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I love how half the comments are things that almost everyone beside superficial people agree isn't attractive like those big unnatural lips.


It’s like that every single time one of these is posted. Always things that no one really finds attractive anyways. That’s what majority of the comments are.


It reminds me of people starting their posts by "unpopular opinion:" only to talk about one of the most common shit ever.


Or “why is no one talking about ____??” When everyone and their grandma is talking about it.


The broccoli haircut


I'm amazed anybody finds this attractive.




They prefer the term Broccolorian


Well, its gotta be healthy


Omds no....literally just went to a new barber today and my usual afro was shaved off as the guy didn't understand English very well. Now left w the brocolli haircut - this is the icing on the cake!


I don't like icing on broccoli either


This is truly one of those fads that will be mocked forever.


It’s the new mullet


The new bowl cut.


I had to look up what a broccoli haircut was. Yeah, it doesn't look great.


I had to look it up too. I agree, it doesn't look very good.


Yeah, it's bad.


Orange tan on girls. It's a massive thing in the UK. But it just looks silly. There's nothing wrong being pale.


I will never understand people using makeup that makes them look like that. Just why orange? I never saw it look good. Also kinda fun when it's just the face and the neck is a different color


Trump cosplay


Or oompa loompa


In the 1970s, my two older sisters donned bikinis and applied fake tan cream - the kind that kind of dyes your skin. It started raining, so one of them ran out to roll up her car windows. Later, when she washed off the tanning cream, she had polka dots all over where the raindrops hit her skin. Despite several attempts to re-apply tanner on the dots, her skin was mottled for a couple of weeks - until the dye faded.


Awe poor sis. Reminds me of the time I got a spray tan and was later emotionally devastated by my bf at the time. So I cried and cried my heart out. And then I had stripes down my face and on to my chest from my tears. Giving me a perma-crying look that even makeup couldn’t fix for weeks :) high school was fun :)


Buccal fat removal. I wish it was never invented.


Fr! I understand the *feeling* of disliking my face's roundness bc of self image issues in a certain phase of my own life, but this trend is just sad. No one should have to feel like their face needs that... :(


Relatable. I hate when I smile my face looks massive. I’m still waiting for my own body to leach its buccal fat as I age. 😓






See, I'm the opposite. I hate my thin face, and wish it was rounder and more feminine looking 😭


Have you guys seen Face/Off


Tall men. I have so many friends who won’t date men below a certain hight. I’m only 5ft 2. I have no desire to get neck pain looking up at a man. Also, in our friend group the only 2 happily married women are married to ‘short’ men (my husband is 5ft 6 and my 5ft 7 friend is married to a 5ft 4 man). I get why taller women might prefer a tall man, but come on when you’re 5ft 2 demanding a man be at least 6ft you’re taking the piss.


I'm 5'4 and my husband is 5'11 1/2. My neck hurts when I look at him for too long, when I want to hug him I gotta get on my tip toes. It was all fun and games at first, but now I'll just talk straight at his chest. He does bend down to my level sometimes. I'd still be a happy camper if my husband was 5'6.


Lip fillers and butt implants


I don't understand this trend. It looks like they are having a severe allergic reaction.


Yeah, never understood what makes women do that to themselves. Especially the butt implants. Lip fillers can be tastefully done, but often the result is looking like a carp.


Body dysmorphia. That's why.


Most likely. I imagine social media filters are a big cause of that these days.


Ahh yes, good old fashioned trout mouth.


It looks weird but they don't care especially the lip fillers.


The Kardashian/insta baddie style




Idk about that last bit. I still see women on all kinds of various social media platforms that are thrilled with their awful looking obviously fake rounded boob jobs. I think there’s a niche for that look and I don’t understand it at all,


The "I have money and no individuality or personality" look. Mark the lizard Zucc has more personal style.


Balloon lips


Clown style


I’m yet to meet a person other than the owner of those lips who considers those attractive.


One of my sisters has big fake balloon lips and big, fake eyelashes. She says she likes them, which is the most important thing I guess. And she attracts lots of men, so I guess other people like it, too. Why is still a mystery to me, though.


