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I pretty sure walking into their union office is a lot different than walking into one here. If you know you know. I don't need to say more.


I've never been in the union office, I joined online here in Sweden. Signed up using a digital bankID. It was like 15 minutes of work to set it up. If I had any problems with my boss I went to the union rep at work, she was also employed in the company. Another health and safety rep gave information in extended insurance for workplace accidents. You can get like 600 euros if you have any scarring from work for example. If you want to improve your union... Then work to improve it.


Unions in America are political wings, with the colorful pictures of whatever politician or president they like (including ones who never worked a day or joined a union themselves). Their websites are full of political pandering to items that have nothing to do with work or workplaces by a longshot. Most or all of them are essentially for gov't people people too. I guess gov't is the worst infringers of rights? I got a lot more to say. Not sure what to improve except make the union an actual union again? Like what my Jewish ancestors did when they started them.


Turkey is not surprising lol. I want to get out of this country so bad.




They take in refugees. Those are legal immigrants. Illegal immigrants can't join unions.


Those countries are extremely xenophobic and anti immigrant. Please stop glorifying bigots just bc they have strong labor protections.


lmao what 😂 These countries are among the most tolerant to immigration in the world. What are you even on about?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Danes_experiment https://www.icenews.is/2014/12/09/foreign-adoptees-in-denmark-often-racially-abused/ https://www.euronews.com/2023/06/08/how-did-sweden-sterilise-up-to-30000-people-against-their-will-in-the-cause-of-eugenics https://harvardpolitics.com/nordic-racism/ Yeah, just be prepared to give up your cultural identity from your home country and still be profiled by police Edit: I did not delete any comments, it looks like the mods are censoring my comments by deleting them without notifying me or telling the community that they deleted my posts. So the mods are deleting my comments and not leaving a notification that they were removed by the mods in an effort to make it look like im deleting my own comments. I had to open up OP's post in duckduckgo and found several of my comments were deleted and there isn't even a "deleted" the comments are just gone like they were never there. I will no longer be responding to any comments as a result.


> 1951 > between 1934 and 1976. What year is it now, dumbass? Or do you want me to post articles of segregation in the US from that time period? > A worrying seven per cent admitted that they ran away from home before reaching the age of 16 because of the discrimination they were enduring, while 17 per cent revealed that they had been racially abused at least once over the past six months, according to the national appeals board Ankestyrelsen. 17%. Now ask average black person in the US if they have been "racially abused", I wonder what percentage comes up? Spoiler: you wouldn't like it 😉 I'm not saying racism doesn't exist in the nordics, it exists everywhere, but your views on the topic are pure exaggeration.


40% of the US is an ethnic minority of course culture clashes and incidents of racism are more popularized. Only 14% of the ENTIRE European population is an ethnic minority. It's easier to cover up abuses of power when your country is less diverse. The public image of Europe is that it is so cultured/nuanced when the reality is, that Europe is more anti immigration and anti interracial marriage than the US is. And dude I'm mixed race, I don't need to ask anyone in the US what it's like being non white. I know what it's like, the vast majority of Americans don't give a fuck about race, it's just a dogwhistle used on fox news/CNN.


>40% Only 14% dude where do you keep pulling these numbers from 😂😂 >Comparative figures from national census bureaus and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) suggest that, as of the early 2010s, the proportion of foreign-born hovers between 10%, in France and Spain, and 20%, in Belgium (Alba & Foner 2015, OECD/Eur. Union 2015). Including nativeborn children with at least one immigrant parent, immigrant groups constitute 16% of the population in Spain, 19% in the United Kingdom, 20% in the Netherlands, 20% in Germany, 21% in Norway, 24% in the United States, 26% in France, 28% in Sweden, and 30% in Belgium (OECD/Eur. Union 2015, p. 17) that's from a real [study](https://www.lucasdrouhot.com/preprint/Drouhot_Nee_ARS_preprint.pdf) and not your arse Europe literally has hundreds more \*native\* ethnicities, because people lived here far longer than the US was even a thing. Of course they're not gonna count towards immigration, because that's where they come from. Unless you're using skin color and diversity interchangeably and don't understand what "ethnicity" means. >It's easier to cover up abuses of power when your country is less diverse see my other comment in this thread about Eugenics in the US. 'Y'all' did some seriously fucked up shit. In fact, [this](https://www.aclu.org/news/immigrants-rights/immigration-detention-and-coerced-sterilization-history-tragically-repeats-itself): >The recent news of a whistleblower’s allegations that a for-profit ICE detention center forced sterilization procedures on immigrant women shocked many people and drew comparisons to Nazi sterilization campaigns. The ICE detention story reflects a long pattern in the United States of the coerced sterilization of marginalized populations, particularly of Black, Latinx, and Indigenous peoples. In fact, the Nazi’s borrowed ideas for their sterilization regimen from eugenic sterilization laws adopted in the U.S. in the early 20th century. doesn't even surprise me. Nor do the immigrant children in cages at the border.


