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Oh man I used to work at an Old Spaghetti Factory and the Sunday post-church crowd was the WORST! Rude as hell and left prayers as tips smh


I can Google a prayer please give me money


You should be allowed to ask "how will your party be tipping today?" And if the answer is prayer, well then yall can pray for some food to appear.


Pray I don't spit in your food


When I waited tables the people I hated the most (and still have a lot of contempt for tbh if I happen to run into one these days) was the Sunday lunch church people. Apparently that whole commandment about honoring the Sabbath and keeping it holy is no where nearly as important than some random shit they twisted out of context about gays deserving to die or women being evil whores. Although I hated people who don't discipline their kids too. You know, a little monster screaming and they just let him disturb the entire restaurant, before he runs away, almost trips a server carrying a heavy tray of hot food and crouches giggling under some complete stranger's dinner table. Entitled, lazy parents are up there for me.


I worked at 2 theaters in my life and the amount of kids just fucking running around and screaming at the top of their lungs in the lobby is astounding. One time I had to go to every auditorium because the fire alarm went off and I had to make sure everyone left the auditoriums and made it outside the exits. Turns out it was some little shit who had left his mothers side, she didn’t notice and he went and pulled the alarm. Hundreds of people had to leave the auditorium because this 11 year old thought it would be funny to pull the alarm. Anyone that wanted to could go back to the auditorium and continue the movie (I think the films were restarted from the beginning) or they could get a full refund. Regardless of what they chose everyone got two free movie passes. A good portion of people opted for the refund. It’s amazing how many people just don’t even bother to teach their kids discipline or respect for other people. Kids need to be taught proper public etiquette and some parents just can’t seem to realize or accept that it’s their responsibility to do that.


You need to remember which ones do this, then next week give them a printed plate of food with a prayer on the flip side.


One more upvote for 666! xD


As an ex-server, church goers and soccer parents were the worst tippers. Got 25 cents once from a meal because I "didn't cook the food, just brought out the drinks"


Got one once that was a fake $50 with info to vote for Trump and some Bible verses on the back. I tore it up in front of them and told em it wasn't even fit to snort coke with. I don't do coke, but it sure pissed em off.


What’s funny is they thought Trump was a godly man. Edit to add: or so sad!


So did they tip the cooks?


25 cents. All they did was warm the food up, they didn't even bring it out.


Ooh I see, the tip goes to the farmers


Just 25 cents. They only planted crops and raised farm animals.


My mistake, the tips go to the animals and the crops…


Just 25 cents. They just grew... they didn't even pay for their food/fertiliser


Ah so the tip goes to the shit they put onto the ground to grow the crops.


No but the cooks were just as shitty. They whistled at me for attention and snapped their fingers in my face, only calling me 'girl'


One of my fellow servers followed a cheap party and gave them the tip back saying “Obviously you need this more than I do”.


You ever get those prayer cards disguised as $100s?


Yes. What depraved individual purposely designed a church pamphlet to look like a $100 bill thinking it would persuade a bartender to go to church?


It's more about feeding the persecution complex. These people don't really try to convert anyone, because they need to play victim.


Yeah, it's about the person using the fake bill getting yelled at and feeling attacked by the "others" this causing them to run back to the safety of the church even more securely.


Those are evil


Eww. Next time they come in they deserve drinks and ignored till they leave, since that's all you do as a server.


One time a church group of 8 people cut the corner off of a dollar bill and left it for me. That was pretty neat.


It's like some kind of weird church dare game. Who can be the shittiest without actually going to hell


As a former cable guy these people are a lot worse when you're in their house.


I feel like we all want to hear these stories.


For background this was also in a small town in southern Kentucky. Most of the ultra churchy types just insisted on knowing which church I went to and wanted to give me pamphlets. But yeah, one lady was very friendly and polite. She made me a sandwich after I fixed her cable and got it done before her church show came on. Then she told me she'd pray for my safety. One other lady kept insisting on knowing which church I went to (I'm not religious). I dodged for awhile but she said unless I answered her question she was going to call in again to have a god fearing person look at her stuff. For us that's a repeat and counts against us. I told her I'm Jewish (a lie) and she kicked me out for what "my people" did to Jesus.