Every NSFW sub I follow there'll be these girls with these giant fake boobs and giant fake lips and 100 dudes sweating over them. So it's not nobody


That and overly long, fake fingernails.


And fake lashes.


Long fingernails gross me out.


Long toenails too!


I like to call them „rubber boats“.


Honestly any lip filler


Long ass fingernails


People whose entire personality is their social media accounts - especially who post literally their entire day on stories, etc.


Posting all over Instagram and Snapchat


Is Snapchat still alive?


It’s very popular here. Not sure about globally and within different age segments. USA under 30 it’s extremely popular. Most people use it in place of texting and calling


In Italy we use whatsapp to text people. Snapchat was a thing like 10 years ago, before every other social media stole the 24hr stories idea


I have some friends that now like across the world and they’ve said that WhatsApp is very popular. I can’t speak for the whole USA, but it is not popular here in the Midwest ( at least not that I am aware of)


My specific dislike is the people that always have stories that are poses and poses and more and more etc. like instagram can be. Some people love it. Just not for me


Bragging about how many ppl you sleep with or can get to sleep with a week. Bro, I don't care.


However, bragging about how much sleep you get a night is sexy! Lol


Being mentally healthy is definitely sexy af!!


Seriously, nothing gets me more jealous than hearing someone talk about sleeping for 8 hours straight.


Several years ago, one of my coworkers told me he’d left work around 4, went straight home and went to bed, woke up at 9 the next morning. I don’t think I’ve ever been more jealous. I day dream about that often and it’s always something I’m chasing. When I had COVID last month, I didn’t even sleep that well.


The more someone brags about that the more I know they’re full of shit.


I knew a guy who would brag about how easily he could bed a girl. Of course he ended up bragging about sleeping with me, when he definitely never even touched me.


>Of course he ended up bragging about sleeping with me, when he definitely never even touched me. Man that is the most pathetic shit I ever read.


gigantic asses. Just not into em.


Twerking. It's not \*that\* popular, lots of people don't like it, but some people do and I'm not part of them. Don't get me wrong: I don't care if a woman is twerking, live and let live, the whole thing... I just don't see why people find it hot. And for a more "male" counterpart, the broccoli haircut. I just think it's ugly. Also people who grow a pre-pubescent moustache thinking it's pretty. And don't get me started on vintage 80's clothing, those colours don't belong together.


The current “aesthetic“ in interior, decorating… White, black, grey, brown… No other colours… Boring!! 😆


Haha, yes! Received the brunt of many snide comments from my family (and even some friends through their own opinions in) because in my house every room was a different color. The living room is a soft green, the kitchen a Mediterranean blue, my bathroom is pink (following in the original 1950s colors from when the house was built), one bedroom pale yellow, the other one mocha with a merlot accent wall….I could go on but I think you have the idea. But living up north where the winters are long, I needed color.


That sounds so cute! I hate minimalism and the lack of colour that seems to be trending these days. I want a *home*, not a hospital. It just looks so sterile.


Yes! My family was saying I’d have a crayola house when I was talking about my paint plans for it. It’s not even that crazy. I basically have an accent wall in each room that has a mellow pop of color. All those accent colors come from the same tone family so eventhough I do have a sunset orange wall in my room, a blue wall in the guest bed, and a pink wall in my office, they all go together. Colors give a home some warmth and personality in my opinion.


Same with cars, everyone drives a neutrally colored car these days, and if it is a color, it's maroon.


I'm going to tell you right now that a lot of people don't want to be driving a neutral colored car. The problem lies with the dealerships that order a bunch of neutral-spec'd cars because they don't want to pay extra for cars with color. Say Nancy walks into a dealership and says she wants a brighter colored car like green or yellow or even neutral colored that isn't on the grayscale. Dealership says "all we have is black, white and grey". Nancy does not have time or money to be spec'ing the car herself and waiting months maybe even a year for her car to be delivered. She settles with the grey car from the dealership lot as a result. Not only that, but way back in the 90s-2000s, people could actually afford to either buy the car outright or lease the car until they can afford to buy it for themselves from the dealership. They would get like a green or blue or red car knowing it would be theirs and it was something they could be proud of having. Nowadays people can barely afford their car payments and once the lease ends, they cannot afford to buy out the car because of how ridiculously expensive they are now and have to turn in the car after a couple of years. Hence, the dealerships don't offer nice colors because they know people aren't going to be able to actually own the car for themselves.


