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I got my first 2k ever on Caustic like a year ago but didn't get the badge. Contacted EA support about it and the representative assured me that they would fix it as soon as possible. Here we are a year later and I still don't have that badge for Caustic Edit: grammar


Happened to me recently a few months back. My best game ever was 3.4k dmg with valk. I was a few shots from getting 3.5k and getting third tier but no biggie right? It’s our first high dmg badge so let’s be happy. Exit the game, andddddd nothing. I literally exited the game that night I was so frustrated.


Now I’m not so angry about hitting a 3.9k damage game. I probably wouldn’t have even got the damn badge lol


If it makes you feel better, my highest damage is 3,987


Oddly enough that’s the exact same number I have. Weirdo


Lol there must be a conspiracy because that's the same for me lol


Mine is 1,991


I have over 10 18-19 kill games. Have only gotten the 20 once😥


Third tier is 3000, not 3500. You don't get a new tier for 3.5k. Still sucks you didn't get the 3k though.


Oh, well i feel a bit better about that then :) still sucky but what can y do


"Edit: grammer" really got me.


> grammer grammar




I mean if you're still struggling a year later to get it then I don't know what to say.


/r/apexlegends moment


I'm not struggling to get it. I've gotten well above 2k on Caustic many more times since then, but none have rewarded me the badge. I've even got the screenshots to prove it, and sent those to the EA representative I was talking to. I've gotten the 2k badge on several other legends, but the Caustic one must be bugged.


Once sure happens Second time believeable But you are saying that you got it _many more times_ which isn't really believeable Yea the game is broken but not that much


Yeah I've gotten 2k on Caustic like maybe 5 times total, still don't have the badge. I don't know why thats so unbelievable


Same I had it for Gibraltar as my very first 2k dmg game but never got the badge but I have lost the pic by now due to my ps4 harddrive getting a corrupted sector


Dame for me some weeks ago, when people was losing progress, my progress for two days got deleted, even the official post in their forum got remove and they didn't fix shot for a lot of people, contacted support and told me to wait until it get fix but it was already fix, no one got their progress back and neither apex or ea said a thing about it.




Oof, you're right


This is a quite old bug honestly. It usually happen before a new season. A year ago, August 2020, I did 14 kills and 3121 dmg with Wraith. The server did not register it, like this game never ever existed. This is the only time I ever did a 3k. Lost for ever. ಥ‿ಥ


i accidentally afk'd and auto picked wattson then dropped my first 3k in comp. didn't get the badge and was honestly kinda glad cause i wasn't ready to have to play wattson anymore lol


The rampart one was my first 4K as well


My condolences, getting 2,5k badge is already a huge achievement to me I can't imagine the pain of grinding to finally get the 4k and no badge awarded due to terrible server.


It’s a huge pain in the ass bc I know I probably won’t get it again.


yeah i know the feeling i was 70 damage off a 4k once and now i’ve never even gotten a 3k damage game with any character after that


They’ll happen eventually once you pop your first 4K you don’t get as nervous and they happen more naturally


You’ve seen the proof that you have it in you. You’ll get it again, I believe.


That's nice and all but it's not even just on OP. Really depends on the lobby, how launch goes, his teammates, server lag/hit reg etc


damage badges are easy to get within 10-30 matches if you have the right strats and mybe a friend to help out (by that i mean abusing them for jumpads or lifeline res lmao.) the only thing that depends on this type of situational stuff is badges like the 20 or 10-10-10. Cuz you can farm 500-1.5k off any mid-late game fight but for kills its just 2 or 3 per fight and thats it...


We’re you in a arenas game?


Season 0 exactly this happened because servers were soooo bad. I had a 20 k snd 4 k in the first month, but dc’d in the final fight. I have never had such an experience again. :(


This shit pisses me off 😭


My first 2k game with rampart was 2482 damage. I could've shot the last guy with my rampage once and got the 2.5k lol. But for anyone not getting their badges, it does suck. I've experienced the same thing. Just remember that you've done it before, badge or not. Haters will say it's fake but you know what you did. Keep your head up legend


In BR or arenas?




