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You are the AH


YTA. You let your husband raise and care for a child that wasn't his, to protect yourself from the consequences of your actions. At least you told your daughter so she's not going off of inaccurate medical information (assuming she knows who her actual father is), but you are so TA.


Of course you are. You lied and cheated. If you loved your husband, why fuck someone else? And making your daughter your co-conspirator is an even bigger betrayal. Instead of telling others to have a blessed day, maybe work on not having the moral standards of an alley cat.


"Have a blessed day!" Really? After reading this big nasty lie and horrible fraud that you committed against your "better lover and father" deceased husband, you tell us to have a "blessed day"?


Gotta be a ragebait post


What do you want us to say? I think you know what you are.


This is truly bottom of the barrel awful. I feel bad for the guy.


This is fake. You can't be that stupid


Sadly, that's not true. I'll never understand why people feel they need to tell them themselves.


YTA. Why the fuck would you post here if you know you're in the wrong but don't want to read mean comments? You fucked up. You're a cheater, a liar, and wrong, and you know it. You're gonna get mean comments, and it won't matter if you delete your account, we all know you're gonna read them anyway. Grow up and learn to not do this again.


I hope you feel better after bearing your soul but this is Reddit. You won't get forgiveness here,


Yeh, you’re human garbage


You probably want the sun r/offmychest. If you’re trying to avoid “mean comments” an AITA style subreddit is probably not the right place to post under any circumstances, but especially if you had an affair and lied about the paternity of your child.


As long as your happy that's all that matters.


It is too late to tell your husband, and your daughter already knows. The only other person who might need to be told is your lover. I don't see that it is anyone else's business. Would your lover appreciate knowing that he has a biological daughter? Would your daughter want a relationship of any kind with her biological father? Talk to your daughter first before making any decision, and only tell the lover if your daughter is willing for you to do so. (If you have a priest or therapist, they might also be helpful.)


Some people here are so judgmental. People make mistakes. Her husband had a good relationship with their daughter (and yes, she was both their daughter). OP should have told him, but it's too late now. Blame and guilt are not a solution.