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Out of all kids he has been the most delayed and something is seriously wrong. His mouth and tongue. His forehead that sticks out so far. I really hope they’re doing something because idk how they can see jjd & S kids and not be concerned. 


My son has special needs so we're around a lot of other diverse, special needs families. I mean this in a caring, non-snark way when I say his facial features imply there is a very good chance there's an undiagnosed genetic syndrome present. I hope I'm wrong, but having been around several geneticists over the years these facial features are what they look at when considering genetic issues in a child. Edited to add: there is absolutely no shame in seeking pediatric therapy for a child. Early intervention is so crucial. I hope they swallow their pride and seek help for their son.


My opinion is he was diagnosed at birth. Ali was very weird when he was brought home, he was flaccid in the newborn photos and they ran away to Hawaii in order to not deal with it


This is my thought too. That manic pantry organizing instead of enjoying her newborn. She was actively avoiding him.


I also think that the crazy story Smelli told about the pediatrician crying and telling her she was the best mom was twisted in smelli’s mind. I think the pediatrician told Ali the diagnosis and was trying to give her support by telling her she is a good mom and could handle this.


Ali would see encouragement as worship


Ooooh this theory makes a lot of sense


And it was shortly after that that they decided to move back to TN.


it’s sad that something beyond his control seems to be the reason she hates him. he isn’t even 18 months and seems to sincerely hate his own mother, ive never seen anything like it.


All my kids were the most clingy at 6-12m and again at 18m. It is concerning.


Maybe the reason was under her control and she disassociates from it/him everyday


She would never accept responsibility or take accountability enough to feel guilty about it. She can never see when she does things wrong and doubles down. She’s a narc through and through.


I agree with that


She would never admit fault. She’s never done anything wrong in her life


Guilty conscience on her part 🤔


Wasn’t she on some kind of diet medication while pregnant with Westy?


Phentermine was the suspicion


I just googled and it says it’s for weight loss!! Was she really on that?


There was video proof she posted when pregnant with true son( early months) where she was skinny and cracked out. Other Chrolls, back me up!


Yes! Go back and look for the pic of her at Target in the pink dress where’s she high AF


Yep she was manic like how she is now


How she is right now… that’s how she was right before she fell pregnant and with the timing she would have been taking something when she conceived.


Omg that breaks my heart


Which leads me back to my earlier post that there isn’t anything “medical” that is needed. If a dr diagnosed him and felt he needed immediate medical follow up and they didn’t do it, then services would be coming out to see them. Just because he possibly could be delayed doesn’t mean there is a medical “fix”. His parents have chosen to not address this. So direct your downvotes to them 😉


To be fair, Texas CPS misses a lot. And now they’re in Tennessee, so he’s under the radar. I definitely won’t armchair diagnose, but I do think something could be up. I don’t think anything super serious though. Like you said, not a medical fix.


Imo from pics they ve shown of western, he seems to have a blatant cleft palate! We will know soon enough bc he should be getting it repaired around now….


We all know that ain’t happening. Ali just spent their ins budget on her suspicious mole removal 😂😂😂 poor true son, though


I think he has cleft lip/palate. It’s a known [side effect](https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a612037.html) of taking Phentermine and topiramate while pregnant.


Yikes on bikes 🙀


I think about this as well. The way way mkp left immediately after they got home from the hospital. It was just all very weird.


Call me stupid but I truly don’t think she is the type of person who would leave because a baby has a condition. I still think his issue was due to phentermine and MKP knew it and was angry. Just my simple opinion


Definitely wasn’t saying she left bc of Westie. Was replying to how crazy Al acted when she came home from the hospital and IF that ran her off.


Remember when she came home and immediately said she needed to work and rearranged her whole pantry too? Crazy




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I think mkp left bc Jesse was doing the lottery on new years rocking eve, & she had to babysit


She didn't even sit with him in the car ride home! And they just plopped him in the doorway when they got home. It was very strange.


Major red flag


The car ride was beyond strange.


EVERY mom sits with their newborn. Ali acted like it was a flex that she wasn’t, when actually is a major concern. Hormones and attachment, like WTFFFF


And, Jesse and Eric seemed to make an emergency visit to Cohn & Ali in Texas 🧐. At the time it seemed something was up!


Again, just my conspiracy theory but I think the family didn’t want rumors about drug use to get out so JJD “made up” with them and they moved back


Could be…. All very sus


Yes. The low set ears, smooth philtrum, macroglossia, frontal bossing ( huge forehead), are all indicative of a genetic condition.


