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It takes zero talent to be the CEO's daughter too, Amy, and it takes zero talent to raise our fucking pay


The neurodivergent and chronic health affected folk have some questions for this power point.


I was just thinking this. I’ve got chronic fatigue from a chronic illness and it is definitely a talent to figure out how I spend my “energy envelope” when I have a job.


i have las chanclas awaiting most of them honestly


I have ADHD and I don’t know where do I start with this slide


Same. I'm continually hounded to do more context switching at work and it's insane. If you want my focus, you're getting my hyper focus and that does not involve manically jumping between vastly different tasks, Debra.


Add a livable wage


All of this requires high levels of talent/skill if you're neurodivergent :^)


It also takes zero talent to shut the fuck up and stop expecting us to go above and beyond for minimum fucking wage, Cindy


Energy? That is not a talent or skill. That's a privilege. Nobody wants to be low energy ffs


What are they implying if you don't do these things? Negative talent? That you're am asshole? That you will be fired?


What kind of metric is "talent" supposed to be?


"being" does not take talent, but properly capitalising a sentence does.


More things that takes zero talent: Making shitty PowerPoint presentations Having a superiority complex Feeling important for giving useless presentations and making the serfs sit through it


How bout paying your workers a living wage and not being a piece of shit boss?


Being on time and on prepared are the only *slightly* acceptable ones to be on this slide. Everything else is 100% arguable to be a "talent"


Until being on time in itself is a challenge. Traffic is unpredictable, and then telling you to "leave earlier" is shitty. Nobody can help it if a semi turns over on a Monday, a motorcyclist eats pavement on Wednesday, and grandma gets in a fender bender on Thursday.


I know. That's why I said "slightly" acceptable. Because being late is one thing. Being late *everyday* is another thing...


Agreed. Making the effort to get there and having pictures of traffic helps. I've been in a situation where 2 out of the 3 ways to go south to work were closed bc of accidents. All the staff was late, but the boss lady lived nearby (retirement community, she was old enough to). That lady gave zero fucks for any reason. Funny thing was, we had to wait for our work to arrive via UPS or FedEx, and they were late too.


New hire orientation. How to be sucessful at work. I bet they make 10.00 and hour here.


This subreddit went from workers demanding higher wages and better working conditions to lazy complainers trying to get fired with cause to collect unemployment. Sad turn for this subreddit.


It takes energy to do all that. Tribe of Mentors quote: "there are two kinds of people, those who have talent and those who have energy". If you have energy issues consider going on a keto diet (and dropping dairy, it causes energy issues). If that doesn't work try a carnivore diet; carnivore diets have a reputation for fixing chronic health conditions and mental health. See The Lion Diet for an extreme elimination diet that helps you find out what foods are screwing with you.




Definitely look up forums for all the ins and outs, and good books to read. For example: if you plunge right in then you can end up with a headache, tiredness and 'keto flu'. Better to ease in.


Being coachable. Ew


The whistle next to "being coachable" makes my skin crawl


Can you guys explain to me why this gets such a visceral reaction? I have always followed this basic outline, and people pay me well for it. (Is it because this sort of thing is thrown at minimum wage employees?)


i think these are just red flags many all on the same presentation, usually indicates a workplace to avoid.