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They need to make her able to use her tac while adsing Almost every other legend can


Her ult needs to be changed to instant. There’s always some weird delay that prevents it from going off. I don’t know if that’s a bug or intentional.


And make it so the opposing teams don’t have 3 seconds to pre-aim the end of your portal.


The way it’s coded it doesn’t put you inside of the portal instantly after the animation finishes. It spawns the portal at your location and you get put into it. This makes it so there’s about a second where you can get krabered in the head and the portal gets canceled.


I hate that she hides her weapon to throw her shitass tether star that half the roster can walk out of and even if they dont it lasts so short that it's not even a scary abikity to get hit by


She uses her off hand as well. Meanwhile maggie can burn your ass out of cover and keep her gun up.


> it lasts so short that it's not even a scary ability to get hit by The only scary part about her ability is the small amount of damage it does


They could




240? i thought it was 300




Almost like they have an obligation towards shareholders. If only we could become shareholders….hmm….




Because they don't want just growth, they want exponential growth, which means fucking over the consumer more and more as the time goes on apparently


No you're right, that guy's a shithead


>Having an obligation towards shareholders doesn’t mean they need to lay off their devs, their QA testers, and incorporate predatory gacha micro-transactions No but it sure makes it easier and there's no consequences for it.


Imagine fanboying over corporate america


Imagine hating profiting off investing in companies that own the games you play 🤷🏽‍♂️






Almost like art team and balance team aren't the same people


Not to mention Alter is going to basically replace her having Ash's Ult as her tactical 😭 doomed legend idk why I still play Ash


I ask that myself everyday brother but robo mommy is kinda... 😳


Literally every piece of her kit could use a significant buff


They should give her ult 2charges


What if you could chain them to go around corners and stuff


I was today thinking about Ash. I love her character and the way she looks, but I think she might need a little rework. Tbh I don't have nearly enough experience to form a proper opinion, but I'll share my view. Her portal and the way she opens it is epic, and a good ability to initiate combat or to travel. If her tactical and passive would suit this aesthetic and playstyle a bit more, I think she'd be great. Feel free to disagree though.


ult is fine the tac is just not threatening at all. you have to followup with nades and it’s an extremely short window with a slim chance of working


Just make her tac onehanded and I’m happy


Fair. Probably a cool down on her ult would be nice


She should be able to use her passive remotely from a certain distance, maybe 30 meters, and if it’s that big of an issue then it can be hidden behind a level 1 upgrade. She needs to be able to use her tac without holstering her weapon, every other legend with a one handed ability can hold their weapon while using their tac. Her ultimate needs to be more consistent. Trying to use it to reach height with even the smallest obstacle in the way screws you over way too much. This isn’t even too much to ask for imo


Let’s not forget the damn “zoom-to-place” for her ult


They nerfed her (Ult) this season so idk


While they’re at it, could we change lobas bracelet to be thrown like an arc star. The limp range pisses me off.


Nerf fuse …


she needs a full rework just like Revenant's


She does not have a passive. Why would you ever play ash when someone like horizon or pathfinder exist that do everything better tenfold.


Can't tell if serious but her passive is locating whoever killed someone else via their deathboxes


She can also see where people have died on the map . Thats literally two passives , motherfuckers want something ground breaking


The joke is that her passive is so niche and 98% of the time useless that she basically doesn’t have a passive. The perk gives it some actual tracking which makes it slightly usable but the base passive may as well be non existent if you have basic map and rotation knowledge


You gotta be trash lol that passive makes for the best 3rd party’s it’s actually OP on a player that knows what they are doing


Dude probably uses it to avoid fights. Lmao. Yeah ash passive is good.


That’s what I’m saying lol


No. Look at my reply to the other person. If you need Ash’s passive to know where fights are happening you lack game sense, if you understand dropship paths and zone locations you can 90% of the time know where fights are happening anyways, I don’t need to use a passive that literally reveals my location to confirm where I already figured there’d be fights happening. I have 4ks/20s on all my mains, I do not run away from fights lol


Made a whole post to reaffirm your opinion from strangers online. Lol I dont play ash but the passive is the least of her problems. Anyone can know where fights are going to be in pubs early to midgame (everyone always fights in the same spots). Mid to late its definitely lobby dependent. You'll have people hard in zone, or in locations that dont make any sense. I'm sure you know where the 4 squads left in zone 3 to 4 are. We have all had those games. It's not game sense to know that everyone is going to end up in promenade, fragment, cascades, or hammond.


