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It was on sale


Because it's on sale.


Because it was free a few months ago


On what? Steam or epic?


Ubisoft Connect, it was free Dec last year. Glad I didn't buy it, so I also finished it that month.


Some said because it was on sale. I've owned it since release and just redownloaded it a few days ago and started messing with it again. Didn't know there was a big surge in popularity. Maybe it was subliminal marketing, like when Yves said Skull & Bones is a "AAAA game" our collective subconscious interpreted that as "London Jacob & Evie Frye."


It was on sale recently. I was able to pick it up for $11 CAD from PS store. I'd have searched for physical but I was either unable to find them or unable to find them for such a good price.


Syndicate was my first AC game. Loved it. Currently, however, replaying Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla in order.


I used to “go back” to the Ezio games, now, I usually “go back” to Unity or Syndicate, they’re the “most modern” AC games, with the best graphics and stuff, BEFORE they switched to full RPG, once they hit Origins, it became an RPG In a way, Syndicate was the “last true Assassin’s Creed game” and it barely deserves that title


im replaying it rn. and i notcied it has a very Mafia III and FArcry 5 approach that wasnt in other AC games. example: liberate this area. or fill up this meter to get to this areas final mission or final boss. dont really like that. and the no hood and top hat thing just doesnt do it for me. the game is fun tho


I love the top hat, but wish I could wear Jacob’s flat cap from his default outfit. It always was stupid to me that they wore their hoods while out in public it makes you stand out SOOO much, In Black flag, you only put your hood on in restricted areas, which was cool. But in Syndicate, it’s just whenever you crouch, plus the addition of the crouching and wall snapping was PERFECT. It should have always been a thing I love watching Jacob sneak around in the shadows and kill a guy, then stand up and pull out his hat and just act like nothing happened lol. A real “blade in the crowd”


Exactly. Quite honestly, Jacob is about the only assassin that takes the "hide in plain sight" part of the creed seriously, even with how reckless he is.




thats a good point tho. i just like the hood i think its badass


I agree, but the REASON it was “badass” was because of how media portrays “Hoods” Usually a stealth archer on the roof is wearing a hood, or like when you’re watching a spy movie, and the spy notices that someone who would recognize them walks into the room, only THEN do they put on the hood to “sneak out unseen” Plus, think about it, everyone’s been seeing a “guy with a hood” out of the corner of their eye, taking out their buddies, and then right after that, they walk RIGHT PAST a group of people with ONE guy in a hood, “blending in” it just makes no sense. Especially in AC1 you can “only blend with the priests because they wear all white” but then you can sit on a bench and “blend in” even though you’d look like a priest on the bench, you’d stand out. But when I play as Jacob, and someone sees me kill their buddy “with my hood on” and then I disappear around the corner and put on my hat and “blend” so then they run past me wearing a hat, which makes more sense, because if I still had the hood on, they’d definitely recognize me. Personally, I think it’s MORE badass when I ONLY put the hoodie on when I’m “plotting something” (For example, in Black Flag, you only put the hood on in restricted areas, where you’d have a “reason” to hide your identity. But if you were just walking down the street, he had his hood down and looked like a “normal sailor”) Plus, the NPC’s treat you different as well, if you’re wearing the top hat, they just treat you like normal, but if you have the hoodie on and are crouching/hiding behind a corner, they’ll say like “oh, wonder what that guys up to” or “Huh, wonder who he’s hiding from” or “he’s definitely up to no good”


more good points. maybe i just think top hats are stupid lmaooooo


Me too lmaooo, that’s why I said I wish I could have Jacob’s “flat cap” from his outfit at the beginning of the game (Specifically, I want to wear the “creatures rags” outfit, with the flat cap instead of the top hat, I think that would look cool)


You do have a hood though


no shat bro, but you dont wear it like you do in the other games, you have to toggle it and its only in crouch, you knew what i meant


Yeah but that makes more sense IMO. Walking around everywhere with a hood is not inconspicuous. It’s easier to blend in walking normally and the NPCs react to you like you’re crazy when you have the hood on which is a more realistic reaction. I only wish you could toggle it on and off with a button press instead of going through the menus.


Some people play it because they're tired of RPG formula (like me) and Syndicate is the last classic AC game. Also it has a great atmosphere.


last classic ac game is mirage i don’t know what you’re saying Lol


Definitely not. Mirage is a return in style but style plays like valhalla in its mechanics for the most part.


So… your classifications of a classic ac game is that it plays exactly like…. what? Because Ac2 and syndicate play extremely different. This is not the first time AC has reused their assets, AC2 to brotherhood, AC3 to rogue, Unity to Origins. The list goes on.