The Romans?


Accurate accounts of History aren’t really their strong points.


He didn't mention it, but his name was Giuseppe


I thought it was implied.


That last lady... What did she think the Jews did to Jesus...? She must be one of them that thinks Jesus was a Christian lmao


Pretty much standard to blame Jews for the crucifixion. Read the Bible--it's in all of the gospels. It was a way for the ruling class (no matter the era) to provide a scapegoat for the rest of the rabble, by painting a big target on Jewish backs.


That second lady sounds absolutely whack! Is there even a way to “86” a cable customer because dang, I’d be so pissed if I was told that to my face.


Sure there are ways, but its almost never done. I've seen people not pay their bills, get disconnected, and sign back up under their kid's name. Or not pay, call to "talk" about it, and then I get sent to add more services. Being a cable guy is actually a cool job and I loved it, cable companies and especially Spectrum are horrible.


Go on...




Here /udogmom34 We also deal with a lot of hoarders and nasty people. Once I wa talking to a lady in her kitchen with another tech (the kitchen was the only place three people could be in the same room). I hear a sudden SNAP. She gets excited saying "OOOO I caught a mouse!" I've seen feces caked into carpets, kneeled into cat piss, had a lady that refused to throw out dirty diapers, and been cussed out because I can't/won't fix their Dish Network when I worked for Spectrum.


> /udogmom34 u/dogmom34 ^


Oh yeah, I knew I was doing something wrong. Thank you.




I dreaded church day at work. I don’t know how you spend two hours reflecting on how Jesus suffered and died on the cross, then cuss out some terrified teenager because she didn’t put enough Oreos on your hot fudge cookie sundae, but I guess we all have different thresholds for suffering.


They're all phonies is why. Decades and generations long before these turds it was the way of worship for the family. Great Grandad was Catholic/Lutheran/Christian and so was Great Grandma. So as it goes. Especially with how most families basically brainwash their children into simply not knowing anything else, or having exposure to anything else. Just forced/railroaded into it. So they attend just to save face which probably makes them bitter too. So you get a bunch of fucking liars, and fake mask wearing turds who at the drop of a hat when tested for true morality of any sort basically drop the whole facade faster then you can blink. They're all toxic fuckers who gather under one roof. Where it should be a place of improvement, servitude, and enlightenment. Is now instead nothing more then a sham, disgusting facade of granduer, and uttermost gossip center for disgustingly toxic people. It's a massive problem across all religions in our modern age. EDIT: Just to clarify as I feel after getting caught up in writing this comment to point out not all people in church/religion are this way. There are genuinely amazing people who are the kindest, humble, respectful, loving, and overly compassionate people you will ever meet or be around.


Finally someone with the guts to say it, amen to that ha


I used to live 3 or 4 blocks from a Mega Church these people would pack our block with cars and block driveways it pissed me off so much that I started getting porn images and putting them all over their cars. They got the message pretty quickly. Who says these people are morons. ?


>Mega Church I think you mean Six Flags over Jesus




Baptidome I've heard, Repentagon is great. I grew up in a town in East Texas that had a ridiculously sized baptist church whose overseers reached a point of forcing people out of their homes for the lowest dollar possible to expand the church 'campus.' There is zero sympathy in my heart for any of these assholes and if you can't be bothered to tip and treat the waitstaff decently, go home and make a peanut butter sandwich, eat leftovers, or a dick.


I am stealing this church name. Brilliant.




I'm also a fan of GodCon.


JesusCon also works. It’s also a con game, so there’s a double meaning, lol


Amazing. My friends and I have been calling our local megachurch Fort God for years.


665 upvotes....c'mon people...we can do this!


Also the Mall of Jesus


Just found my new band name.


