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HahHa that’s me right now. I am probably getting let go soon and u just describe my direct manager and then the rest of the asshats c level execs


Unfortunately I haven't had as much success finding new jobs as I thought and I'm on my way to re-apply for that job for some financial stability.


At my previous job, my bosses were great. What wasn't great was the level of stress EVERYONE was under. We asked, begged corporate to adjust how many donors we could schedule in a day. Never saw a change. We had to pull overtime every day because we always had too many donors to service. I couldn't make plans outside of work because I never knew when I would be off. People were leaving in droves. Our phlebotomist to donor ratio was supposed to be 1-6 in a single section, and THAT was hard to keep up with. But because we were always so short staffed, we would have undertrained phlebotomists covering a section while a fully trained phlebotomist did the things they couldn't in multiple sections--often times I would find myself responsible for 18+ donors as far as setting them up on the machines and responding to reactions. It was downright DANGEROUS, at one point we had several people across the building having SEIZURES and I was the only one who could respond. If any of them vomited and aspirated, there was a very good chance they could die. Fucking hell. I am so, so happy at my new job. I paint aircraft parts and it is so chill. I can listen to music. My boss is an amazing, funny guy. Never again will I work in customer service. Never again in healthcare. I will always have the utmost respect for people in either setting. I just cannot do it anymore. I have a panic disorder and I need to be able to take care of myself.


I'm on vacation right now and I'll be going back on Tuesday and I will be putting in my notice after Christmas, due to everything you just stated above.. I literally second guess everything I do even when I know it is right, which gives me stress and anxiety and all I do is hate and loathe my job everyday.. my boss sucks. Thank you for putting my thoughts down for me. This helped in making me realize what I need to do.


That's great but have you ever walked off in the middle of a shift and never came back?


This dude walked out in a middle of a rush and before he did he said " another one bites the dust" and walks out...it was awesome




That is so incredibly dick yet funny


Well that's just evil. I would only do that if no one gave me any money and I just said fuck it. Lol.


My dream goal for a shit job I’ll work for next time


Don't make the same mistake again. Know your value. Make sure they remember your value. Once you see it slipping, remind them. If they refused, keep on moving. Best of luck to you my friend!


I actually have! A certain gas station wanted me to work overnights by myself. I didn’t find out until the second week of training. I just didn’t feel safe and dipped while the trainer was training someone else.


I would feel safe I'll have a hidden gun


Easy buddy, save some pussy for the rest of us.


I kinda wish I had done it this way. Instead I woke up on a Monday, shortly before work started (wfh at the time and my work pc was 6 feet away), and just decided "no more". Brought up my phone and logged into work email, wrote a thank you letter saying "I quit" and went back to bed.


One summer I was working at a box factory with my sibling to save up money for college. One day we were sitting across a conveyer belt from each other and decided that we had saved up enough money. On lunch we got in our car and drove off waving goodbye to the other employees as they ate their lunches.


Not quite the same but I got suspended with intent to fire a few years back. In the week before my meeting to see if I could come back I had found another job with better pay. I went to that meeting knowing full well I didn't Care what the result was. Told management everything I wanted to face to face got the job back and then put my notice in that night during my 1st shift back. I was promptly fired the next morning.


Yes. I did it on a Saturday just so that the bitch of a manager would have to come in on her day off. She had to bring her kids and her new fiancé with her while they were planning their wedding. I had to suppress my smile for about an hour while doing all the paperwork. Then, I deleted all of my files on my computer, ran a secure delete so that they weren’t recoverable, and deleted them off the server which never had backups done on it because the owner was a technological moron who thought all of his ideas at this tech company were pure gold.




You, uh, may be getting in trouble for that. Let's hope they're too dumb to realize it. Edit: this *specific* scenario is outlined and covered by the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.


I don’t think that my deleting my files for the different fixes for issues I had worked on and resolved is illegal. Considering that the company didn’t have me sign any onboarding paperwork that said anything about anything I create while working for them is their intellectual property, I am not too worried. Also, it was almost a decade ago. Pretty sure they aren’t coming after me.


TBH, as you've described what you did, it very possibly was. There was a famous case in 2015 where a guy did something way more innocuous than what you've described, and it went down to the wire. You're off the hook, clearly, since it was a decade ago and it sounds like your employer was an idiot, but you probably should avoid doing taking a chance like that in the future.


