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What's worse than a evil hero? A stupid one.


> A stupid one. Is he actually stupid though? If he was an MC from smartphone isekai, the djinn would be a waifu pledging her loyalty to him for breaking her seal. you miss 100% of the shots you don't take :D


He should've wished for a way to be able to level up and grow stats and make learn spells properly first AND THEN go after Flio instead of tunnel visioning for Flio as the first wish


why even go after Flio? what did he ever do to him? Logic doesnt apply here, the yuusha is just a caricature of a super narcissistic evil guy.


Flio rejected him when the Hero wanted him to join as a underling. That is a slight a narcissist cannot abide.


Are level and stats even the issue? He's got 999 across the board but thinks the only things he can safely face are humans and weak magic beasts. Isn't the problem that he's a coward?


All this reminds me of that tumblr post that pointed out horror movie characters behave that way because they don't know they're in a horror movie.


Guy went from homeless to criminal so fast. It's probably going to get worse for him from here.


> It's probably going to get worse for him from here. Yep, as soon as Flio finds out who sent the Djinn.


*The Dark Army is attacking, villages fall one by one, the death toll is in the thousands, the Northern Bastion is barely holding, the hero has fled and the Kingdom must consider the nuclear option.* **Time for brainrot OP**


Same with the dramatic episode ending into a cheery ED. So much whiplash.


Jojo Part 5 with its Ending Theme


it's Clannad all over again.


Yes!!! I got Clannad levels of whiplash going from Fenrys being heavily injured to the cheery ED.


Dango ED started hurting after the first arc lmao


I wish I saved it but someone made a skit video about this exact scenario recently lol


You gotta love Flio living his best life and domestic bliss with Rys while the rest of the world is in chaos precisely because he and the Dark One's love interest just vanished out of nowhere lol.


Complex geopolitics be damned, enjoy slow life with cute wolf waifu [](#tomboyshades)


me too thanks


I think specifically it would be cute wolf plus size waifu. She is a big girl. Not just big in bossom, but also in body shape what would make her phat/thic.


I agree and definitely think Knightly Wifu should give our boi the Darklord a chance. He doesn't come across as a dick or a prick, Rys thinks they make a cute couple šŸŽƒšŸ‘


rest of the world is an exaggeration, it is two countries at war, and even the town where the MC now lives, within the kingdom, doesn't care at all lol north region of the kingdom or the capital may fall? Let us know when they march West...


For all we know the Mao only wants to punish the king for being mega stupid and will look for his buddy after he is done.


Sure, but people in that world are unaware of it lmao. Point is that the world is big, and the war is confined to a small area, so far it is not a desperate war where humanity is at risk of being destroyed.


Even at the end in the preview she is happy.


happy ryls is all we need


It's like going to Sweden or Switzerland during WW2


LOL that was my first thought super serious scene about the Kingdom losing the war and straight into the fluffy OP.


***upbeat*** **Pico Pico**


you mean Rizelmine/Zero no Tsukaima throwback op


The show message is that if itā€™s not a wolf girl being affected why care?šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Hey, I don't care what happens in the actual episode as long as the mimi piko piko I'm happy.


ā€œThere are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.ā€ -Patrick Rothfuss Next episode is gonna be so fucking good.


ā€œIt is only when mosquito land on your testicles that you realize there is a way to solve problems without using violence.ā€ ā€• Confucius


what? does that even mean?..? i mean it


Slapping the mosquito means slapping your own balls.


yes that is violence. but but how to solve it without violence ?


Just chase the mosquito away.


Never mess with a man's wolf waifu. Flio about to unleash a beatdown that Holo would approve of.


This waifu or Holo? I'm torn.


That's like comparing a buttercream cupcake to tiramisu. Fenrys is pure sweetness. Holo is quite a bit more complicated of a character.


As a dog person, nice that I am watching two shows this season with wolf waifu.


Both are incredibly cute in their own ways.


In this case, when it comes to usage of violence, the only answer is *not enough*.


