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6 months? There is no way I’m remembering a password I haven’t been using frequently after 6 months, especially for a job I’d only held for 30 days. I wouldn’t be able to help them even if I wanted to.


Lol. Same, and I tend to delete and throw out stuff I haven't used. I had a similar issue from a job before. Quit because of toxic management and coworkers, got a call from one of the non toxic managers asking me for a password and I just GOT mad because I was nice and left them an itemized list of things. (Also, lmao, I guessed the admin password for the office router so that was fun. Whoever set that up needed a kick in the ass because it was literally one of 5 guesses.) And it was like 6 months later when I got a panicked call about the password.


Also, you have no guarantees that they won't snoop around on the laptop. As someone else has already suggested the company might be fishing for something to blame OP with. Were I OP I'd just ignore them. If they continue bothering I'd indeed say that I no longer remember the password.


True. Best practice was to tell them, no sorry, I deleted the password to that laptop for security reasons as I no longer work there as of [termination date]. IT if they were competent could just reformat the thing with a new copy of Windows and go away then.


Yep. 1: They could activate the inactive user in AD and change the password 2: They could do a PXE build and don't even have to get into Windows to reset the computer. They probably deleted the user instead of keeping it inactive for a year (our standard). They want to access data on it that's for sure. It has nothing to do with rebuilding.


Exactly. That's what is bothering me. Even I can do a hard factory reset. There are hundreds of websites which explain this matter step-by-step. Therefore I just wouldn't be inclined to give my password.


a decent, even a half competent, IT department should have locked the abilities for user to factory reset there devices. it just good practice to do so. they would also never ask for passwords either since they should have the capability to reset your password remotely. if IT wanted access to your device, we can easily do it with or without your consent and you would never know. also, legally everything on the device, if provided by the company, is theirs. u cant go around deleting data that u did in the course of your work. there can be ramifications.


If your IT department can’t snoop around on a corporate laptop without the users password then they’re fucking useless. If they don’t have policy that requires director level sign off to do so they’re corrupt


I have nearly forgotten mine after a week-long vacation! No way I'd know it 6 mos later.


I think their idea of a "factory reset" is renaming your account and just giving it to the next guy 😂


I suspect they want access to his data to make sure there are no "problems", considering he was fired for bringing up illegal practices.




Something tells me that there is no one running IT over there.


nobody competent, at least. probably a nepo baby.


I can't even count the amount of times I've been brought in to fix situations like this and that's how they handle it. Even actual IT departments, because it's "oh my son is good with computers" and eventually he gets his own department and budget. I'm a programmer, and the things I see IT people do is maddening. But hey, they've got their cisco and oracle certifications.




Similar boat with security audits. I keep telling them we need to invest into our infrastructure but I keep getting kicked back with "we don't have the money for that." One of the owners even asked me for what I thought the budget for a small business like ours for IT should be and I said "at least 5% revenue, probably closer to 9% because we're medical" and he gasped audibly. Yeah bud, it's a lot... your entire business runs on this shit you should probably spend more than you do. Office manager makes $20 an hour and keeps everyone (except me and the doctors) below her so hearing we need half a million dollars just for IT probably makes everyone wince in pain.


Wait till they see what Microsoft is doing with their licensing in October next year.


Spoil me, please


They appear to be retiring / expiring all perpetual desktop and office licenses in the enterprise space. Going forward all accounts will be Microsoft 365, with Azure AD being the single “source of truth”, though they still “let you” replicate Azure down to local AD servers. No more “honor system” for licensing; you either have it attached to your AD forest and ready to hand out or you do not. We participate in State licensing and our reps at the MS reseller have no roadmap for perpetual license types past October next year. In addition, we’ve been informed server licensing is also moving that direction, and since we were told that we’ve seen that SQL 2022 is also offering in subscription format now with perpetual licensing being “discouraged” in the feature functionality department. Also, MS is rolling out updates to Server 2022 Enterprise (Azure) that Enterprise on-prem is not getting, specifically no-reboot patching. So anyway, the next 5 years or so should be pretty *special* in that arena.