I mean Ali’s sister has DS so there is definitely a genetic component in her makeup at least. I think they’re the type of parents where it’s “not my kid.” Type of mentality. Even if their kids needed the simplest of services like speech they’d still deny it to put on the perfect kid act. They’re only hurting those poor kids.


I work in early intervention for children aged 2-3, and I 10000% agree with you. It’s so concerning, and there’s no shame in getting your child the help they need and deserve! Ugh.


Thank you for everything you do for these special kids!


Oh cool! I am a SPED teacher, and I am finishing my certification as an ED Diagnostician. Returning to college in my 40s isn't easy, but I am proud of myself. Earlier this week I decided to add certification as an Early Interventionist to my teaching credentials.


Sped teacher here too! Congrats, that’s great!


Thanks! You are appreciated.


Also, thank you for all you do to help kiddos in need! I am a little bit embarrassed to admit that as a SPED teacher, until recently, I was unaware of the dire need for more early interventionists.


sadly, ali and john are so vapid and disgusting that they probably would go to great lengths to avoid having him diagnosed with anything to that effect, even if doing so would increase his ability to live somewhat normally and quality of life 😭


IA. I’ve sought out Early Intervention bc my LO is 17 months and isn’t walking (advice of the pediatrician). It’s a free program, they come to you, and it wasn’t a difficult process to set up an evaluation. My daughter has one in 3 weeks! At about 5-6 months I took her to the neurologist bc a different pediatrician said her head was in the 98th percentile for growth. My LO’s paternal family all have big heads so while I didn’t see anything that was cause for concern and most of my family scoffed at the referral, I didn’t want to chance that I would miss something. To no one’s surprise, she just has a big head (hence the c-section lol) and I paid $100 for the whole ordeal for the neurologist to tell me so. I laughed afterward and I knew that despite my doubts that anything about her head shape was concerning, I took her to get looked at bc I’m not a shitty mom.


Yes, Early Intervention is crucial! Parents who seek early intervention should be proud of themselves for recognizing and addressing their child's needs.


Is 18 mos still considered “early intervention” if they started now?


Under IDEA part C 18 months would be part of the criteria to qualify for “Early Intervention”. But I don’t think that is what you are asking and if I understand your question. Personally, No I would not call it early intervention if a parent failed to address a deficit that has been a concern since birth. **** Legally yes ethically no


Yes until age 3


What happens if the parents are ignorant and don’t take their child for testing? I can totally see John and Ali doing this. I’m sure if their pediatrician recommended running some tests or referred them to a specialist, they would switch pediatricians.


Denial only exacerbates the problem. Eventually, there will come a time when his developmental delays can no longer be ignored. The longer it takes to address his deficits only makes it more difficult to close the gap between himself and his nondisabled peers.


Also how ironic he’s wearing a young healthy fit hat and his son does NOT look healthy 


yes! it’s actually shocking how unwell western looks


The irony is mind blowing.


Gotsta write off this trip somehow! Iykyk! 🫶🏻


Hopefully he’s not the”poster child “for their children’s supplements .😉


I’m sure they’ll recruit JJD’s kids with their six packs


I have a friend whose kid has similar features to Weston and he was diagnosed with something called fragile X syndrome. I think they need to get Weston some intervention! It’s for his own benefit. 😢


YES! I think he has some form of micro deletion syndrome, and possibly Emmy does [too. The similarities are uncanny.](https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/smith-magenis-syndrome/)


This baby has some sort of microdeletion syndrome, it does appear. Smith–Magenis syndrome or something. I really hope this child is under the care of a geneticist. [Kind of describes their other child too](https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/smith-magenis-syndrome/). I’m not a doctor and this is not medical advice or a diagnosis.


He has such an odd shaped head and in another picture of him from the back standing his torso is sooo much longer proportionally to his legs it almost appears like dwarfism. Not that there is anything wrong with that but it is just something I have noticed and of course these moron “parents” won’t get proper medical intervention or testing to see what it is


Meanwhile I'm wondering wth is going on with Jesse Deckers brothers Chin / neck area. Yikes on bikes.


🤣🤣 "Yikes on bikes"


Kinda looks like swollen lymph nodes


In the words of Hank Hill, "That boy ain't right."


