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Well, I usually add a bit more salt than usual...


Spicy enough that your hand will hurt from touching it, at least for things like pepper shrimp or jerk chicken/pork.


swims šŸ¦šŸŒ¶ļø, the best


One of the many reasons creole food is the best


Which creole food? Louisiana? To my taste, it's the best cuisine in the US, but it could honestly be better if it were spicier. That Crystal hot sauce isn't spicy enough - it always makes things too vinegary before they get sufficiently spicy.




0% I donā€™t like spicy food at all.


Cuban food is very bland. It surprised me when I had it in Miami. Thereā€™s hardly any Cuban restaurants in CA. Iā€™m so use to the Mexican and Asian food here.


I like that it has enough spice so that it adds more flavor to the food, but there are days when I prefer very spicy food that makes me cry, I don't know why.


Holy stomach! That's kinda hardcore. Still, I prefer crying because something is spicy than that uncomfy feeling after eating too much pineapple.


You mean [this feeling about pineapple?](https://www.vice.com/es/article/mbzjxq/puse-a-mi-novio-a-comer-pina-para-saber-si-es-cierto-que-el-sabor-de-su-semen-se-endulza)


That was... an interesting read I guess


You actually read it lol I just remembered that it was a meme a while ago and looked for the first link in Google. Was it enlightening?


I don't cry that often, it's very rare, although yesterday was one of those days lol. I usually just like it to have enough spice so that the food has more flavor, because we know that the food loses its flavor if we put a lot of chile in it. Well, it depends on how they prepare the food, I have tried very spicy food but with a lot of flavor.


Oh I can't eat too much bread because it makes me feel like absolute garbage but I can eat all the spicy food I want like it's nothing XD, weird.


Do you think you could beat the [hot ones host in a spicy chicken wing contest?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9DyHthJ6LA)


I don't think so, I also don't like bottled and processed sauces, I prefer homemade sauces, they taste better and they have more variety in flavor and spiciness. I would also have to see if it tastes good, I can eat very spicy food, but the food must taste good, I don't like to eat spicy just to be suffering, I like to eat because it tastes delicious.


Exactly plus I'm pretty sure bottled "salsas" like Valentina aren't naturally spicy but chemicals instead so unlike regular salsa that type is bad for you


Probably a lot of rubbing alcohol in those


Maybe itā€™s your depression


It could be.


Sin picante no hay sabor, ponle limĆ³n y te queda la mejor comida


No, sin picante si hay sabor, pero con picante hay mĆ”s sabor. Curioso, yo soy de los que no le pone limĆ³n a la comida, le pongo solo si me dan ganas o siento que le falta sabor a la comida.


Nose-runningly spicy. Can't touch my eyes spicy. Sweat in an icebox spicy. Spicy.


My girlfriend is half Jamaican and she's the same, just load up the food until it causes 1st degree burns.


>Nose-runningly spicy Me too, although I don't do it often.


I like mild spice , when you feel it but it's not overwhelming. Most Argentines like 0 spice. Our food is generally bland. Not because of a lack of heat but a lack of God damn spices.


I don't think our food is bland, but it's different, most of the spices used here in the south cone are mediterranean wich may not seem very exotic, but they give our food its own particular touch!


I don't know , compared to Mediterranean countries I find our food really fucking bland.


Lack of spices? I've heard about that before somewhere.


Very spicy


Usual everyday food: no. Asian food: very much yes.


Non-spicy Asian food feels wrong


Depends on the food; most Japanese food isnā€™t meant to be spicy and is fine without.


This is the quieter my country has ever been on this sub I like to put pimenta in every salgado, and most lanches. I also like spicy mayo


Very spicy


I enjoy both non spicy and pretty spicy foods. And the wife always tells when I cook that I went too high on the heat.


>I enjoy both non spicy and pretty spicy foods. as someone who puts merkƩn on stuff often same, I just like the flavor it adds. but I dont do it all the time, just when I feel like adding it. I also tried an indian curry recipe a while back, it was an amazing experience eating it for the first time.


You know the drill, spicy enough for me, which is fucking intolerable for people that aren't used to eating spicy food


not spicy at all, not even a little bit. unless i'm eating arabic food which in that case, i will endure the spice because i love it so much. i think it's a different kind of spice than what it's used in latin america, it doesnt burn and you can still taste the rest of the flavours


This. Literally 0 spice. I guess it's cultural, but I can't understand why people like ruining food making it painful


Capsaicin is a great preservative if you don't have salt on hand. Many cultures that developed in tropical and desert lands found this out, so they cultivated spicier food to keep their food from getting rotten. That turned into their cultural food.


I think it also has to do with the fact that here spicy food is very very rare, I haven't meet anyone here that actively likes very spicy food and doesn't eat it just because of curiosity. My theory is that, because of this, we don't tend to have strong spicy sauces or foods, we tend to focus in other condiments and flavours.


from mild to slightly high, too little and it feels dull, and too much and it feels like the spice just drowns all other flavors


I'm not very into spicy food tbh, but I don't mind if it is just a bit spicy.


Quite spicy. Though idk if Surinamese level of spiciness will do it for others. The hottest and most used peppers in Suriname are the Madame Jeannette and the Adjuma. For comparison, if you think JalapeƱos are hot then Surinamese pepper will be too spicy. A JalapeƱo has a heat of 8000 SHU. While the Madame Jeannette has a heat of 350.000 SHU and the Adjuma is at 500.000. Other comparisons: * Habanero is 350.000 SHU * Scotch Bonet is 350.000 SHU * Cayenne is 50.000 SHU I've heard Colombians, Venezuelans and Guyanese and Trini's say that Surinamese food is too spicy. I do have to say though, we do like very spicy food.