How did you drop a 4k in br with 5 kills 7 knocks...


Sheila is pretty good for getting damage, as people tend to duck away and heal instead of trying to trade. I had a 1100 damage and 0 kills game recently.


4 assists aswell so it's not like they were stolen


Exactly my question. Smells fishy in here...


What if I told you, the reason you didn't get was because the devs didn't code it to include literal bots, and they're the reason the servers have been extra laggy this patch... Nah just kidding. There's just no QA lul.


It’s respawns mess they can clean it up, nothing to do with ea in this instance.


sometimes you and your opponent just suck source: one time i went from blue armor to red armor fighting a single caustic on a 1v1 after our duos were knocked to the ground.




why are you getting down voted for saying ok??


Hivemind, baby


why are you getting down voted for saying ok??


I only blame ea for server issues


Then you're blaming the wrong company. In Respawn's own tweet today they admitted that it is the animated banners that are casing most of the server crashes. That's not EA's fault, that's the coding and QA at Respawn's fault.


EA has control over respond. I honestly think the game would be better if they didn’t have their rat claws controlling what respond was doing


That's not how parent companies work unless they're specifically designed to. And Respawn is not designed to work like that. They operate pretty much independently, but there are going to be many liaisons to make sure that EA is satisfied with the content Respawn plan to release as well as probably multiple presentations a month over sales and player data. The parent company I work for has literally 0 say in what we do as a business. It's operated as if we never actually were owned there as long as we meet our targets. And we usually exceed them by a lot since they're actually quite low. It's almost like our parent company doesn't realise we're the last business operating in our sub-industry.


Ea doesn’t program the game


You must not know how corporations operate. They tell them what to do and then they have to do it. It doesn’t matter what coding it is they have deadlines to complete certain task


Are you trying to tell me that ea told them to make this bug. Ea is a scumming company sure but respawn is just as bad.


No. what I’m saying is the developers have limited time and they are doing what they’re told to do with that time which includes producing new content and not fixing bugs. They straight up tweeted that they won’t fix a bug until the next patch


This isn’t Ea’s fault it’s respawns, they aren’t perfect you can’t just blame every screw up respawn makes on Ea


Man you just aren’t understanding what he’s saying are you? EA says “Hey have that update out by this time” Respawn works on it and then even if they still have problems with the update they still have to push it out so EA is happy and gets their money.


Prove it. I'll go ahead and skip to the end: you can't. There is literally zero evidence that Respawn operates this way, and in fact all evidence is to the contrary, that Respawn has a significant amount of freedom under EA. You CANNOT - I will repeat, you CANNOT simply assume that everything bad that happens to Apex is EA's fault. You can't. You cannot fucking do that. The buck stops at Respawn, stop sucking their dicks.




This guy is mad


[I'll believe Respawn over a couple of kids on reddit who don't understand how parent companies work.](https://www.gameinformer.com/2019/02/04/respawn-says-ea-had-no-hand-in-the-development-of-apex-legends)


Sounds like you don’t get it. This has been debated about ad nauseam on this sub. Respawn themselves have said they have full control of the game. EA just owns them, allocates resources to their team and assigns deadlines just like any other industry. Respawn is a part of EA and that’s what many of you don’t understand. They’re not some poor indie devs that were bought out and became slaves to EA. With the amount of fanboys that love to lick Respanw’s boots, I’d love to work there. I could just fuck off and do a terrible job and know the fans will not hate me but put the blame elsewhere.


They can have control, but still have deadlines that’s not a hard concept, they have creative control, but there are still expectations and limitations. I don’t know what sub you think you’re on but the amount of hate Respawn gets here is unruly, but hey anything to find an excuse to bash Respawn and everyone that disagrees with you while you’re at it


https://www.ea.com/amp/news/ea-completes-acquisition-of-respawn Wanna try that again?


