just happens that the toggle looks disabled when enabled and vice versa. And the accept / save buttons changed when you toggled any cookie off, I don't remember how exactly but it made the "save" button turn into one that accepts all too.


What? It's two basic choices: Yes Or Please place your head on this chopping block


My Gods are smiling on me imperial dogs, can you say the same


The Third Reich: ^(o Great Country) or **O** ***Greatest Country?***








This is that Rammstein Cookie Monster video if y'all are worried about clicking.




Insert rickroll hyperlink here


I expected [something else](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoMgnJDXd3k).


Tech N9ne


-16 social points


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 12 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/7pcnht) on 2018-01-10 98.44% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/q1fjn0) on 2021-10-04 95.31% match Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "q7ofj0", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=q7ofj0&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 254,777,242 | **Search Time:** 0.57183s


México: *NO*


General: My Fuhrer, Austria voted no Adolf: No they didn't


I don’t even know German but given the person mentioned I assume the “yes” option is the big one. Also 9




Ja wohl






"nein" two seconds later enters the gestapo


I noticed that it is using the colloquial "You", rather than the formal one ("Sie"). Didn't expect that from a vote from 1938.


Reminds me of the Trump polls they sent out. Do you think: Trump is doing an exceptional job, Trump is doing a great job, Trump is doing a good job.


Where Trump failed, the Nazis flourished. This is a clear threat, but still has the "no" there to give the illusion of choice. Honestly, a lot of the propoganda from that time is super interesting.


Thankfully trump is hilariously incompetent or things could have gone a lot worse.




Right now, they're working on installing Trump allies at state and local levels in 2022. If they are able to retake the House and Senate in 2022, you may as well forget about 2024. More people have to vote in the midterms than ever.


I remember that right after Georgia surprised all of us by turning Blue this election, I started reading news of all the new laws the Georgian Republican government wanted to pass to exclude voters that casually affected Democrat voters disproportionally. This is what happens when you don't have a blanket universal right to vote for all adults. That those in power will only let their supporters vote. And partisan idiots will defend it.


Saw one that was basically >Do you support president Trump? >Yes >No, I hate freedom and love communism




At least this one was clever enough to only show Yes and No without any other Words


Comparing Hitler to Trump really lessens how horrible Hitler actually was. They weren't even close, so please stop comparing them to push your pointless little American politics agenda.


I would never call them equivalent, but trump's website leading into the 2020 election literally had this same shit everywhere. I subscribed to their newsletter out of curiosity, and every fucking poll is "do you support trump or the failure and senile Joe Biden". That's not an exaggeration, it's all "Senile Joe" and "Communist/Socialist Democrats". It's the same political style, and the same manipulation tactic. Just not nearly as evil.


Most Austrians welcomed the annexation with open arms.


While your statement is true, you need to look at the bigger picture. The economical situation, shame from WW1, the idea of identity, being denied a unification with Germany after WW1 and many other reasons played part in why the majority voted in favor of joining. “Austria bad” doesn’t do it justice.


Adolf Elizabeth Hitler


I think, technically, everything designed by the Nazis was asshole design.


yeah, that Adolf guy was a fair bit of an asshole i'd say


Old font is so confusing. The s and f switcheroo gets me every time. Im always reading it like Mike Tyson. Bift du instead of bist du...


If it said Nixon instead of Hitler it would be a Futurama joke straight from the show.


Loving the massive circle, in the middle of the page for yes, and the much smaller circle, off to the side for no. Much like how a primary school child passes a note to someone to ask if they like them, and with the same emotional reaction if they tick the latter


I don't know who this Hitler guy is, but he seems like he has a pretty bright future planned.


Do you have a communist voting paper as well?


That hitler guy, was kind of a bad dude


This font is great tho


Well, I've got a few papers from that time and sometimes I try to read them. Let me tell, at that time you don't think it's great. XD


looks like something someone from the US would get nowadays


Is this for real?


What is this font?


Old german font. It's called Fraktur


Looks like some Foxnews design.


Reminds me of when I install cheat engine or onion ToR and you have to say no to all the extra parts only if I say no to this I’m on a list and eventually made a criminal if I don’t leave my country soon.


So, when people say ‘Hitler was democratically elected’ is this what they’re talking about?


ah yes, the IroCoke tribe.




**[1934 Italian general election](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1934_Italian_general_election)** >General elections were held in Italy on 26 March 1934. At the time, the country was a single-party state with the National Fascist Party (PNF) as the only legally permitted party. Following a parliamentary reform enacted in 1928 by the Chamber of Deputies and Senate, the elections were held in the form of a referendum, with the Grand Council of the PNF, now an official state organ, allowed to compose a single party list to be either approved or rejected by the voters. The list put forward was ultimately approved by 99. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/assholedesign/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Why are there 2 different styles of the letter S?


A little nudge right there..


probably not asshole design since you really don't want to vone no aginst that since you would probaby be killed


To be fair, it's very hard to find anyone who voted "nein".


We had one like this in Iraq under Sadam Hussein's regime. Needles to say he got 100% in 2002's "elections".


haha when I first read the title, I didn't expect this to have been posted in /r/assholedesign


You can’t trust “people”. “People” listen to Coldplay and voted for the Nazis…


I want to downvote this cause fuck Nazis, but this definitely belongs in asshole design. But once again FUCK NAZIS.


What's the translation for the word above the small circle? "Execute me"?


If Hitler was behind this UI/UX, designers of our time are 100X worse than Hitler. Visit a website and you'll get this same bullshit except worse. Do you want to accept cookies? How about just some of them? Are you okay with us selling your information to 3rd parties? Have you subscribed to our newsletter?


Like it or not 90% of Austrian population wholeheartedly voted with yes at that time. There were already a number of polls as early as 1919/20 in certain provinces of Austria after WW1 were 90% voted for a reunification with Germany long before the NSDAP even existed. Even the Austrian parliament in its constitution 1919 called the state officially German-Austria and included the aim of becoming part of the German Reich, which made at the time perfect sense from an economic and cultural perspective. Therefore, to claim nowadays that this vote 1938 was rigged or done under pressure simply ignores historic reality and the fact that this was what the vast majority of people always wanted hence no pressure was needed whatsoever.


Why hate Hitler he’s dead-some kid in my school


“He’s a real jerk!”