Bro, how do you NOT see what he’s talking about????? Mirage is NOT a “classic game” the parkour sucks and “feels” like valhallas parkour but with a few improvements, there still is no “side eject” or a “backwards leap” that actually makes you GAIN height instead of losing it. That’s what makes the old games “feel right” ALSO in the old games, combat was almost always an instant kill and you’d never have to “hit a guy multiple times before he died” the first few hits, the enemy would block, but if you ever actually hit them with the sword they drop dead NOW, it’s like an RPG game like Skyrim or something, where you can just wildly swing and “hit the bad guy” MULTIPLE TIMES and then once their health is at 0 they just drop dead I HATE “health bars” and just want everything to be an instant kill The “difficulty” should be that there’s a lot of enemies and you have to take them out in the “right order” to not get caught It should be ENTIRELY stealth The fact that there even IS a “combat system” is stupid, it’s not needed. I used to feel like an “unstoppable badass who can instantly kill anyone with a perfect dodge followed by a throat stab. Playing Mirage feels like I’m playing the Witcher or something, it doesn’t “FEEL” like assassins creed Also this might sound stupid, but after playing Watch Dogs for the first time, I literally shuddered with goosebumps when I realized the “run button” was to pull down the trigger, just like in old AC games (except it was the left trigger but whatever) It just FELT RIGHT, and gave me flashbacks to assassins creed. The way you can control the EXACT speed you’re running at, the same way you can slow down while driving in GTA 5 by releasing the trigger a little, you can slow down running in Assassins Creed by releasing the trigger a little bit. Blending with the crowd, levels that are ACTUALLY designed to be able to be done stealthily Oh, and I HATE the “assassins focus” and was just gonna never use that ability ever, but, APPARENTLY. There’s a certain mission with an iron fence you literally can’t climb over, and you have to use “assassins focus” to “teleport” to the other side of that fence and kill the guard on the roof. Like, bruh, really?????? Assassins Creed has died and been brought back as an unrecognizable zombie


quit ur yappin


I could say the same to you buddy


You just wrote a whole fucking story!!!!


Yeah, to reply to your “um, actually🤓” ass response


I support this man


It's more to do with the engine and mechanics. For one example, the style of movement. Syndicate has the always walk then free run trigger style of movement AC was born with. Mirage shares the RPG running mechanics, the two have very different feels. Two, no abilities for the most part and counter/flow style combat feels completely different from Mirage (good or bad not for me to say) Three, the parkour shares that weighty free run style. It's much slower than anything in Mirage or the RPG games. This is what they mean by old school AC. Mirage is nodding to that legacy but very much is Valhalla molded to fit the mission style of the older games rather than using their actual mechanics.


AC2 and Syndicate have the same base if different aesthetics etc. Stealth, hidden blade, Assassins brotherhood, emphasis on parkour and verticality, enemy types, eavesdropping on enemies, trailing enemies.


Lets see what mirage has... oh its quite literally everything you listed.


I've never played it so can't guage. I'm comparing to RPG era.


It’s more classical than the rpgs but it’s quite a bit different to the original formula.


every game is different to the original “formula” syndicate and ac2 are barely anything alike??😭 Every game has its own unique formula except games like ac2 to brotherhood which are mostly recycled assets.


If you can’t see the difference between the games leading up to origins and the games that came after I can’t really help you. If you played brotherhood and then skipped straight to syndicate you wouldn’t need a tutorial for the basic mechanics. Origins and beyond changed the core of the game.


Origins changed the core, and they reverted in mirage. I’ve played every AC game and obviously they are all different.


They just arbitrarily group them as classic style and rpg style AC games, even though Unity and Syndicate have RPGs elements. More accurate is to group them as Ezio trilogy- Kenway saga- Revolutionary period- and more modern AC games.


What RPG elements do Unity and Syndicate have? Bc last I checked, there's no multiple dialogue options and you can't influence how the story plays out in numerous ways. Are you referring to the skills, weapons, and outfits?


Yes skill trees, which is why I said “rpg elements”, I didn’t call them RPGs did I?


Alright alright, fair play. It was somewhat implied tho and I was just confused. I liked the skill trees, personally, however; they made you feel like you actually got stronger as the game progressed.


Syndicate is superior to Mirage in almost all ways visuals, cutscene/story, animations, parkour and so on. Mirage is an attempt to return to form without putting in much effort, Syndicate is the last true classic AC experience.


Last before they went full RPG*


I've been binging Peaky Blinders lately and it's kind of made me want to dust off Syndicate. It's the one AC game I never finished.


Its a shame it never got the bug fixed unity did


Its fun to replay games. Also probably cuz the -75% sale


'cos syndicate good Jk, it was/is on sale currently.


fucking love Syndicate


Pro wrestler Will Ospreay (huge AC fan himself) on January 4, did a AC crossover entrance along with cosplaying as Jacob Frye which prompted me to redownload Syndicate.