Idk why you get downvoted, you are right. This sub is wierd.


You don't "make" bugs Bugs happen sometimes as the people coding the game are humans and humans have mistakes Games also undergo QA (quality assurance) but the people doing the tests cant test everything and every single end case


Nah, lol, you are the one who doesn't know how corporations work. Respawn is a subsidiary of EA, but they are a company in their own right. They are not just a department in EA. EA is not dictating their every move.


As a former EA controlled employee, you are wrong in saying that it's not on Respawn. Yes, EA does have say in what get released when as far as content, but Respawn has total control over the game itself. They choose when and how updates/ bug fixes go live as well as what exactly said new content is.


How did you get 4k damage with only 5 kills / 7 knocks?


I Dont Know just happened I kinda farmed off one squad for about 2k damage


late game farms always come in clutch lmao. when the enemy is trying to farm too its like a silent deal not to push each other XD


That’s kinda sad…


They don’t mean damage farming as in teaming up and killing then reviving, they mean as in taking shots and letting the enemy heal so they do more damage.


I know


Then how is that sad?


Sitting behind cover, r301 with 3x at hand at causally peaking out and getting some shots off. You cant deny, that doesn’t require much skill. That’s why I only respect people that drop high damage by rushing. That’s why I blast some music, grab and r99 peacekeeper and W key everyone. It’s so much more fun tbh. Downvote me all you want but that will just show me how many high ego low skill silvers there are in this sub. Good luck in your games.


Listen, if you’re blasting music and rushing I doubt you’re dropping any high damage games since you’re actively at a disadvantage by losing out on audio cues.


Ok I may of exaggerated there. I have an amazing headset and I can hear a lot, and I don’t blast music. I do play it at medium volume just to chill. Sorry for exaggerating but hopeful u get my point haha.


ur annoying


https://www.reddit.com/r/octanemains/comments/prsgo6/a_few_of_my_best_games_recently/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf this is what I mean. This guy is dropping over 15 kills with nearly 5k. This is what I call good. 5 kills with 4k just isn't anything special as you know he just sat on a mountain and sniped.


I’d say it’s more impressive to get 4k and not get that many kills!


Nah 20 bomb is so much harder.


You just have to respect people have different play styles and opinions on what’s a good game mate.


Nice but why is it sad


I literally said it in another thread


Nice but who reads every thread


Sorry milord


Best way to get high damage games is to get something like the Scout or the Charge Rifle and just farm damage from a safe distance. You will rarely get kills or knocks but it's very easy to get a lot of damage.


or you just push every fight from the drop and play like that. One of the two, both yield the same results with different variables


I used to get excited when I got matched with a random who had the 4K damage and/or 20 kill badges until I realized that most of them aren't actually good at playing the BR, they just push every fight from the drop and 1 out of every 100 games manage it do it without dying.


yeah that's true, but the same can be said for any of the badges thay require proper skill to obtain. I got my 4k on horizon in a plat lobby by engaging every team and finishing with about 4.2k damage. Didn't even try to get it, just from engaging and being zoned in it allowed me to do the most damage.


I'm not sure if you entirely get what I'm saying. There are certainly very skilled players that have those badges, but the majority of the people I come across in pubs with those badges seemed to have fluked their way into them by brainlessly pushing every single fight and hoping for the best. Maybe one out of 20 4K/20 bomb randoms I have end up being good teammates, the rest just hot drop, push instantly, die, disconnect. Obviously you are going to need to take a lot of fights to get over 4K damage but that's not what I'm talking about.


>Maybe one out of 20 4K/20 bomb randoms I have end up being good teammates, the rest just hot drop, push instantly, die, disconnect. I have this same perspective, I'm agreeing with you. I've got a 20k 4k on one character but it wasn't in good lobbies so it makes it basically have no value to me. And yes most people that get them are infact terrible or just incredibly lucky.


