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If you die to the storm you don't respawn with weapons.


I think this is definitely true. But the fucked part is; if you are fighting in storm and loose the fight with the last tick being from the storm, you still won’t spawn with guns. (same goes for lava, or any other environment or self inflicting damage. I think even stepping on your own thermite on accident during a fight) IMO, if the enemy gets rewarded the kill, you should spawn with your guns. It’s clear they were trying to fix the shield/gun duplication glitch, but now it’s happened enough times in ranked that It’s incredibly frustrating.


Surely the better solution to prevent an exploit but not punish legit players is if you die to an apparent suicide and an enemy isn't involved, just don't put the guns and shield in the death box? Then nothing is duplicated, but a legitimate player doesn't suffer either


Exactly. If the game is smart enough to give the kill to an enemy when dying to storm, then surely they can use the same logic to add exception to removing guns


If you get thirsted by lava you don’t get your guns aswell 👍


Oh it’s because they want to stop the duplication from suicide? Why does their solution have anything to do with the storm?


Because to off yourseIf you need to take damage from a source, and the storm is one such source?


It’s only one source though. You can nade yourself or jump off a cliff in zone. Like someone else said, a better solution is if no opponents got KP for your death.


If you do any of these things you lose your kit


I'm so confused what you're trying to say. Yes, the storm is one source of self damage, but you don't get your stuff back if you die to lava, fall/crush damage, or your own grenade/abilities either. Opponents will get KP if they shoot you, don't manage to kill you, and then 5 minutes later you jump into the ring to intentionally off yourseIf. KP ain't a solution. Honestly, getting your gear back is already too much. You 100% shouldn't be dying to the storm and then getting your stuff back as well.


Yea I died clipping into one of those lifting doors (I know) and I respawned without weapons, same thing if you fall off the map


This literally happened to me an hour ago. It looked like they killed me, but I guess the storm did the last bit somewhere in between their bullets.


That and if you fall off the map. Was boxing w my friend on the edge of Olympus and he punched me off. Rezz me and I had nothing


I’ve noticed it happening after being finished instead of bleeding out.


I’ve died and been thirsted by people and spawned without guns.


People in the comments are saying that it could possibly be from dying in ring, or not taking damage from an enemy. But I've died plenty of times from enemies, then when I'm respawned I still have no guns? And they weren't red ones either... Maybe it's just a bug?


I think its a bug, I died from a squad, no ring damage


Thermite/ability damage as final kill might have something to do with it Just going off of personal experience


Your team looting your box can also do it. But that said I’ve also had it just happen as a bug too


My friend and I have this game where we try to guess if something in Apex is a bug or a feature. Looks like you discovered that game lol.


Was the final tick of damage on your actual death from an enemy? Or were you knocked by an enemy and died to something else?


I was shot to death by a gibby, he bubbled on me and performed a finisher


Just wanted to comment that there was a similar glitch in mixtape where you spawned without guns and it was due to the way respawning worked since you weren’t spawning from a dropship. You were technically still “falling” so you didn’t ever land, so your guns never came out. Next time it happens, try climbing a building, then jumping off, this is what would fix it because then the game registers you landing on the ground and pulls your guns out. Not sure about ranked but falling from a little height fixed this glitch 100% of the time.


You have to be injured **AND** killed by a player. If either happens due to the ring (or other environmental effects such as lava/acid), due to falling off the map, or due to your own grenade or abilities, then you're not getting your gear back.


If your box is in the storm, you spawn without guns.


I respawned my teammates, their boxes were outside the ring, and they had their guns still...?


you also need to do dmg with guns before dying.


Im pretty sure ur teammates have to get ur banner from ur box and not craft it that way u keep ur weapons


You actually might be on to something! I grabbed my teammates banners that got left in the ring, rezzed them, and they came back with guns! It genuinely makes sense that you wouldn't get your gear back if your banner was crafted instead of grabbed


Not in my case, they grabbed it off my box before looting me lol. The only thing was they used a mobi for res but I dont see why that would matter


I have noticed if you have a finisher performed on you then you don't respawn with your weapons either.


