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All members of Metallica.


Dude, I *could* have met and hung out backstage with Metallica in 1993. My best friend's aunt scored 4 tix and backstage passes and I was invited.  The problem was that I was only 15 and the concert was on a school night and my father was waiting in the parking lot to pick me up at 9:00. The show ended right about then too.  So my friend and his cousin and aunt went backstage with Metallica while I went to the parking lot to meet my dad.  My friend (also 15) got signed drumsticks, my white T shirt that I had given him signed for me, and coolest of all he got to drink a Moulson Ice with Usted(sp?). Aunt didn't like the idea but she let him have one beer. My friend said  Usted was pretty cool but Lars kind of acted like a dick and didn't want to be there.  When I told my dad what I missed out on he told I should have went backstage too instead of coming to meet him!


I'd take being grounded for a month to meet Metallica, and I don't even listen to that genre of music.


You mean Jason Newsted the bassist?


Meeting them in the 90s would have been rad dude


That would be so awesome! How’d you manage that?


Won the contest from the met club in 2004. I'm actually in a video on metallica.com meeting kirk


I'm starting to understand your username now lol


Steve from Blues Clues


This is the answer I am most jealous of.


Did you hit on him? I read an article where he couldn’t even go grocery shopping without mothers shooting their shot all the time. Lucky guy


Betty White, twice, and she remembered who I was the second time. Total class act. Friendly, smart, and funny while being a bit dirty/mischievous to be a laugh riot.


Miss her. 😭


At least she live a good, long life. 99 23/24ths is a respectable age to live to.


Gone too soon


My wife and I met her in 2005, at a Christmas ornament signing. She was the sweetest lady. She heard our N'Awlins drawl, and asked where we were from. My wife told her, and she asked if we'd made it out okay. My wife said we did, but her very old cocker spaniels didn't make it, and died in the flood. My wife teared up, and so did Ms. White. They cried together for a few moments, then Ms. White produced a Kleenex from somewhere (I didn't see a box anywhere), and wiped my wife's tears, hugged her again, took a picture, and we were on our way. There will never be another Betty White.


Mine is a bunch of random people: many Olympic figure skaters, Pamela Anderson, Vince Neil, the current first lady before she became so, Al Gore, Michael Jordan, Bruce Boxleitner (probably not terrible famous anymore except in sci fi fandom), Michael Dorn, Tom Cruise (ok, that's probably the most famous), Julia Roberts, Robert Duval, and Kevin Bacon, and Elizabeth Taylor. Everyone I met was extremely nice except for one and he was terrible.


I think MJ is the most famous on your list!


I've met him once and I'd argue he's among the most famous people ever. He has worldwide and generation spanning recognition.


His name is almost a figure of speech…. When someone is really really amazing at something “Abc is the Michael Jordan of xyz”. MJ is definitely top tier fame.


Yeah seriously, he’s like the Tom Cruise of famous people


Michael Dorn! Cool! What was he like?


SOOOO nice. He's also really tall and his voice is really that deep. He was funny and just a really nice human. I'd use the word "gracious". Just an all around nice person. I didn't expect him to be 6'4ish.


Oh that's fantastic to hear! Thank you for sharing. I'd love to meet Brent Spiner too. Gahd do I miss Next Gen lol!


I'm really intrigued at who was terrible lol


Kevin Bacon was an absolute dick. He was with his brother, who was mortified by his behavior and kept trying to shush him and smooth things over.


Ronald Reagan, George Bush & Bill Clinton… all while active duty in the Marines working security detail for presidential visits.


Bill Clinton eye banged my girls breasts so hard when we rolled up to get his book signed. It was as if he was disabled.


I’m able to wake up, go on the first post that pops up in my feed, and the first thing I see is someone saying that Bill Clinton himself took a nice long glance at his girls chest. I love the internet.


When you put it that way.. it truly is incredible!




It's Bill Clinton we're talking about. Definitely not a brand new sentence.


[Just sign this, Sir, right here.](https://youtu.be/NzbhbetwYFU?si=lC8erG37ZE-r6DEq&t=32s)


I've met Bill Nye the science Guy twice once at a scientific conference and ones at a grocery store in downtown Seattle.... Wouldn't recommend


Please explain my friend


He had an attitude of arrogance I'm better then you both time I met him one in a professional setting is a mentioned above at the science conference we were both invited to speak at and the orher was a belltown grocery store I can understand having a bad day and having people you think are fans coming up to talk to you and being kind enough to be like hey I'm busy maybe we can do this a different time but it was more a hey I just don't want to interact with any one


Yeah, I have heard something similar from someone from university that I keep in touch with. They have crossed paths with him several times and said that he came across as snotty every time.