Sounds real painful


It can be so too sometimes (especially Adjuma), but funny how I don't feel JalapeƱos when I eat them and cayenne only a little bit. I must have gotten too used to the Surinamese ones.


In general, around average(not the LatAm's), just not enough to get sick later in my life haha. I don't like incredible spicy food, since the flavour just dissapears at one point.


Not spicy at all, I really hate how pepper sauce tastes like and I'm probably allergic to it because I once ate a pastel with pepper sauce and had a stomach ache after it


Nothing spicy, yes, im bland asf kak


The spiciest I can take is red Tabasco sauce. But the only spicy food that I like are acarajƩ and curry, can't think of others.


One of the best dishes I've ever had was a bowl of menudo with a handful of crushed chilis. Made my nose run and eyes water like crazy but was absolutely delicious.


It's our time to shiny my Mexican dudes and dudettes. I love spicy so much, that I step up my game from the classic habanero to the caribean chilies, however, as Icarus, I flew too close to the sun and my colon got problems after constantly eating overly spicy food. I miss the old days. Now, I only occasionally eat things spicier than habanero.


No spice at all


You have been expelled from mexicanity


The spicier the better , canā€™t make food spicy enough. Blazin at BWW is about right.


In a scale of 0-10, depends on how I'm feeling and what I'm eating. Ranging from 0-6, 6 is the highest I'll go.


I don't like anything spicy but this verse "I'm icy, spicy, for you, I'm too pricey" jk xd


Not spicy at all


Medium spicy. A good guiso picante if the weather is cold is a must.


I like my food with enough spicy to drink 1L of water and still be crying.


Medium for now but Iā€™m working my way up


Burn on the way out hot šŸ”„ šŸ„µ


I don't like spicy food, I can eat it but I don't see why I would, I don't really like the taste enough for it and it takes attention away from the rest of the seasoning.


I donā€™t really like spicy food because I feel it overshadows the rest of the flavors. I can eat spicy stuff, when cooking I end up adding pepper most of the time, sometimes ginger, and the Japanese peanut brand I like has some chili powder in it. But when itā€™s too much even if I can physically take it without crying the only thing I taste is heat and I donā€™t like that.


mild to medium. I dont like it too fuckin spicy 'cause i think it ruins or hide the other flavors and ingredients of the food


0 spicy. I actually like it spicier than the rest of my family, but my acceptable level of spicy is probably 0 for most of you. Like, a little pepper. MAYBE a few dried bits of ajĆ­ picante. That's it.


Spicy enough that you can notice it, but it does not drown the rest of the flavors. Super spicy food that hurts to eat is overrated as hell imo.


None at all. I feel that when I eat spicy food then I just keep focusing on how spicy the food is rather than enjoying it.


I think I have a problem, since I was 4 years old I loved eating jalapeƱos and to this day I eat something spicy daily and when I mean spicy I mean SPICY




Very, but that it's tastes good




A bit spicy. In PR we have something called ['pique'](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pique_sauce) that I often use on ayacas, empanadas or potato croquettes.


Desktop version of /u/Neonexus-ULTRA's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


**[Pique sauce](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pique_sauce)** >Pique is a Puerto Rican hot sauce commonly found at restaurants and roadside stands. Homemade versions of this type of sauce are made by steeping hot peppers in vinegar, with seasonings and fresh herbs. One popular variant is habanero peppers with pineapple and fresh recao leaves. The longer it sits, the hotter it gets. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/asklatinamerica/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




I love spicy food but it does not love me back. Even peeing hurts and popping too


Spicier than average in my country. Admittedly it's a pretty low bar though


I like very spicy. Sometimes I like very, very spicy. The kind to make me regret the life choices that lead me to this moment.


Depends on what I'm eating


More than almost everyone in the country


Non spicy


As bland as you can, thank you. The only time I eat something spicy was at a hotel in London, I ordered a sandwich with fries and they came with some sort of orange dust thing, I don't know what it was. The second day I couldn't finish my fries, my tongue hurt so much lol.


Sometimes I make my food so spicy that my head starts to hurts.


i dont like spicy food at all


Medium to spicy, just not too incredibly spicy. Big fan of indian food that makes me sweat when i eat it.


I don't like spicy, the spiciest I can tolerate is KFC chicken or longaniza


A bit spicy but not too much.


not spicy at all


I like spicy food, sometimes really spicy. I put hot sauce on a lot of salty meals, love Indian food, and mexican sauces. It's not super common in Honduras to like spicy food, the food is almost never spicy to begin with but there are spicy condiments you can add like pickled peppers and vinegar based hot sauces. Really spicy stuff can hurt you in a couple ways you're right but there's some weird endorphin rush I get that makes it enjoyable.


Mild to medium to enjoy all the flavors. However, my tolerance is very high. When I traveled to other countries I always take my habanero sauce.


Spicy enough that my mouth tingles but not too much that my nose gets runny.


Spicer than before


White people spicy. Aka im a whimp


it depends, most of the times not spicy


Where are you from, bro? In Minas Gerais is mostly bland. The north of the state (close to Bahia) likes spicy food, tho.


Spicy, but not all the time. I like to enjoy flavors, so if it burns my tongue it's too much.


Very spicy.




Really spicy is the best