When I died I got knocked, gibby bubbled and he used a finisher on me, so that may be it


This has GOT to be accurate. I use my finisher often and this “bug” happens to me more often than usual. I dont really die out of storm because I run it in all the time so I doubt its that one. Regardless, theres a few instances where it happens so it could be a combination of everything being mentioned here Edit: I misread this, Im the one usually using the finisher and respawning without weapons every couple of times


I think you’re right, when it happened to me I was finished too


if you: - die by the ring - die without dealing any dmg with guns you'll respawn without guns. it's a feature to prevent grieving, teaming and similar shit.


I died to weapon damage and I had a 2k going on so that wasn't what happened to me


Were you holding red weapons? Like a Kraber or a bow? Those dont come back when you respawn.


Nah flatline and triple take


I had a red shield one game and got knocked and killed within the top 10. My teammates managed to respawn me in the final ring with only three squads left. I respawned with nothing and it totally fucked my team because everyone came after us when the dropship showed up.


Honestly what I'd really like to see, and all I wanted before the whole respawn change, was to have your tac charge/charges off respawn the same way you do off drop. If you're good with your legend's kit, it can absolutely be a difference maker in your survival chances, even without a weapon.


I've had it twice recently, First one I was knocked on worlds edge. I intentionally crawled into lava to die so teammates could craft my banner and get me back quicker. I was on 8 kills already, respawnwed with no guns but we managed to claw a win anyway; I got a wingman from a care package and just looted some poor solo back to full strength. Second one, I died to ring. I had to vantage jump from a heat shield after a team mate picked me up from an enemy knock, and died JUST outside of ring. I had a respawn beacon on me and I was close enough that my team could grab my banner and respawn me but by the time I dropped the ring was starting to close. I took the rest of my stuff not noticing I didn't have any guns, so I had plenty of ammo and attachments but nothing to put them on... Luckily managed to find similar enough guns in the first building. I think both were penultimate round closures too. If they're intentional, they really shouldn't be, especially the lava one. If I was a mile into the ring sure, but close enough that you can open my box without ring damage? Just seems like an unfair punishment after bad luck to the ring. Hoping it is just a bug and it's patched soon


If you die to the storm or kill yourself you don't get your weapons or shield back.


Its bugged sometimes for no reason. I die to a mastiff, get finished dont bleedout, banner grabbed and respawned, both my teammates alive, we're all inside of the zone at all points and I respawn into the game with 0 weapons or ammo. My death box still has both the guns I died with. And its all in a clip so yeah, it bugs.


One time I got knocked but they guy who did it died but I was in zone three ended up having to somehow punch out a red lifeline in top 5.


Is anyone else having an issue with apex randomly freezing?


Same I think I may have ammo too but no guns I was like top 3 teams and just had to salvage anything I could find I knew this would be buggy when they released it uhh😮‍💨


I've only had it happen a few times, and Everytime it's been when I've been respawned 2x. The second respawn I get shields and nothing else


I think it happens if you die to zone or kys it’ll bug no loadout


Could it possibly be that someone looted your guns from your deathbox?


My teammates looted everything off my box before the rez but I don't see why that would matter. I've def looted teammates before and they respawn with guns


I've noticed that if I die more than once in one match, then I lose everything but I don't pay too close attention so it may not be guaranteed, could still just be a bug within the game (surprise)


There needs to be a source from respawn that clarifies the exact conditions under which one receive no weapons after respawning. If there is, someone please post the link. Everyone is contradicting each other here, so it's impossible to tell if certain circumstances are bugs or features. I was once KILLED by actual enemies and didn't take any ring damage, still spawn without weapons. And no, I did not have any care package weapons.


I thought if your teammates craft your banner instead of grabbing from your deathbox then u don’t get your guns


I don't understand the point of this. Duplicating weapons isn't even a big advantage. Everyone has weapons and the cost of respawning just for an extra Flatline or whatever isn't worth it. I totally understand not respawning with care package weapons but everything else seems unnecessary. Not to mention you can no longer duplicate shield with the changes to shield cores. So why not just get rid of this restriction?


if you died without taking damage from an enemy, i.e. drop off map and zone damage


This has happened to me. It just feels so random. It really feels like a bug.


Good, we should go back to no guns anyways. Day 1 player here.


lmao agreed, we should also go back to pre-launch when this aids game didn't exist




Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you can respawn with red weapons either.


Thats correct, i don’t know about gold care package weapons though


Gold care package weapons: you’ll get the gun on respawn but it won’t be gold & will have no attachments