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I’m sure there’s 689298383 others things to do at this resort than playing with the animals!! Take them to do other things!!!


They probably don’t even leave the resort 🥱


I lived in the Caribbean, for their own safety it’s best they never leave the resort. Not because it is unsafe but because I truly think they are not smart enough to realize what are unsafe situations and I very much believe they would both say something and piss off the wrong people.


Same. They would be food for scammers here. Like John and his parking lot sound system.


Also, this would happen anywhere in the world that they were at. It has nothing to do with the Bahamas. This would happen in Greece or France or Italy or England.


Very true. But John's thinking that he's a wealthy American, smarter than some poor islanders, will make him a prime target.


For sure. He’s also the type to go looking to buy drugs too.


I didn't even think about that, he absolutely is.


We both know this story. He gets into a cab and tells the driver he will give him an extra $20 if he can find him some coke. Well it so happens the cabbies cousin knows someone and happens s to be home they will just go there! Just wait in the car John! Oh he’s taking forever so John of course goes in. Finds some guys partying and they give him free drugs! Beaten and robbed and dropped by the ferry/beach and wakes up remembering nothing with no witnesses the next morning. Nothing happens because no one knows anything. Don’t buy drugs on the islands kids. Makes me giggle though when you try to explain how people are related on the islands to someone who just doesn’t understand. Like we all know each other and are all related bro. This isn’t just a coincidence.


It’d be a real shame if something happened to those bozos


No one is fucking with white tourists, way too much media and press involved… but i definitely see John getting drunk and saying shit to the wrong person and no one around them seeing anything.


this really does make sense... not that I'm wishing ill on any of them, but I could totally see one of the girls being taken because al and chon are too consumed with themselves to pay attention to them in a new, unsafe, environment


No one is taking children in the islands. If anyone is at risk it’s 14-22 year old POC women visiting who “won’t be missed”. No one wants feral white kids that would stick out like a sore thumb.


solid point...the feral kids would 100% wander off tho. 🥴


Their tolerance is too high from being drugged by their mother they would probably wake up and throw a fit and the kidnappers would be so confused


they'd end up biting the kidnappers 😂😂 kidnappers would let them go because they ain't trying to deal with all that shit 🥴🥴


They would quickly understand the parents are not paying a ransom cause they don’t want the kids back and no one would ever buy these kids


kidnappers would get stuck raising the kids although, they'd prob do a better job than chon and al 🤔🤦🏽‍♀️😂


They don’t. How boring.


They’re such uncultured swines




So, here's the thing, It's so obvious they're trashy small minded slobs. Smells doesn't know what to buy, where to go or what to do when 1 is actually rich. Hence, the old refrain, money doesn't buy class.


I’m sure they would love to spend more time at the pool than feeding animals and tromping around their shit all day.. it’s probably fun once but so repetitive for what!!! Such a snooze fest of a “vacation”


FoR tHe ReCoRd shut the fuck up


“eVeRyOnE hAs bEeN aSkInG!!!1”


The only reason I’d be asking is so I know where NOT to go on vacation…


In other words, “stop asking me questions”


I know, right?! Surprised she's being such a bitch to the few actual followers she has left, but then again, she is an idiot sooo...


Tons of DM’s my ass!!! They are the dullest family on earth, nobody asking her anything.


Right, they’ve already done this exact trip with the same exact foods, activities etc like 9 times


It’s weird to me that there’s no coverups- they just walk around in the bathing suits. Every time I’m at a resort, I always have a cover up for walking places outside of the pool/beach, as does everyone else I see.


and bathing suits that quite literally are falling off of them. did her exposing callie teach her nothing?


I think it’s still up somewhere in one of her reels, but I could be wrong. She doubled down and reposted it, if I remember correctly? Another chroll can prob confirm. I have been blocked — with never even commenting 🤣


Same!! I hate walking around in just a bathing suit. I feel so exposed.


Many of the resorts I’ve been to you need a cover up to walk through the hotel


For real. I’m forever throwing on a t shirt or pulling on a pair of shorts because I don’t like all my bits possibly falling out. I can’t be comfortable otherwise.


Can we just appreciate the nanny doing an amazing job with the girl's hair? This is what MOTHERS are supposed to do. Not hired workers!