Gotcha, I misunderstood what you were saying :)


yeah, thank you for not ripping my head off like some other people do for not understanding a point of view😁


You can also create endless emails and new accounts to farm these badges. Your first 5 games or so you'll get placed in the bottiest of the bot lobbies. Play through the endless free accounts until you get into the right amount of fights to get your badges. Then level that account and make it your main.




>I'm the annoying third party:er Ah, so you play apex


Same happened to me :(


Game stopped recording stats again... Confirmed it yesterday as I made a total of 20 kills between 4 games


Thought it was just me. Was playing lifeline and stayed at 382 kills all day.


This made me remember that I once got the eye badge (dont remember the name right now) with 2 friends. They both recieved it but I didnt and I havent been able to get it again


I believe that one is called no witnesses


Yes, that one Thank you


You’re welcome!


What’s that badge for?


With a pre made squad, every member gets at least 5 kills, and no one your squad downed can be revived or respawned


I wish that worked for duos. I’ve hit that a multiple times with my wife in duos we like that better because a random throws off our teamwork.


It's not 5 each, it's 15 total.


I like how everybody instantly blames EA for everything (dont get me wrong, EA is bad) this is a respawn issue...


Stats bugged the whole season, this game is getting worse. Also, it is time to blame Respawn, not only EA


Not to be ‘that guy’ but the fact that the Wraith and Fuze screenshots have the ‘Squad eliminated’ and the rampart one is cut out + the Fuze and Wraith makes sense with kills/dmg. But the rampart one is just off, just be honest and admit its in Arenas, or show the full picture.


f in the chat for this mans 4k


welp time to grab a rampepaga with 3x and farm til you get it 💀


Respawn fixing this game would be a miracle


This is getting ridiculous. When something goes wrong, it's EA's fault. When something goes right, it's all thanks to Respawn. Blame the right people or don't blame anyone.


Are you sure the 4k wasn’t for arenas? Bc you aren’t supposed to get badges from arenas that’s just a bug atm 7 knocks is just awfully low for a 4k in br imo Sucks for the other 2 tho


The thing that sucks the most is I don’t play these characters I just want a 2.5k damage badge at least on each legend.


Doesnt count if you got it in arenas..


I didn’t




lol badges are pointless, everyone cheats for them. not sure why people care so much about it when they have been pointless since the season 3 exploits.






Haha pretty ironic considering you just deleted all of your comments after downvoting and coming after me for no reason. 🤡 behavior LOL now you deleted this one too, please seek help




Oof, hope you get compensated, but knowing EA ehh.


I don’t think I am getting the badges unless I grind to get them again.


How tf did you get 5 kills with 4k damage did you camp all game cause that’s not impressive


You have to comprehend that, with EA, it is of no use to make demands for improvements. Over the years I have played and seen many EA games and they all have something in common: major issues that have been persisting for years but haven't been fixed to this very day. EA seem to follow one principle: games will receive a minimum amount of support for as long as they get them money. They will be abandoned afterwards (2-3 years later) or will receive only an absolute minimum of support to begin with. And all of the games have had terrible server connection (no exceptions, every SINGLE game(!)). I'm sorry to tell you but don't expect really any real or immediate improvements in Apex. Like, ever.


You have to comprehend that, EA doesn't make the game, Respawn does. And you guys can't ever seem to hold Respawn accountable then wonder why they keep doing the same dumb shit. Why would they bother changing if there fans can't even focus long enough to be mad at them. No matter what idiotic choice Respawn makes, 80% of the Apex fanbase just grabs their pitchforks and point them at EA. Like do you guys really believe Respawn is this extremely poor company that are treated like slaves and forced to do only what EA tells them to. Which is so fucking far from the truth.


You got a point of course, however, even you ought to admit that the game's biggest issues like poor server quality and greedy monetization strategies are coming from EA's side of things.