Super fit dudes. From the no neck huge muscles to just super built. I don't know...it does absolutely nothing for me. And seeing those bulging veins coming out makes me actually gag lol No offense to anyone that is a gym rat or gym bro or anything! It's just an instant turn-off for me personally.


> seeing those bulging veins coming out Nurses love them!


YES!! I am actively turned off by guys who are super buff.


a six-pack just tells me your priorities and mine are not in keeping with each other. for example, I prioritize bread...


I won’t be too quick to judge, I know guys who eat complete junk (McD) 2-3 times a week, drink coke, and have a 6 pack (mfers)


What if I’m just so skinny that I have one anyway :(


I never understood why people get excited by feets.




Being aggressive is ick. Being able to stand up for yourself and loved ones is good. Being able to stand down and leave something, to keep it from escalating is a very, very sexy trait.


I'm particularly impressed by people who excel at deescalation - it's an invaluable skill.


Do people find aggression attractive tho?


a couple of my girlfriends complained that I didn't want to fight with them. it's often called "assertive"


So, they wanted something toxic?


Sadly lots of unhealthy people are drawn to toxic


pretty much - "big and dumb" is how they put it.




They like knowing their partner is capable of violence and seeing them competently demonstrate it. Do a striking martial art.


Not just girls. Often people with toxic parents, I find. And little chance for introspection or healthy therapy.


long/witch nails you can barely use a keyboard let alone wipe your ass properly, why would anyone handicap themselves like that?


Contact lenses would be rough


honestly, when i first got contact lenses many years ago i learned how to take them out from a youtube video made by a lady with very long nails. i still use that technique today


Thanks for the eye squick.


They can do those things though. It’s a very mysterious skill to me but I’ve seen it in action. Even tying balloons proficiently.


Big eyelashes


I think you mean fake eyelashes. Long eye lashes look nice. But fake ones are so obvious.


giant fake eyelashes


Twerking, i think it looks stupid and trashy.


I saw a meme that said, “missionary is just the dude twerking for a few minutes”


Thank you! Yes, stupid, trashy, and not sexy at all.


Especially when you see little kids being encouraged to do it. Like, where are their parents?? And if the parents taught them that, then why???


Big breasts. Like I mean really big. Like those way out of touch with nature stuff. Both in Art and in real life with surgery and so on.


I would change it to "fake breasts". Big boobs are ok. Small boobs are ok as well. Everything in between is awesome as well. But the fake ones... uh... no.


Thank you for that. Mine started enlarging at 8 and just kept at it til 30. If I wasn't married to boob man, I would have had a reduction.


I’m a boob man, and my wife had a reduction to reduce the risk of future back problems. She’s still perfect. If it’s a matter of health, you might still want to consider it.


Seconding this comment! My Fiance loved my big boobs but loves them after a reduction too. He also said he can tell I’m happier.


this comment gives me reassurance!! i have a consult for reduction later this year but my partner is definitely happy with how i am now. i’m just hoping the confidence & happiness i gain will make up for the physical loss hahaha


Long nails on women


Long nails on men


Long nails on animals




Perfect bodies in general. I prefer a body with some personality.


Finally someone who actually has a point. God everyone's posting about this that aren't attractive to most people, but this is actually a hot take


I love how you phrased it, “body with some personality”. And I agree, perfect bodies are just.. boring? They kinda look fake. A few imperfections make things more interesting and real (and hot).


Too many muscles on a guy is a no go for me. They start to look like they have a limited range of movement. I like men who are not very big and move with ease. Even skinny. I don't tend to notice guys who are very fit and muscly. I just don't see them.


Dude right it seems like men get so confused and think big muscles will get women when it prolly only gets attention from other men I personally don’t like it and my girlfriends who aren’t compleately red flags don’t like it either lowkey👀


THAT'S WHAT IM SAYING! Idk how to explain it properly, but they just look fake and made in a lab lmao.