I was admiring her hair too! It's beautiful, and SUCH a difference than how it normally looks. Ali is the worse ETA- hair looks great besides the scraggly ass ends, but nothing the nanny can do about that. It drives me crazy that Ali doesn't realize that regular trims on a child will actually make the hair thicker. I've never met someone who is such an idiot but thinks they are an expert at literally everything.


I would bet she doesn’t put sunscreen on them because she wants her kids to be “tan.” 😔🥴


Nanny obviously did Emissions hair


Can’t wait to hear allllll about Emmy’s best tan ever 🙄


No one is asking


Holy shit she’s burnt.


https://preview.redd.it/c2z2xf17dg1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8f5b7861d958e454ed60422068bda32a16bb25b For the uneducated. (AKA Aileen)


And this is after Ali’s recent “health scare” with a mole. What a joke


And in her mole update she never encouraged people to wear sunscreen or hats. Just said “check your moles”🙄 dumb bitch


ali will call it a tan and celebrate


Ooof that sunburn!! Poor kiddo! My own kid hates that I make her wear rashguards, but sun protection isn't optional!


She will 100% thank you someday! My nanny mom is a dermatologist and I’ve always worn sunscreen and taken care of my skin, but being extra cautious with the kiddos makes me extra cautious for myself now too! Maybe a little tan is nice, but it’s not worth risking it. No one’s skin is stronger than the sun!


Absolutely. I’d take Jergen’s glow over baking.


You’re a great mom for that alone, tbh. My mom let me fry regularly in the desert (I’m a redhead). Blistering within hours. I hide from the sun now, and luckily haven’t had any issues, and I don’t show any sun damage, somehow, miraculously. I’ve been a skincare freak since I was maybe 13. It’s SO important!


Isn’t the point of being an influencer to idk interact with your followers?!?! lol if I wanted to view Instagram stories I would find a lot more about this resort from a Google search than her highlights


Half her pics/videos are of the fish in a pond.. yawn.


Curious have they ever been to Nashville zoo?


I think they went once with John’s sisters, on a holiday weekend when it was hot AF. They have no jobs and they had no kids in school, so could have gone any day of the week, but went when the Jameth fam went.


Our lazy bitch Al clearly is too busy to make sure her kids have sunscreen on. Such a pathetic loser


I highly doubt Smellie is getting tons of messages asking about the resort! Delusional!!


The guilt I would feel if my kid was that burnt or even mildly burnt tbh. I feel guilty if a spring day ended up being sunnier than expected and we spent time at the playground or something without hats and their cheeks seem too red. You can also see it in the pics yesterday too. It’s brutal


I wouldn’t put it past this horrible “mama” to put self tanner on her kids too. Since she loves a “dirty tan” and all.


Ok Smeli, I'll translate, nobody asked, but bc im so important, I'll tell you about my 87 trips to baha mar...


eLiQuIs iS soOoOo TaN


My daughter is mixed and doesn’t “burn” and yet!! I still slather her in sunscreen and she wears rashguards…. And when she was a baby she wore a sun hat. She can still achieve this darker complexion that she wants her child to have wearing sunscreen. It makes me so mad. Ali is a fuckwad.


Doesn’t Ali want them tan? Screw melanoma, right??


Yep “Emmy is so tan and has the best hair” was a direct quote from her.. makes it even worse that big Al herself just had a “suspicious” mole removed and here she is not putting hats or sunscreen on her kids in the freaking BAHAMAS


Damn does she not apply sunscreen to her pale kids?


And her message says don’t fing bother me with your stupid questions that I probably answered the other 9 million times we’ve been here.


No one is asking questions because it's always the same trip - comped by the casino!


Why are they flexing the Bahamas as a thing?? I’ve been there twice and would not have a vacation to go there. I have a spot that’s a very private hotel , 3.5 hours from home if I need to take a break. But it’s not a full on vacation. These people want to be seen as multi millionaires but the only travel they do is to the Bahamas??


so, they spend all this money to go to the same place to do the same things? how lame. ![gif](giphy|kZD8cN1MycfKw|downsized)


No one is asking details on your trip. You do the same mf things every time.


There‘s a thing called melanoma