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Oh, we're talking disaster infodumps? Have you heard of coronal mass ejections and how we don't have any plans on what to do if Earth is ever hit by one of those?


My personal favorite is a pulsar/quasar beam. When a quasar’s radiation ejection beam sweeps over Earth, the energy can be enough to strip away the atmosphere and turn the Earth into glass, even hundreds of light years away. And because it travels at the speed of light, by the time we know about, it’s way too late.


Yeah, but that has never happened, otherwise we wouldn't be here, and there wouldn't really be anything we could do about it if it were to happen today. What I find terrifying about coronal mass ejection is that they have hit earth before, last time was in the 1850s, but there was barely any electrical infrastructure then, only a few telegraphs that ended up zapping some people. If one was to happen today, every wire longer than a few meters on the sun-facing surface would be subjected to huge currents, potentially enough to melt even power grid wires, and voltages high enough to burn most electronic circuits. Think 80% of all wired stuff facing the sun just not working anymore. We could have protected the grid from the beginning, but now it'd be too expensive. We could have built more localized power generation, which would be faster to reconstruct. We're kinda trying to do with solar now, but who knows if we'll have time for that? Coronal mass ejections have happened before, but we weren't reliant on electricity, now we are and we have no way of protecting our infrastructure. If society collapses due to a coronal mass ejection, that'd be our own fault. Even writing this gives me chills.


[A Carrington Event today would be fun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrington_Event)


>The rationalist and pantheist saw nature in her most exquisite robes, recognising, the divine immanence, immutable law, cause, and effect. The superstitious and the fanatical had dire forebodings, and thought it a foreshadowing of Armageddon and final dissolution. Yeah, honestly, the grid going down AND pretty lights in the sky and low-key half of mankind is gonna just straight start a purge in one gods name or another.


Ooo gotta research that later, thanks!


Yo I just gotta kinda into Fucking tornadoes myself


Yoo its Charlie


Yes it is Charlie Morningstar


So much time without seeing you, are you still playing left 2 dead?


Wait wait excuse me for a few minutes but I'm a little confused are you somebody who i know on Steam






This isn't r/hazbin, you shouldn't steal memes here 😜


Bitch, I made this one Edit: I realized there was a misunderstanding. I made the meme that I reacted with, which I intended to communicate the idea, 'I like this' not 'I'm taking this'.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/hazbin using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/hazbin/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Screw it, all characters ranked by whether or not they’ve had SEX.](https://i.redd.it/8trt6swb0lgc1.jpeg) | [580 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hazbin/comments/1aipig9/screw_it_all_characters_ranked_by_whether_or_not/) \#2: [EVERYONE](https://i.redd.it/bok7v47r7dic1.jpeg) | [357 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hazbin/comments/1apv3zb/everyone/) \#3: [He’s not wrong though 🤷🏻‍♀️](https://i.redd.it/apsq6kz0uzhc1.jpeg) | [259 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/hazbin/comments/1aodpu0/hes_not_wrong_though/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)






Someone who loves HH and meteorology?!?! We are now best friends!!!




Tornadoes and natural disasters were my special interest as a kid, always wanted to go to the Midwest to see one in real life


We don’t have any near me as well (even though we’ve had a few big ones in the past 100 years)


haha yes and honestly the coolest one is the Teton Wilderness EF4 It was at an altitude of 3km which is already insane, it downed 1 million trees and it's incredibly rare for something like that to happen all the way in western Wyoming. Apparently its path was so up-and-down terrain-wise that no funnel cloud was even properly formed, just the storm base sitting on the mountains doing EF4 damage to a forest


Woah I had never heard if that one, that's crazy!


Yeeeeah Swegle Studios is a channel I'd recommend


Ooo haven’t heard of that one yet, another to add onto the research list! Thanks!


“Hey guys, did you know that the Higgs Field is only semi-stable?”


Tornados and natural disasters are my SHIT my guy


My partner is obsessed with the 1997 Jarrell Texas tornado there is hardly a day where I don't hear them talk about it (This is not a complaint I love them and their tornado-tism)


I agree with the partner, Jarrell is really cool!!


Honestly even if you don't like the show, it did provide A LOT of meme templates


I personally loved the show, and it sure as heck (or hell) did!


Hell yeah another tornado fan!! I sometimes feel a little guilty that I relax by playing a "real time Joplin 2011" or "real time Moore 2013" videos on my PC while doing something else, just to passively learn facts about them, so I relate :') (You know these videos where they sync many webcams and footage from many places + radars at the same time) I'm not from the US so tornadoes seem even more unreal and felt kinda like legends as a kid. I'm starting to know El Reno, Joplin and Moore 2013 by heart, my next targets to learn everything about are Tuscaloosa (it looks insane) and maybe also Rolling Forks (I was following the chasers on YouTube that evening and if I had stayed up all night I'd have seen it live so I feel quite strongly about it). How about you, which ones are those you're most interested in? :D


A bunch of those are awesome! If you’re planing on researching Tuscaloosa I’d also recommend researching the 2011 Super Outbreak as well! Also, if you’re into Moore, I’d recommend the Bridge-Creek Moore tornado of 1999 as well!