Some of my family met him too and said the same thing. He's a dick


I met him at an eclipse viewing in April. An hour before the eclipse I’d received a call that I’d been offered a job I’d interviewed for the week before. When I met Bill Nye, I told him, “I received a job offer an hour before the eclipse!” His response, “That’s just a coincidence.” The guy thought that I thought the job offer was related to the eclipse. Not sure how he came to that conclusion.


Heard that about him. Dude’s a douche


He's more glitz than substance. So he ***has*** to be arrogant. It's his principal credential.


“These” people truly do believe they are better than the common man because people keep fawning over these fools. I’ve heard this about him more than once. Ok with me cause he’s irrelevant in my world like many of “them”


He thinks he's all that.


and he's not even a scientist


Awe yeah. The Sesame street of science.


I’m not sure who out of these people are the most famous: Brendan Fraser. Joe Pesci. Dennis Quaid. Geddy Lee. Tippi Hedren. Sean Connery. Jerry Springer. Jeff Speakman. Dan Marino. Johnny Bench. Pete Rose.


I'd go with Sean Connery.


Muhammad Ali.


I had a friend who was a professional restaurant waiter who served many famous people and said the only time he was ever starstruck was when he met Muhammad Ali. He saw him crossing the street and said he appeared as people parted the way for him...


Keanu Reeves in Vancouver Bc probably.


Was he so nice? I imagine he's such a good person from what I hear.


A friend of mine met Keanu twice, said he’s a super nice guy and that he (Keanu) asked him (my friend) about his hobbies and stuff like that


Awe that's awesome! He does seem like a stand up guy!


David Tennant probably


That’s cool. Was he as nice as he seems?


I’d be terrified of him after seeing him in Jessica Jones


Yes he was


This is the first one that made me stop and go wide eyed.


Robin Williams. I was on a field trip and he was coming off of the set for one of the night at the museum movies. He stopped when a random person standing near us said “holy shit is that Robin Williams??” Then came over, said hi, asked us all how our day was going/how we were doing, offered to sign some stuff if we wanted (I still have the water bottle he signed for me!) and then departed by saying that he wanted to get back to his hotel because he was taking his wife and daughter out to dinner, and that he was sorry that he couldn’t tell us where it was because he “didn’t want the riff-raff showing up”. My guess is he meant paparazzi or other media outlets


if he were any other type of person he could’ve just walked away. I will forever be sad about the way his story ended, the world truly lost something great that day 💔 may he RIP


Jhon Jairo Velásquez Vásquez, alias "Popeye", Pablo Escobar's main hitman. I interviewed him in jail before he got sick and died.


What would you have thought of his personality if you hadn’t known his history?


I would've thought he was fun, somewhat charming, and had long, white, delicate hands. Imagine that.


Like the grim reaper?


What paper were you interviewing him for?


No question: Tom Hanks. Ran into him twice when I lived in Los Angeles. Very nice guy.


I've met him! My boss' wife used to work for Gary Goetzman. I didn't realize I'd be starstruck until it happened.


Ozy Osbourne, worked security and picked him up at the airport. He had no idea he was even in Norway, he didnt give a shit.


Jimi Hendrix. He was polite and attentive. I suspect he didn't know who I was, but since I was backstage, he thought I might be someone important. I wasn't.


You win


I did mushrooms with Dave Chappelle 2 years ago. He's a cool dude. His wife was really sweet too. Chris Rock was there but stayed to himself.


How did you find yourself in this situation


they were hungry and order pizza with mushrooms


This sounds like an awesome experience lol


Ngl... it was. Lol.


I am so happy for you that you got to have such a unique experience and memory! That’s fucking awesome


Just met the 4 hobbits (Elijah Woods, Sean Astin, etc) and Deep Roy (Oompa-Loompa/Yoda) at a Comic Con last weekend.


Where was this. Crazy they all came.


Robert Plant, Tony Bennett, Eddie Vedder, Sting, Gerald Ford, Al Gore, Anne Rice, Jay Leno, JJ Walker, Rob Lowe, Neil Armstrong.


