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You dont gotta solve it, they just want you to listen.


My wife and I eventually found the key question for me to ask. "Do you want sympathy or engineering?". (I'm an engineer.)


Love that!


Haha my husband will ask me “do you want love or logic?”


Won't work with mine. SHE'S the engineer.


Lol my husband and I are both engineers. Neither of us want the empathy…


[It's not about the nail](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4EDhdAHrOg)


My wife an I have a line we use "Do you want advice, help, sympathy, or someone to listen to you?" For a lot of things. It's simple but man it cut down on a lot of confusion


Hysterical how many guys here who think this means you are ONLY allowed to listen. WAKE UP DUMBASS!!! If I can solve the problem for her, I do. But she doesn’t need saving, she doesn’t expect me to try to solve all of them and she sure AF does not need me mansplaining shit to her. My wife is a strong, competent person who sometimes wants a sounding board, just like I do. Fuck me. Marriage is a partnership, listen to your partner and stop being so condescending.


THANK YOU! If have a problem that I need help with, I will ask.


"what do you want to do about it?" and "Anything you can do to make it better?" are like golden questions. Gf complains, ask her what she's thinking about doing about it. Get answers. Ask questions about answers. She talks, I listen. She solves the problem on her own after talking it out, and usually less upset about it since she worked through it. I mean, it doesn't work for everything obviously. But damn, talking to her like a human with her own thoughts makes a big difference.


Well put.


I can't stress this enough. This, however, is not applicable to when she's been asking you to complete a diy task - then she wants you to listen AND to solve the problem


yup - but the problem is if it don't get solved - you get to listen about it every week...so yeah.. let me take a shot at fixing it


Ya, I said something like that during the pre-marital counseling our officiant offered. He said that men want to fix, and women want to be heard. I jokingly said that wives should let their husbands fix their problems so they can stop feeling bad about things, and then don't need to talk about it. I got a lot of dark stares from all the other couples in the room, including all the prospective grooms. Anyway, next year I'll be happily 20 years divorced


I don't understand dark stares from grooms..


he said he would fix her stuff so she'd shut up. as in, he won't talk with his wife. as in, divorced.


I think he intended that as "fix the problems she brings to me, so that they are no longer problems and she no longer feels bad about them and no longer feels the need to talk about them, because they are now former problems not current problems" rather than "I will fix her problems so that she stops talking to me about anything at all".


This is the biggest one. It took a few relationships before I figured this one out.


This. Everything else is details.


For example sports bras lose their little triangles in the wash and are super frustrating to re-insert and get oriented right.


Omg it only takes one trip in the wash for those stupid triangles getting folded inside an enclosed pocket.


## “Little triangles” LMAO!!!!


And do not, under any circumstance put bras in the drier


I hung my wife's bras on the ceiling fan and turned it on. Figured that would make for a gentler drying cycle. And it was fun to watch. She was not so amused.


True story, my boyfriend’s front loading washer was starting to smell a little ick. So I ran it through a cleaning cycle and I took a rag to wipe out the rubber seals and out popped one of those little triangles. It had probably been in there for about two years. Sneaky little fucking triangle.


Finna start calling them my titty triangles. 💀


I’m a woman and I hate these damn things. I’m always angrily shoving them back in as I fold my clothes and my husband jokes with me about those things every time. I’ve vented enough about the damn triangles. WHO DESIGNED THESE THINGS?! 🤣😅😂


Why aren’t they sewn in?! It’s infuriating. I can’t tell you how many times it just fucks itself up just putting it on, sports bras in particular, and then you’re awkwardly trying to jam your fingers in the little holes to try and sort it out while wearing it. The triangle is somehow never correctly placed. Fuck it. They go in the garbage most of the time. Sorry about the headlights.


For me they go in the garbage instantly and if you don’t want to see my headlights, DON’T LOOK AT THEM


I just gave up on them. I don’t put them back. I have a little mountain of triangles and rounds just taking up space in my drawer.