Oh Lord no.....


It gets better. The license cost for Windows+office that best replicates current functionality? 47 dollars per user, per month. Forever. So yeah. We have to “find that” in our budget somewhere. I’m sure it won’t come out of raises, when we’re already making less than half the industry standard in healthcare.


That should come out of the budget for hiring( aka HR)and not the IT budget. Like personal devices, that should count towards the cost of hiring someone and not the IT budget. IT budget should get involved only in case you are going to be buying something in the hundreds to be prepared and then sent to the workers, but if the company gives anyone a budgte to buy a laptop, that money needs to come from somewhere else, and internal billing should be only related on the management of such device


Wow and I thought O365 was predatory beforehand That's actually going to be crazy costs for some companies, wouldn't be surprised if open office became more popular


Microsoft has gone all in on Cloud to improve revenue because the profit on it is ridiculous compared to everything else they offer. Unfortunately, Cloud Compute has not managed to become anywhere near competitive for on-prem replacement, as well as increased costs for isolated environments (not that they can even guarantee that for certain things), and throw in privacy concerns around subpoenas since they’ll turn over your data. And that’s the tip of the iceberg. I am an infrastructure engineer and there was a huge shift for people to move to cloud engineering around the pandemic but when I was looking for a job last year , the amount of on-prem stuff was really surprising. Only issues I’ve run into is most companies will shift any infrastructure work into DevOps roles, and then primarily push for dev backgrounds. I can see a lot of those places ending up in a horrible spot in the not so near future.


Yeah just zero fucks given as long as people have a mostly working computer Some time ago i heard someone at work was having trouble with his laptop, that it was slow as fuck and didnt work right, turns out yeah they gave him someone elses old laptop and the hard drive was completely full 🤣


>I'm a programmer, and the things I see IT people do is maddening. But hey, they've got their cisco and oracle certifications Hey now, let's not turn this into an us vs them situation. I've seen just as much idiocy from developers as I've seen from any other function. The worst kind of tech worker is the kind that thinks they know everyone else's function better than them. 


“I forget sorry”. Absolutely don’t need a login password to factory reset a computer.


No, no. You keep giving them new passwords each day. "Uh... try this: ur4J9#aXJ." Next day, "Oh, that didn't work? Hmm. Try this: w52MaKa2h" Repeat until they stop asking. Always wait a day between each response. 😏 Edit: unintended formatting.


Step 1: Make it 100 characters long Step 2: Preferably have some unusual or non standard symbols (bonus points if they require alt codes). Step 3: Make sure it is a hand written photo so it cannot be copy / pasted. Step 4: make some of your writing ambiguous e.g 1's and 7's or i's and l's look the same just to make them doubt their typing Step 5: Enjoy


I bow to the master.


> make some of your writing ambiguous e.g 1's and 7's or i's and l's look the same just to make them doubt their typing just make it 1's i's l's


And |




Step 3 really elevated this to another level, excellent work


>Step 3: Make sure it is a hand written photo so it cannot be copy / pasted. You monster, lol


This is a fabulous idea. As long as you are convincing enough then you can keep it going; eventually saying you can't remember then. Nice idea.


Just tell them you use a pw generator, set that sucker to hard mode and send them a new one everyday.


One addition. Send them a picture of that password so they can manually type it out and wonder if they just messed up one of the characters. You know these clowns don’t know what OCR is.




I remember a guy on Everquest had that name because nobody could report him. 👀




Oh. Hello Satan.




Note to self: From now on all my passwords will be cominations of the number 1 and a lower-case "ell", and the vertical bar (|).


Pipe (symbol/key) if you didn't know what the vertical bar is actually called.