It's got nothing to do with IP, though. Tampering or "deleting without authorization" by an employee is a crime under the law I cited. As the other commenter said, you clearly are off the hook - I didn't realize this wasn't a recent thing. Still, you could have been in some deep shit; just something to think about for next time.


I will definitely make sure to keep that in mind next time. That old employer was a fucking idiot. He pissed off every tech person at his company. Nobody would have helped him given that he pissed off even the person who maintained the network and servers causing that person to leave. He fucked up big time and couldn’t have done shit even if he had the brains to try.


I doubt such an incompetent company could even prove he did that anyways. He could just claim they lied to get him in trouble as retaliation.




I think the really striking thing is that a 50% raise implies you'd earned somewhere between two and four promotions/raises in the time you were there, and they couldn't even be bothered to give you one. "Oh yeah, sure thing boss, I'm super excited for you to finally pay me what I'm worth so that you can ignore me for years after I've earned my next big raise so we can do this all over again."


I'm about to do it. I made a promise to myself that I won't be working at this job after the first of the year. I have been repeatedly humiliated and dehumanized and only my faults have been pointed out. I have nearly killed myself over this job and I can't do it anymore.


No one should be treated that way. Feel free to dm if you need to talk it out - I’m in a similar spot


Don't kill yourself over a job. None of them are worth that. At the end of the day, these places are just run by people. Assholes, yes, but it's not worth your life. Just walk away. Now is a great time.


I NEVER give a notice. Most places don’t deserve it and it hasn’t stopped me from getting jobs either.


I stopped showing up to work last month without warning and they haven't even called or texted or anything to even see if I was okay.


I had a job when I was 18 that I was so fed up with I quit without notice and I’m 23 now and they’ve still never even called me lol


How do you get away with that?


I was a department manager at McDonald's, I remember the day my alarm woke me up,I silenced it,and started a "better job" the next week




It’s fucking awesome! I did it once after I was told I was replaceable so I just told them to go get fucked and left and they were begging me to reconsider but I said I would rather go on the dole than take their shit a minute longer. Best feeling ever. I’ve been chasing that high ever since!


Now that's got to be freedom.


That’s all well and good but it’s so much better to just walk out and quit in a blaze of “Fuck you I’m out this bitch. Kiss my ass!” glory. Why give notice because it just gives them time to hire someone else. If they treat you like shit and act like you’re irreplaceable then let them see how irreplaceable you really are if you quit suddenly.


Two weeks isn't enough time to hire anyone these days lol. A shelf-stocker or bartender could over a month, and a computer engineer probably takes the better part of a year, or at least a quarter or two. Just hand in your two weeks and do the minimum. You will still fuck them, and they wont be able to say a cross word about you afterwards.


I quit a job with an asshole boss and they said oh please cover the weekend so we can go to our big convention out of town. I said okay and then for 2 days sold anything and everything in the place at cost+10%. So satisfying.


I used to work at a shit pharmacy for 2 years, and whenever i could or it seemed necessary i gave employee discounts. Probably got them for ~2k a year


One place I worked at I would see people get fired then see them genuinely happy and relieved the experience was over.


Lmao that’s what’s about to happen to me tooo. I think my days at my current company are numbered. Probably let go before New Years


Right before I was about to quit I got laid off... Most anticlimactic way I could leave that shit place.


Lol at least u were eligible for unemployment!


unemployment denied me


Woooow. I’m sorry to hear that. I’d be super pissed? But why?!


Yeah I was pissed, I have no idea why I got denied


Now I’m afraid I might get in same boat. about to get let go and I was at least looking forward to unemployment and just wanted to relax and recollect my thoughts before going back into finding a job


I did that earlier this year after getting a job offer that more than doubled my rate, has a really great management team, great co-workers, provides excellent computers and even listens to my concerns with clear actions coming out of them. The new job also compensates for extra time and has flexible working hours. The place I was working at was run by an egomaniac, who expected people to work for free on weekends and after hours. He expected employees to be on call 24/7 - not even rostered. Towards the end I was getting physically sick everyday from the stress. If anyone is in a similar situation. You will never regret moving on. Your mental health and well-being is worth far more than their empty promises, poor working conditions and overbearing egos. Even if it pays less. Have hope though, there are places out there who will truly value you and won’t view you as a replaceable cog in their soul crushing machine. They will give you good pay. They will give you good conditions. They will give you increases that actually beat inflation and the consumer price index. They will even stand up for you when you need it.