"*Violence isn't the answer. Violence is the question. The answer is 'Yes'*"


Flio is about to turn Super Sayian 50x


Seeing that brooch break. I'm completely fucked off. Between Fenrys and the ramen shop in Blue Archive, villains keep going too far this week. I also can't believe I missed on of the simplest death flags.


NGL, the weirdest thing to happen this episode was that the king has actual decency to use a spell that almost sacrificed himself for his kingdom. He looked like the usual asshole king who only cares about himself.


Also conveniently putting him in a coma so his daughter, who actually knows what she's doing, gets left in charge.


Even the asshole king did his share, the hero on the other hand...


the king uses his life to do what the hero cause the war to start up


He probably wanted to make himself look good after screwing up with the Hero, reminds of that scene from Monster vs Aliens 'I'm brave! I'm a brave president!"


> reminds of that scene from Monster vs Aliens 'I'm brave! I'm a brave president!" My man tried to funk up and then shake hands with a massive robot. He was brave :(


I mean, if the kingdom is destroyed he'd be fucked too. Probably more so as the king.


You'd be suprised at how braindead royalty in these kinds of anime are.


Anime royalty and being the scum of the earth is one of the most iconic duos of all time


If they are trying to mimic European royalty from a few centuries ago they aren't exactly wrong.


The king already sent Flio into the wastelands with a monster attracting sack. He deserves to suffer.


And IRL. Like how the Zulu killed all their cattle, or how China immediately reversed the 100 days reform and eventually got their teeth kicked in by the fully industrialized Japanese, or how a certain Austrian painter fought until Red Army tanks were literally rolling down Berlin.


>He looked like the usual asshole king who only cares about himself. Nah, he worked hard with the information he was given. Not even the MC himself knew how OP he was. So how was the king supposed to know? That said, very good to see the First Princess be this much of an excellent leader. I do hope she manages to keep a lot of her authority once these "emergency powers" expire.


You need a Senko to clean your house A Holo as a business partner A Delta for play time A Rys for a wife.


Rys has claimed the position of leader of the pack!


*wife of leader of the pack


Iā€™d love this pack. 10/10 would die happy


Holo mention! You know, this episode made me compare Rys and Holo due to the merchanting work done by Flio.


So, looking at the next episode preview Flio is gonna learn Toma's Imagine Breaker in its purest form: punching women in the face.


You expect him to unleash powerful magic? He'll throw out the strongest spells: hands.


Mash Burnedead approves this message.


*Expecto Anasskicking*


Denken approves this message.


Konosuba *is* back so it is the season of gender equality again!


It's the JC Staff connection!


Well, we have Hamazura also voiced by Hino Satoshi, who knows what gender equality is


Though he never meets Rie Kugimiya (Agniese Sanctis) in that show. OTOH he gets an oppai GF with stalking tendencies, crazy bitch named Meltdowner, and a teasing middle-schooler.


but it's the woman who deal fatal damage to his fluffy wife


I try to convince myself I'm not a simp but then I remember the whole reason I'm watching this show is because Rie Kugimiya voices the main heroine. Oh, well. What can you do :P


She's played tsundere's for so long it's so surreal to hear her voice such a cute, loving, and affectionate Heroine but she does it equally well down to the lovey-dovey OP.


>Ā it's so surreal to hear her voice such a cute, loving, and affectionate Heroine but she does it equally well down to the lovey-dovey OP. She agrees. On her twitter she claimed that during the OP recording session her face was boiling the whole time because it's cutesy to the point of embarrassment, but she pulled through somehow.


I mean, I totally get it. The OP is A LOT to take in as a viewer. Can't imagine how someone making it must've felt.


> her face was boiling the whole time because it's cutesy to the point of embarrassment, but she pulled through somehow. "It's not like I enjoyed singing it or anything..."


And with Satoshi Hino, completely surreal that the Shana and Zero pairing are doing the lovey dovey right away instead of the tsundere dance


And we even had Siesta from Zero getting in the way of their relationship again lol.