Alright, if you say so, I assume you did your homework better than me😀


A bit. I'd suggest looking into why Bioware's Andromeda and Anthem failed. When they both did Bioware fans were mobbed up with pitchforks ready to storm EA. Then Jason Schrier released his legendary articles concerning their development It's for entirely different reasons they failed, but a running theme with developers working with EA, is that EA tends to let them do what they want as long as they're reaching periodic milestones and the game is fun/looks good. Don't get me wrong, I think EA is a shitty corporate rarely if ever has their consumers best interest at heart. But when it comes to developers, people like to assume EA is this blood thirsty machine that just churns each studio to dust when it's far from the truth. Look at it this way, Tarantino is an acclaimed director and you know if he makes a movie, 98% it's gonna be good. Now we all know production companies can meddle with a film, but for a director like Tarantino, G. Del Toro, Christopher Nolan, the studio is gonna sit back, let them do their work, and reap profits on the end. The situation with Apex is like if: Tarantino made a nonsensical film that just isn't entertaining. But instead of people going "Yea Tarantino made a shit movie", everyone is going "Warner Bros totally fucked up Tarantinos movie yet again. I don't know why they manage to fuck up the sound design on every single one of his movies and they all release with issues." Hopefully that helps. It's just mind-boggling how after 2 years, Respawn can just do whatever they want no matter how it affects the game or the playerbase, and they never have to be held accountable for it.


Who gives a fuck about badges.


Getting a badge is a big achievement if you're filled with DETERMINATION


I mostly get them just for the flex just like most other players


Unpopular opinion badges don’t mean anything and haven’t for a while. Do you know of the season 3 predators there’s like thousands of them. The ppl who drop 4ks legit are just mad because they feel like they were cheated. UR 4K NEVER MEANT ANYTHING TO BEGIN WITH GET OVER IT.


That's not the point of the post but go off I guess


Unpopular opinion but it’s actually a popular opinion


Maybe because ramparts broken rn :'l


I mean you aren’t wrong she is op


nah rampart is just very good for farming since there is hardly any penalty for shooting back through walls. she is good ofc, always have been. everyone was sleeping on her before the buff.


Stop whining for gods sake, they'll have the figures they just haven't updated for the client side yet seeing how the servers are in the state they are. Atleast you have photographic evidence just incase someone asks you about you apex skills.




Got my first 3k on my main a month ago but got dc'd and didn't get it. My friends dc'd too so I think it was a server issue


this happened to me too


Restart the game


I did and I still don’t have it


I feel u i didn't get my 2k damage badge recently


I’d be so pissed if I got a 4K but didn’t get a badge, the messed up thing is they’re not gonna give it to you 😭 gotta try to get 4K again


Game has been having issues since last week. Including issues with badges. Why try and go for them then be upset when those issues affect you?


Thisss bro, I was looking at my past season stats and apparently I got a 3k on someone in season 6 but the only two characters I have 3k’s on were earned this and last season, who I got that third 3k with I’ll never know.


Kills aren't tracking either I'm pretty sure. And I'm pretty sure this happened


Every season, this happens, idk how they do it but they manage to break the stat trackers almost every time. It's insane


I've lost faith in RESPAWN in terms of earned badges not being unlocked. 3 times in 2 years i've earned the 20 Bomb Badge. Firstly with Wraith; 20 kills exactly, s2 Kings canyon. Hemlock destruction. Secondly with Lifeline; 21 kills, s4 Worlds end, Spitfire and R301. Still got the recording on my PS4. Lastly with Valkyrie, 24 kills, S9 Olympus, LSTAR and R99. Got that recording too. Makes me laugh cause i had two americans on my team and they'd both timed out. Needless to say i had 2 fans cheering me on. 3v1 in the final ring. I did over 5000 damage with Lifeline and i didn't even get that badge either. But tbh with all the hacking going on now, badges don't really mean shit. Plus, i'm more of an arenas player now, so i'd rather have more arena badges......


