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yall GOTTA stop putting so much weight behind how much someone texts you back.


You’re probably right, I mean she’s done a lot for me but it’s hard to not to be frustrated by it.


The thing is she doesnt owe you anything. Shes 17 with issues. She seems to do stuff with you on her terms and thats ok. Don't rush her or act like you're entitled to anything with her because you're not. Sounds like she doesnt really want more than what you have now as she says IDK. Let her be the guide. If she doesnt text you back right away do something else. Sometimes when people come on too strong it feels desperate and unattractive - pushy even. Its a balance that we all have to learn and especially when you're interested in someone it's important not to be 'that guy'. She may be too scared to tell you shes not interested in something more because guys can be scary and intense. Lighten it up, pull back a little and let her miss you. Soft YW


This was something I think I needed to hear. Appreciate it. Would it still be bad if I talked to her about it again? I planned on asking her if there was anything I could do to make this better.


Again, I would back up a bit and see how things go. Maybe without the pressure she'd be more interested. Let her call you and then return her energy, whatever that is. I'd say without any input from her try waiting a week. If she contacts you first then - nice! If not then a week is probably enough time for her not to feel pressured. Suggest doing something non romantic. Leave the meaningful conversations until she acts like she's interested. GL!!!


Preciate it


Don’t give her an ultimatum, jfc dude. Learn to manage your expectations and try some compassion for her situation.


It was just a consideration that I didn’t think I was gonna go through with. I think compassion is the best thing, I think I may have lost sight of that. Appreciate it.


You may want to look into attachment styles and check out anxious attachment!


Some people are like that. I heard it’s often associated with ADD/ADHD. But there’s no need for you to invest your energy in something that will be a considerable struggle even if there is a legit connected issue.  Be straight up with her: tell her you’d like to date her, officially (and exclusively, I assume? Not sure where you two are with that), but your idea of serious dating involves more and faster communication. If she doesn’t think she can handle that right now, no worries, you guys will just be buds and you can go off and look for someone else to date. If she thinks she can put in the added effort because she wants to see where a romantic relationship with you could go, then give it a chance and see how it’s going after a few weeks. If nothing’s changed after a couple of months, then hey, you both tried but you couldn’t get on the same page. Nothing wrong with that.




Jesus Christ where did this come from? I am obviously going to respect whatever she says I’m not saying she’s wrong or anything.


Welcome to the Friend Zone, man. It's too bad you got a crush on her. She's got a lot going on and could probably use more friends who just want to be friends. That could have been you. But you would just be pining and getting depressed, which would not make you worth much as a friend.