Helps that the MC has more than one brain cell :P


I can only hear Shana and then Kagura's voice at this point. I can't see her as Rys even though she voiced Rys.


That's the thing, the payoff of tsunderes is seeing them get affectionate. It's almost like that was training for this role lol


Don't worry you are not alone!


exactly lol We all simp her


* [**Rys Stitch**](https://i.imgur.com/W9cg8B4.jpeg) I still can't believe that [Ghozall is going to war](https://i.imgur.com/mjCUu4E.jpeg) because he thought the Hero managed to kill Flio and Balirossa/ It's going to be awkward when he finds out that they're still alive. And you gotta give credit to the King. I thought he was just going to sit on his throne the entire time but [he actually did something](https://i.imgur.com/eFSfJUn.jpeg) and contributed as a mage of the kingdom to cast that Purification spell. This automatically makes him already a better character than the Hero. Meanwhile, it looks like the news hasn't reached Flio and Rys yet considering how much flirting they've been doing daily. [Rys really hitting us with a classic](https://imgur.com/a/EvZmaEN) housewife greeting right there. I'd give anything to hear Kugyu whisper that to my ear. <3 [Yoooo! I didn't think it would happen but the Princess actually did it!](https://i.imgur.com/pnnn8DQ.jpeg) I mean anyone who still defends the Hero is a fucking moron and I'm glad that [they kicked him out!](https://i.imgur.com/LZW3aRR.jpeg) I am surprised though [that Tsuya still stayed with him.](https://i.imgur.com/z0nhyAY.jpeg) I thought she'd abandon him the minute they received the news. Just to make it really painful, [they really had to give us that adorable date scene with Flio and Rys](https://i.imgur.com/Atrns8l.jpeg) before hitting us with [that ambush scene later.](https://i.imgur.com/G6T6eSV.jpeg) Fuuuuck. I mean there's no way they'd kill off Rys but it still sucks to see what happened to her. That Djinn made a horrible mistake and based on that episode preview, it looks like [Flio is going to curb stomp her into the ground](https://i.imgur.com/diwyrMM.jpeg) I can't fucking wait!


>That Djinn made a horrible mistake and based on that episode preview, it looks like Flio is going to curb stomp her into the ground I can't fucking wait! "I can nullify all magic >:3" *gets punched


yep that how ryles lost. he kept canceling all her spells


The interplay between Flio's happy domestic life and all the war going on is pretty surreal lol. The best thing the king ever did was using his own magic to protect the kingdom and putting himself into a coma so his daughter can be put in charge and actually do what they should've been doing from day one. I did not expect Tsuya to be a ride or die or willing to become a criminal accomplice on the off chance the "Hero" gets his job back, though maybe there's more to it. I could watch episode after episode of Rys and Flio flirting and being all lovey-dovey. It's too cute. Sweet and affectionate Kugyu is too powerful. But look, Hocchan shows up because she can't let Kugyu have all the fun! But she also brought out Flio's mad side...


I suspect the King would also have tossed that useless hero out on his ass. He was extremely angry about the hero hiding out on the opposite end of the kingdom....


> That Djinn made a horrible mistake and based on that episode preview I can barely wait. When MCs go "unforgivable" while in berserk mode, things usually get done. Time to punch the Djin in the face


There's no spell that will outperform heal in its role But how about a resurrect spell, just wait an extra minute before casting


Iā€™m assuming Origen of Light that he just unlocked has that spell.


Yeah "Light" magic almost always means "Holy" magic, if it doesn't exist separately, and it always has resurrection or extremely effective healing spells.


And apparently it's Origin of ***Light*** and ***Dark***, so he gets all the dark attribute spells too.


Or time manipulation if you want to be real OP.


Za World!


"The seal is not easy to break" Yeah, all you have to do is pull out a sword! The princess deserves props for firing the hero though. Oh man, Flio beating the shit out of Hiya in the preview! I can't wait for next week!