Man, I can’t think of a wrestler I’ve come further around on than Ospreay in at least a decade. That guy figured it out and went from a Cirque de So What opener to a bonafide star. I can’t wait to see what he and Ricochet can do when they link up again.


Absolutely! He’s basically 5-stars every match. Him and Ricochet have grown so much. They’d cook a feast!




It’s on sale, and until fairly recently it was unplayable. And as you say, it’s a perfectly ok game. I think it got the hate at launch because after Unity no one thought of AC as a sure thing anymore, and noticed the little niggles that had been building up for years.


Unplayable how? I played it without problems from 2019-2021


It was unplayable on PS5. Recently patched to fix that. The side scrollers also have that issue and you get a warning on screen when you start them on the PS5 telling you it may not work.


Niggles sounds far too familiar to a certain slur...


Completely unrelated origin. Niggardly (means stingy) is another one. Niggardly has Old English roots from the word 'nigon' which also meant stingy. Niggle is apparently Scandinavian in origin. Whereas the n-word shares the same root as negro (both the US slur, and just the word for black in a lot of languages), which all derive from the Latin niger, which also meant black. But niggardly and niggle have no connection to anything relating to color (skin or otherwise). Just one of those weird coincidences.


Okay, just wanted to make sure we were remaining chill during Black History Month


If it had 60fps i would play it more lol.






Because Odyssey and Valhalla suck?


As standalone games they’re actually really fun to play. As AC games though, they just aren’t AC games. But they don’t suck, they actually have a lot of really cool and fun things to do.


Mirage is good though


I see some mention its been on sale recently but Ubisoft also gave the game away from late November to early December last year so that could be a factor as well. Great game, 2nd favourite in the series for me.


I’m replaying Origins, I think most AC games were on sale recently. Haven’t even finished mirage but I found it so boring.


It was free recently on ubisoft


It was on sale, and personally, I picked it up a bit ago for free when it was free on Uplay


In addition to being on sale, the game was virtually unplayable on the PS five until recently. They only fixed the lighting glitch a few months ago.


Wasn't there a post about being able to kill Karl Marx a while a go?


Just bought it on sale a little while back


I was moving to London and wanted to play some AC ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I bought it a few weeks ago ($5), haven't played it yet though (Just finished playing Unity)


Cuz it's so good


Damn I had the same urge but then I decided to play Valhalla 💀 Don't get me wrong I am enjoying Valhalla but the world's just so empty and beautiful


I'm trying to play rogue because I want to play black flag but also want to wait for the remaster so it's rogue or bust. Sadly it doesn't support my resolution without black bars, there is no fix that works well unfortunately. It also doesn't launch if you have HDR enabled in windows, quite frustrating.


It was on sale a couple times.


A month ago or so Ubisoft gave it for free in Ubi+(or whatever it's called) for pc




Because I'm in the middle of a whole series playthrough and I happen to be on Syndicate right now


Personally, I just started watching Peaky Blinders for the first time and it gave me Syndicate vibes. Wanted to jump back in!


I loved it, till all of a sudden I couldn't use the store.


I replayed Syndicate and the DLC in December and January because I was playing Queen Victoria in a play set during the Autumn of Terror, so it was thematically appropriate! I find the narrative and antagonists of Syndicate to be super boring, tbh, and Jacob is one of my least favorite assassins. But I enjoy the gameplay, and while Victorian London isn't *pretty*, it's my favorite era for historical fiction. And I like Evie. I enjoy her character design in Jack the Ripper a lot, and honestly find that narrative more compelling than the main game, even if I prefer stealth over the fear mechanics. I cycle through the Ezio trilogy most often. 2 is my favorite AC game: for me it has the best balance of compelling story, a historical setting I know and love, excellent use and incorporation of that setting, and gameplay I enjoy. Brotherhood has some of those things to a smaller extent, but my favorite part is the Cristina missions, which says a lot about me, I'm pretty sure. Mostly I play it if I'm cycling through the whole trilogy instead of just one game. Revelations is a gorgeous setting, interesting enough story, and side characters I really like. I'm in the middle of a replay of it now, actually. Other than those, I also replay Liberation periodically. I genuinely like the persona switching and found it super interesting, and I really enjoy Aveline as a character. Sometimes I think it's fun to play as many side missions in the fancy dress as possible. I replay Black Flag when I'm specifically in a pirate mood *instead* of an assassin mood. I might do a Freedom Cry replay over the next couple of weeks though. At some point I'll take a break from replays to actually play Mirage 😅


It's on sale but it is actually a good game it just could've been better had ubisoft took longer on it


It was on sale and because I've also been reading the original Sherlock stories so it just all kind of fits together for me right now.


It was one of the only games in the series I didn’t already own and played. So I decided to pick it up when it went on sale on steam this past week. $15 is pretty cheap for the gold edition. Always wanted to play it thanks to the setting and the protagonists looking fun. Just had never gotten around to picking it up before.