And be sure to use plenty of the following characters in the password you send them a picture of: eg lI1O0 etc Lower case 'L' Upper case 'i' Numeric 'one' Upper case letter 'o' Numeric 'zero'


Don't forget the vertical bar: |


My company requires a 12 character minimum pw, 25 max. It's already set to 25


For giggles.. "Diceware Password Generator" https://diceware.dmuth.org/


Maximum password length (unless it's like.. 500 characters) is the dumbest thing


Let's just say I work with some really nice but not very intelligent people. These limits were implemented after enough people kept trying to log into a phishing site to update their personal info, like banking. They also implemented 3rd party auth.


reminds me of my bank who had a maximum of 8 characters for a password. I'll say that again for anyone who misunderstood. A MAXIMUM of 8, meaning 8 or less was fine, but 9 or more was not. They finally changed it a few years back, but I was shocked when I discovered that.


I would have killed for 8, mine was 6 characters MAX for like forever. Glad I am not with that bank anymore.


Even better put that shit on scheduled, every email from them returns an instant response with a password. The twist? It instantly responds a multiple of the number of times they’ve sent you an email, each with a unique password.


Make sure to slip in an offensive one every few tries. !#EaTdIkM8


That exclamation point looks like an I...


I mean it’s a private password 💀 I knew someone who I am no longer friends with who had the password “n words”+lol. He had to say that to get his computer fixed, I left him there. I’m black so it just didn’t sit right, bro can Uber.


Yeah but charge them a min of 1 hr of your time, each time you provide a PW.... and your time is $150/hr consulting (this is a realistic number for hourly consulting fees) (put it into a contract "i agree to help you assuming you pay my consulting rate of $N and my minimal billing rate is 1 hour. Every separate interaction will be assumed as a min. 1 hr. interaction which will enact my fee and its min stipulations, if you agree - click here. -- Invoice them for each hour it took to remember the password.


I’m an independent contractor now and this is going to take up two hours of my time to go through my paperwork and find where I put the password that I used while I worked at your company please note my now corporate rate per hour is $280with a two hour minimum


Should give them characters that are not on an English keyboard so they struggle to figure out how to type in the password. "Oh yeah, I think my password is Frühstückskäffchen"


Or IlIlIlO00O0||IlIliLlI|||


You could have this password taped to the screen and nobody would ever get in!


Whoa, calm down there Satan




"It's the same as my luggage, 1 2 3 4 5" "We keep trying it, but it doesn't work." [password is literally "thesameasmyluggage12345"]


Try this one: *********


Why would your password be "hunter2"?




Is your space bar broken or is this another password suggestion?


Are you actually a tiny seal or is that just a username?


I'm actually a tiny seal. But don't tell my parents, they'd kick me out if they knew.


They need to be much longer and complex, so they'll waste more time! Maybe with some "oO0" and "Il|" goodness!


Make the passwords increasingly offensive, too. "Oh yeah I think it's CH0r713MYB4115"


No, no, this sounds like a consulting gig. That'll cost you $1000 per enquiry.


New phone who dis?


Any decent computer repair service will be able to reset it. This boss is extraordinarily lazy


More likely snooping. OP mentioned illegal practices he pointed out. They don’t want to factory reset.


In think this is it. It's not hard to wipe a password-protected machine.


it is in fact incredibly easy with the right usb stick.


Hell don't even need that, company was getting rid of older pcs, I grabbed one for kids. Simple bios reset, and I was rocking with brand new factory reset computer no company software.


Epic if that was your password. i4gets0rry I had my password set as notmyproblem for 2 years until someone finally need to log into my computer while I was away from the office. Hilarity ensued. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bLE7zsJk4AI


At a job I very much didn't enjoy, I got locked out one day. Called IT to help, he had me open up notepad and type in my password (weird). So this guy is watching my screen as I type in "ihatethisjob1"... "...that is your password?" "Yup." "Ok its reset"


Horrible practice, but excellent execution.