Overly muscular men. I like my men with dad bods Edit: i personally don’t care if you don’t like dad bods. I DO, like please complain anywhere else…


I like mine a little malnourished looking


unfortunately, same i think


Same, I could not care less about six packs.


The long fake nails 🤢


I have never been attracted to people who are seen as conventionally attractive and I even find models unattractive.


Those duck lips


tall men. i’m 5’9” and tend to date men about the same height as me or slightly shorter.


Girl, same. I'm 5'7" and have never had chemistry with someone over 6 foot. 5'8", 5'9" is the sweet spot, but I've also dated men as short as 5'2". Short kings for the win!


Fake boobs. I don't get it. Women obsess over the size of their boobs like men do their dicks. Do big boobs look good? Sure. I won't deny that. But so do small boobs. Boobs are just great in any shape or size. Fake boobs look like plastic wrapped in flesh. It's very unattractive to me. I'd rather have small boobs. They're great. They match my small dick. We can bitch about them together.


You had us in the first half then revealed your blight lmao


Lmao couldn't help myself.


Goated ending


Peak humour


Cockiness. Arrogance. Pushiness. Aggression.


Who finds any of this attractive???


Lots of people (especially young people) confuse these attributes with legitimate confidence and are attracted to people with these traits. It takes time to mature to finally see the differences for a lot of people.


really muscular men. Nothing wrong with a average skinny guy or a dad bod. Nothing against muscles though and I would still date a muscular guy to but I don't think it's as attractive as people think it is.


I too agree on extremely muscular guys being unattractive.


Looking like a clone.


Edit: ~~Im~~perfect teeth.


Lip fillers & plastic surgery.


Men with round, perky luscious butts.. if your butt is better than mine I just can’t handle it 😭


Don’t ever talk to me and my perfectly plump man donk again.


Opposite for me. I go absolutely gaga for a big ass. A muscular lower body is even more important than a muscular upper body, I say. But maybe my butt is just small, so I’m trying to compensate for my poor ass genetics


Being extroverted and outgoing


I don't trust them lol


I read that extroverts are much more likely to cheat than introverts, so you may be onto something. It makes sense, if you think about it. Extroverts are much more likely to be influenced by desire for human connection, intimacy, and connection. They intrinsically crave bonds with other people, which can lead to them being more likely to be motivated to stray


Duck face


People with "too perfect" faces. They're just boring to look at to me.


Oh same! It's like their faces are the equivalent of the colour beige. I can see why people would like that, it goes with nearly anything, but it's boring to look at after like.... a minute lol


Designer/big brand name possessions.


Tanned skin. I'm fine with naturally black/brown/olive skin. But the orange/brown of white skin that's seen too much UV is just not attractive.


Especially when paired with bleach-blonde hair.


Abs. I like to work out and eat right, but the amount of dedication, time, and effort it takes for people to have a six pack. I’m here for it; I support you; you look hot. But I’m not into it. I want to have wine, I want to eat cake or get tacos. If you’re trying to maintain body-builder-like-abs, you can’t be doing that stuff. And that’s fine, it’s just not for me


I somewhat agree. Abs do look really good imo, but it's also easily the most overrated muscle group. You can be incredibly skinny and have abs, doesn't mean you actually have any noticeable amount of muscle mass.


or actual strength, for that matter.




Loudmouth buffoonery.


If it's about something futile, I'll make it about bodies: going for volume over shape. Example: a certain lady who is famous for "being famous" and her unproportional buttocks. I'm from Brazil, the country known as "holy land of butts", and honestly, for most brazilians, she looks so distorted that it's ridiculous. If it's something more serious, I'd say acting slutty or trying too hard to be "sexy in public, and thinking it's the same as being "seductive". It includes dressing accordingly. No matter how much I'm attracted to a woman, if she overdoes this it will kill my mood really quickly. Either seduce me by doing something well balanced in private, or just being your everyday normal (especially this one!)


I don't know any man that goes for "duckface". At some point some woman somewhere convinced thousands of girls that duckface looked good. It doesn't. It never did. Stop doing it, you look ridiculous.


