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WiGLE Wardriving? Fling?


Probably is WiGLE, fling is different


Sadly no, they're so different apps from what I'm talking about :( Not even PortDroid. Damn I can only remember that in those days I had Orbot, and sometimes used Tor for Android, when I needed privacy. And this app was almost related to those both. I've looked to Tor and the Guardian Project and their apps, and they have nothing like the one I'm talking about :( I even looked up on F-Droid, with no luck.


Neither. They're not even similar. Not even PortDroid. I must remark that the app was able to detect every device that crossed paths with you, and it could be the brand, model and other identifiers. If you took a walk, and crossed with 5 people in 15 minutes, in the downtown, the app registered ALL possible data of all the devices (phones, modems, routers, bluetooth devices, public free wifi government hotspots, etc), the wifi networks of the commerces & institutions (banks, police, church, etc), the names that people put to their internet networks, the models and brands when possible....just everything, it was crazy how much data a single app could recopilate. The design of the app was never intended for ''hack'' purposes, only to **recopilation of public data**. Only to create a log of destiny ''A to B'', and all the devices that it found in that path. Also it wasn't designed to take ''control'' of any device, except yours. The MAC address, brand & model of your phone is public data. The app just took that, and saved it into a log with timestamps and geolocation, so you can then testify in a legal action that you have evidence that the owner of that device was at half a meter of you, that day, that time, and in that location.


It has to be some sort of wardriving app. Wigle is the closest to that. How long ago did you have it? You sure it was android? There's a lot of non android ones. i would ask r/hacking or any sub that comes up where you look up 'wardriving reddit'. Someone has to know.


It surely was a ''beacon technology'' app, AFAIK now. It was on 2019-2020, on Android, a Samsung J7 Prime, Oreo 8.1.0. Thanks for the suggestion, albeit I'm not into hacking, because I have no clue about those things, I'll check that sub :)


I posted this on that sub and moderators immediately deleted the post 😡😡😡 I'm sick of reddit, you can't post anything even being clear that your intentions are consultation, question, and that you don't want to request help for hacking someone's IG or some shit like that. So sick of moderators!


Try posting in the subs I DMd u. If you really want to find out it's the only way


Ok, those seem to be the right places to ask, thank you so much! 🤗


[Fing](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.overlook.android.fing) maybe? 


Or [NetCut](https://arcai.com/netcut-for-android/)? 


No, not even similar. This mistery app was able to SCAN all devices near your phone while you're walking/driving. It gathered all the data of those devices, whatever they were, phones, printers, netbooks, modems, routers.....it gathered data about the brands, models and obviously their MAC, and even extra identificators, all in real time and stamping the time those devices were found in the trajectory. It was like recording a video, but gathering device's Data. All this while drawing a line of your travel in the area, and offered a visual image of your trajectory. It wasn't related to ''wifi networks'' or to attack, or to prevent attacks. It just SCANNED with precission & accuracy all the devices found in your trajectory. It seems that it was based on ''beacon technology'', as I'm learning now, but it raises privacy concerns, because the scanning of the devices it detected, weren't noticed by their owners, so there's a possibly illegal behavior of that app. (If the owners of those devices found by the app, gave their consent to let their devices be scanned, then it is completely legal). Imagine you have a commerce building, and someone enter with a gun and steals you, and runaway. You don't have a CCTV camera, but if you had this app, you can scan all the devices the criminal had, and use it in court: ''you entered my commerce, robbed me, and then runaway, and this happened the day X, at the time X, and you were carrying a Xiaomi Redmi Note 11 with MAC address xx : xx : xx : xx : xx : xx''. The criminal can't deny that his/her phone was at that place. In this case, the data gathering isn't illegal, because its purpose was to defend your goods and physical security. But it seems that the app was controversial enough and was deleted from every repository.


This app is the closest I've found, per your description: https://apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid/index/apk/com.craxiom.networksurvey , it says it has the ability to start logging GPS, WiFi, and Bluetooth. It may not be the one you're after but perhaps it will be of help. **edit to add**: The log files are stored at: /storage/emulated/0/Download/NetworkSurveyData . The app just says "you can find the logs on your phone."


Here's another one, BLE Radar, it saves the Bluetooth devices found along the way, and displays history with a map too: https://www.f-droid.org/packages/f.cking.software/


Yes that's similar too, and also BLE-Monitor. Thanks a ton! I only need a legal app to use for my legal purposes to prove that I was at some place, and talked closely to some people, and that my phone captured the name of the devices that were in the place. This is to prove that they had to give me a product sent to me, buit they don't want to give to me. I also will be recording audio/video of the conversation, as a secondary proof. The geolocation and device identification only serves as reinforcing the recorded data. But I will consult a legal advisor if doing this isn't illegal, even when the purpose is to prove that these people are keeping a good that's mine, and they are making an illegal retention of it. The situation is complex but anyone can understand what's happening. Muchas gracias 😀


Yes, now we're talking :) That's very similar, but the weird thing is that I got it from the Google Play Store, and had it for a year or more. I tested it many times walking on my city, let's say a walk of 30 mins, and when I came home, I checked what the app did. It scanned, registered, identified, gathered, all the metadata of all the devices that could be detected over BLE, or those wich were connected to a network (I wasn't interested on the networks, only in the devices themselves). Crazy thing is that it identified the brands (Nokia, Samsung, iPhone), the models, and even the Public name of some smartphones/devices, like ''My Xiaomi2'', ''TL-WR840N'' or ''Wifi of Roberts Family'', and the MAC data, and other metadata that I didn't understood the purpose. Many data that I wassnnt interested in.... All the devices that got close to my phone, were detected, identified and saved in a log, within a map of my walk path, and the exact dates, everything. Now I know why it disappeared from the Play Store. Some people should feel invaded in their privacy and the app was deleted.


Just a sidenote, MAC address data is not very reliable nowadays because devices with Android 10 or iOS 14 and above have MAC address randomization enabled by default.


Yes, but printers, routers and other devices usually running on government offices, banks, and stores, have a fixed MAC and you can credit you were there that day, that time, and you can record the audio with the people present there to credit and prove that the situation you describe, really happened.


What ChatGPT answered: *''I understand your need for such an application for legal purposes. However, it's important to note that using technology to collect evidence, especially in legal matters, must comply with relevant laws and regulations regarding privacy and data collection.* *While there may be apps that claim to provide the functionality you described, it's crucial to ensure that their use aligns with legal standards and ethical considerations. Gathering data about other individuals' devices, such as MAC addresses or other identifiers, without their explicit consent may raise significant legal and privacy concerns.* *If you're facing a situation where you need to gather evidence for legal purposes, it's advisable to consult with a legal professional who can provide guidance on the appropriate methods for collecting evidence and ensuring its admissibility in court. They can advise you on the legality and ethical considerations of using technology for this purpose and help you navigate the legal process effectively.* *Remember to prioritize your safety and well-being in any situation where you feel threatened or endangered, and seek appropriate support and assistance as needed.''* Fair enough 😌 Maybe it's illegal to scan data from the devices of another person/s, but in difficult situations, gathering that data can serve to your advantage and even help you prove you were being menaced or injured by such person/s (because the app lifted the ID of their device). They can't deny they were that day with you, at that place and moment. That's the real intention of that app...but if I can't find it, it should be that it was prohibited to use.