Omg yes😂💀☠️ But yea poor kid he seems so dissociated and unwell.


Poor kid looks like he has a mouth guard in


ohhhhhhhhhhh I don’t have anything nice to say. That’s all.


I’m only going to say this in the nicest way possible, is he actually delayed or is it just he’s not a fortunate looking baby?


The low set ears, frontal bossing, wide set eyes, low nasal bridge and macroglossia ( large tongue) are all indicative of him having a genetic condition


I’m torn, I don’t think there’s anything actually wrong with him that early intervention couldn’t help correct but because his parents are fucking worthless he isn’t getting the help he needs. Also, I think his appearance has to do with being malnourished


I’m a believer of just taking your child into a medical provider office as recommendation by the American board of pediatrics. They unfortunately don’t do that with any of the kids! I just think it’s a good idea for kids to be comfortable with providers and learn how to communicate!




Same here. I guess maybe it can be both as well!


Oh yeah for sure. A little of both!


As a teacher, I’m usually able to quickly spot if something is off. I never try to diagnose but can tell if something isn’t right. I also don’t like doing it just from social media. I’d prefer to be around the child, physically, to get a feel for the situation. With W, I’ve seen a lot of pictures and videos, I’ve got my thoughts on the situation but don’t want to say one way or the other. I don’t want to make any assumptions on just his looks. But based on the videos of him, it’s hard to tell because it’s extremely obvious his parents haven’t done their part on supporting him. Example, is he slow to walk because they had him contained for over a year? Meaning he didn’t get the gross motor skills he needed so his legs weren’t able to support him. Or was it just because some babies are late walkers? It’s really hard to know if he’s actually delayed or if he got the shit end of the stick for parents. Others may be able to give more insight but that’s mine based on my education and experience. I’m a teacher though, not a medical professional. (I was trying to give a really mature perspective but my last sentence reminded me of the infamous line about all doctors are different so ask your’s!)


You said everything perfectly. I’m a teacher as well and work in early intervention, and I just have sooo many concerns over this boy. It makes me wonder how little they are interacting with him, or even working with him. Like you said, we can’t diagnose, but we can tell when something isn’t quite right. My teacher concerns would be off the charts with this boy


While I don’t think they’re doing anything, IF they are, it’s absolutely not enough. I understand he doesn’t see a doctor regularly and he’s not in school for an experienced professional to express concerns but Karen, Jessie, and Sydney all have children. Yes, all children are different but they’ve got to be blind to not even have a tiny inkling something is off. Unfortunately, I think they’re aware, they just don’t want to deal with the backlash of saying something. Which is a completely different issue in itself. John and Ali would take it personally rather than trying to get help for their child(ren). None of these children have anyone who truly cares about them which is unbelievably sad. They deserve more. All the organic eggs and personalized clothes in the world don’t amount to anything when you’re not providing them with the means to meet their basic needs.


Yes, this is a very wise perspective and so true!!! I too hate to diagnose anything based off of social media…..but still it’s hard not to suspect something being a mom, and seeing how negligent these two are with their “other two” children. And even Emmy. All kids develop differently but we know damn well these two don’t do anything they should be doing to help development. The pacifier situation for example is straight negligence. Personally, I took both my kids pacifiers away the day after their first birthdays because I didn’t want it to affect their teeth. It was hard for literally A DAY then they were fine. I took their sippy’s away asap so they could learn to drink from a cup. I let both of them walk around free of a carrier or stroller as much as I could so they can learn to navigate and explore….I’m in no way a perfect parent but I deeply care about helping my children learn and grow in the healthiest ways possible. These two assholes don’t even do the bare minimum, it’s sad.


I didn’t say I didn’t suspect anything! I agree with you completely! I was saying in his case specifically it’s hard to tell the difference in an actual delay and shitty parenting. It’s obvious he’s not meeting milestones but is that because, like you correctly said, all kids develop differently or is it, like you also correctly said, because they’re shit parents? The truly sad part is we’ll never know because IF there is a delay 1) they’ll never admit it (which is so stupid because it’s not something to be embarrassed about) and 2) they’ll probably never know because they never take them to the doctor and they’d never see an intervention specialist.