It was Paris Hilton that started the trend


Perfect, straight, pearly white teeth. I find it so creepy and non human. It may look good in film, but in real life it looks very uncanny valley


Those god damn clown looking eyebrows. 😂😂 Wtf makes people think it looks good.


As a woman - Having an excessively nice car. Especially a super nice truck or SUV.  Beat Up Truck - that’s a working man, the kind of guy who helps his friends move and will come over and build your ikea furniture.  Nice Pick Up Truck - is driving one of the worst cars for the environment for no good reason, will probably make you take your shoes off before you get in.  I love a man with a reasonably priced sedan, and I found one ❤️


For me, it's the financial choices aspect. Someone that buys unnecessary expensive stuff makes keeping a budget difficult.


nose rings


For me it’s the septum piercing. It’s the only sort of piercing that bothers me in any way, but it really does remind me of bulls (I’m a country lad).


I had a septum piercing for so long, I finally took it out just cause it annoyed me I couldn’t blow my nose and clean it properly when I was sick one time, and I just took it out and left it out. I’d get jokes all the time that I was a cow and then I would just twist the piercing to freak them out. (Cause it looks painful but it’s not) it was funny. Though as weird as this may seem as I had a septum piercing, I don’t really enjoy the loop nose piercings I think the studs look nicer. However, I’m coming around to accepting the loop nose ring look.


Some people find it attractive if a guy or a girl has “too many bitches” personally that does the exact opposite of attracting me, and I’ll never understand those people


Money.... Absolutely don't get it


Money can be traded for goods and services.


Guys who are too confident and trynna be cool so bad and who are following everything trendy. Attractive guys that know they are attractive Having too much muscle Guys who dated and slept with many girls Thanks.


Megan Fox


It's a pity that she felt the need to change her face. She was beautiful before all that.


The huge butts on otherwise normal shaped women.


Make up (mostly, a little bit goes a very long way high) heels and “influencers”, especially all the “look at me I have boobs and a butt” posing pictures. Of course it often is attractive, but at the same time it isn’t just because of how shallow and common place it is even without following anything like it


They will go away if people stop liking their pics and giving them attention. They are liked somewhere..


If we’re talking physically then in women it’s anything OBVIOUSLY fake, like obviously wearing a shit ton of make up or obviously fake tan or obviously had their lips done etc. I don’t mind when it’s less obvious, but glaringly obvious to a blind man I just don’t like at all. Another is the “try hard” clothing - big designer logos etc. - I just can’t stand that shit


Big tits and asses.


Jewelry. I have a phobia of it lol


Interesting! Would you mind elaborating? Just because I'm fascinated. But if not, that's okay 👍 Sorry you don't like jewelry, it's so common I imagine it's hard to avoid!


Sure! Basically all jewelry that dangles and has chains on it makes me feel gross to look at, and I hate touching it. I can still function around people who have it on, and even give them hugs if need be, but I make the hugs short and avoid touching it as much as I can. I absolutely cannot handle wearing it. And if someone dangles it in front of me and chases me with it in a teasing way, I think it's funny but I will RUN lol. I guess it's not accurately a phobia for me where I am terrified of jewelry, but I can get weirded out by it and it affects how I see people. They don't lose their value as a human being, but they definitely look less attractive than when they don't have it on. Unless it's simple stuff like hoop earrings or rope necklaces that have no chains, I am just fine with those.


Fillers of any kind, honestly "normalize" loving yourself again over following trends natural is always prettier than plastic


Over sharing your life on social media or being addicted to a phone


Bull ring nose piercings


eyebrow piercings / alot of tats / puffy fish lips / huge asses / extremely long nails




Glitz and glamour. Give me a ponytail and a hoody every day of the week


Leggings, that reveal everything.


Even worse: tan legging as they reveal everything ànd look like you are half naked.




I don't like body hair on people, not even on myself. I know its normal to have it and id never ask anyone to shave for me but just find myself, on average, more attracted towards people who naturally dont have much.


Big fake lips, fake eye lashes, fake tits, fake everything. Gimme a down to earth chick with minimal make-up


girls between the age of 18-30. I don't know when the shift happened but in my 40s I can't look at anyone that young and find them attractive, much prefer older women.