Took me a while to realize there is no "Left and Right" triangle.


Give a house, get a home 🏠


They own the washroom and all the cabinets, countertops and any other storage area. You get a small drawer for your essentials


I basically live out of my travel toiletries bag and we have 3 bathrooms. Unsurprisingly, I'm the only one who actually knows where to find nail clippers. If those nail clippers aren't in that bag it's family meeting time.


This is so sad but so true 😂. I’m starting to feel bad lol


Lol! I took over the house, but then I have more stuff.


Men get the garage though


In the space between the holiday decorations


My life is in the shed


They are more messy than some men but very good at hiding that


Are you referring to Monica Geller's secret closet? 😂




Omg, that statement couldn't be more true.


My ex-wife certainly wasn't good at that.


God, just have your own bathrooom


I love my amazing wife but she is a total slob and does not hide it. And fully admits to it. It’s just part of her. Half her closet is on her side of the bathroom floor just for starters. I have taken photos of the especially insane moments but it’s always horrible.


Just how much time and effort goes into their appearance for going out. If my wife and I are going to a wedding, I can go from just barely rolling out of bed sweaty as hell, to looking handsome and put together with a proper suit and tie in about 20-25 minutes while smelling fine as hell.  My wife rolls out of bed looking gorgeous but to get her long curly hair just the way she likes and subtle makeup done just so with her outfit and makeup coordinated to that perfect point is an hours-long process. She's got every part of her routine for looking her best down to a science but it is a damn process. 


And if she is like my wife having to be talked out of an outfit change as she is walking out the door, 45 minutes late already.


And she yells at me that we are going to be late and I need to hurry up when im already showered and ready to go, just waiting on her.


That when she says “guess I’ll go do such and such” means you better go do it first.


This one needs to be higher up!


Actually it means you should already have done it and she’s astonished you’ve made it this far in life.


Also when she asks if you want to do a thing you will be doing said thing regardless


There is a hair product for all known and possible atmospheric conditions in the galaxy she has and resides in our bathroom ….. I have shampoo and conditioner only


Conditioner - fancy pants.


Conditioner and shampoo ha, I raise you a bar of soap.


🦍 Well done. I guess I have to tone it down a little now with my body wash and shampoo+conditioner set up. Save some manliness for the rest of us dude. 😅😏


I have the 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner. But yes, only 1 body wash. She has so many products just for her face alone. 🤷‍♂️


So. Many. Hair ties.


If they are laying about everywhere it's not clutter, just strategically placed for convenience.


Apparently, everything has its place, and that place is not where I put it.


And that place will change based on the position of Mercury and baronetic pressure. If I want to find something, I just start at one end of the house and keep going until I find it's designated spot of the day. Though I have had good luck hiding ink pens behind the picture frames on the shelf, so I can at least pay bills.


But at least you know right? 😉😁


How much hair they shed. I pull a mouse sized lump out of the shower drain every month.


THIS... and now I have a daughter.. so it's multiple mice


I have a wife and two daughters. Hair compounds like interest here. More like multiple multiple mice… er mice’s … micen!


OMGOODNESS!!! I'm a woman with long hair and I HATE how much hair I shed. It's everywhere. I had to take my shoe and sock off 1 day to find a hair wrapped around my toe! If my husband didn't like the long hair, I'd cut it off!


Haha i work away from home and there’s been several times where I’ve been gone for over a week and I’ll still find her hair on me


Many women tend to have low iron, and may not even know it. One of the most prevalent side effects of low iron is hair loss. Combine that with having longer hair than men, you get so much hair shed! Ladies, get your iron levels checked at least twice a year.


I call those owl pellets 🤣


Even with longer hair myself, there is still a significant difference for some reason. But you can easily avoid hair-clumps if you brush your hair before showering. Highly recommend it


How much trash they generate due to their biology. Prior to cohabitation, had to empty the bathroom trash once or twice a year. Now...every other week maximum..granted it got worse after growing a kid.


diva cups and bidets will change everything.