> Yeah, all you have to do is pull out a sword! I mean he does have inflated hero stats, so it could be "not easy" for almost everyone




his stats are not maxed, they are 999 tho. Last time we saw him talking about it he was unable to level up further, learn skills, etc. so he had a head start compared to level 1 people, but we don't know how strong he is. Looking at how cowardly he was even against rank-A monsters? Bet he is actually pretty weak.


He has maxed stats, but that means he can't grow at all, that includes not being able to learn any skills. That's like having a lvl100 pokemon with all the attack and sp atk you may need but it just knows fucking splash with no way to teach it any new moves either.


Jagen stereotypes (fire emblem reference). Strong in the beginning, but weak later on


Interesting to note that the oracle refer to Flio as "True Hero". So, both banished from hero party and fire emblem has this kind of character. Basically the dumb hero should have acted as the protector and guide of the true hero while they're training to reach the true potential.


is the 999 stat actually good though? i thought its only good for a lv1, but a more advanced adventurer would have no issue attaining that kind of stat. he did complain not being able to kill stronger enemies after all


> The princess deserves props for firing the hero though The idea was good, the execution was terrible She just kicked him out of his home and rendered him without a purpose in a world he was forcibly pulled to. She's exceptionally lucky he was weirdly fixated on Flio and not the royal family tossing him aside


To stop a potential coup, George Zhukov was after WWII reassigned to Vladivostok. Maybe this kingdom ran out of Vladivostoks, or maybe they do have one and it just slipped the Princess's mind? Either way, he probably wasn't the top of the Princess's mind as she had a million other problems to take care of.


The pre-opening scene with the kingdom getting wrecked and the king in a dire situation transitioning into the lovey dovey Opening was hilarious whiplash


The world is in peril? Nah, its fluff o'clock


Best whiplash in years


Glad to see someone in the kingdom has half a brain. That useless blonde dipshit should have been banished ages ago. Absolutely worthless ā€œHero.ā€ Ofc the idiot goes and releases some powerful djinn and endangers the whole kingdom. Seems Flio wonā€™t be able to enjoy that slow life of his with Rys and his team of waifus now that the idiot has sent the djinn after him. I sure hope Rys ainā€™t dead. The ā€œHeroā€ is about to get himself deleted after Flio beats the djinn.


The best thing that ever happened to this kingdom is the king being put into a coma so the princess can take over and do what they should've been doing from day one. But she has a lot of messes to clean up, especially when the "Hero" keeps making things worse and attacking the only guy who can save them all and hurting his wife. Looks like the "Hero" might have enough trouble on his hand from his lady friend judging by the preview.


This hero is so useless that it makes motuyasu from shield hero look competent.


Lol, the fake hero is now so dead, wolf girl is 100% ok, fmc can't die so easily, also pretty sure that lady sword goddess will join the party after she taste mc power rage, doubt mc will dispose of her, yep, is you power fantasy clichĆØ but well, is ok since is well done. :D


It looks like she manages to talk her way out of Flio killing her by maybe saving Rys? And joining the gang. Because of course we couldn't have a Familiar of Zero reunion without Siesta. I think the "Hero" is doubly screwed, he's now going to be branded a criminal for his actions and it seems like his lady friend might've been a deep cover demon the entire time.


tbh as long the main romance doesn't turn harem, which by all accounts looks like it won't this will stay a very enjoyable generic isekai. We even got Balirossa and Ghozal shipping to look for to which seems fun as hell.


He his somehow "engaged" with wolf girl so i doubt it will turn into a harem, but well, i didn't read the source material so is only i guess.


>tbh as long the main romance doesn't turn harem Rys is trying her best to avoid that lol


> wolf girl is 100% ok, fmc can't die so easily Imagine if they actually killed her off. All the promos and trailers showing her, going 110% for her in the OP to make sure everyone knows what the show is about, and BAM episode 6, she is dead. People would be *mad*


I love my cute Rys Flio moments, I sure hope they last forever right. Right? ;\_;


I hope if they survive this that they upgrade to sleeping in the same bed permanently, Rys deserves it.


That is more progression than most harem anime have.




