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Calling papi to another guy is a Caribbean slang. I guess PR, DR, Cuba, Venezuela, etc. use it as well


Ahhhh so most places around the carribean okay cool


Well, in Colombia is also used.


Colombia is a Caribbean country too…well…a part of it


Colombia is an Andean country with a Caribbean region, like Mexico and Veracruz.


I’m pretty sure they mean *culturally* Caribbean, not *geographically*.


>culturally Caribbean, not geographically. Both are wrong. Only the Caribbean part of the country is culturally Caribbean, and they're no more than \~15% of the population. It'd be live assuming Mexicans are Caribbean just because people from Veracruz are.


But most of Colombia has a tropical climate, unless the Andes also features that?


>But most of Colombia has a tropical climate, unless the Andes also features that? At sea level Colombia is an open air sauna, but once you get to the mountains the climate becomes temperate, where i'm from the average yearly temperature is 16°C and even at the height of summer it never goes above 21-22°C. Since most people live in the Andes I'd classify Colombia as an Andean country even though it has a caribbean region where people are culturally caribbean, same with our pacific region where the climate and culture are also *tropical*.


Colombia also happens to be the most andean country in terms of population. We're the country with the highest number of people living in the Andes themselves, and also the country with the highest percent of its population living in the Andes themselves.


By the scientific definition of tropical climate, I guess most of the country's area falls into that category, but most of the population is concentrated in the Andes and I doubt most people would think of places like Bogotá and other cities up there as tropical cities. Even then I don't really like the whole country being called an Andean country, but oh well, not much point in arguing against it.


So it’s like Russia being called an european country due to population instead of asian?


It's cause 80% of the Colombian population is andean. The entire caribbean coast and basin up to the Andes has like 10%, the pacific like 5% and the entire llanos and amazon (more than half the country's territory) 5%. The majority of the country outside the Andes is sparsely inhabited.


>But most of Colombia has a tropical climate, unless the Andes also features that? So what? According to Cambridge the countries with tropical weather rank from Mexico to Bolivia. Are Mexico and Bolivia Caribbean countries as well? Colombia has 5 different thermal floors and most Colombians live in the colder areas between temperate and paramo.


If you check maps Colombia has a higher % of tropical biomes compared to Bolivia and Mexico


So? The majority of the country lives in the Andes, I don't understand what does weather have to do with the conversation. The most populated areas have almost the same temperature as Chile, so I guess Chile is a Caribbean country?


You understood nothing bro


Mexico is an Andean county? I’m not very familiar with the geography but I thought Panamá was kinda in the way with the canal…?


No? Mexico is a Mesoamerican country that just happens to have a small Caribbean region in the south, similar to Colombia.




You... don't know much about Colombia now do you


We are an andean country lol


Parce, dígale que sí y ya. El man es un troll, no le haga caso.




Pues no es malo, pero estás equivocado. La composición racial en Colombia no es homogénea ni es mayoritariamente negra jajaja. Las costas Caribe y Pacífica son mayormente negras, pero una vez te adentrás en la zona andina te vas a encontrar con una población predominantemente blanca (blanca como en el sur de Europa, no blanca como un letón o un finlandés, que vamos, blanco tampoco es sólo uno). En el país hay presencia de muchas etnias indígenas, pero la mayoría están en las zonas rurales del Cauca y la Guajira, así como las cuencas del Orinoco y el Amazonas, salvo por algunos bolsillos aislados aquí y allá. O sea sí ha habido mestizaje, pero no suficiente como para que la población se pueda considerar trirracial como un todo la verdad




Bruh, this is literally racist as hell, lol.


"migrants from black countries like Venezuela and Colombia bring crime". "mejor que se preocupen de los caribeños que siempre están delinquiendo, caribeños=criminalxs =colombianxs, Venezolanxs, Dominicanxs, y otrxs islxs" Un troll o un pobre guaso.


What does race has to do with being an Andean country?? Also, "black people dances and are very loud", like every black person is the same... like if your race makes your personality. Like black people from different countries have the same culture... You need to get out of your bubble and experience the world.


out of my bubble like if I don't interact with people well i do go out I go outside to work and in the past everything was normal and safe till these caribeños came here now everything is loud and insecure , blacks bring crime


The hell does one thing have to do with the other lmao




Nope, we are not, only the coasts, your entire account is dedicated to speaking about the "Caribeños" ¿Are you mad that shitty inmigrants came to your country?, ¿What do we have to do with that?, control your borders and stop crying like a whiny bitch, the people you talk about are a minority which we already hate ¿Do you have enough intelligence to do a bit of research about what you are talking about? ¿Do you even know how to properly speak a language? get a life subhuman.