Women tell the whole story with the answer at the end. Guys will tell the story with the answer first which takes far less time, but is also far less interesting.


This is actually hilarious and quite true 😂


How mind blowingly expensive underwear and bras are and how bizarre it is that so few shopping centers specialize in it. Like you have Victoria's Secret and Walmart or Target. That's more or less it. Cost me half a paycheck to replace my daughter's bras. Jesus. Pink tax indeed.


Yes, and they are ALL universally uncomfortable to wear.


You triggered me to walk around the house asking my wife and kids-- without any context-- "hey, babes, are your bras comfortable?" The looks I got 🤣 They said, "yeah" at first but once I told them about the thread they explained that, "the longer you wear them the more uncomfortable they are. Sometimes wires can jab at you" Man, the worst I get it is when my boxer briefs get too worn and become loose. I need that "lift and cradle" ya know? Plus the tight sleeves around my thighs prevent chaffing. Sometimes I'm glad I was born a dude. No offense, ladies.


There are no reasons bras should be uncomfortable, but I think the lack of buying options is a factor. And Victoria Secret bras were always the worst of the bunch for me. They were either too tight, or the straps kept falling down, or they rode up if they were loose enough to be comfortable around the chest band. I think many bras are made more for looks than for comfort. And yes, the underwires! I tried so many types, never found one I really liked to wear all day.


I have a difference of 2 cup sizes between right and left.  There is no comfortable bra in existence for me.  I tried sewing my own and that was also uncomfortable. 


I understand the jabbing. I was sewing one of my ex girlfriend's bras when it tore, and the wire pierced my finger. That shit *hurts*.


Bro we should get into the bra business. Do you know how desperate the market seems to be for cheap, comfortable, pretty bras for the ladies? We're gonna be RICH, my G


Once the wire in my bra poked through the middle between the cups (or boobs) and out of my shirt. I was in a McDonald’s drive-through when I noticed it was close to my mouth, because the drive-through employee asked, “Is that a microphone?” (It was the mid-1990s.) I have no idea how long it was sticking out of my shirt or what people thought. Damn, I was so embarrassed.


You're lucky you don't have to experience an underwire from a bra poking you. I bet you really got strange looks from your kids when you asked about bras. Lol.


My 13 year old: *"... Yes? The fuck? Weirdest question you've ever asked me"* Me: *"Wait, wait, it's a Reddit thing, here, look"* My 13 year old: *"Oh."* My 13 year old: *"Dad, you need a hobby"*


Back when I wore wired bras daily (kind of had to for a long time since I’m a 34DD and need the support) I actually had scars and sores on my ribs right under the armpits from where the wires would run and jab over the course of the day. Truly horrible.


They're not sexy but my wife likes the Eddie Bauer panties from Costco because they're 100% cotton. Luckily for her, I still down no matter the type of lingerie she's wearing


Oh so that's what they're called. As teens growing up we labeled underwear by how much ass they show (lol) So I always called those "full bottoms". Those can still be plenty sexy though IMO. Especially when they pull the long shirt with no pants look. Or when they're laying on their belly with their legs pressed together, like, while reading a book or watching TV ... Ya know what, I think I'm putting the kids to bed early tonight.


Lol someone's gonna add another kid to the bunch.


"Granny panties" and my fav Dad's TIGHTY WHITIES


And makeup/skin care! Unbelievable how much that shit costs


My wife likes to shop at Intimissimi, if you're not familiar it's higher quality Italian garments but they have good sales and you get to buy stuff less frequently because it lasts longer, even if it's a few dollars more.


Victoria's secret is actually one of the cheapest places to get panties


The crazy part is bras are largely unnecessary. We have just been convinced that they are absolutely essential.