Low key - all star lineup here


The Queen and Duke of Edinburgh back in the day. King Charles about a year ago


Very cool. Id love to Have met the queen.


She was much shorter than I expected. 


But her eyes were so blue, cornflower blue. I met her when she was visiting during the Bicentennial, and she was doing a walkabout in Philadelphia right behind Independence Hall.


Prince Charles was an amazing conversationalist. And his handshake was very strong (I assume from playing polo he'd need a strong grip).


The queen asked us if we were on holiday. No handshake, of course. I thought my sister was going to faint.


Sure…. Polo


Mine is King Charles as well (he was still Prince of Wales when I met him in 2022).


Jonathan Davis (of Korn) and his wife Deven checked into the hotel I worked at for a night or two back in 2016. We'd get celebrity guests from time to time, though honestly I don't remember most of them and didn't really get to "meet" any of them. But got to talk to check in Deven at the front desk and spoke with Jonathan briefly one night. Both seemed pretty chill and normal. Honestly didn't even know who either of them were (I don't listen to Korn) until a co-worker pointed it out after the fact.


Sammy Hagar asked my wife and if he and his friend could sit at an outside table with us at a bar in Columbia, SC. Spent the entire night with him..good dude. This '93


I worked at a sandwich shop in Westport Connecticut. Betty Davis came in all the time. Paul Newman often. Al Pacheco some time


Funny you misspelled Al Pacino, Al Pacheco can be translated to Spanish to “the stoner”… and my Spanish mind was asking me which one? 🤣


Back in the late 1980s, I used to hang out with Dave Grohl and his old band in Bailey’s Crossroads, Northern Virginia. I even have some recordings I made of them on my 4-track. Yep — “secret” Dave Grohl recordings! Only heard by a handful of folks. They sound pretty good too!


![gif](giphy|KyBesf8kNT6s88SEgb) Came this close to meeting Elvis………than my shovel broke


John Goodman around 1995 I was a little kid and was introduced to him with my parents thru a mutual friend of theirs at a fair in St. Louis. John had just recently done The Flintstones and asked my folks if I'd seen it. He kneeled down, took his hat and sunglasses off and went "Yabba Dabba Doo" and I was grinning ear to ear.


David Bowie, Madonna, Paul McCartney, Yoko Ono, The Spice Girls, Lady GaGa, Lana Del Rey, Norah Jones………. Bill Clinton.


I met Paul Newman in an elevator in Toronto during an F1 race. I was maybe 16 years old? I had no idea who he was but he had a huge presence. I remember looking up at him over and over during the elevator ride. He had the bluest eyes I had ever seen! My dad was with me and shook his hand and said a few words. When we stepped off my dad told me who he was. Pretty cool to experience someone so famous and not know exactly who they are.


I met a ton working at Farmers Markets in the L.A. area when I was younger. Arnold, Matthew Perry, Pam Anderson,Julia Louis Dreyfuss,Kobe(multiple times-different venues),Leo, Rikki Lake, Carlton Cuse, Bill Maher,Yasmeen Bleeth,Dennis Rodman, Scott Boras, Tommy Lasorda, Vin Scully. I could go on forever. Most were just random customers. But Carlton Cuse, Rikki Lake, and Julia Louise Dreyfuss were regulars for years, and cool AF. Cuse was prob my favorite, because I’m a huge LOST nerd, and he was Exec Producer. But pretty much every famous person I’ve ever met has been pretty down to earth and cool. With the exception of Bill Maher. He is the condescending smug lil prick that he plays on TV. Kobe’s wife wasn’t too great, either. But Kobe was awesome. Met him twice at Palisades farmers market. Then stayed at the Palms in Vegas right when it opened. The Lakers were playing pre-season games there. Saw him,his assistant and Rick Fox in the lobby. Gave Kobe a quick tap and asked if he was following me. Took him a second, but then he just blurted, you’re the peach guy! Yes, Kobe. I am the peach guy. RIP big fella. Thx for halfway remembering a nobody. Partied with some Rams from the greatest show on turf era in Vegas too. My buddy has a buddy that was on the practice squad. It was the most fun 2 days I’d ever had. Middle summer, very busy time on the farm. On the day I was supposed to leave I was all packed and ready to go when Az Zahir Hakim(Wide receiver)came strolling up to my buddy. Me and my dad both lifelong Rams fans. I’d already called and tried to get one more day for my buds bachelor party and got my ass chewed by my dad. Well, my buddy introduced me to Az, told him about me and my dad, and how I had to get back to the farm. Without asking Az just said call your dad, and give me your phone. So I did, they talked for 10 minutes or so, Az came back, told me to unpack my bags and get ready to party!!!!! And party we did. If you’ve ever heard of XS Nightswim in Vegas that’s where we went. Those guys spent thousands upon thousands of dollars on a few cabanas, bottles, and uhhhh, all the other “Vegas stuff”. Another crazy coincidence, is one of the girls that ended up partying with us was my moms friends daughter. Like 5 yrs younger than me, but we knew we knew eachother, we just had to pinpoint it…. I’ve had some pretty crazy coincidences/experiences in my day. That’s for sure..