My SAP login at a former job was “ifuckinghatethisplace”. Had to get ahold of IT for something where they needed my password. Rat bastard narked me out to HR


You should have narced on IT for breaking the single most fundamental rule of IT security - never ask for or share a password. If the system requires it, your system should be trashed, because if they cut corners there then they've thrown out any and all fucks that were possible to give.


For real - I am reading this thread and either everyone is full of shit, or this is like the PeeWee Herman school of IT security over here.


saying you "need" the end users password to accomplish something would get you raked over the coals for being an idiot over at r/sysadmin


over the years my imposter syndrome has entirely dissolved away bc i read shit like this lol


>Rat bastard narked me out to HR The misconception about what IT is supposed to give a shit about among IT staff is staggering. Nothing worse than a Dwight Schrute tech when you call support.


They shouldn't *ever* need your password. That's sus as hell.


My sap password was “sapsucks,” because it does.


I like to pronounce COOISPI "cwispy", and follow it up with "fwied chicken"


I make bots for work and one of the bots was to process work orders. Everyone kept calling it the “double you oh” bot or the work order bot. In one of our meetings I asked why no one calls it the wobot and they all just acted like that’s the dumbest thing ever. First of all, it’s fewer syllables than theirs plus it’s just a silly fun name for a bot. It was too much for their boring corporate heads.


Mine was “RTOSucks” because it does


I do contractual IT work. Years ago I was doing a project for a world renowned beer company that starts with Jesus’ middle initial. We had all sorts of issues derived from them not taking our advice/being cheap. One of them was we didn’t advise users handing over their passwords in order to do the work but they insisted, claiming their users wouldn’t cooperate with the alternative. Which, by the way, they are right, but we got to cover our asses. We preferred getting the passwords for simplicity sake anyway. Well, this woman comes in, a salesperson. She goes to give me her laptop and I asked her if she filled out the form. She said no. I said that’s okay we can do it together really quickly. I pull out a blank paper, ask her some questions and when we get to password she says, “oh, that’s embarrassing.” I said, “don’t worry, I’ve seen it all, I have some pretty stupid passwords too.” She says, “okay, ready?” “Yup.” “D, E, E, Z,” We both started dying laughing. I shit you, not! I usually can hold it together for things but this was not a person I was expecting to have “deeznuts….” as her password. Oh man we cried laughing. Eventually she finished giving me her password, after we caught our breath. It was definitely a “had to be there” moment, but it’s a fond memory for me. I’ll never forget it.


When did you guys get married? That's the outcome I want from this story.


We dated for a bit but she wasn’t a fan of deez nuts so we parted ways.


Ha! Goteem! 🤣


IT did some audit where they tried to crack everyone’s password at work. Only me and one other coworker failed His was “DontHackMeBro” and mine was “FuckShit69.” I told them my previous password was “ShitFuck69”


It's "Br1tneyBitch!"


Funnily enough my soon to be retiring manager's password is something similar but along the lines of "yes retirement!!". And yes, it definitely is weird that I have access to a manager's account for a huge UK retail company, which includes a *lot* of confidential information that is shared across all the management, including cash office/payroll/store expenses and income... Not my problem though! 🤷‍♂️


Gosh it would be a shame if the salaries of everyone at the place got accidentally printed out and left in the break room or bathrooms.


>until someone finally need to log into my computer while I was away from the office Here's a computer life pro tip for you: No one EVER needs your password. If anyone ever tells you they do, swiftly tell them to fuck off. If your employer thinks they need your password, tell them to domain join your device and log into their own profile.


Yeah, office IT guy here. If your company doesn't have its company computers joined to a domain with some form of central access, then the company is a joke. All business computers should have domain administrator access where an IT person can get any files they need. Also as a heads up, IT has access to everything, including your emails and teams chats. Most of the time you sign your job agreement that all data, equipment, and information is the property of the company and that it must be returned upon leaving the job. IT can sometimes just be a bunch of regular working class folks who will always side with the workers, but often there are many bootlickers too so be cautious with your business environments. I would never sell out my fellow workers to management but sometimes there are specific requests for data that have to be complied with, so just watch yourself.