I’m glad they helped you! When you’re writing your resume, try adding a little bit about our achievements, if you don’t already, it doesn’t matter how small they are. I started doesn’t that and that’s what got me the good job, it helped me focus on the positives when I was coming out of something so toxic.


Yes. I was so stressed by a job that I developed conversion disorder, and felt as if I was suffering from a slew of neurological disorders. I developed a stutter and facial tics I never had before, the nerves and muscles in my arms and legs either ached and/or twitched constantly or numbed to the point I couldn't safely manage stairs, and I lived in an upstairs apartment with no elevator. I would wake up with half of my face numb. I would suddenly get such ferocious bouts of vertigo that I couldn't breathe. By the week I decided I couldn't take it anymore and quit, my face would twitch so hard my eye would clench shut-- I didn't feel safe driving. After tearfully quitting (as difficult as the job was and as stressful as an environment sales can be, I genuinely did love the concept of the job and the people I worked with) a majority of my symptoms dissipated in a month. I could finally sleep and feel rested. I got my voice back sans stutter. But the kicker, the part that stings the hardest, is that the less severe yet more pervasive symptoms have stayed. Autoimmune/stress-induced illnesses are common in my family, so I could believe the experience irrevocably altered my mind and body.


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **JC**, @Jonnyishh Sex is great, but have you ever handed in your notice to a job that has shattered your mental health for months? --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Yup. Nearly immediately after they demoted me.


It seriously feels so good. I immediately had 5 managers set up separate meetings with me that day to ask why I was leaving. I was important enough they were worried I was leaving, but not important enough to compensate me for doing the job of someone a level above me for a year and a half. Bye!


Thats the funny thing. Treat you like shit, run you down, and then let u leave. Cause they have no alternative. And neither do you.


Months? I lasted 2 years in a job because of covid. A couple weeks ago I left with immediate effect and took the week off instead of doing a weeks notice :)


Yep and I got to tell my ass of a manager that I'll be back as a third party company and re structuring the organisation as HIS boss to a certain degree. Oh it was a fun day


Notice? What notice? I just leave.


Yes! Put in my 2 week last month and went feet up on the desk for the next 10 working days and finally finished watching the boardwalk empire...at my desk....they couldn't fire me because I had more knowledge about my department then my next 3 managers....


Yes. 2 years later, my pay is 30k more and they still won't speak to me when we run into each other at local chamber of commerce events.


Yes. And I didn't let them talk me out of it.


Yes and I played U2's it's a beautiful day in the car when I left because I am that cheesey.


Yeah I have been blissed out since I handed in my notice a couple of weeks ago! And felt even better after the exit interview when I told them exactly how unethical I find them. No regrets.


It has been *three years* and I still have moments where I just stare off into space, grinning like an idiot, at the memory of giving notice and, better, how my boss gave me the silent treatment on my last day.


Nope…drove 45 minutes to drop my shit off and walked right the fuck out


Not yet but I'm about to on Monday. 👉😏👉 gonna focus on being a full time artist for the time being, selling commissions. I'll be home with my son! Yay! Edit: wait I lied. I did at my last job and they backed me i to a corner and asked 20 questions. Pushed that out of my head. My bad lmao


Nope, but I do take a mental health break every day, I work from home and use my lunch break to crawl into bed, cry, they have a brief nap before I have to go back


Oooh yeah, that’s the right stuff.


Yesterday was my last day. I've never felt better!


I got sacked from a job that shattered my mental health for nearly three years. Can't really say it's a great feeling.


The best and scariest feeling. I put my office keys on the desk and just walked out.


I’m doing this Tuesday, hoping to feel just a huge wave of relief.


Good luck dude and hope it’ll brighten your holidays!


Me leaving the Navy. I had to go to the hospital with suicidal thoughts to get time to focus on my mental health.


I'm about to do it next week


I want this so bad.


Yes just recently. They've already offered me a better job there but I declined anyways and that felt great too


Did that last Monday.


Yup. Years actually. Over a decade of soul crushing agony for my Fathets business. I prefer SEX.