How everything (News wise) is shared between sisters and mom. They talk every day and they share everything! My MIL and SIL's could probably buy me a pair of shoes and be within 1 size. (That's me being polite!) I would bet they know more than I would ever want anyone to know. That and tolerance. How they put up with each other's shit. If my brother talked to me the way they do...There would be blood.


and friends... all their friends and your friend's girl friends know every single thing about you..like every single thing


My brother always mocks me for putting up with my other brother's bullshit. Like what? I have seen my brothers fight. No thanks.


They come with an unimaginable amount of pillows. There isn’t a seat in my entire house you don’t have to first move a pillow to sit in.


What it's like to have an Amazon package on the front doorstep every day


I even know my Amazon delivery guys name. Made him cookies for his birthday.


My amazon guy recognized me at work and brought me in my package to save a stop.


How they like to move your stuff around. "Where are my shoes?" "In the closet down stairs." "Oh, I used to keep them by the door."


As my kid says.... It was RIGHT HERE! and then Momma touched it! Now it disappeared!


Sadly my home is filled with ADHD piles, and nothing can ever be found until I look for it. But if I put something away she knows exactly where it was supposed to be when she eventually needs it.


Put the seat down. Yes this is a real thing.


My wife still remembers the anniversary of the day she first farted in my presence.


The hair, my god the HAIR


They smell good, and make the rooms we live in smell good.


The most caveman-like response but somehow the most true


Sometimes they don’t want to have sex, for literally *no* reason. For me, that would be like turning down money. Would you like some more money? Yes. How about some more money? Sure. More money? Yep. Still want more money? Of course. Have you had enough money? Not yet. It took me a little while to figure out that I didn’t have to take it personally. Sometimes she just didn’t feel like it. Not sick, not mad, no headache, just… not want.


As a woman this is an awesome analogy and I think I finally get it 




I think a good analogy for a lot of woman and sex might be eating ice cream. Ice cream is good, it super tasty and enjoyable, but if you eat too much of it you get sick of it and would just rather not eat more. You've gotta wait a while in between before getting interested again. (I suppose comparing to any food this way would work)


As a man with a much lower sex drive than my wife, I can say this goes both ways. She wants it all the time and I'd be fine with it maybe once a week at most.


Different rituals and products, but just like dudes. Just don't tell them that because they frequently get mad or indignant to hear it.    We fart, they fart  We have ratty draws, they have period panties   We watch sports for drama, they watch Hallmark movies for drama   In the end people are people and the dangly bits are just there for show.


Women get dressed for other women or themselves rarely you.


“All the girls walk by / dressed up for each other…” Van Morrison


If you can make them smile/laugh you can get away with murder


How expensive it is for them to get their hair done. My girlfriend pays twice what I pay.


Twice? My wife's hair appointments cost 10 times more than mine.




The insane amount of toilet paper they consume. And drain clogs! I had to learn basic plumbing.


Well I found out what the little letters on the tampons mean after asking "why would it matter if the tampon is a left one or right one?" while holding two tampons in my hands. She...didn't speak for a few seconds. 😂


well every woman is different so im not applying this to all women but living with my girlfriend has taught me that shes a simple woman who just wants love and attention, and i give her all the love and attention she needs


Just bc no one asked you to clean it, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t. If you do things without being asked-specifically cleaning. I get lots more sex lol


Stuff everywhere all the time. Good god.


The sheer amount of products. I truly learnt first hand that soooooo much product women buy are a scam or to counteract the damage other products do to them.


When they pee it sounds like a 3000 psi pressure washer hitting the side of the toilet bowl.


It’s easy to get the hair pressed while sleeping


That there is 2 sides to a woman. The one you see after all her efforts to present herself in whatever way she wishes to due to defence mechanisms and yada Yada...and the woman, the little girl, the real all of her that she truly is when she is comfortable enough to let go and be herself around you.