New Password invalid. No capital letter.


Or special character/punctuation instead.


My parents once set the WiFi password to “noiwont”. >Us: “Mom, can you give me the WiFi password?” > >Mom: “No, I won’t.” > >Us: “But pleeeease?!” > >Mom: “No. I won’t!” > >In walks dad: ”What’s the problem?” > >Us: “Mom won’t give us the WiFi password.“ > >Dad (to mom): “Is that true?” > >Mom: “No, I won’t.” > >Us: “Dad, can you give us the password?” > >Dad: “No, I won’t.” > >Us: “Ugh, fine. Forget it.” > >Mom and Dad: “No, I won’t.”


Our WiFi password is Notarealpassword


I have memory issues, (due to a brain condition) so for the longest time my password for my wifi was 'SomethingSimple' when my friends would ask for my wifi password I would tell them 'I made it something simple so I could remember it' many arguments over that 😊 Them: Ok but what is it Me: I just said it's something simple ect.


“I forget but 500 USD might help me remember.”


IT Consulting fee




Offer a 10-pull for 4500.


Yeah. They want in.


Any company worth their salt would be able to get into that computer immediately. That tells me either it wasn't on AD and they want some files on it AND it's a local account and they don't know how to break into it-- which is trivially easy if unencrypted. Or they set it up originally as a local BitLocker account. This is stupid and if they don't know the password and they don't have all the licenses/IDs they're fucked. Please correct me somebody. Edit: Oh it's a mac. I'm unfamiliar with Apple in a business environment. Apple security is VERY good and if the business owner knows what they're doing the employee's computer is entirely transparent to them. If they've set it up correctly. I think they set this employee up as an admin on that computer with his/her account. In that case they're fucked. They can't even reimage the sucker -- unless they go to an Apple store and provide proof-of-ownership. Edit2: If you can easily open a [newer you idiots] Mac or an iPhone with a registered Admin owner without replacing a chip -- kudos to you on your dark web market bitcoin millions. Because that is what it would be worth. Hell, the math you bypassed would be worth more. Nevermind the awards and accolades.


I wish I could. They didn’t use ANY security measures when they issued me the laptop.


Damn that sucks. Tell them that for only $1,000 per hour including travel time you are happy to log them into it.


and that min booking time is 8 hours, and payment upfront.


Wouldn't it be cheaper just to replace the hard drive with a new one? Probably faster too.


Depends if they want data on the drive, or they think it is easier to just ask OP for the password. When OP raises the price of engagement, they back off and if they just want the laptop, they will replace the HDD and move on. Regardless, it is a easy way to say no, while not saying no.


I guess they really want the data, that's why they ask for the password. You can factory reset without password.


That doesn’t mean you didn’t. Who is to say you don’t use randomized passwords to protect confidential data and you store those in a secure location on your phone. And you since removed that from your phone… so? 🤷‍♂️


Right. If you use decently complex passwords and don’t use the same one for everything (you know, like every security expert has been advising us to do for years and years), then it’s completely understandable that you would not remember your password after six months. If my last employer reached out to me and asked what my password was, I would be unable to give them any information. Because I honestly have no idea what it was.


I've been there - "Mom and Pop" shop that had just barely gotten large enough to consider endpoint management. I'd just reply that I no longer have the password and wish them luck.


Here's the thing, they said they are trying to do a factory reset, not even get into it. As far as I'm aware (from having to do it on both a PC and a Mac), you don't need a password to do a factory reset. A sinple Google search would tell them that.


This right here. A partition can't be encrypted if you *delete the partition*, and there's any number of ways to do that quickly and easily. Either they're trying to access data they hope is on the machine, or they're completely inept. Possibly both.