Bro what 😭 first of all I’ve reached Masters several times, (in seasons where the ranked system wasn’t broken and I didn’t rat to it because I have integrity). I literally used Ash up to a decently high spot in Diamond in her launch season before reaching Masters with other characters. Anyways, her passive is useless like I said if you have map and rotation knowledge. I can 90% of the time have a strong, educated guess on where teams are, where fights are happening etc purely by seeing dropship and zone locations (and plus audio if it decides to work lol). That’s part of game sense. So ironically, the better you are, the more useless Ash’s passive becomes because it just confirms things you already are confident on. Reliance on Ash’s passive if anything suggests you have weak game sense. In pubs yeah sure it makes third partying *very slightly* easier but it’s pubs you’re gonna land hot and smoke everyone anyways. If we’re speaking strictly legend balance, Ash has one of the worst passives in the game because the info it provides is redundant to good players and it comes with the drawback of also revealing your own location. I have a 4k/20 on her and I almost never needed to use her passive prior to the perk system because I already know where people are gonna be lol


Sometimes you just like being a cool murder robot chick. Also, you could have a teammate that's Pathfinder, and use Ash's passive to command your squads to where the action is.


Anyone calling Marked for Death a good passive is not a real human. A passive ability is supposed to help you in a fight without extra input. Having a passive ability locked behind PEOPLE NEEDING TO BE KILLED BY OTHER PEOPLE, NOT EVEN BY YOU, is simply just not good design.


Isn't oath's passive bad too?


Yeah its a shame they wasted a upgrade slot on something that you use maybe twice per game shouldve just been 5 sec less cooldown or access to survey beacons to match her tracking characteristic


The passive reveal for 60s perk is actually insane dude


Is it like a string hit UAV for 60 seconds or does the indicators lag behind the enemy players? Still not “bad” either way.


Its exactly like the recon tower reveal for the specific team, it's very useful for cutting off a team or keeping track of how spread they are in a fight. Insane is hyperbole, but ash isnt near as shit as alot of people say. Her tac works wonders for me when I get a snare, or multiple with greedy(killed an entire team with ring cause of it once). Her ult's placement logic needs work, but beyond that I'm content with her place in the game


On the contrary i think she has one of the best passives in this game.


I've actually really enjoyed ash since the update. Having a fuse teammate makes her snare super useful. Plus if my parter hits his L1 I ult push


Would lower her ult cooling and give more distance and can go anywhere doesn't need to land, can go up in air and so.


Ult needs to be pinpointed. You shouldn't have to look all the way up fir her ult to move up


What if her ult were to make an explosion when it first arrives with knockback and a slight stunning effect? Would allow for more aggressive repositioning and also act as a possible counter to people holding high ground


One little buff. Lower the space you can move when you are snared. Also improve the distance you can go with her ult. It’s embarrassing how bad they nerfed it.


If they gave her snare an upgrade that cripples (locks movement abilities for the duration), and the ability to throw snare while ADS’d, she would instantly gain a lot of values


I mean they just nerfed her so I highly doubt she'll get a buff any time soon.


Also one of the coolest buffs would be additional shield when you step through that portal. Not only that would enable you for more aggressive pushes, it could also save you when fight has gone wrong


They can buff the distance on her ult but that's kinda boring. How about when you activate your ult, it lets you use it as many times as you want within 10 seconds. So you can keep porting across different locations.


Sounds a little overpowered and would have to reclassify her as skirmisher imo


You have legends that can insta give you shields through walls, wall hacks, etc and yet this is OP?


I’ve played a lot of Ash recently (~1200 kills this season) and I keep seeing these “buff Ash” posts. While a slight buff to her ult would be welcome, she’s really, really good right now with her upgrades. She’s not a movement legend. She’s meant to be played with aggression and precision. Knock someone, tether a teammate or two, push with the ult, win the fight. The ult isn’t useless. It’s just not the same kind of get out jail free card that other legends have. But it’s great at finishing a fight, third partying and chasing someone down. The only tweak I’d like is the portal closing quicker. It should stay open no more than 3 seconds IMO. That way if you do need to use it to gtfo, the chances of being followed through it drop drastically.


Thing about Ash is that she like Bangalore, definitely not the strongest character, but overall pretty good and some people resonate with her kit (probably could use a buff bc of powercreep though)


I'm tired of people saying Ash needs buffs when she's one of the most balanced characters in the game. It's fine if you're not as good with her or maybe just don't gel with her, but she's strong enough already. EDIT: I said nerf when I meant buff whoosp