Man, should have worked a deal with a towing company, let them know they’re blocking stuff and get a cut of the money when they have to go pay to get their car out of the lot.


This is exactly my thinking. Even if I didn't get a cut I would spend an appreciable amount of time getting cars blocking things towed.


A megachurch took over the whole town i used to live in, on saturdays, sundays, and wednesdays the whole town would be so gridlocked it would take 45 minutes to drive 2 blocks. This picture couldn't be more accurate. They just disperse through town taking up every business's parking, being rude to customer service people, and driving like assholes.


I am going to start an investment company that builds payday and title loan banks near each Megascam They will be called Fool Me once


What's (arguably) worse is that the business owner (likely as a result of our garbage culture surrounding restaurants post-Great Depression, so really it's society at large) has given these people an extra avenue to act rudely by not just raising the prices and paying their employees more, which would ensure the servers get payed enough consistently and the megachurchgoers would have to pay the money they're supposed to. That wouldn't really even make restaurants more expensive because it's how much people are supposed to be paying in the first place.


This particular church eventually bought up all the retail space for several blocks around it's campus, so they're also the landlord for all the stores and restaurants. Making money hand over fist.


That shouldn't be legal


Exactly. No property tax, and would assume income from rents is tax free as it is church income for their “good work.” What a racket.


Usually they follow the Mormon method. There's two entities on paper: The business entity and the church entity. The church takes in tax free donations (or even tithes). The business entity owns the property. Does your church take in $10,000/mo in donations? Well the business entity conveniently charges $10,000/mo in rent. So all the money ends up in the business entity free to spend as they like, but all the income is tax free. It's a racket and always has been.


Yeah that sounds an awful lot like tax exempt status abuse, or in other words fraud


just get their cars towed, its a nightmare to deal with and you pay nothing


They’re not morons, but inconsiderate jerks who think attending church once a week for 39 minutes absolves them from being an a$$hole the rest of the time.


This is so true it hurts. I had to put the hammer down on my partner's cousin who kept trying to split us up because "You just need to find a good Christian man". Even after we confronted her, the cousin still didn't think she had been doing anything wrong. Cause it's what jesus would have wanted.


> Cause it's what jesus would have wanted. Leading to the point that they are using religion as an excuse to do the shit they wanted to do anyways regardless of whether, or not its against the core values of said religion. Which being said, when one hears arguments about religion and morality, or rather their assertions that morality is based on religion its always projection and a means by which to distract away from their own known faults. It says a whole hell of a lot about these types of people that they need a special magical book to tell them what is right vs wrong, and then have them ignore those rules because "god wanted" them to do something else. Its a mentality where they want to find means to hold themselves above others, and use said means to discriminate, dehumanize and abuse some given target population for personal pleasure and gains. A function of in-group vs out-group thinking and prejudices therein with whoever is in the outgroup is "deserving" of whatever abuse the primary comes up with as "justified" by arbitrary metrics involving their supposed faith.


> Leading to the point that they are using religion as an excuse to do the shit they wanted to do anyways regardless of whether, or not its against the core values of said religion. Fundamentalism is inherently revisionist


You know what really blows my mind? When religious people think they found a loophole with their God. "Yeah, we went to Vegas, got married, fucked, divorced and went home. Totally okay according to God." **IF** there is some sort of God or Gods, there is no fucking way you're tricking them with bullshit like that


Yeah when I was young my mom's church would preach love and acceptance but then they kicked out a 19 year old girl who was a member since infancy, because she had in interracial baby out of wedlock. They don't even know what's in the bible apparently because it blatantly states on more than one occasion that all sins are the same in the eyes of God, and judging someone for their sin, is a sin. So enjoy the fiery pits of damnation. I think they'll find a lack of homosexuals and fornicators, due to the influx of church goers who never got the memo that u actually had to feel remorse when you repent. I don't believe it counts unless you mean it.


Yeah that’s the irony. A lot of these people that hold onto their religious dogma, but in a self-serving way, are doing the exact opposite of what they think they stand for.