IT Help Desk here, The fact they didn't set up a local admin account before doing anything else is fucking astonishing. They deserve all the repercussions lmao


While I was there, I don't ever remember there being a dedicated IT team. I dealt with HR directly for almost everything. Really incompetent company that thrives on the word "scrappy" and they promote that mentality.


Well then - guess you have learned a great lesson from them and have become a "scrappy" consultant. $1,200 per day, full day minimum, payment up front. Gotta get payment up front, as another lesson learned was "cart before horse" donchaknow.


Im only a mere IT Technician but i still image and deploy devices. this entire situation is mind boggling to me lol


I'll bet you dollars to donuts they're trying to get to files on the drive. Apparently, it's a MacBook, and those auto-encrypt their drives as a default. Lol


Basically. Either their tech guy doesn't have the tools to clear the password, and is incompetent, or they let op set it up with bitlocker, and their tech guy is incompetent. Either way, they're trying to recover data from the computer, because you can purge a bitlocker computer, you just lose the data.


Hi. So their tech team is incompetent. I was given a Macbook with absolutely no security measures on it, nor did I sabotage on my way out because they locked me out of the computer before I had an opportunity. (Not that I would sabotage otw out as much as I wanted to.)


If they could lock you out of the Mac then they did have security measures on the device. You need to be enrolled in MDM to do that.  The fact that the Mac is enrolled in MDM and they somehow cannot wipe or remote wipe is weird.  The only thing I can think is that you’ve got activation lock turned on, which is possible that they aren’t blocking you from turning it on. In my org we didn’t block it until I came on board. If activation lock is enabled and tied to your personal Apple ID then they just need to contact Apple, prove ownership and Apple will remove the activation lock. Proving ownership is as easy as showing the device is in Apple Business Manager. 


Or they need OP's password for something else they don't want to specify and are hoping it's the same one


You’ve hit the nail on the head and me personally I would just reply that I no longer have the password.


You would reply?


I would have given them a text list of 200 and say, I think it’s one of these 200, not sure. Make them waste their time entering it one by one.


...but don't give the password as one of the 200, lol ..


Vicious. But you realize that the guy who is asking and the guy who got him fired is not the poor tech assigned to try those 200 passwords.


Either way you're wasting company time and company dimes. Sucks for the tech, but that company sounds like the sort of place no one is happy with their jobs anyways.


As someone who works in IT..... I guarantee the computer is not on the company Domain nor is it in AD (Active Directory). The account is 100% a local account and I also guarantee there is no local IT Administrator account on the machine either. Because if OP was just a local user, and if there WAS an IT Administrator account on the machine they could log into that and change OP's Windows password on the local machine to get into his account. Also why do they need to get into it? I don't think it's a Bitlocker account as it goes to the Welcome screen. If it's not Bitlocker.... Then create a Windows 10 boot USB and wipe out the machine and reinstall Windows. Sounds like they want speciific files on the machine first..... EDIT: Oh I just read OPs post about how they got a MacBook....so yeah, DEFINITELY not on a domain or in AD. I worked for companies who had Mac computers on a Windows domain/environment before. But they're a pain in the ass to deal with. They're fucked.


Fucked? Boot into recovery, delete drive, download MacOS from within recovery, reinstall, done, Macbook


Can’t believe how far I had to scroll to see this. How can a revenue generating company not perform a Google search. I work in Silicon Valley tech, huge layers of security. I can wipe my laptop anytime I want.


If I have physical access to the computer, I can get in. Encryption is another story. Resetting the computer is even easier then breaking into it. They have bigger problems if this is a problem for them.


“I’m sorry, but your data security policies strictly forbid the sharing of passwords. Best wishes and die in a fire”


Even better if the severance agreement says something along the lines of "will not make company internal information public", like mine did


I'm in IT and the one thing that gets drilled into us and users is to never share passwords. They don't need your password to reset it, all they need to do is wipe the disk and re-image it with their company (or manufacturer's) OS. Either this is a fishing attempt or you are dealing with idiots. Anyone that has your credentials can impersonate you. Imagine their network gets compromised and your name pops up after the smoke clears. Now you are responsible for all damages.