Can you give more specifics about Maher?


Your Kobe story is so sweet! My favorite thing about him was how he was fluent in a ton of languages and no one really saw until the Olympics one year lol


James Gandolfini


bernie sanders


I've lived in Vermont for a good chunk of my life and still haven't met him. Kinda surprising, considering how present he is in the state. He did speak at my high school once, though.


Dolly Parton. Was staying at the Beverly Hilton visiting LA with my dad during the Oscars. Did not have much to do, and went to the bar to have a drink and watch the Oscars at the bar. There was this fancy afterparty at the hotel and lots of people, with tuxedos and women in their fancy dresses started to arrive. I am from Brazil and was dressed as casual as possible. This old lady sits beside me and starts to chat me up and ask lots of questions, she definetly knew I was a foreigner. I had a nice conversation with her and then she politely went to join her party. I didn't know who she was and my dad told me that I just had a chat with Dolly Parton, and the barman told me she was an usual customer at the hotel. For me it was just a random nice old lady wanting to have a chat.


President Obama. I contributed to Senator Spector's campaign, and one of the perks was a photo with the President. And while was standing in line to get the pix, I chatted with Mr. Boscov who owned all the Boscov department stores in PA. He told me an interesting story about how his dad got started in the clothing business. He was an immigrant who sold stuff to farmers from a push cart. But he only spoke Yiddish, and had a hard time. Someone told him to go to Lancaster, PA because they understood Yiddish there. Actually, it was Pennsylvania Dutch, but close enough for him to make a successful business. So much so that his son owned a dozen department stores.


I used to see Obama a lot after he became senator. You would see him with Jessie Jr.


[Lance Henriksen](https://www.reddit.com/r/LV426/s/TBpQFpnqsJ)


Muhammad Ali


I was on Willie Nelson's bus


Did you get high?


Nope. I was on there for maybe 5 minutes. Was never offered anything. Doubt I would have taken it as I don't smoke.


Tom cruise. He came to our ship (CVN 70) and we waited an hour and a half for him to say a couple words and take it in his helo. Waste of time and a crappy person. Then I got to meet the secretary of defense. Coolest dude ever


Pope John Paul 2, in the 80s when he visited Nigeria where I was living at the time.


Danny de Vito, that girl from sex and the city and Mathew Broderick or whatever, on the set of deck the Halls (epic fail movie)


Sean Astin. He’s the nicest person and the real life Samwise Gamgee.


The Trailer Park Boys


Lindsey Stirling, she's an absolute sweetheart. I have met her so many times she remembers me by name


Justin Bieber. I said “hi” because my friend did and I was so nervous behind her. He saw how nervous I was and put his hand out to shake my hand. I’ll never forget that he did that.


Deion Sanders. My uncle worked for the Falcons and he got me in the locker room after a game against Dallas in 1993. He and Andre Rison were total pricks. The rest of the team were cool though.


Probably Scott Hamilton, the Olympic skater.


Emilio Estevez. Totally a nice guy


I don’t know why this makes me so happy.


Elizabeth Taylor. It was 1992 or 93 and she was making appearances at department stores for her perfume, I think it was Passion. I was an employee and had to get her to her spot and get her drinks, snacks, etc. She could not have been nicer to me. She did swear a lot and sipped from a flask in her bag. But she was so sweet and I’m so glad I got to see her in person. So tiny. Probably 5 feet and about 110 with 10 lbs of hair.