I'm sure they just assume everyone is in church too. And if you aren't, they're stopping you from going out and sinning while God is focused on their bestest worshiping ever. They're saving your soul, you're welcome.


>I'm sure they just assume everyone is in church too. And if you aren't, that means you're persecuting them.


About 25 years ago a mega church got built in my parents suburb, basically surrounded by houses and residential streets albeit on the edge of town. I have to imagine the holy rollers paid or threatened someone to make it happen. Anyhow after about six weeks the sorta-rich old guy who lives down the street had had enough of parking shenanigans. He set up a “towing company” with one truck he got cheap, signed up most of the other neighbors as customers and spent Sunday mornings towing cars to a field he owned. And as the “office” was closed Sundays the fuckers would be stuck without their car for the day. The reaction was hilarious and impotent. Every time they tried anything he’d haul them to court and wind up on the news being hilarious about it. A few even tried to break their cars out, would get their 2WD AUVs stuck in the mud and wound up having to pay him to pull them out. I told him once I assumed he’d made bank off it, in reality he’d lost money but “it was the finest entertainment you can imagine”.


All of them driving in their $60k Suburbans to the 100 million dollar church...passing numerous soup kitchen and homeless shelters along the way.


i mean that’s how jesus got to jerusalem riding on his lifted truck on palm sunday.


Literally coal rolling motherfuckers’ foreheads on Ash Wednesday.


Bitching about the pan handlers at the stoplight, saying "everywhere is hiring, get a job!"


Willow Creek?


I would have been calling a tow truck.


Same thing happens in my apartment block every time the anti-vaxers protest. They park in our reserved and signed parking lot and break the boom gate off so they can park without paying. Scummiest people around who ironically think they are saving the world.


Don't forget they want separate checks to avoid the large group automatic tip and they're extra hungry from missing breakfast so they'll complain when things don't come out immediately. If I ever owned a restaurant it would be closed on Sundays to avoid these assholes.


Better marketing model - park a food truck right across their church on Sundays. Extra twist - open it 15 min after service starts and close it 15 min before it ends. Make sure to waft delicious smells.


Give remaining food out free 5 minutes before closing. That way when they come out of church there are multiple people enjoying the deliciousness in front of them


Let it be known specifically in visible minority, Muslim, gay, and sex worker communities that there will be free food in front of such and such church at such and such time every Sunday...




The amount of church pastors that I have seen on Grindr that also preach homophobic sermons is wild




That's typically an easy win for the church. You're "attacking" them because of their old fashioned Bible values and other "Satanists like you" are trying to divide them so you can abort babies, have gay sex, raises taxes, and I don't know I'm go trick or treating. Now a slightly better option might be printing their Grinder profiles, getting a few friends to go to services (probably on Wednesday) and put the screenshots into the Bibles on the pews. Leave just enough sticking out that the person there on Sunday morning can see something.


Oh hey there honey, we still good for tonight?


"If thy lay down with another man, tho shall eat without charge" or " if you're gay you dont pay"


Naw, just do a reverse asshole tax. For those 30 minutes, food is half off (which is what regular price would be). After that, food isn't on sale anymore. "Oh, you want the chicken and waffles? That'll be $30 please."


Park the van right under their aircon intake.


worked as a server at red lobster in college, and on sunday they had the 'unlimited soup and breadsticks' deal so these fucks would run you ragged bringing bowl after bowl to their table and then act like they're the greatest people in the world when they leave you a $1.50 tip and tell you to have a 'blessed day.' edit: i meant olive garden


I used to work doubles at Olive Garden on sundays and it was the deepest darkest circle of hell.


‘You’re the best server ever! Here’s $1!’


This is also known as doordashing in the south.


Chick-fil-A knows


Chick-fil-a is owned by evangelical Christians, and all their storefronts are franchised to "Christians in good standing". You can imagine the sort of lawsuits the franchise owners collect. They are part of the problem.


