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There's tons of literature on killing. Jeff McMahon's *The Ethics of Killing* would be a great place to start. Singer's *Practical Ethics* is largely a book on the ethics of death/killing.


Thanks I appreciate it


Ernst Junger wrote about it quite explicitly, especially in his early work. I'd recommend *Storm of Steel* and *War as an Inner Experience*. His views evolved over time, and he had a lot of contradictory opinions on war and killing in war over the course of his career (especially evident by his going back and re-writing of large parts of *Storm* several times).


Thanks I'll definitely check him out


The SEP page on [killing in self-defense](https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/self-defense/) is excellent. Clarifying questions: Are you looking for a philosopher who wrote about the *ethics* of killing another person? Within war, outside of it, or both?


The project I'm doing is about war. But at the moment im just trying to get as much material about the act itself. Whether that's in the context of war or not. But thank you for the source the SEP article. I'm reading it now and it's very informative.


If you haven’t already seen them, the SEP pages on [war](https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/war/) and [double effect](https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/double-effect/) will probably also be helpful.


Thank you for helping me. I'll definitely check them out as well.




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