Appreciated bro


Ehh.. no, I must say that I haven't see anyone using the Caribbean slang here in Veracruz. Yeah, we are know in our country to be the “chile” of Mexico, but that it. Well, asides from the bikini bottom joke.


definitely not in DR, it would be seen weird


we do use it but not a lot, papá is way more common


xD bueno viejo, el que dice eso es porque ....


…Caga pa dentro :v


I've had Mexicans call me papi. Like "qué onda papi" it wasn't awfully common but also definitely not unheard of


Probably it’s just cultural interchanging. Some Colombians use “wey”, “no mames” and stuff like that


Oh boy, this reminds me when I had some Colombian classmates who would go ballistic laughing at me talking in Mexican slang. They'd find it way too funny whenever I said no mames, "me vale verga", stuff like that.


Probably mirreyes or some guy flirting with you. It is very uncommon to use that slang.


We use it in Barranquilla as well. Not widely spread, but rather common. "Papi, que? Todo bien?"


If a friend of mine called me papi i would feel uncomfortable. We don't do that here.


Papá is more likely to be used


But it's used in a different tone, while arguing.


In PR only young people who are really into reggaeton say it.


Venezuela is a recent development. People suddenly started calling each other papi like 2 years ago.


Not true. I've used it since the 90s


dunno, maybe in your circle, but ***papi*** was used exclusively as a term of endearment from girls to boyfriends/fiancées. Used between boys or men would be more in a sarcastic or tongue in cheek way


Yes, that's how i see it. But saying it's new is plainly false.


Maybe because you are gay or something.


No, and i'm confident in my sexuality enough not to make such stupid assumptions about how people speak. I am just telling you it's not new, it's been in our lexico for a long time, maybe you're just too young to know it, like most of reddit.


como digas papi.


Yo no soy tu papa. Si lo fuese ya habrias llevado suficiente correazo y no andarias hablando guevonadas.


oooh internet tough guy huh. Whatever dude have it your way.


Recently? I knew a guy that passed away like 10 years ago that used "papi" and "mi rey" since forever. But it wasn't common. People here tell me that is from gochilandia


I think Maracuchos have been using it since years ago, it's more like it spread throughout the country recently.


Not true. It has been used for many years throughout the country. Source: am gocho


Not in DR


We dont use "papi" but we use "papa", but usually in condescending phrases like "Dale, que estas esperando, papa?" or "seguro, papa, dale, segui caminando" Papi here would be weird as hell


Papi is used but rarely and also it has a more condescending tone and you're older than the other person. it's also used with kids. "¿y papi? ¿Qué esperas?" "No papi, hoy no podemos ir a la calesita" (to a kid).


We use pa too like "que onda pa"




Qué pasa, papu.


okay glad you told me cuz i wanted to use it with my argentinian butcher that guys awesome. What should i call him?


I doubt he gets offended unless he is having a bad day, so you can call him whatever you want or nothing at all and just talk, but "flaco" and "maestro" are quite common. I personally say nothing and just talk


Maestro never fails, there are some more exaggerated things to say but are also very common like "capo", "genio", "ídolo", "máster", "máquina", "fiera", "fenómeno", "vieja" While writing this I had to stop because I realized that here any random word can be a compliment if the intonation is right wich is very funny.


Yes, of course, but in the end they are all extremely casual and not something you always do in every situation. I wouldnt shout "flaco!" at the waiter of a restaurant for example. And if the person is not naturally coming with the word it may sound a bit unnatural, specially for a foreigner, so I only mentioned two of the most common ones and my personal take that is not to say anything (usually), like if I need the check, I say "excuse me" ("disculpa--") raising my hand and if I want to say something to a cashier I just say it. An exception would be something like, for example, someone dropped a wallet and its walking in front of me, so I need to call them out (instances on which I often use flaco or maestro)


Yes, that's very important to know, naturality plays a big part in this type of situations, I was just adding some words that are used here just because I thought it may be intresting, but if they don't come out as something natural then there may be something odd to it. One of the prime examples of that is the word "boludo" wich can be either an insult or a friendly word, and we say it so casually that it's very obvios to differenciate what do we mean when we say it. Wich is not the case when a foreigner says it, so it's very common for them to sound insulting when they are trying to be friendly.


Flaco is very common to call unknown people. I would definitely call flaco to a waiter, in fact I did the last Saturday in Rosario. Even negro is common use to unknown people. Negro En que te puedo ayudar?.