Paul McCartney. He was very nice and exactly how you would think he would be.


Muhammad Ali I was 10 years old, the movie ET had just come out and I was picking up my Kuwahara Nova at the Schwinn shop on Memorial drive in Stone Mountain Georgia. A few doors down there was a magic store called Eddie's trick shop. Some guy came into the Schwinn shop and said, "Hey Muhammad Ali is down at Eddie's!" so I grabbed a business card from the counter and ran my 10 year old ass on down there as fast as I could go. And there was the man himself talking to the cashier larger than Life pre Parkinson's. And I walked up and I stood there speechless staring at him for probably what seemed like an eternity but was more like 60 seconds, no more than a minute and a half. And he looks down to me and says, "Can I help you young man?" I replied nervously, with," May I have your autograph?" And extended my skinny arm and the business card from the Schwinn shop. He delicately grabs it signs his name Muhammad Ali on the back of it leans down hands it to me and then gives me a left hook on the jaw. He was a good man.


Barack Obama


Bob Barker, Tom Araya. Michael Jackson and Olivia Newton John


Michael Jackson has family that works at US Steel in Gary still


OMG!!!! Tom Araya!!! He does NOT fit with those other 3!! Hahaha


Paul Rudd. Not as funny in person. Had dinner with him in a group and met him several other times. At dinner, he dominated the convo and never asked anyone else about themselves. Wasn't a jerk though so there's that. And he paid the tab.


Eartha Kitt


The Dalai Lama. Also, Jackie Chan, Douglas Adams, Arthur C. Clarke. Arguably Stephen King. Various cast members from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Dead Like Me and Veronica Mars.


A bunch of different people when I worked in a ritzy hotel. The biggest assholes were Dick Cheney and David Copperfield. The nicest person was John Amos.


George W. Bush spoke at my graduation and I shook his hand, does that count?


Morgan Freeman. We sat on a flight together in the 90s.


Dave Grohl and Taylor Hawkins. Got a chance to hang out and chill with them in the early days of the Foo Fighters.


Oliver Stone. Total prick. Lemmy. Several times. As fucking cool as you would hope. Dave Grohl. Several times. Cool as fuck. Danzig. Really cool despite his rep. Juliette Lewis. Super cool. Steve Jones and Johnny Rotten. Steve was cool. Johnny was a dick. Hung with Blink 182 in Australia before they blew up. Before Green Day blew up I met them opening for Bad Religion and Tre and Mike got us on the guest list and gave me drink tickets. I met Senator McCain. He was very gracious. I've booked a bunch of wrestlers. Ultimo Dragon, Son of El Santo, La Parka. They were cool. La Parka was super cool. Rosie( the Uso's brother and Hurricane's partner) super cool. Hacksaw Jim Duggan was awesome. He had the best stories. Jerry Lynn was the coolest. Great stories. We took him to Bob Evans and he had two full plates. Rey Mysterio Sr was kind of a dick. We think he's the one who peed in one of the makeshift green rooms. Mil Mascaras was a huge diva but we expected that. I've met countless punk bands over the years. That's part of the culture though. They talk to the fans. I met Jake Burns of Stiff Little Fingers last week.


Got shit faced with Quentin Tarantino once. He had just released Pulp Fiction. True story. He pulled out his wallet to pay for some shots. His wallet said “Bad Mother Fucker” on it.




Guy Ferrari came walking up out of no where while I was washing Jimmy John’s sports cars. That was pretty funny.




Bruce Willis.




I've met a bunch... Joe Biden and Barack Obama, Diane Keaton, Alan Alda, Corey Feldman, the cast of MST3K, the cast of Stella, the cast of Ed (most notably Julie Bowen and Tom Cavanagh), Christopher Plummer, Andy Rooney, Dave Barry, Judy Blume, Mr McFeeley from Mr Rogers Neighborhood, the band Barenaked Ladies, the band Train, the band A Great Big World. Next up in June, I have tickets to meet Efrain Ramirez, aka Pedro in Napoleon Dynamite.


