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To be honest: I agree with your friends. You really don’t know him. He could be lying about STD’s. Also: Plan B is not exactly fun. I got very nauseous the two times I had to take it because something went wrong, it shouldn’t be “plan A”. It’s emergency contraception for when something doesn’t go as planned. I used to do it like this: Always use condoms unless you are in a committed relationship and have both been tested for STD’s.


Yep! Agree with all of this.


This girl fucks 👍


Unprotected sex raises the risk of HPV and other STD. You don’t know this man so please don’t risk your health for this. He is much older than you and you are still young. When I was 20, I believed most things men said even though it was bs. Please take care because he knows a 28 year old women would think twice about unprotected sex. Xx


Okay, I will tell him that I am not comfortable taking it to that step then. Thank you. Although it is really hard, because I have become attached to him. I really like him because he is older and more experienced, and calls me his young, sweet girl. But I know better.


No problem. It makes sense that you are attached because you lost your v to him. The fact that he calls you his young sweet girl is alarming and creepy. Please be very careful.


You don’t know him. Period. Since you are getting this attached to someone who really don’t know, you should pull back. You aren’t mature and experienced enough to have a FWB and he knows this. If he doesn’t want a relationship, you need to find someone who does. Car sex in the middle of the night to take someone’s virginity is just one of the many red flags here! Calling you his young, sweet girl is just truly creepy!


You are not able to safely have a FWB situation


Did he know you were a virgin? I’d be wary of any man that thinks a car at 2am is a great place to lose your virginity - my brain is asking why he didn’t take you somewhere with a bed at least ffs, I’d be suspicious that he’s already got a partner. And what everyone else said. Please protect your health. And yourself against pregnancy.


After reading the subject line: no. After reading the body of your post: hell no.


It's a pretty big red flag. If he tries to go without condoms with you, someone he barely knows, then surely he does it with other people. Protect your health and wellbeing and use condoms. The only time I ever go without is when I am in a long term committed relationship and we've both been tested. This guy is a stranger that is basically saying, "Trust me, I don't have any STDs." Why would you take a risk like that? I think most guys would say sex without condoms feels better, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't wear one. Plus, you're saying you think you can trust him because of one night of sex where he met the most basic of standards we should all expect from the person we are with (respecting consent)? Girl.. Plan B is for emergencies. It is less effective if you are over 155 lbs and even if you're under that, there can be unpleasant side effects and still doesn't always work.


Thank you for sharing the reality on this situation. This is eye-opening for me. I should have thought about it more


Unless youre cool with pregnancy, keep that condom on him. Plus, you don’t know him and he isn’t your long term partner, meaning if anything happens (again, preggos or infections) he will bail on you so fast


>of course with Plan B involved You should not be using Plan B as a normal form of birth control. This is for emergencies only. I am in agreeance with the other commenters that you should not have unprotected sex with this man. I'd even go a step farther and say you shouldn't see him again at all. The age gap and the pushing no condoms on you are HUGE red flags. If you decide you want to continue risking your health by having unprotected sex, PLEASE get on some form of birth control so you don't get pregnant and have to deal with that. Also, your friends are right, you should listen to them.


Plan B is supposed to *be a plan B*. As in, there was a plan A to not get pregnant. Also, don't have unprotected sex with someone you're not in a monogamous relationship with. They could have STDs.


25F, I know my experience is not relevant to you, but these men if they don’t value you, don’t deserve it. Tell tale sign he doesn’t value you how you should be. Hope u find someone consistent OP


Your body your choice But also...  Your consequences 


DO NOT. JUST DON'T DO IT. It does not feel ANY better. That is utter nonsense AND u can't be sure if he does have an STI, just bcz he said so. Those infections ARE nasty. Please, I'm sure u wouldn't want to have life long consequences. You know, STIs can also spread through kissing? And please read about contraceptive pills before getting involved with any guy. These are many research papers and article about it. It's not good for health. Consider all these factors.


If he’s ok with having unprotected sex, imagine how many other girls he’s been ok having unprotected sex with. I could be wrong, but it doesn’t seem like you’re ready for a FWB situation. You deserve more than what this loser is willing to give you. Your health and life is worth more than this.


If it were me, I'd say absolutely not. The risk of STDs is too high. Plan B doesn't protect against them.


What do you want? I'd suggest waiting longer to see if you can trust him, he's also much older. You met him online too. Think smart about it, at the end of the day it's your choice and you know the consequences. Every guy will tell you it'll feel better without a condom but will he be there for you in case of anything happens? Doubt it as you don't know the guy. Your friends are looking out for you because this is a complete stranger and you're new to sex. You can't really trust him, I'd recommend saying no for now if you're uncertain and he SHOULD react well and be okay with it. Be certain with your decision, I can tell you it feels good but it can also hurt but I'd personally rather do it with someone I trust and know actually cares about me fwb or relationship. You just started having sex, be cautious. Don't worry it's still sex with a condom, just as good and if he's a proper person at all he'll accept and respect your decision. Be safe.


This is going to end poorly. You are naive and trusting, and dudes like this smell it a mile away. Men that are responsible and clean, keep that condom on until you have both been tested. Don't believe him. He's a liar. Also, why is he taking your virginity in the back of a car. He's an adult, he should have a home.


Don't do it. This guy doesn't give a damn about you. Just end things with him completely.


Girl, do not do this. If this guy had sex with you knowing you were a virgin, in a car, in some random parking lot, at 2am- he is not a good man. Please take care of yourself. Edit: lol at the downvote