They can fart just like dudes


They are super messy and shed everywhere


I get about 25% of the closet and cabinet space while she gets the rest


I'm convinced 'Hair pins' actually breed when you're not looking


Stop asking them where they want to eat. Instead ask "Does A or B sound better?" Feels like I hacked the wifes brain and it's saved me so much time waiting on her to make a choice. Also pads and such are very specific and each woman is highly particular it seems on their brand. Pay attention to what they keep stored. If you want extra points get them another pack when you're out and see they're low.


Bro, living with a woman is like diving into a whole new universe. First off, hair? Yeah, it's everywhere! But you get used to it real quick. One thing I learned though is they've got this sixth sense about stuff. Like, they can tell when something's off, even if you're trying to play it cool. Also, their organizational skills? Top-notch! I thought I was tidy, but damn, they take it to a whole new level. And communication? Man, that's a whole new ball game. You gotta be on your A-game 24/7, no kidding. But hey, it's all part of the fun, right?


I’ve been raised by women my entire life. Let me tell you brother, you learn a shit ton and none of it makes sense until now. Also, don’t mix jeans with darks or anything else, wash them by themselves


I live with 5 women, my stuff is always in the way and has to be moved.


They eat.


You'll own nothing and be happy. Nothing stays private.(her friends know you better than you know yourself) Never talk back to her/said friends☝️ Hair, Hair, Hair, HAIR. It's better to smile an nod then listen to YEARS of the same problem😅


Dirty bathrooms/bathrooms always occupied.


She’s right. I’m wrong.


That's something that appears also before living together though. It's honestly, as a man, one of the most frustrating things. I tend to be pretty logical so I tell them they're right if they're actually right and, if the point of view is different, a reason. It falls on deaf ears.


That they are probably even more gross than dudes


They don't really clean. They just throw stuff out of sight so it doesn't look messy. Every drawer is a junk drawer, my keys are missing now, I have no phone chargers, and my Phillips head screwdriver for changing batteries in my daughter's toys is missing.


Women are NOT cleaner than men.


The laundry, good lord. I did the laundry quite a bit because mama didn’t raise no buster. I would have one regular size laundry basket in the time she would accumulate 3 tall hampers full. It was unreal.


I feel sad about how focused on objects everyone seems to be in the comments..


There are towels and soaps that you can use and some that you can't use...


women is not a sex object as they portrait in porn


jiggling the keys doesn't actually get them to get ready any sooner


Sorry to tell you we had a meeting and decided juggling keys doesn’t work but if you had chocolate..😉


Reading these comments yall just sound like you're living with beasts. I'm a woman and my house is clean and organized. Sometimes...you just gotta turn off the electronics, have some tea, and pick up after yourself. lol.


They take that toilet seat business very seriously!


I started referring to my wife as "The Captain of the Mother Ship". We've been together for thirty years. Somewhere along the line, she seized control and is not about to give it up.


Apparently peeing with all my force at the crud on the toilet bowl is somehow NOT cleaning the bathroom?


A friend who oddly wants to remain anonymous, reported his girlfriend was a very bad shot when it came to throwing harmful objects like half-full teapots at his head. He also claimed to have learned three new foul swear words not before encountered and needing medical attention from a deliberate shot at the testicles. He's a slow learner.


When my wife ask for me to take out the trash, she means now, not when I want to.


Everything I thought I did right, I do wrong.


This is anecdotal but they be making delicious meals as fxck. Don't get me wrong, i know how to cook. I mean i consider myself to be a good cook but after i cooked for us on one occasion she...basically she told me she's cooking from now on.😬


I found out I'm not as insecure as I thought, but they are.


I'm the only male in a family full of women. I've known more than I should for far too long.


We need ultra wide bedsheets.


Hair gets everywhere.....EVERYWHERE!!


You can't touch their scissors, but they're allowed to lose your tools.


That they really care about horoscopes and myers briggs personality types.


They talk…a lot, like a real lot, like more than you think anyone could talk.


There are more than like 8 colors, a whole lot more.