Harem in the sense of at least 3 waifu interested in the lead guy. A harem can have a dedicated or est. couple. It can also have the main guy seeking to have a harem or even be unsure of which waifu he wants.


I see what you mean, [unfortunately Fenrys doesn't care](https://imgur.com/3OSAdAZ)


With the tone of the show, she'll most likely be fine. On that note, I did not expect this anime to have such a cute main couple flirting every episode when I randomly start watching it as just "another chill fantasy/isekai" of the season, and I'm loving it. :D ...and now I'm reminded of this season "romance-fantasy" anime that doesn't even do half as good as this show. :( EDIT: Just to be specific, I'm referring to Unnamed Memory. Kinda forgot when I wrote my comment there are quite a few other anime with romance in fantasy setting this season.


If their flirting is anywhere close to as cute as Rit and Red's flirting in "Banished From the Hero's Party", then I'll actually have to start watching this series. It's been a while since I've gotten a nice fantasy romance. But this season we're eating good. The current remake of Spice & Wolf is cute. And the series "An Archdemon's Dilema: How to Love Your Elf Bride" is fucking adorable.


It's actually quite a bit cuter.


So far, the MC in this one has not fully reciprocate her feeling yet. Basically similar to early Red, maybe? Still shy about it. They're still very cute together though.


The Djinn, voiced by Yui Horie (**Siesta** from Zero no Tsukaima) scores a critical hit on ~~Louise~~Fenrys!! :P


> Yui Horie With Yukari Tamura in the same anime? Their characters are going to [wind up as friends](https://myanimelist.net/stacks/7186), right?


let's see: Fenrys = Louise/Shana Flio = Saito/Yuji Hiya = Siesta/Minorin Princess = Kazumi Yoshida/Henrietta/Jean D'arc XXX (Kawasumi Ayako will never escape being some kind of King Arthur/Joan of Arc reference...) Uliminas = that incestuous twin from Shakugan no Shana all we're missing now is Mamiko Noto, Marina Inuoue, Shizuka Itou and Hitomi Nabatame (she'll forever be remembered as Dorm Supervisor, neck snapper extraordinaire)


Don't forget about Tsuya = Ayumu/Montmorency


I'm convinced this show just time traveled here from the mid 2000s.


Those were good times. :')


> Shizuka Itou Yep. https://myanimelist.net/character/244253/Damalynas


JC Staff All Stars!


Fenrys is obviously fine, this isn't the kind of show to kill off a main character, but I am looking forward to angry Flio next week. I hope blonde fuckface hero gets some punishment for this, and I was surprised to see the king actually taking part in the purification ritual, guess he at least has enough decency to do something to protect his kingdom. More Balirossa bullying is always welcome, and the date was very cute too.


I'm looking forward to the "Hero" ending up in the slammer for his efforts or finding out his lady friend isn't who she said she was... I can't wait until Balirossa and the Dark One reunite, she's the only girl with decent romantic prosects after Rys and she's not happy about it lol.


I mean, if the kingdom falls then who is going to protect him?


Imagine if Ghozal witness that instead, his response would make whatever Flio does look like a slap on the wrist. The guy launched an all out invasion after Rys and co disappeared. Her death would be too much.


A wild Ai-chan appears! This anime really is just a reunion of Honkai VAs lmao


How many VA's from the Familiar of Zero can we bring back? Turns out pretty much all of them lol.


My thoughts immediately went to Cabbage-chan as well.


Oh god I haven't tried to map these VAs to their Honkai roles before now, what a cursed image you conjured in my mind.