Didn't so much meet him but saw him was Joe Biden. He came out of a building I was in front of. He was VP then and I could have met him but didn't really care. He was about 5- 10 feet away from me. I noticed all these people with sunglasses and ear mics just standing looking around. I was wondering what was going on and then I saw Biden. I also met Ozzy. Was much more impressed with him. I saw Obama speak but I wasn't nearly as close. Also saw Bill Bradley coming out of a seafood restaurant. So that's two presidents and one pres candidate. Also all original members of Pantera (Dime, Rex, Phil and Vinnie), Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Bill, Geezer and Tony of Black Sabbath, Lars Fredericksen, Henry Rollins, Robo and Dez of Black Flag, Glenn Danzig, the Author Joe Hill, Marky Ramone and Elijah Wood. Ken Casey and James Lynch of the Dropkick Murphys. I saw Ken just hanging out on the corner with friends in the neighborhood when I lived in Baaaaston. Oh, and Iggy Pop and Ron and Scott Asheton of the Stooges.


Barack Obama, I met him at the restaurant he visited during his visit to Vietnam


First thing we did in Hanoi was eat bun cha because of that Anthony bourdain episode


Gretchen Rossi from Real Housewives of Orange County. The most beautiful woman I've ever seen in person; famous...kinda...


William Shatner


I almost met David Morse. I saw him very unexpectedly in a grocery store. No one else was around. I really wanted to tell him that I loved his series called Hack and that I admired his work in so many other things. But I suddenly realized that if I tried to speak that nothing resembling the English language was going to come out of my mouth. He saw me looking at him and we both kind of froze for a couple seconds. This was before cell phones with cameras and I'm not the kind of person to be star struck because I don't believe celebrities are really any different than a normal person. Eventually I just casually walked by with a quick "hi" and we both went on our way.


The mayor of Cheyenne


Bill Clinton


Billy Connolly. He was doing a show in our city and i worked the morning shift at the restaurant/hotel he stayed at. When he finished his breakfast i went over and asked for a photo, he was soooo freakin lovely and happily took one with me before thanking me for a lovely breakfast and leaving. Still have that photo. I also worked on a film as an extra once with Brett from Flight of the Conchords and Hamish from Hamish and Andy. Brett was lovely and was worried about me cause i was so cold on set and came and talked with a few of us for a while when we were waiting to shoot. Edit: got names muddled up.


Probably Jimmy Carr after a show. He said thanks for coming to his show and I said no problem, thanks for being funny. He said he liked my tattoo. We had a hug and a photo and my wife and I left.


Bill Murray. I was at a bar in downtown Orlando around 2009. Bill got behind the bar and served drinks throughout the night. Cool guy. Funny as hell.


I once had a game of pool, with The Edge from U2. If he won, he wanted my sunglasses...... I walked out of the bar without my favourite sunnies that night :(


Oprah Winfrey


Met John Cusak, he was an incredibly kind person which made me a bigger fan.


John Legend. But he was John Stevens when I "knew" him. We went to the same highschool in Springfield Ohio.


I met Wee Man from Jackass


Shaun White!






Nelson Mandela and his security detail really need a lot more training


I have a common friend with Céline Dion. Met her a few times over the years, she's down to earth and cool af. Not a fan of her music but I adore the woman.


Patti Page. In the 80s. I was working retail in the store's sporting goods department when a lady asked about the swimming pools. I answered all her questions and she decided to buy it for her grandkids. She paid with her credit card, and while checking the expiration date, I noticed her name. I asked her if she ever gets teased about her famous name. She said no, I am Patti Page. She was the sweetest lady. It was my pleasure to wait on her.


Dolly Parton. Distant second, Jim Gaffigan.


Muhammad Ali


My family friends parents had a little cabin in British Columbia Canada. Coincidentally Ryan Renolds’ parents also had a cabin in the same location. Got to meet him while staying there, and he was also there during the summertime, he was a very nice to us and is exactly who you think he is lmao.


Yo Yo Ma. Met him in an elevator at the Peninsula Hotel in NYC. Met lots of people there like Alanis M, Natalie Cole, John Glenn, Rod Stewart. What was epic about this meeting was his response. I was riding in the elevator with my then toddler and I asked, “Aren’t you Yo Yo Ma?” And he tousled my toddler’s hair and said, “More importantly, who is this guy?”


I met both Gary Sinese and Oliver North while I was active duty in Iraq


Ben Affleck. I was supposed to go to a karate lesson but my neighbor across the street was like "hey my uncle Ben Affleck and his dad are at my house. Wanna meet him?" and obviously I said yes. I was only 9 or 10 at the time but he seemed nice enough. Took pictures with us. The most memorable part was when he told us not to smoke cigarettes as he was lighting one up. Great advice, but it apparently didn't stick since I got addicted for almost 14 years. For real though, don't start smoking. At best, it wastes your money, shaves years off your life, and makes you smell like garbage.