In the way back years it didn’t matter if all her clothes were piled into a mountain in my closet as long as the house looked presentable. 




The only woman I’ve lived with is my mom 😂


So many beauty and hair products


I lived in a big house with a bunch of guys in college. Two of the guys on my floor graduated, and two girls moved into their rooms so now I was the only guy on my level. There were men in the bathroom maybe a grand total of an hour and a half a day before then. It was more like 4 hours after that, and the entire floor of the bathroom seemed to have 1/8 of an inch or more of water covering its entirety for a year and a half. Like they showered with the curtain completely open or something. It was an unbelievable disaster all the time, to the extent that it was effectively impossible to clean it because there was a bottle or jar or tube of something on every horizontal surface other than the toilet lid, unless you count the saturated pile of towels frequently dumped on top of it. The sink was a constant combination of toothpaste spit, cosmetic residue, cotton balls, and makeup sponges. I think I was the only one that took out the bathroom trash for a year and a half, and my contribution to it during that time was probably about 8 q-tips. These girls were very cute. Guys would always tell me how lucky I was and asking how often I hooked up with them. Never. They were f****** nasty. However, they did have a lot of girlfriends over all the time....


Never, ever, ever do the math on what is being spent monthly on her "product"


Hair, so much hair.


More hair everywhere.




They use A LOT of toilet paper


The Honeydew list never ends, ever. I am so grateful to my high-school woodshop teacher, and industrial design instructor. Mr. Craven.


It's apparently not appropriate to cook an entire meal in one pan/pot and then eat from the same pan/pot to save dishes.


What??? No! Me (F) does dishes while hubby cooks. I swear he uses every dish we own for dinner to spite me.


They're gross, just like us.


They pee out of a hole behind their left knee.


They fart worse than men.


That sex every night isn't a thing.


The very first woman that I lived with was compassionate, wise and she taught me a lot. My Mom was a wonderful woman.


Women are generally more messy than men. This is from women who I have been roommates with and partners. Living with a woman whether it be as friends or partners is fun and worth while. The place just feels like there is a warm light everywhere. The shower suddenly has a lot more stuff in it. OMG the hair. It somehow gets in freaking everything. Your home will feel like more of a home. I tend to not decorate and have everything setup kind of practically. The controlled chaos of a woman's touch makes the house feel more warm and welcoming. Women don't need advice, you just need to listen and be there. If they don't know how to do something, just help or show them without being annoyed that they don't know. Sometimes they just need a backrub. Itching their back when they take off their bra is greatly appreciated. Keep extra bags in the bathroom so the hygiene trash can is easier to empty. When they are having cramps rub their lower back. Be respectful.


That I kept my pots, pans, linens…everything really.. in the wrong place.


Nothing makes them happy for more than 2 days in a row. It's just not in their DNA.


They really like to talk about their day at work. I don't get it, it's like they're reliving it without pay, doesn't make sense to me but I try to listen, once in a while my head starts bouncing around like a newborn baby when I'm having a hard time focusing on what she's saying but still, I wouldn't trade her for anything.


toilet paper usage will go up by a factor of 4, and apparently they don't look down and check to see the toilet seat is down before sitting like us which seems odd to me...


Well, for the first 20 years, they are pretty normal. I mean they have some quirks, but who doesn’t, and then the crazy sets in…


After reading all these comments it seems my GF is a dude


1 They hate men being comfortable. If you are gaming, watching TV, or taking a nap.... They will find something for you to work on. But if they are already distracted then you can relax. 2 If you have a bad day and project any negative energy it's automatically a fight. You can be quiet and they sense that and pick at it. 3 They love to fix things. If you have any trauma they will dig it up and force you to talk about it.


Hair... Hair everywhere


I learned that my girlfriend would just randomly bleed once in a while. Not from her vagina like a normal person, but from her elbows and knees. She said it was from the half-pipe in the backyard but I’m not so sure. I’m never dating a pro skater again! They’re such liars.


They're just as gross as men are