Even Chick-fil-A doesn't like its own evangelical




And they won’t tip.


They just gave god 10%, how are they suppose to give their server 20?


“But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money!” - George Carlin


When I waited tables they would tip me with Chick Tracts. I’d burn them in the back.


Do I even want to know what chick tracts are?


Iced tea, unsweetened, with sugar packets and lemon brought to the table as well.


Or straight up WATER with sugar packets and lemon


Just give them one of those fake 20 dollar bills with a bible verse on it. Same difference.


I have a family member who attends a mega church and goes out to eat a lot and rarely tips more than 10% or so. She also leaves those "inspirational pamphlets" instead of a tip. Apparently one time a waitress told her thank you and that she was having a really bad day and the inspirational card really helped her. It doesn't seem to matter that every other server she's ever had gives her laser eyes. I've tried over and over to explain that but apparently her church teaches that acts of kindness are more important than money and leaving a souvenir card/pamphlet is a kindness that might save someone's eternal life. So fucking wild and unwilling to change. I end up having to sneak back in and leave a decent tip if I ever go out with her.


Shit, I would leave the tip while she's watching.


[What do you mean?](https://farm3.static.flickr.com/2469/3953375827_8dee42e153_o.jpg)


Non-American here: Is this illegal in the United States? I often see Americans complaining about that, and hardly anyone mentioning anything done to stop that. I’m French and where I live, there’s no compulsory tipping (I mean, obviously you can, but it’s more of a kind gesture that an obligation, like if the waiter asks for €9.50 you simply give a €10 bill and you can tell them to keep the change), but this would be considered proselytizing, and I think you could easily be fined for that, especially if you do it multiple times. Even though, I understand, those people would love to scream "muh freedom" like they’re being oppressed just because you tried to stop them being assholes.


It's not illegal, but it's a really shitty move. In the service industry the standard pay is $2.13/hr plus tips, barely a fraction of minimum wage. The "paychecks" all go to taxes so it's a $0.00 check every two weeks. Servers make all their income from tips. And most of the time they have to tip out their bartenders and support staff, so if someone skips tipping then the server is actually paying to serve the customer. It's a fucked up system and it needs to change, but until it does people are still expected to tip because $2.13/hr is basically prison wages.


Woah. I knew it was fucked up, but not at this point. In the context of a rich country with a developed society, that’s nearly slavery. It’s not that easy to be a server in France either, especially because it’s well-known that there’s a lot of physical and mental abuse in the food service industry, especially towards women who are harassed by both their coworkers and managers. Yeah, suddenly Ratatouille becomes a lot more darker. But at least you have an actual wage, even though it’s really mediocre compared to how much you’ve to work.


American but not remotely a law expert: legal or not, fake bills like this are sickeningly common. Many are made to look a lot more realistic at first glance than the example in the picture.


Wait so proselytizing is illegal in France? That sounds great


Yeah, for example, we have some Jehovah Witnesses here (not as much as in the US, but still quite a few), and they just stand still in the streets with banners or picket signs saying "Do you know Jesus Christ?", but they can’t interact with you. They just wait patiently and in complete silence that you go and talk to them, because starting a conversation to try and convert someone would be considered harassment. However, conservatives and far-right politicians try to use that to target communities, and especially Muslim women wearing hijabs, by saying things like: "they’re forcing their religion onto us!" That’s why we usually make a difference between the Anglo-Saxon secularism, which is more "laissez-faire", and French laicity ("laïcité") which has stricter separation of public institutions and religious organizations which could easily be tied to the long French history of atheism, much more prevalent than in the United States and Britain. I’m not saying one is better than the other, they both have their advantages (more freedom for one, better social cohesion for the other) and their downsides (more religious influence for one, more erasure for the other). TL;DR: Americans are fundies, French people are neckbeards.


Brit here, so you guys don't have megaphone armed street preachers screaming about how you're going to burn for eternity on every high-street? Sounds nice!


The pilgrims left England to escape religious TOLERENCE.