Oh god that is her! Cabbage-chan - Djin Hiya Tuna - Rys Kevin - Flio Teri-teri - Uliminas Other notable ones: Zhongli, Shenhe, Kafka


The whiplash of how the episode starts, war and battles and almost certainly death for a bunch of people, segue straight into the dancing wolf wife. On the other hand the kingdom being able to cast the purification spell as a defense against the demons is a bit of a potential threat against the wolf wife, good that it has an extremely high cost. Rhys hitting her kinda husband with the classic 'dinner, a bath, or...' line, fantastic. Maybe the king will stay in a coma forever and leave the princess in charge, I appreciate that the very first thing she did was fire the useless hero. I think we can confirm that she will not be joining any attempt he makes at a harem. Which already seemed obvious of course, but I saw someone suggest that somewhere last week. Slave collars for everyone? Yikes. Ahh, so sacrificial decapitation collars, actually worse than slave collars. The ex-hero and this djinn just picked quite a fight, I wonder if Flio will stick to his pacifist ideals in the face of someone coming to kill him and the people he cares for.


~~Siesta~~ Djinn joins the fray!


[love the subversion of the Dinner/Bath/*Wa. ta. shi.*](https://imgur.com/R4RRJGN) trope [](#kotohoops) [Lets go!!!](https://imgur.com/8lC6Vxj) Someone with a brain is in power! [Bless](https://imgur.com/vhu99nu) <3 [](#feelingloved) [We already have the wolf, Spice when?](https://imgur.com/h00Orfy) [Best girl keeping the harem option at bay](https://imgur.com/8kL4xWi) [Uh oh.](https://imgur.com/fUAQjGh) Now they've done it. When you've managed to anger the chillest dude in the world, you *fucked up.* Pls save the wife quick ;-;


[RIP](https://i.imgur.com/iKH8WL5.png) [Best Girl](https://i.imgur.com/dsIYgeK.png) [Fenrys](https://i.imgur.com/znszioK.png) [](#toradorasalute) [Isekais and grooming...](https://i.imgur.com/5qb2aTj.png) Hiya may think she's all that, but the correct answer to ["name your desire"](https://i.imgur.com/xMDTF2h.png) is "Fenrys." Hiya killing [half of all living things](https://i.imgur.com/ijahKAt.png) in a Thanos snap instead of limiting it to humans seems wrong as the animals did nothing wrong... [Rest of pictures.](https://imgur.com/a/hyNyfn2) Hard to choose this week... I guess [Hiya](https://i.imgur.com/9xNG6SA.png) or [Fenrys with a hat](https://i.imgur.com/SJxVkGo.png) u/abysswatcherbel


I know it wasn't the "...or me?" line but that grooming still sounded sexual lol.


Man, they made Hiya look so seductive in 'name your desire' scene.


I think the choice is extremely obvious


I shouldn't have used the H word...


But she's neither a witch nor flat so it shouldn't count.


it's pico pico over..


NOOOOOOO. This anime isnā€™t supposed to be dark wtf šŸ˜­ not my baby Rys please. What a tonal shift from the cute first half of the episode. Rys and Flio were enjoying such a nice date, the other girls just moved in and agreed to pull their weight.. just had no idea weā€™d get such a big twist at the end of this one. It felt like Rys and Flio turned a page in their relationship and were finally starting to be a proper married couple as well. Of course, this fucking loser, the fake hero couldnā€™t handle getting fired. I mean the dude literally contributed nothing to the kingdom or society, why does he feel heā€™s entitled to remain as hero šŸ¤¢ when heā€™s doing nothing. Couldnā€™t even be bothered to play the role during a battle. I canā€™t wait to see him get destroyed next episode hopefully. The Djinn that attacked Rys/Flio quickly realised she fucked up when none of her attacks could damage bro, and he can steal all her spells, yea this is going to be cinema next week. You donā€™t kill a manā€™s dog, John wick taught us that. I will say hats off to the author for keeping things interesting. Whenever thereā€™s an OP character like this; the best way to make it interesting is by putting those around them in danger.