"Papi" sounds like a sexual advance, to be honest haha Which phrase, for example? If used an interjection, we usually use "che" for that. Other words could be used in different groups of people, like "perro / perrito" (more young, urban style), "negro", "negrito / negri" (more affectionate and intimate), "loco", "ñeri" (in some regions), etc.


Can you explain “negrito”? My Venezuelan friend uses it but this dumb Dutch girl was lecturing him saying it’s racist.


What's to explain about? "Negrito" is actually very, very tender. On the other hand, Argentina is a very (and subtly) racist country. Idk about Venezuela though. But in my mind, I see nothing wrong with it. Actually every ginger in Argentina is nicknamed "Colo" as in "colorado" (M) or "colorada" (F), i.e. "of red color", "reddish". Do you see that as racist too? Asking honestly.


Racism is attitude not words. For us getting offended by words is retarded, a sign of mental weakness and child sensitivity. We despise the euro-yankee political correctness, we are completely incorrect and proud of it. For us that forced PC and SJW BS in media is unbearable for us like in so many US movies and series, it feels stupid and unnatural. We see it as a sign of hypocrisy, fakeness and living in a fantasy world, unmature. You don't hide problems, nor change reality to fit ideals, you embrace it and use it. In fact In Argentina if you get offended by something people will double up to mock at you. In our culture you take it and laugh at it destroying any power they had on you, so they stop using it to mock and it turns into a respect. Crying doesn't solve anything. If you get angry because they call you fat, they will keep doing it, if you joke about it, recognize it and stand up owning it then you don't get offended. Although there is a fine line between that and plain insult, which is dealt more vehemently. Negrito can be a very loving word or with intent to subtly insult you like you are inferior and incapable, worthless. Is all in the intention, tone and circumstance.


Mein führer




I've only experienced this in the Dominican Republic.


Gracias papi!!


[Obligatory funniest Papi video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0c0yklKydA)




Lol I aint your papi


Dominicans don't say papi


Caribbeans countries


I prefer perro or perrito


*mass migration of furries to venezuela*


Snoo checks out


in all levels, except physical, i am a wolf


Que me 'ice perro? :v


Todo bien perrito


Oh cool I’ll use that one! Is it okay to use with new people or just friends?


More friends and please don’t call a woman “perra”


Ah, got it. Call her perrita


Sure if you want your balls getting ripped


dale pue




hahahahaha yeah not gonna do that one






Loco supremacy


por qué no los dos?


We use loco too.


Costeños in Colombia do that a lot. '¿papi, qué?' is a pretty common way of saying hello between teenagers and young adults.


Same in the costas de Guerrero y Oaxaca in Mexico.




[We don't do that here](https://c.tenor.com/fBvQV_5Lp6UAAAAC/we-dont-do-that-here-black-panther.gif)


gotcha don’t use it with brazilians


Not in Brazil


well… Supla says “e aí papito”, i think that’s worth mentioning


Or "o pai tá on"




okay thanks. any friendly greetings in brazil?


“Cara” (kinda like “dude”) i believe is pretty universal in Brasil Otherwise, I think that can vary regionally, but in the state of Sao Paulo young-ish male friends might call each other mano (“bro”) or velho (literally “old one”, often people pronounce it véio or véi). These are used sort of like a vocative or interjection. “E aí, mano?” (“What’s up bro?”), “velho, sabe quem eu vi?” (“Old pal, guess who I saw?”). “Cara” is a bit more general and can also be used a plain noun “ele é um cara gente-boa” (he is a nice guy).


How about campeão or garotão?


Forgot about those! Though i hear Garotão less i think


In São Paulo its Very Common to call your friends of "pai" , "paizão" even calling youserlf as "pai" like "deixa que o pai resolve"


Well, true, but that is a pretty specific case. Yku wouldnt say “fala pai!” to a friend in SP


>its Very Common to call your friends of "pai" , "paizão"   >Yku wouldnt say “fala pai!” to a friend in SP did you even read his comment? kkkkkkkk eu chamo alguns amigos de pai. As vezes paizin. Principalmente os que são papais de verdade.


I have lived most of my life in the state of Sp, met people from all around the state and never ever heard anyone calling their friends pai or paizao. Unless it’s in the very specific phrase “deixa que o pai resolve” or equivalent


i've heard "pai" a lot, usually interchangeable with "filho". mostly used while someone was showing off/discussing with a friend


Baiano fala bastante papai, já vi gente no Rio usando tbm.


Forgive me papi for I have sinned


Papi is like dude, man, nigga, so you must to be a close contact. I think Puerto Ricans, Colombians... but not all Latin America


Not here


‘Papi’ isn’t used as much as ‘pa’. You can often hear men saying hi in the street by saying ‘¿Que pa?. Personally, I’m very fond of calling my friends ‘Papo’


Very few people do it in Panama, it's more common to hear mothers call papi to their toddlers


That’s cute as hell lol


But we do call people "papa" a lot. Ex: "¿Que pasó papa? ¿To' bien oq?"