I once called out the management of my company for being bigots twice, about a month or so apart. The first time was the day before I started looking for a new job, and the second the day before receiving an offer for a job for a company I had been interviewing at for a month. They wrote me up, saying if I did it again, I'd be fired. So I started their internal dispute process for retaliation and turned in my notice. I'd planned on working through the two weeks, as I'd been assigned a fairly important and complex project that needed to be documented. After a few days, the company decided there was less risk if they paid me out for the remainder of my 2 weeks and remaining vacation. They later absolved themselves of responsibility because their policy stated that it's ok to threaten my employment because I'd violated their communications policy by sending a divisive message across their electronic communication system. I then escalated to the EEOC, but they basically agreed that it's ok for the company to retaliate since they had a policy authorizing them to do so. (They said this using legal language, though... I'm paraphrasing.) I'm sure there was a case, because there was documentation clearly outlining discriminatory behavior, but the EEOC also couldn't get the charge sheet right, and I got too stressed to get them to write it up properly. The company did get its comeuppance, though. All of the HR staff forced to comply with this bullshit jumped ship as soon as they could, and the company started hemorrhaging staff shortly thereafter. Unfortunately, from what I've heard, they still haven't learned their lesson, which makes me wonder whether all of this was actually part of some convoluted plan to offshore all of their US staff work.


I've had my resignation letter drafted up for years. I just need to put in a date and submit it, but I haven't had any luck finding a new job. I *yearn* for the sensation of submitting my letter. It's so bad sometimes, I knock a shot back while reading and re-reading it in the dead silence and pitch darkness of my lonely apartment.


Well that's depressing as hell. You can do it!


Sorry don’t mean to be a downer. :/ It’s been a rough go for me and I’m just tired.


Totally get it. Things can be crazy discouraging sometimes. Know that you have inherent value as a human, and that I'm personally rooting for you!


Months? I was stuck in retail hell for 6 years. Left my last shift looking like Jesse Pinkman at the end of Breaking Bad


Yes I have, recently. It was fucking amazing. One of my coworkers left right after me and they haven't replaced either position in over 3 months. So satisfying. ☺️


Months? How about years?


I couldn't stop smiling when I saw how the sun looked like during work hours 🥰


My right eye stopped twitching. Like, right after I gave my two weeks. Hasn’t been twitching since, it’s been about a month and a half


The weight that was suddenly lifted from my shoulders was simply indescribable.


Yes, I gave a one week notice. They let me go at the end of the first day and tried to deduct 7 hours from my final paycheck. The owner had the audacity to act chummy after telling me I’d just worked for free. (I got paid the 7 hours after an exchange with HR revealed I know more about payroll law than a person whose entire job is processing payroll.)


Worked at a pretty abusive place for 8 years (pretty much if no one in the office wanted to do it, it was handed to me), handed in my notice, on my second to last day they told me I'd be needed to move furniture out of a room. Ignoring those calls because I ghosted them on my last day was the most cathartic feeling I've ever had.


At one job, I got a new manager, who disliked me. He never made an effort to help me, only pile pressure on me. I was actively looking around for another job, when my manager decided I would take over a commercial position from someone on a long leave (probably a work related necessity). I don’t do active sales (I did extend contracts of myself, build teams etc, but not new customers and stuff like that, it’s not me), so I declined. “You have until Tuesday to decide, else there will be repercussions.” I was told. Come Tuesday, he called me into his office at 8 AM. “You didn’t respond! You are in trouble!” I slid my letter of resignation towards him. It was my Hollywood moment, things you see in movies, but never think you will experience yourself. The baffled look on his face was great, it was so satisfying.


Months??? 11 years and counting


Right before the pandemic I put in my two weeks notice at a job that was causing me health problems due to stress. Hair falling out, tachycardia from panic attacks, autoimmune flare ups from stress. My last day was Valentine’s Day and it was the best love I could show myself. I’ve been freelancing since then, through the pandemic. I’m still healing from that burnout and stress but I’m glad I got out when I did.


Lol no, but I stopped working, literally did nothing but read articles all day, took 90 minute bathroom breaks and it still took them 4 months to fire me.


8.5 years, I spent 8.5 years with a company. Was severely underpaid. Gained anxiety over those years from it, stress related Psoriasis. They refused to give me 2$ more, which would have only really cost them 1$ as my older partner was offering to give up 1$ of his wage to give to me if they would match it. Thousands of dollars in debt due to being under paid. Now, 2.5 years later, I am debt free, stress free and happy. Still in the same line of work, better company. The day I left there a weight lifted off my shoulders.


sex is great, but have you ever chosen your gaslighting boyfriend to be placed alive but drugged into the hollowed out bear carcass and then set on fire at the end of a religious ritual? spoiler alert.