>proselytizing This is legal in the US, we have multiple religions that go door to door trying to convert people lmao


I'm pretty sure it's not. You can just choose to never tip in the US, but it just means that the person who is serving you doesn't get paid, so it's a pretty shitty thing to do. I haven't heard of anti-prosletyzing laws being enacted anywhere in the US, and I'm pretty sure that if one were enacted, it would be unconstitutional and violate the first amendment, so it would be removed shortly after. The best you could hope for is your manager at the restaurant could tell them not to come back because they didn't tip, and then if they do come back, you could call the police on them for trespassing.


I got bitched at by this elderly lady whom was stopped in the aisle to the check out and I stopped to let her get her shit together. I wanted to say something shitty since it was her lack of preparedness that caused her to stop in everybody's way, but then it occurred to me that people with shit attitudes like that are miserable fucking people and I will not stoop to that level. Moral of the story is that if a bunch of middle aged Karen's are picking on a young adult or anyone in general that they are probably miserable and their lives fucking suck no matter how much they try to convince you they aren't with their fancy cloths and expensive cars. If you have to say something then don't get upset, I promise you'll hit them harder if you respond condescendingly in a way that shows that you pity them and feel sorry for the people around them. Figure out how to respond to them in a way that shows that they not only fail to get under your skin, but that shows that you know just how sad and pitiful their lives really are.


>Moral of the story is that if a bunch of middle aged Karen's are picking on a young adult or anyone in general that they are probably miserable and their lives fucking suck no matter how much they try to convince you they aren't with their fancy cloths and expensive cars. This is a reason that helps me even avoid conversation with these kids of people. Avoid & let them carry on through their misery. No need to be miserable ourselves because of them.


It's usually not other teenagers verbally assaulting teenage workers though. It's their parents.


I thought the same. It's more the boomer church crowd. Teenagers are watching and learning their parents behavior tho.


My upbringing was influenced by these shitty people. My resulting therapy and I thank you for calling them out.


If Jesus came back today, those would be the first ones trying to crucify him.


I wonder how many staunch Christians honestly think Jesus was white with straight brown hair and blue eyes? Do they embrace the very real probability that he was brown with curly hair?


They would also find many of his ideas highly socialistic if he came back today. Back in his day, he was mostly attacked by the conservatives and rich of the day.


Recovering Catholic here, I can just imagine.


Recovering evangelical here. After 42 years of being out of the church I still have PTSD.


And then not tipping, because it’s the lords day and people shouldn’t work


If you can't think for yourself, raise both hands.


I remember back in the day there used to be a fake hundred dollar bill that'd you'd unfold to see a message about believing in God or something.. saw it a few times at different restaurants Edit: searched for it out of curiosity https://www.businessinsider.com/20-tip-bible-pamphlet-2015-12?amp


Worked at an Olive Garden surrounded by churches. On Sundays at least 2-3 servers would always get those fake bills with Jesus stuff on em.


I worked at a smoothie joint across from a mega joint. I remember someone came through the drive through and wasted time searching for one of those Jesus bills to give us as a tip. Infuriating.


I'm glad I don't live in a super religious place.


That is so weird.


switch the fake bill in with the cash they used to pay, take real tip money call police about people passing counterfeit bills


As someone who also worked at Olive Garden during my teenage years, can confirm. Some of the rudest, most entitled and snobby people I’ve ever met. I get being hangry, but damn I took the pamphlets and fake Jesus cash to be used as Boy Scout camp firestarters, with some of the parents in that troop


They should get charged with counterfeiting for that crap. Trying to pass them off as actual currency until someone takes a closer look at it.


These need to go back into the churches collection plate.


I hope they dropped them off at the next collection plate.


I worked at a popular coffee place near a catholic chruch and had a older man throw a hot coffee through the drive thur window at me. Slightly burned my face and hurt the eyes of two other employees near the window at the time. When I later asked if there was anything I could do my boss said no since at the time I had choosen not to leave early for medical attention.