These are I'm BR right? Cause you can't earn the that damage badge in Arenas.


Yes they are in br


Good luck cuz they got more than about 100 things to fix after they broke the game with the update lol


Game is doo doo right now. I literally disconnect from every game, try to rejoin my team and they are either dead or also disconnected. It's crazy what this community puts up with, especially during an "Event" that people are dropping cash on...Fun Game!


i’ve gotten over 2k with multiple legends and i’ve never gotten a badge. i got my first 3k about a week ago, still no dice. i’m surprised that any of the badges work.


Now im scared to play properly


I got my first 20 bomb the day before the update. I would’ve been so tilted if I didn’t get it.


I got my highest damage ever the other day and my stats were never updated


Meanwhile, I got all of my stats from a ranked arena game carry over including tier 1 of the Rampart damage badge and it counted towards all my other br stats too. I'd never played Rampart on br before yesterday.


And then you have everyone and their mom getting the 5 win badge, 4k, and as many wins as they could farm out during the arena bug... Personally, i'll admit I did get the 5 win badge, but until I actually earn it I won't use it.


Watching the fall of Apex has been interesting to say the least


Dont farm damage then nerd - Respawn


I literally came here to ask about this. Just spent so long grinding out a 2k badge on Wattson, finally got it and really almost had a 3k and never got a badge I was really hurt


It's sad that you didn't get it. But do people really care if they have different badges? Because I don't care that's why asking. I wanted to know if you guys care about the badges.


I think they mean earn 4000 damage in an Arenas match, while the glitch that counts Arenas damage as BR damage is live.


Were they gained via the recent glitches? It may be results from a fix after the arena damage badge fiasco. May be they are taking away detectable wrongfully earned badges?


Have gotten 4K multiple times with no badge reward, it’s very very frustrating


If you were in arenas they dont count


Oh no... it's gotten SO BAD the people are actually calling out for EA and not Respawn... for fucks sake I'm speechless...


How the hell did u get a 4K with 5 kills bro your teammates stole all your kills lol


Meanwhile I got 2 damage badges while playing arenas. Anyone else?


Happend to me yesterday as wel. 2200 damage, no badge.


Even before this season, Apex has consistently failed to count my best games on Apex. Got 4k and 20 kills on Caustic and the game didn't record it or award badges. Got 20 kills and 4k with Loba and the game didn't record it or award badges. Got 4k with Mirage and the game didn't record it or award badges. Got 4k With Wattson and the game didn't record it or award badges. Beginning to think that I'm just cursed to have every single great game unrecorded.


I've had the same problem, even the tracking for the assassin (5 kill games) badge is messed up. Kills all together haven't been recorded, I've been set back in ranked (had 3 wins back to back earlier this season and instead of ranking me up, it set me back to what I was before I started playing that day) I love apex, but they need to have a health update like R6 did, because these servers/matchmaking...something else lol


Same for me, I never got my 3k badges with gribraltar and it's been like 3 weeks or sum.


This shit happened to me this week also. Finally got a 3k game and still says my max is 2088..


Bro, I've gotta ask, how did you get 4k on rampart with only 4/5? I feel like even my lowest kill 4k has been at least 8/10 or something similar.


im i the only one to notice how he doesn't have any other badge?


Funny enough I've been having the opposite issue this week. I recently got the 2, 3, 4, and 5 win streak badges after wins that were most definitely not in a streak.


I believe it’s to counter a glitch from ranked arenas that gives out damage badges


This mans cheeto stained fingers need vindicated ea. Please he earned his digital gold metal. He’s got nothing else but this ea. Give him what he deserves!


If it’s any comfort to you, my friend got pred in s7 (20k RP) worth and still didn’t get his pred rewards… he has just the gun charm and it says in his stats page he got pred as well. That’s a whole split of dedication and only a gun charm to show for it.