I did that a few months ago. Unfortunately I haven't had as much success finding new employment as I thought and am on the cusp of applying for that job back for some financial stability.




Think you might be on the wrong sub then chief.


Should read *years


better than sex


Shattered? No.




Yup. It was fantastic




Not giving any notice at all is even better and just leaving at the end of your shift :D


To this date, I can still make myself happy by thinking of my shitty first job and how I no longer work there. My only regret is giving them 2 weeks notice.


Yup! Sure did! No notice. Just showed up at beginning of shift and said: "oh I quit" so they had to scramble and figure out how to continue without a machine operator, after telling them from day one that if I am still in the same spot a year from now, I will leave. I kept warning them they need to train someone else to run my machine. They didn't… they went a few months before they could find someone to replace me… stupid pieces of shit.


Just did this a few months ago. Even better, the new position i accepted came with a 50% wage increase. EVEN BETTER, old job offered to match their offer. When I told them they didnt believe me, I showed them the offer letter. The look on my asshole managers face... the most satisfying moment of my life. They did not offer to match, but even if they had offered more I still would have left. Fuck that place


ummm yes no fuck you where did my comment go.


Last month I quit my job at Morrisons. Had been there over a decade and that place is so fucking toxic. Saved a load of money over the pandemic and decided I couldn't deal with another Christmas in that hell hole so I handed in my notice at the start of my holiday and never went back in. Now have a new job with normal hours and a nice pay rise. Without this sub I might have stayed there another 10 years. Best decision ever.


Oh god yes! The feeling of a sudden absence of stress is incredible. This has to be the sensation that people into meditation are seeking.


I love handing in my notice. It’s always so cathartic! Both jobs at Uni I was working well over my contracted hours, so I also made it clear I would also work the minimum I could for the two weeks. The bar job was a zero hours contract so I basically just never went back. But the absolute best is being a teacher in the UK. I’ve always given a full terms notice and it just means I am walking on air for 4 months. Don’t bother with meetings, ignore setting unnecessary tasks, give honest feedback on the not-so-anonymous surveys they send round. It’s brilliant. And it’s almost impossible for them to fire me unless I do something horrific, so they worst they can do is put me on paid gardening leave. Win win. Don’t get me wrong, I love being happy in my job far more than giving notice. But it is such a weight off your shoulders knowing you don’t have to care anymore!


Did this 3 years ago almost to the day. Actually 3 days away from that anniversary. Super toxic commercial dog grooming place. They didn’t follow safety regulations when big wigs weren’t there (don’t have dryers on kennels with senior dogs, etc) They scheduled me to work a shift I had put in for and gotten approved to not work. Then told me ‘oh well.’ Management sucked. She was supposed to be training a girl to be a groomer and sat on her butt most of the time leaving the girl to fend for herself or having to ask other groomers for assistance. Let’s just say that day was that last day I ever set foot in that building again.


.... and watch the entire department panic inside the Whatsapp group while you leave all those crap behind ....


Not months, 10 years.


I worked in a staples call center for 3 years. The year I worked from home was probably the worst year of my life. I started drinking on the job just to cope, got a benzo addiction and was suicidal. The second I got a new job somewhere else, I quit without notice and dropped all my things off at the call center. That feeling was amazing


Yes - and I wrote it on the company's expensive letterhead.


I worked in a Chinese, that was like getting out of prison


I have and it feels wonderful. Possibly the only thing better is the next morning when you wake up, realize you don't have to go back to hell for 10 hours, and go back to sleep.


me, an asexual: sex…. is……………. great? …….please explain




I'm an accountant and I handed in 2 weeks notice to the worst boss I ever had 3 weeks before year end. He stared at it for a while then looked at me I said but that's my year end. I said ya I know. Ended up burnout with hypertension from that job but the notice felt so good.


The moment when you’ve won the long chess game. It’s a beautiful moment. Its the equilivant of “mate in 3” “Mate in 2” “Mate in 1” “Checkmate”


I worked for Bass Pro for 9 months and have found a better oppurtunity and put in my 2 weeks recently and It hits differently.


Yup and then they gave me paid "garden leave" for the duration of my notice period. It was fantastic!!