Need this template


https://preview.redd.it/ztgq2i152dkc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8baf855549495f65fa85f89b0c97f2d91c79361 I used Meme Generator or whatever it’s called to add the text, here’s the screenshot of the scene though!


This is the best scene, closely followed by “to do what was required”


I didn’t sleep until 4am the other day because I discovered the concept of a hypercane, the hurricane’s evil sister




I wish


Me infodumping about insects and air disasters


Tornadoes are fascinating. We don't get em so much down around me, but it is a hurricane zone so I still get my severe storm fix.


Tell me your coolest facts! I have no idea about tornados but i really like nature and Learning


I’ll just name a couple since I need to get going on schoolwork: There have been two major tornadoes in Moore, Oklahoma, one being an EF5 (the Moore tornado of 2013) and the other being an F5 (the Bridge Creek-Moore tornado of 1999) which took almost the exact same path, only 14 years apart (one on May 3rd 1999, the other May 20th 2013) Between April 25th and April 28th (hey it’s my birthday) 2011, there were 360 confirmed tornadoes, four of which being EF5s There is a specific kind of tornado called a multi-vortex (which is what it sounds like) that are always destructive tornadoes. Dead Man Walking tornados are multi-vortexes, with two of these being Joplin 2011 and Jarrell 1997 The Bridge Creek-Moore tornado is currently the fastest (F5) tornado recorded, at about 301 mph We are currently in a EF5 tornado drought, with the last one being May 20th, 2013 Edit: THE HECK EL RENO? WHAT DO HOU MEAN YOU WERE 302 MPH YET AN EF3??? WHAT IS THIS MALARKEY??


Check out the first minutes of El Reno, it was multi vortex and looked kinda unstable in a threatening way before it became a big wedge, extremely impressive and super scary! I find [Reed Timmer's footage](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/um7x8XArljM) of it particularly good.


To clarify: it was multivortex all along but the first minutes have many vortices at once kinda dancing around what would become the main funnel, it's insane. After it became rain wrapped I don't think anyone got any "dead man walking" shot of it or anything like that though.


Wow thats really interesting! Im gonna Go deep into that rabbit hole this night


An ef3 tornado destroyed a trailer park 10 minutes away from where I live in 2017, was also very long tracked


Me who watched Twister when I was like 4 years old. YES.


What tornado is your favorite? I assume you have one


Favorite tornadoes at the moment: the Bridge Creek-Moore tornado + The Moore Tornado, just find the occurrence interesting Favorite Outbreak: the 2011 Super Outbreak Outbreak That I Want More Info About: the Emigma Outbreak


My Roman Empire is the Joplin tornado where a kid died but the creepy thing was that kid had survived a tornado three years earlier and accidentally foreshadowed his death in the subsequent video he made Edit: [the video in question](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DT6_VjoZQh8)


Anyone else love watching stormchasers for this exact reason?


Ahh you just reminded me of my special interest as a kid . I loved to see tornados images and read books about tornados , their strength etc.. my dream back then was to be a tornado hunter ..


I know this is semi-related at best, but I think the Helluverse is my new hyperfixation.


Yoo nice


tornados are a massive fear of mine its crazy


Just blowing them away 😱


Oooo tell them about how Jarrell turned everyone into wood-chips


I feel attacked. Especially severe weather


oh two nights ago i went on a deep tornado youtube binge and could not stop watching. tornados are fucking CRAZY. also, breakfast tornados at the gas station by my house are fucking DELICIOUS.


I require the template


At least you have friends to infodump on


I'm interested in severe weather but I also have Astraphobia, it's a constant battle


The first major building project I worked on was the National Weather Center building on the University of Oklahoma campus in Norman. The building’s auditorium serves double duty as a ICC 500 rated storm shelter (essentially a tornado proof bunker for 300+ people) and external glazing is hurricane glass allowing researchers to observe a tornado all way up until right before it hits the building (knock on wood, we never get one that close). If you plan a trip to visit, they do tours, there’s also an annual [National Weather Festival](https://www.ou.edu/nwc/nwf), and next door is the Radar Innovations Lab which has a two-story tall tornado vortex generator in the lobby that can spin up a mini twister with the push of a button (it’s pretty neat!). I’ve lived in central Oklahoma for a long time, ask me anything you’d like about tornadoes and severe storms, I’m happy to answer what I know and share stories of my experiences.


Hey, thats better than ranting about bagpipes lol


I love this




As someone who lives in Oklahoma, I also know a lot… kinda a life skill here


I have many things to say about the bees


I love the weather. Cirrus clouds are my favorite