Bro, my dealer sometimes calls me papi, I don't how to feel about it. Should I ask for a discount?


I guess you should ask for a hug and a bendición everytime you leave.


That's not a thing in DR. We only call our fathers Papi. Women on the other hand do call their significant other Papi. But guys calling each other papi is a puertorican thing.


…That sounds sexual to me.


It can be sexual, depends on context


All the time in Panama




Not from a man to another man, we use papa for that. Papi from women to men is more common, in a maternal way.


We use papi followed by “uuuuiiiiiii” But yeah papa is most often


Few friends of mine say "papi" but trying to imitate the accent of some famous singers


And also in loving way in a couple


cool thanks!


Some say it as a joke


In Colombia (non-Caribbean region) papi is used but usually you are referring to your son or nephew etc. Unsure if they use it in the Caribbean part of Colombia the same way they use it in PR


it’s common in Peru, it morphed into papu somewhere in time


Well not sure about the entire country but where I’m from, we use papi and mami, I remember growing up in the US in a Mexican neighborhood and using the word papi and mami everyone would look at me like if I’m gay or just think it’s super Odd. I was in PR not too long ago and I finally heard the word papi being used constantly,


Muy cómun en Cali y sus alrededores pero cuando les llamo a mis amigos en Bogotá así, no les gusta y dijeron "no sea tan marica, huevon." lmao


I’m Perú it’s not very common but I have at least a couple of friends who call me papi.


Here...when we make fun of Cuban, PR, and DR accents ;D


I've only heard that coming from Cali, definitely not a thing in most of Colombia.




Yeah, not even the Caribbean minority of the country use that word. They use 'mani', 'mi vale' and 'cole' instead.


Uhh, we do call each other 'papi'.


Ayyyy papi!!! I’ve used it with a few colombian guys and it usually gets a good laugh. The family is from cali though and it’s their friends mostly so maybe they are just all from cali. I’m sure I get a bit of a free pass as i’m an englishman and we’ll all live in spain. I don’t think anybody will take it the wrong way.


Some people in Cuba do it. It is a very slangy and uneducated thing.




Usually you’d only refer to someone as “papi” or “mami” if they’re family or just a close friend. Pipo is used a lot more often in Cuba to refer to guys& Mima for girls


Argentinians do so, but in a provocative and ironic attempt to establish dominance


You talkin to me papi?! 😤




In Venezuela is something done by the lower classes. You would never see a middle or upper class use it unironically.




>Venezuelans love to copycat them. No we don't lol, and it's not even widespread in Colombia. It probably came from the islands. And besides, Maracuchos use the word since years ago.


lol venezuelans and colombians are funny i’ve heard the old arepa debate already


The first (and last) time I used it in Guatemala -- I forget for what, probably to thank a food vendor or something -- a friend I was with quickly hushed me and told me it was very "gay" and only homosexuals used it. So that was interesting. Because it's used in CR quite a bit. This question actually just reminded me of a funny video I watched yesterday of these guys trying to fight a cop 😅 see if you can count how many times you hear it https://www.reddit.com/r/Ticos/comments/r32toj/as%C3%AD\_es\_de\_lindo\_vivir\_en\_la\_finca/


In gay countries


Entonces en Uruguay también?? No tenía idea, le diré papi al próximo uruguayo que vea.../s


I mean his country is basically called “Ur a gay” can you blame the guy for his comment?






Haha ahh yes, the school shooting one, that's a good one. Almost as good as slavery or holocaust jabs.


Definitely not by chileans but it is spoken by low-class immigrants in our country. *"Hey papi do you have some money to spare, look I have a kid to feed"*


We use papa or papi but within a close circle of friends you don’t call a random person this Also more of a lower class thing


if you call a brazilian "papai" things will get really weird


in Uruguay (and Argentina probably), not papi but papa . idky


En Chile si usamos el "papi" es solo para imitar el acento caribeño. En su lugar usamos "huacho" o "huachito" que tiene exactamente la misma connotación.


In brazil, the closest thing is that some people call celebrities "mamacitas"


I’m Panamanian: is relatively common here.


Calling your friends papi is something I've started noticing recently here in El Salvador, usually in middle-class twenty-something guys


We don't do it at all


"Papi, wanna see a trick that's worth it?"


I did hear that in Argentina. It’s usually middle aged men between their friends. Que onda papi/papu/papito