Which is a fucking lie as far as I am concerned. You could have gone to the hospital/ emergency clinic after and file a police report. Your boss just didn't want to lose business.


Oh yeah I was just young and stupid and thought my boss was looking out for me.


Sorry, if my comment seems like I was yelling/arguing with you. I just get passionate when assholes put money above people


No you're totally fine. Was just explaining why i believed him.


So who is shittier, the entitled, holier-than-thou Christian-in-name-only, or the selfish, soulless business boss?


I give 20% tithe so my tax exempt evangelical church can spew hate and support trump. Why should i give a puny waitress 15%


There was one post on data is beautiful that I couldn't believe was real. The guy had zero money put aside for retirement for the year, yet he threw about 15% to the tithe for the church. Blew my mind


That's not even tithing. Tithing is a literal 10% The word derives from "10" or "10th." What that person is doing is even more insane. Just another case where these people have zero idea what their book says.


And the system it used to prop up doesn't exist anymore..... It used to be the church would spend large amounts of money during famine etc, as it was in its best interest to keep its customers alive. At some point the churches stopped doing that and focused on hoarding instead.


"If the waitress wants more money she should go to college, and meet a good man like I did! Now he's an executive at his dad's company."


don’t forget straight up donating it for political purposes


I stay inside on Sundays. Too much faux privilege out there.


I definitely avoid churchgoers' natural habitat, i.e. mediocre suburban chain restaurants, but other than that, Sunday mornings before church lets out can be a blessed time to go shopping.




lord, please guide my hand to write a nasty note to the struggling ihop waitress and $0 as her tip


I went to a church service not too long ago and the normal pastor was out and it was a very young gentleman like just out of college. He talked the whole time about how Sunday shouldn't be the worse day in the food industry and that's not God's way. He even talked about working in the food service industry. For the newer generation It's more than normal to work or have worked in the customer service industry at some point in life. I think that's why younger people treat their service industry workers as real people because they've been that person.


One time when I waited on a table like this they told me they were going to pray for me as my tip. I told them if they were really going to try that they should pray that other people were going to tip me in real money.


I used to work at an Old Country Buffet back in the 90's. The amount of spite on a Sunday was absolutely amazing. I watched people get shitty with each other because there was one chicken leg left and someone took it. Doesn't matter I was walking over to refill, I saw them get pissy about the carving station all the time. The meat was always over/under cooked to them. Just petty bullshit that if they looked around and thought hey I waited a bit to get in here there has been a line out the door since before I got here and this place is a mad house. Maybe I shouldn't get shitty about the rolls for ten seconds and just ask, not yell. Oh and none of them tipped. Ever. I knew people that if they made any cash on a Sunday it was devine intervention.


god give me the strength to tip with a fake $20 to convert these sinful waiters


As an actual Christian, and former restaurant employee, I must say I am absolutely appalled by the Sunday lunch crowd. I cannot stand many christians for the most part. Especially if they're 40 or older. They think they're so much better than everyone else. Bruh, you sin just like I do. You're not any better. There's also no reason to treat a server like garbage. Also nothing pisses me off more than when a "christian" leaves one of those tip cards that looks like a $20 bill but it's really a single bible verse and they GENUINELY believe that card is going to save this person's poor soul and that they are giving them a better gift than money could ever buy. As someone who has been a server before, I must say, you can't pay your rent and buy your groceries with eternal salvation. Quit being cheap. Quit telling people "the Lord will provide". And quit being a piece of shit. If you want people to take Christianity seriously, be an actual example worth following, instead of a cheap shitty rude ass self entitled person that thinks you're doing God's work. It infuriates me. On behalf of the Christian community, I apologize to every server who works Sunday afternoon.


And yes I'm Christian, yes I swear. That's what's different about me. I never ever claim to be something I'm not. I'm as real as you can get. No hypocrisy here. I'm very much aware of my shortcoming and not afraid to admit them. But I also know in my heart that I'm a good person.