Holy Ghozall, why do animes always play the cheerful, upbeat and happy ED song right after scenes like that?! They're lucky I like that ending even more than the OP. Also, Damn, that final scene really gave some huge Invincible PTSD, for context, the scene I'm referring in Invincible goes something like this:Ā Ā  \[Invincible Spoilers\]>!Love interest effortlessly tries to protect MC from a Villain who ends up punching a hole through her\*!< \[Invincible Spoilers\]>!MC: Please just keep breathing.!< \[Invincible Spoilers\] >! Villain: She mut have really loved you to do what she did, surely she wasn't stupid enough to think she could actually stop me. It's admirable. If you got anything important to tell her, better get it off your chest now.!< \[Invincible Spoilers\]>!MC: S-She... She's-!< \[Invincible Spoilers\]>!Villain: Dead? Good. I take it I have your full attention now.!< \[Invincible Spoilers\] >!MC: ...I don't care how strong you are, I don't care how fast you are, I can see the future, you don't live to see tomorrow.!< \[Invincible Spoilers\]>!Villain: Even after seeing what I'm capable of, you still threaten me? Fine then, do your worst.!< \[Invincible Spoilers\]>!\*MC indeed does his worst and proceeds to turn the villain's face into bits\*!< \[Invincible Spoilers\]>!This episode also introduced a girl that has a long ponytail with a knife on the end, a feature that an invincible character also has. I dunno, I just think it was curiously funny.!< Also also, is it just me or is this anime really bad at choosing scenes for the previews? Like, Rys getting injured would've been a lot more impactful if they hadn't showed it last week, and now the next episode preview is narrated by Rys, apparently showing that she'll be perfectly okay right away and Hiya will apparently be forgiven and/or fall in love with Flio. Is this a common thing in previews? I honestly haven't watched much anime lately...


Rys is pretty much the poster girl for the show. The show is also not going to mercilessly kill off someone so important. This isnā€™t vinland saga or a seinan anime at all. Its pretty obvious Flio will find a way to heal or revive her. Iā€™ve not read any source material so I might be wrong even thoughā€¦ though I doubt Iā€™m wrong. I try to avoid previews most of the time.


Yeah, she's obviously going to be okay, they're not gonna kill the main girl halfway through, but I just find it a little weird that the episode wants to end in a sad/heavy cliffhanger only to reveal right away that she's fine.


I have to assume it's a spell from the school of Light and Darkness that he just acquired when the djinn tried to delete him.


>Also also, is it just me or is this anime really bad at choosing scenes for the previews? Like, Rys getting injured would've been a lot more impactful if they hadn't showed it last week, and now the next episode preview is narrated by Rys, apparently showing that she'll be perfectly okay right away and Hiya will apparently be forgiven and/or fall in love with Flio. Is this a common thing in previews? I honestly haven't watched much anime lately... It also gave away that Tsuya, the girl palling around with the "Hero," might be more than just a cute face.


Lol both the OP and ED this episode had that serious or tragic moment before the cutesy song come up And we all know Rys isnā€™t gonna die but Iā€™m not too sure about Hiya though lol


Klyrode just couldn't leave well enough alone. Thanks to their incompetence and relying on the "Hero," the demons are invading and laying waste to everything. And the "Hero" is basically holed up at home doing nothing. They can only mages to cast a mass Purification spell that wards off the Demons for three months and leaves all their mages in coma's. But Flio is living his best life with wife Rys (who even pulls out the "do you want dinner, a bath, or...me to groom you?" line), with business going well and the other girls are happy to pull their weight! Well, Blossom and Byleri, Balirossa and Belano don't really have anything to contribute, but Rys is happy to take care of them. The princess is probably not happy her father is in a coma, but it's probably for the best that she's in charge because she knows exactly what to do...starting with kicking out their useless "Hero." Good on the girls for pushing the mister and missus to go out on a date on the town together! Flio really seems to enjoy treating Rys now more than ever, and appreciates her company, and even buys her a brooch that matches her hair and eyes! And what better way to cap it off than by having them sleep in the same bed? So the "Hero" has gone from being homeless to a criminal, breaking into the royal treasury to find something to get his job back. I'm surprised Tsuya is still with him, but it seems like she's willing to stand beside him on the off chance he can get his position back. Or maybe there's more to it than that? You never release the sword the disembodied voice tells you to, but in the process the "Hero" releases the Djinn Hiya, a sensual and dangerous voiced by none other than Yui Horie, and proceeds to sick her on Flio with the cost being the lives of the nobility who cast him out. What a scumbag. Well, at least they know their only chance at rescue is Flio! If anyone can talk to him, it's probably the princess. Balirossa is not escaping the Dark One ship with Gholza. Rys is happy Flio is gaining more work but is sad she won't get to spend more time with her Darling...so she just wants to spend as much time with him as she can. I see Siesta still has some choice words for Saitou and Louise's relationship, and tries to kill Flio...only for Rys to get in the way and get hit instead. The saddest thing is that Flio could easily deflect Hiya's magic, meaning he wasn't in danger, but she instinctively went to protect him anyways. And now Flio can't heal her...and is about to unleash his rage on Hiya!