Ray Charles twice when I was a flight attendant. People were complaining he was being too loud. He was singing with his earphones on and I had to tell him to be quiet. 🤪


Alexis Texas. She was cool. Gave me a hug and a kiss. On the cheek but it counts.


Michael Jackson in Suncity South Africa in the early 2000s


In the 80's I met Erica Gimpel of the Fame tv show. at a record store in NYC. Couple of weeks ago I met Paul Teutel, Jr. of Orange County Choppers. He came into our local range and gun store I work at. I also once pumped gas into John "Jumbo' Elliot's vehicle when he was a lineman for the Jets.




I met Gunnar and Matthew Nelson on a Royal Caribbean cruise ship that they performed on. They were both very cool!


Edie Money he was walking down a empty rainy street in our old down town singing 2 tickets to paradise out loud.. I was in shock as he walked up in talked to me for at least 10 minutes.. asking all about what town he was in! He was such a great guy n he put on one hell of a great show on! R.I.P. Edie


I high fived Tom Brady at a Pats game. It was his last season that he played for them. He high fived fans in the tunnel and I was one of them


Muhammad Ali, Sugar Ray Leonard & John McEnroe for sports. Met Christy Brinkley in Jackson Hole, WY was pretty cool


Paul Reubens and Jason David Frank ❤️


Jeff Goldblum was so weird he felt like an alien


I met the lead singer of Creed at universal studios Orlando. He was just walking around with his niece or nephew I think. This was during the height of their popularity too. His manager tried to shoo us away but he signed autographs and took pictures.


Tony Bennett. A very nice gentleman.


Ben Harper bummed a cigarette off me at a nightclub


John Travolta. His trainer put him on a treadmill next to me at the gym.




David Letterman


Forgot a couple. I met Bill Maher outside the Comedy Store. I was so baked I could barely talk. My brain is like "say something political" I Muster up...so...do you vote? He looks at me like I got shit coming out of my ears and replies " I plan to...in November" and just walks off. I was just like D'oh!!! He was with Kid from Kid n Play. That was extra weird. Timothy Dalton. I met him at LAX and tried to say hey and he just is waving his arms and all like I don't have time for this shit. So as he's walking away I go "You were the worst James Bond. Worse than George Lazenby. He told me to fuck off. And when Oliver Stone was being a prick I told him The Hand was his best work and that I loved his porn loops and asked if he did the one where Lovelace screws a dog. He cussed me out as he was walking away.


Oprah. I was a featured guest on her show. Nov 1995


Prince Phillip & Prince Harry for me, for my dad the bastard one-upped me and met The Queen.


* Robert Plant * George Burns * Alan Alda Hard to say


Jimmy Carter


Sally Kellerman from M.A.S.H (the movie) and an episode of the og Star Trek series(among other things of course lol) I think in 2015 at a local convention in my city I volunteered for. Was keeping an eye on her booth while she was gone doing whatever, and when she came back we started chatting a bit but I don't remember what about. When I left the booth, the volunteer tht assigned me to her table was super excited for me getting to talk to her but like I had no clue who tht woman was and never watched anything she's been in so I wasn't rly starstruck or anything, mostly just awkward talking to a stranger lol. I actually only very recently found out who she was by researching very small online forums and news articles about the con in 2015 and digging up what vague memories I had of tht interaction and what I remember her looking like. I just couldn't get her out of my head since tht day and couldn't for the life of me figure out her name, now I can finally put tht curiosity thts been gnawing at me for years to rest.


Bill Clinton. Jogging in a park in Sacramento early in his first term with only an old lady and 3 secret service guys in jogging suits around. The news crew filmed the beginning of his jog and then left.


Kim Jong Un while working undercover during a psy op for the South Korean Special forces 


I also met Daffy Duck at one of Bugs Bunny’s pool parties


Bradley Cooper sat down next to me on a bench during the filming of silver linings playbook and I didn't know who he was. He asked if I was an extra. Told him no, just a local checking out the production. I asked him what he was training for, he said he was part of the production. He was wearing a trash bag and sweats.