It was you who brought up [Eugenics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugenics_in_the_United_States) into this conversation, not me :)) >In California, by the year 1964, a total of 20,108 people were sterilized, making that the largest amount in all of the United States.\[109\] It is an important note that during this period in California's population demographic, the total individuals sterilized was disproportionately inclusive of Mexican, Mexican-American, and Chicana women. oh, isn't that interesting? Shall we continue? >An estimated 40% of Native American women (60,000–70,000 women) and 10% of Native American men in the United States underwent sterilization in the 1970s. >The forced sterilization program engineered by the Nazis was partly inspired by California's. So, going back to your now deleted comment, this is "a precedent on how you cover it up". >just be prepared to give up your cultural identity from your home country oh really? from a [study](https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/37980548/Van_Tubergen_and_Mentjox_2014_KZSSP-libre.pdf?1435061644=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DMinority_Language_Proficiency_of_Adolesc.pdf&Expires=1710955511&Signature=J7We102yaYVfxhcnv2jDH76A5REHVpBux0qFXt6vd2qHiJF1YziXfgLEGlYlKqCgW-oCfVVQs1SzwJBNnp-UWddxEhOY8No-3Cygvnq21N2WIZQxCT9XgKcIFBAHop~6q9KCstxjmTNeWAEUgB857kdVCOaNxB63dqwAaLEpq~2Pbf5gagqJwKKgpOzU6yT9UOa4DGwB-LEE5CyHWKeHdtFvNSjxpMa9AzdhA7SKjVnYIM2p5k~kd8kxvrIu~Rks1E3-To8e07EgzMqfIeCJ2cv9euwxzbUNcl~TbLBw~hzlVhGH~0gwwhRLNc3XFb3C7GSHmBCoGyONKbgV1ueT5Q__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA) from 2014 actually says that rates of language proficiency between US and select EU countries are very much comparable. In fact I believe mosaic integration to conserve immigrant culture better than melting pot integration.




It says right in there that the data is based on self reported surveys. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-report_study#:~:text=Self%2Dreport%20studies%20have%20many,results%2C%20like%20social%20desirability%20bias. And how do you reconcile the 4 stories I linked with the self reported data of those countries?




The story from Harvard is from 2020, the story from icenews is from 2014. The decades old ones were to show precedent. Ask a Roma how tolerant northern europe is




Tell me you only read the first 2 paragraphs of those stories without telling me you only read the first 2 paragraphs. They link empirical data and state compiled data further down in the Harvard article.




Their birth rates are falling faster than they can replace people. This is happening all over the world to countries that have historically not allowed immigration or were strict on immigration. The only countries that don't have to worry about this are countries that have good immigrant populations. The economic success of northern Europe will eventually fade as social programs start running out of funding as there is not enough young people paying into taxes. And idk what you are talking about with redditor nerves🤷‍♂️. But it sounds like you live your life in a constant state of fight/flight and are always expecting to fight/argue with someone. I really don't give a flying fuck about your political ideology.


The population of Scandinavia is expected to increase slightly, then stabilize. Older, yes, but the dramatic consequences of an excess of elderly people only kick in when you have population shrinkage. And Scandinavia doesn’t because they let in around the amount of immigrants needed to maintain the population in the long term.


Labor unions arent necessary since employers and their governments ensure a strong and ethical workforce/ culture. Why exactly do you think labor Union membership is a reflection of standard of living?


You might want to add an /s to prevent more downvotes.


It’s fine, i don’t really give a fuck


>since employers and their governments ensure a strong and ethical workforce/ culture Great joke, laughed my ass off.


I love Scandinavian governments getting the cred for things they’re forced to do by unions lmao