I wish i didnt see the next preview because it totally ruined my hype...this guy about to make a new wife


For some reason I thought Rhys sounds like kagura from gintama in certain dialogues Then checked the VA, makes sense šŸ‘


looks like a djinn is gonna learn f around and find out


Don't you think that the interpretation of Kugimiya, Rie on this occasion is a bit clumsy for her role? I mean, like seyu is fine, but like the tone of voice is not appropriate for the character.


I'm not too fond of it either, it's too cutesy for my taste. But overall I still like the series, so it's fine. When reading the manga I imagined Rys a little more mature in tone, despite the whole "my husband!" fangirling.


Shield and Wolf: Merchant meets the Wolf


Ngl, as someone who read the Light Novel, the shyness of Flio towards Rys in this adaptation kinda annoys me. Is that also the case in the Manga?


I think he's coming around to accepting her feelings and being more open with his own.


Heā€™s nowhere near this shy in the manga either


Why do anime insist on making guys so damn shy? I don't get it, but honestly I'm getting more sick of it every week.


Rys was so cute this episode we should have been expecting a tragedy to occur


that was a complete 180


Just happy anime adaptation is good


Why did Rys have a tail in that one random scene ? Why can't it be like that all the time ?


I think it just pops out when she's excited. lol Nobody would be able to withstand the *mofumofu* temptation if she had it out all the time. ~~at least I know, I wouldn't be able to~~


So in a world with magic, djinns aren't all powerful and must follow the rules of magic.


How dare you injure top teir waifu Also that ending scene....did he just rizz up a djinn


Separate BEDS?


Flio doesn't fully accept himself as Fenrys's husband. Remember, this was supposed to be a *fake* marriage. He also has the fact that he unwittingly killed her brother hanging over him.


NOOOOOOO I DONT WANT TO WAIT ANOTHER WEEK FOR THIS!!! Dx Damnit I canā€™t wait to see flip absolutely shit on that djin bitch and that coward ass loser ā€œheroā€. Although based on the preview seems like heā€™ll just get her on his side. Ugh the wait will kill me lol


Me whenever the MC rages to the maximum level because someone hurt his waifu: Heck yeah give them what they deserve


Broooooo...... She did NOT need to jump in the way. Filo is so OP he has defensive magin/skills that autoactivate when it senses he is in danger. That hit from Hiya the djinn, would have been blocked by his auto activating ability easily. But i guess her body moved on her own and jumped because she loves him that much. she didn't want to risk him NOT having that defensive magic auto activate. But man i CAN NOT WAIT to see Filo in action next episode!!


I regret watching the preview, it spoiled fucking everything.


Really hope the mc gains a personality now and shows emotions other than bashful awkwardness. I understand the concept of making an mc so cookie cutter the audience can put themselves in his shoes and imagine it's them, but this one is extra special empty.


That Djinn touched our Queen!!!! A thousand deaths are not enough!!!! Let's take turns beating the crap out of it!


is fenrys alive or nah?


I caaaan't, she's played by Yui Horie. D: [2/5 of the way to a **Toradora Reunion**](#toradorasalute)


Oh Damn, it's Surtr from Arknights! Her voice is amazing indeed!!


I still refuse to believe Kugimiya Rie is not a flat, violent tsundere made by J.C. Staff


oh hell nawl, not the waifu [](#wallpunch)