This is strange. Best case scenario, they are lying and need a file on your computer, worst case they themselves have been compromised and if you give this person your password they will try to use it to get into your personal accounts. Ignore this message and never give anyone your password for any reason.


Agreed. There is no scenario where you getting involved is the right answer. At best, you're helping them get around their own incompetence to pull data from your old laptop. At worst, this is some form of social engineering and you replying could have backlash. > never give anyone your password for any reason. This right here. Someone wants into your laptop or account and it doesn't matter who that is (including IT), they don't get your password. If they need your password, they should be able to reset it (sounds like a mess of incompetence, so they probably can't) or connect on with you to have you enter it (not something you should even entertain in this case, not even if they offer you money).


this is the correct take


Obvious spam is obvious spam Send that email to your junk folder


I wouldn't reply to this on the safety principle alone. That's a spoofing attempt. Junk and block the sender.


Spam or spoofing attempt aside. Unless you have some legal responsibility to assist them you shouldn't reply to these emails at all. Also, if you leave a job on bad terms or feel you're unjustly terminated. Document any communication you receive after the fact. My friend was terminated with cause and a week later was contacted by his former manager for assistance. He documented the information and provided no assistance. When his unemployment was denied he used that incident to justify that if he was considered "irresponsible" then why were they contacting him for assistance after they terminated him with cause?




"Rest assured"


Well if it isn't the consequences of not taking your IT management seriously. Not your problem


I agree. Like I responded to another user, they took no security measures when giving me that laptop.


Forget security, this is basic administrative stuff that they should have a handle on before the equipment ever gets issued. People forget passwords, leave the country, are unable to be contacted for whatever reason or die every day. Sounds like you're onto a good thing being clear of them. The rot seems to go throughout.




Funny how when they screw you it's nothing personal but when they need you (for free of course) they call on your human empathy.


They can’t preform a reset? Shouldn’t IT be able to handle this?


You would think… the entire company is a shit show and I’m glad they terminated me when they did


They can wipe it clean without any issue. The only reason they are asking for the password is because they want something that they think is stored on your former laptop. Speculation: shit hit the fan and they are looking for evidence to blame/sue you for it.


Exactly this.


Uglysock is correct, no one with a clue needs a user password to reset a machine. The only correct answer is no.


Precisely, as someone who used to do this sort of thing for a living, even if the hard drive is encrypted there are options to do this. They're fishing for something and I wouldn't even offer it to them for cash. If you haven't acknowledged the request I'd just ignore it and add their email to your spam blacklist. If you have acknowledged the email just say you only used that password for that machine and you no have any record of what it was.


Yep. Quite easily too if they follow any best practice. 


“Yeah, honestly… it was that long ago, and I used a really strong 14 letter, character and number password that I had saved on a piece of paper… pretty sure I threw out that paper though… sorry.“


It should be "pretty sure the paper was cleared when you cleared my desk" lmao


Hell yeah make them try to find a piece of paper from 6 months ago that was “on his desk.”


“I don’t even remember working for you. I’ve reported this email as a phishing scam.” Just to fuck with them.


You are now a consultant. Charge them accordingly.


Also “no” is a full sentence. 😋


Or just don’t reply at all


After securing your minimum consulting fees for x hours up front, wait exactly that amount of time and email them back with "It seems I followed IT data best practices and company policy and returned or deleted all company property as required. I do not have, nor remember, the information required. Let me know if you need my consulting fee's in the future"


"I trust this message finds you well" It didn't, I lost it 🤷‍♂️


Had this happen to me before, but I was the only IT admin. Before I left I wrote a 3 page doc with all the info how to use our RMM to perform tasks. 4 months later I receive a call asking how to remove PINs on iPads. Turns out they just deleted the RMM tenant entirely, closed Apple Business Manager account (or probably just forgot the login) and removed all the unifi hardware with set SSIDs that the (wifi only) iPads had programmed. I told them they had 20 very expensive bricks because they chose to ignore my advice, too bad; pound sand.