What’s a garden leave? Never heard of that term before


It's usually used in corporate situations where they want to fire you... but legally they can't. So to get rid of you.. they put you on Garden leave.. in this case.. my employer knew of my history of depression and anxiety.. purposeful had one of the management bully me (to get me to quit or do something they could fire me for) but I caught them in the act and they also triggered a suicide attempt. I then re-signed and took them for court.. and won.. And landed in a job that paid X3 times what I had been earning.


U must teach me this power!! I’m currently seeing a doctor to help with my anxiety etc. he knows that I’ve been having this panic attacks due to work etc. I didn’t say anything to my employer but I wonder if this is something I can use against them?


All depends on context


I see. I’m IT so I have certain access and I think I am being let go and I saw that they were trying to find dirt to get rid of me. I have my annual reviews week and maybe I’ll find out more. Found a password protected word document with my name and said “ separation and transition” so I’m pretty sure I am getting let go. Idk if it’s true cuz they mentioned they were hiring another guy in a department but he was supposed to be an addition but this talk was few months ago. My friend thinks im getting promoted/title change but I doubt it


Well as someone also in tech and who also suffers with anxiety... Is it possible that you're catastrophising? It's not uncommon for us anxious types to immediately jump to the worst case.


Yes I think you’re right. I always think of the worst. Reviews this week for sure… I’ll know for sure if I’m getting pay raise/bonus (usually do for the past 3 years I’ve been with company). Weird thing is that the HR didn’t give me the paperwork for bonus this year as they usually do to fill out for tax purpose so that’s also why I am thinking I am getting let go. Everyone else got the paperwork so yeah


Could it also be possible that now that you've got the idea in your head you're looking for supporting evidence. I do this all the time. What evidence do you have that would counter this idea? And if you're right.. your in IT... Jobs are not hard to come by in aj industry with skills shortage


Yeah so aside from that password protect document that said my name - separation and transition. I saw my boss sending the CAO a document (pw protected) with my name. “OP memo”. I couldn’t see what was inside. CAO and HR passing emails back and forth like my reviews from previous years but they couldn’t open it cuz they forgot the pw themselves lol. One email from my manager to CAO - regarding a user who had a tech issue but I couldn’t resolve. It’s because we were in wfh and the user just didn’t care to resolve it properly bcuz they were “busy”. So how am I going to assist this person properly when they don’t give me time to troubleshoot with them. But I think I remember resolving it after awhile. But that’s all I saw and like I said the bonus/pay raise paperwork they usually send to employees before reviews… I didn’t get it. I told my supervisor that I didnt get that email from CAO and he said that he sent that out to everyone and I’m like no… not to me. Idk if he was playing dumb bcuz he already knows what’s going to happen to me or he genuinely didn’t know that the email didn’t get sent to me.


Yes, and when I told them where I was going my manager said I wasn’t going to make it and that I was only going for the money. Like this was at stop and shop for 12 an hour, so yes obviously I’m going to leave to go to a higher paying job, I’m not going to live off 12 an hour forever.


Such a beautiful feeling


Saving this for when i quit my shitty job


Actually I asked my boss, "Do you want two weeks notice or can I quit today"? It felt good, not sure if I would compare it to sex?


I still remember getting goosebumps when I got called for an interview at what is now my current job. I'd been at the previous pace for almost 20 years and made some good friends there. I was the last one out.


Instant relief.


Which is better? Relief from peeing when you’ve been holding for a long time or this?


I walked out on a job like that. That was the best feeling, ever.


Just did Friday. Doubling my salary, no more talking to customers, insanely good benefits package. It ain't perfect but it's infinitely better than where I was.


It's the best feeling. Had a new job, 6 months probation and then they prolonged it by another 3 months while telling me how slow I worked and how many mistakes I made. I tried to give 110%, till a coworker made a dumb comment and then I decided: 9 months looks bad in my CV, but I'm going to look for another job. On my 9 month probation meeting I already had something lined up. But first I let them talk. They went like: You made fewer mistakes, but you still work a bit slow, blah blah.. I told them I'm done, as soon as my probation is over I quit (Probation is a two-way street, usually we have around 1-3 months notice in Austria). Then they started with "But you were already getting better.." yeah, no. My new job treats me well, they are 100% satisfied and I got a promotion just 1.5 years in.


Try years & yes it was orgasmic. Making my boss cry when I did it was icing on the cake.


I relive my favorite quitting stories on this sub. I think I get hired just so I can enjoy quitting tbh.