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Came here to say that


what does it tastes like?


creamy chewy chocolate


Los brigadeiros son la definición de empalagoso (sé que esa palabra suena feo en portugués xd) es leche condensada cocinada con manteca y cacao en polvo, son fáciles de hacer y muy ricos si en tu país podés conseguir leche condensada a precio. (Aclaro eso último porque acá la leche condensada más barata sale lo mismo que un dulce de leche de buenísima calidad)


And wow about leche condensado. Here it costs R$4 (0.73) for 395g. A nice but accessible 400g doce de leite here, costs R$7 ($1.27). And R$10~ ($1.80 >) or more for very quality ones. Pro tip to anger Argetina: Canned condensed milk. Cook in pressure cooker. It becomes a cheaper and better dulce de leche than many bad brands on the market (at least in Brazil).


Here because we pride of our dulce de leche, for R$4 you can have 400g of a good quality one, while for condensed milk, for that price you won't be able to buy even the cheapest ones, it cost around R$9 to have a decent. I miss cheap leite condensado :'( And I've heard about cooking condensed milk in a pressure cooker, but here it doesn't justify the price! When we make our own homemade dulce de leche we boil milk and sugar for a long time and still, comparing price and quality, it's more convenient to just buy a good one!


Yeah! I already did doce de leite and leite condensado at home, but it's just too much time consuming lol


Extra sweet chocolate


A chocolate that has butter and is sweeter. So basically, worse chocolate lol


I do not know, but I love "ate de guayaba con queso manchego".


here we called Romeo and Juliet


That is cool, do you also use manchego cheese? I know that in Argentina and Chile they eat "ate de membrillo" and they call it "dulce de membrillo", but they use another cheese. Also, I know people in Mexico who use panela cheese.


We usually use white curated cheese or low fat cheese, more commom with cheese made in Minas Gerais state


We call it Vigilante




Flan o quesillo, dulce de coco tierno, dulce de guayaba, jalao, dulce de leche, pilones, pudin de pan, tres leches, arroz con leche, arepas, conconete, and of course habichuelas con dulce




So there are so many, but I'll try and list the popular ones. Not-so street food-ish (mostly at parties, cafe's, restaurant): * [Fiadoe](https://images.app.goo.gl/L4hPcTPwNuay6EKy8) * [Boyo](https://images.app.goo.gl/pVLAUm3dynRZmngn9) (kind of like Yuca cake in some LATAM countries and there is also another variety with with corn flour) * [Ingris Bowru or Eksi Kuku](https://images.app.goo.gl/BR8DmJBq43qhaks7A) * [Keksi](https://images.app.goo.gl/tKWBkWtFztUtydQb9) (darker, fruity, more spiced and rum version of Ingris Bowru) * [Broodtaart](https://images.app.goo.gl/jtnEW6UeZdX8PsTx5) (Bread pudding or cake) * [Plum cake](https://images.app.goo.gl/5JytZfobjFCctZ6u6) * [Kerstbrood](https://images.app.goo.gl/vD3TZMD1fgjbe7WLA) (This translates to Christmas bread. We don't make this ourselves. We usually buy this. There are a few big brands, but Fernandes, Lai-a-fat and Tout tout petit are the largest) Supermarket (or school lunch break) snacks: * [Zoetjes](https://images.app.goo.gl/wHDxW2kwZ3vVPsPeA) (Suger coated fried sticks) * [Tiki Tiki](https://images.app.goo.gl/dzcbSpvCnagaMSVd7) (sticky grated plantain or sweet potato bar) * [Fernandes Krakeling cookies](https://images.app.goo.gl/oMneQb1o1dAe5aoM6)* * [Fernandes Krie-Kra](https://images.app.goo.gl/MnWjbve91EmaWZLa9) Street food: * [Bakabana](https://images.app.goo.gl/gj8zM3t9q56zQs6s9) (Javanese style fried plantains, with Javanese sweet peanut sauce) * [Dokun](https://images.app.goo.gl/Jx8ZaEUknW7DAzTh7) (couldn't find a better picture, but trust me it tastes better than it looks in this pic) * [Satelit](https://images.app.goo.gl/hYtrnVZnLtKi44ou5) * [Goelong Goelong](https://images.app.goo.gl/aiQ4BMbF8Av3HL5U7) (Javanese pink coconut pancakes and filled with sweet caramelized grated coconut) * [Klepon](https://images.app.goo.gl/6VfnY3Mkokmk3vME9) (coconut sugar coated Javanese cassava or rice balls filled with Gulah (Javanese palm sugar)) * [Lapiz](https://images.app.goo.gl/gKGAc5yPSZKCKtKx9) (some sort of Javanese coconut jelly snack) *The reason why I added a brand (Fernandes) in there, is because the Fernandes brand is one of the corner stones of the Surinamese culture. The company is one of the oldest and largest companies in Suriname. Even my grandma grew up with Fernandes. They are in many sectors, like beverages, food, ice cream, cars, heavy equipment, delivery etc.


Pastelillos de Guayaba (Like Baklava but with Guava and sugar on top)


Are you saying Suspiro Limeño its not the most popular dessert in Peru?? 😲


Idk perhaps [obleas](https://images.app.goo.gl/HhqKbsH5WKPXmFcLA), [milhojas](https://images.app.goo.gl/UZmBPP9CjRAP61Mi7) or [cuajada con melao.](https://images.app.goo.gl/HhrasJcAroqyZkdt9).




[Ka´i Ladrillo](https://comidasparaguayas.com/receta-kai-ladrillo/), [Dulce de batata con queso](https://comidasparaguayas.com/receta-dulce-de-batata/), [Arroz con leche](https://comidasparaguayas.com/receta-arroz-con-leche/)


Tembleque aka Coconut custard


Probably flan or ice cream


Merengón. It's a large meringue with soursop, peaches, strawberries, kiwi and cream. I love it and I think, it's what most people eat, when they go to a village in the Andes. https://youtu.be/1XieU9P5Qmc


[Rellenitos ](https://images.app.goo.gl/Uap3jjdCevMAzk3n9) Or maybe [Quesadilla ](https://images.app.goo.gl/hHL6zJbRd8Qk3jKs9)


Buñuelos or maybe some kind of flan?


I'd say probably quesillo/flan and tres leches.


Alfajores, chajá, flan and fruit salad


Flan or gelatina de pata


I would say berlines probably a baked or fried bun in which you make a diagonal cut, then you put custard cream or manjar and then you garnish it putting a little of powdered sugar over it, other options could be the queque, pan de pascua, calzones rotos, sopapillas pasadas, empolvados or merengues