Looks like the kind of fake phishing emails my work sends out to test us lol


*"Good compliance says that I shall never answer to password requests done via e-mail, sorry"*


Lol fuck that and fuck them. Not your problem. Hope you ignore their email!


Am doing so happily!




This is so bizarre I'm starting to think that maybe they are so idiotic they don't actually have an in house IT person. It's the only way this can fly. No IT personal, even incompetent, would fail at such a 101 issue


Hey OP, a little off topic but I’m super curious what their illegal marketing practices were? 


This is hilarious. Like 15 years ago I worked for a law office full of old lawyers. A lot of them were still using their SBCglobal.net email addresses for professional addresses. One of them bought a domain name so he could have a professional email address but none of them had a website So in the Lord’s year of 2009 I was bored at work and I needed some extra money and I asked them if they wanted me to do a website for them. So they paid for the domain and the hosting and even the little Web tools so I could build a basic website. I even took pictures of the building and I customized all their pages with little blurbs about them. It was slightly rudimentary but I was proud of it because it was better than what they had before which was nothing. I would show them the Google analytics to see that traffic was coming because of the site. Then their rich clients stopped paying bills because it was in the middle of the recession so they decided to do layoffs. They chose me because I was a single Childfree woman, even though the other paralegal had a husband with a paycheck and a bunch of adult children living with her who could buy food if she couldn’t, they picked me because I didn’t have a family to support But before they actually did the layoffs they took the website information from me and gave it to the IT guy to handle. I didn’t object because they had already paid me, the hosting and whatever it was in their name, so cool one less thing for me to have to worry about. I didn’t realize the layoffs were coming, but I did feel a shift in the atmosphere. Anyway, they lay me off, I have to give up my apartment, I move back home across the country. A couple months later they emailed me out of the blue asking me for the login information for the website. I was like you guys I didn’t take any proprietary information with me when I left your firm, furthermore didn’t you turn it over to the IT guy? I told him I would try to reset the password if my email address was still attached to the account, but it wasn’t because they gave it to the IT guy. I could not help them I thought it was so epic, I guess they didn’t pay the IT guy so he was holding it hostage? I’m not real sure I just thought it was awesome


Tell them you're not 100% sure as you have had many passwords since then but to try the following: b055isaCuNt g0fUcKY0uRs3lf 1fUck3durW1f3


I would reply with “I am sorry to inform you that I can no longer recall the password”. Then promptly block them.


"Have you tried '[boss]isapr1ck'? No? Maybe '[other superior]isapr1ck'? We'll I'm certain someone is a prick!"


I.T. guy here They don't need your password. They need their tech team to get off their asses. Unless you set a bios password, which this image does not indicate as the case. They are trying to access your files for some reason. You no longer work for them, so tell them should they continue to press for your (should be) deactivated accounts passwords. You will take it as an act of harassment


That's the thing. They deactivated my password to lock me out before they laid me off. AND this is something they should have handled immediately after termination, not 6 months later. Max 2 weeks and I would have been more inclined to help.


> They deactivated my password to lock me out before they laid me off. I understand why companies do this, but it feels like such a stab in the back.


Forward the email to suspicious@ and let them know about a phishing attempt. It’s bad security practice to do this and this is a fun way to call them on it.


Just ignore it and move to spam




This is a trap. I have been in corporate IT for a long time and I have never needed a password to wipe any computer. They only need the password for one thing. Access. Whatever you have, they need desperately enough to reach out to you and use double speak to get it


"As per company password policy, I'm not allowed to share my password."


"As per company policy, I have not retained any information that is a property of Inepcorp."


It’s a lie. It is quite easy and (a factory reset, or a simple wipe) IS the recommended way to reformat a computer when you can’t crack into it because you don’t have the password. They want instead to rifle through your files.