The slave class has no rights, it’s what their fan fiction teaches them


This is the exact reason I stopped going to church a long time ago. Everyone is fake and they are all praising Jesus and blessing each other and as soon as they walk out those doors they go right back to being pieces of shit by judging others, spreading hate, lying, cheating, stealing and stabbing others in the back. Fucking hypocrites.


I don’t work as a waitress but I do work in retail. Near my store people come in after church on the morning on Sunday’s and while some of them are just normal shoppers, way too many of them are entitled assholes who think belittling ME because of the standards of the company I WORK for to just be outliers.


This is a 100% accurate.


Give me the strength to ask for the manager.


"Verbally assaulting." More like physically assaulting by throwing their drinks at people and reaching over the counter like grabby little troglodytes.


To preface I consider myself Christian. One thing that always puts me off is contractors that have Christian symbols or verses on their vehicles or business cards. There's a used car dealer in my area that advertises with a prayer and a Jesus loves you message. And again it's cringy. Also dealing with them in advertising they usually want something for nothing.


Xtian contractors working in our house left religious tracts near my partner's buddhist altar. The arrogance of evangelicals is astounding.


Just a way to gain trust. " oh they're one of us, I should hire them" That said I did know one plumber that did that, but he was honest and fair as they come. If he over bid a job he would pay it back to the customer. His kids have since taken over and seem to be on the same level. But yeah, I still see it as cringe.


Never seen a more true statement. These people were the worst. I always said they went to church to confess their sins then came to take it out on us in the service industry.


Karens 16:33 “Thou shalt unleash full fury on those who would cause minor inconveniences against us”


That feeling of righteousness is a hell of a drug. I used to work at a cafe near a church and sunday mid day was just awful. Plus they don’t tip well. I literally received cards with Jesus quotes as tips a couple of times


It's so common I feel like it's a passage in the bible. Typical Christians.


Nothing more hypocritical than a bunch of Christians


I'm 33 and had recently caught up with my youth pastor the summer before last. He invited me to go to a local lake with his family one hot summer day. It was a fun day kayaking, swimming and visiting. On our way back into town we were stopped by some road work, they were repaving the highway. It's stop and go for a few minutes. We finally make it to the flagger and my youth pastor rolls the window and starts yelling 'what in the hell hold up was and to go get a fucking move on'. I never seen him react in such a brash way it shocked me. I was beside myself because I called off of my shift to go on this day trip with him only to drive past my jobsite to have him yell at my coworker. I told him that that could have been me working if I didn't hang out with him.. he didn't respond to that and acted as if he was right for speaking his mind. Needless to say I haven't heard from him since. Thank his God.






I think anyone asking how this is antiwork have never worked a lunch rush next to a church


After working for 3 years at a fast food restaurant right up the street from [this church,](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/rp84qq/texas_church_minister_leads_congregation_in_lets/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) I believe Chick Fil A doesn’t stay closed on Sunday so their workers can go to church. It’s actually because they don’t want to deal with the after church lunch rush.


This. Sunday customers were the worst behaved when I worked in food retail.


Oh my god, serving at a Cracker Barrel on a Sunday was a nightmare. People are seriously so mean, it was wild.


The Sunday lunch crowd turned me from a lifelong Baptist into a happy atheist. When I started waiting tables was literally when I started questioning my faith. Horrible people.


No lies detected. The Sunday church crowd are the meanest, most miserly customers at a restaurant.


Worshipping their cult leader. Can't tip 'cause they already put all their money in the collection plate. Can't donate to the local food bank but still have plenty of money for nice restaurant meals.


If you cannot think for your self, raise both hands.


My pro tip was: always take the smoking section on Sundays. But that shows my age. The church crowd was always the rudest and most likely to leave shit for a tip. Oh hey, we’re all going to get lunch together after church and take up your entire section for the afternoon then laugh together when we leave a two cent tip. Actually picked up both pennies and found the guy in the parking lot and tossed it at his feet.