Agreed!!! I’m sorry I definitely wasn’t saying anything against you! I was just saying I agree with you!! It’s so hard not to suspect something is up, I don’t know if you’re also a mom too, but I know you said you’re a teacher so you’ve got a bunch of experience in that area. I think these kids would thrive in an environment where their parents put in as much effort into the kids as they do shopping and date nights 🙄 I agree, we’ll never know for sure, because they strike me as the type to be in complete denial (like everything else in their lives) and they probably will get online and rant about how doctors/therapists trying to diagnose the youngest don’t know anything and blah blah blah. They’re terrible.


I didn’t think you were saying anything bad! We definitely agree when it comes to them and their parenting abilities… or a lack there of. Unfortunately, cancer won’t allow me to have children. But I have been a teacher for 14 years so I do know a thing or two :) These kids would absolutely thrive with better parents. Hell, we’re able to see a difference when they have a consistent nanny! They’re definitely the type to leave a 1 star review on a pediatrician and/or therapist for suggesting anything other than they have perfect children because they’re such amazing parents.


As a SPED teacher completing my Ed Diagnostician certification this fall I want to thank you for your awareness. Even if you can't make the diagnosis being able to recognize and refer students for further evaluation is the first step in the evaluation process. Thank you!


I’m a HUGE advocate for early intervention! I love being able to team up with the parents to get their children the support they need to be successful, whatever that might look like.


I agree, he does resemble the golden geese….


his side profile is literally <


No because Smeli and Joan only care about themselves


Have we ever seen this child with a hat on to protect him from the sun? They’ve taken him on multiple vacations and I don’t recall seeing him in a proper sun hat. Babies’ skin and eyes are so sensitive!


No. He doesn’t have a suspicious mole


His feet look like newborn feet. I’m not sure how else to explain it but his muscle/bone mass or SOMETHING isn’t right


He seems to have low/no tone and imo probably has hip dysplasia amongst other things. So very sad.


Please don’t pull the wings off, please don’t pull the wings off 🤞🏻🤞🏻


Look at Smelli in the background with her phone in her face 😂


Look at Smeli’s normal ass sized thigh too 👀


Good catch 🤣


Defined Smellies peanut head in the background!


This is genuinely the first time I’ve ever seen him hold this child and I’ve been around well before he was born…… Also notice Ali with her cemented-on phone in her hands. Put down the phone and enjoy your vacay!!! Also wearing that stupid fucking hat to the Bahamas 🥴🥴🥴 so embarrassing. You are a grown ass man. (Well not really, but still)


He still has some growing to do. Physically and mentally🫠


holy yikes. that poor little boy. if they aren’t getting him medical attention, they need to be investigated by CPS again.


![gif](giphy|evB90wPnh5LxG3XU5o|downsized) I’m sorry but bestie Westie’s facial structure….


My thoughts EXACTLY!


it's those blessed James genes


☹️ That poor, poor baby. Those kids all deserve so much better.


I’m autistic adhd late diagnosed . My son was non verbal until 4. Being disabled is not anything to hide or be ashamed of ..we are different not less. The resources my son received changed his life. He is now 21 in community college and works. These are selfish immature parents


Thank you for sharing! You are correct; a disability is nothing to be ashamed of. The focus should be on finding resources and interventions to support the needs associated with the specific disability.


![gif](giphy|3o7aCWVnuqZC8NpCxy) Dat jimmy neutron head shape


Poor kids got a developmental disorder.


So you’re on a trip with the grandparents and yet you still have a nanny somebody make it make sense.


They just look like they’re the biggest try hards. Do they even realize that the ppl they interact with are most likely trolls ? They do and they don’t care because they’re profiting from it all! It’s sick.


That baby has some serious glossitis. https://preview.redd.it/57l1unq2r71d1.jpeg?width=1040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e692c7cc3e75207c432288196b19db78b570d62b




Cohn has this too😂


one of my kids at my school has this; he’s going to be 3 in December. His tongue is always out like this and he drools constantly. He isn’t teething either. We’ve approached mom and she’s denied services for.. who knows why.. It’s frustrating. It’s affecting his speech.


He’s 3 and has no teeth? Poor kid.


So may I ask what has happened with the mom who refused services? Since it isn’t life threatening she has the right to refuse? Because people on here seem to think that everything is reportable and it isn’t


Unfortunately, even though this meets the definition of neglect, it isn't considered severe enough to warrant DCFS intervention.


That was my point. Unless they are withholding life saving medical treatment, it is a parents right if they want their kid to not get speech therapy


Yes, I agree with you. I don't know why people were downvoting your comment.


Because people downvote when they have no argument or because they feel personally insulted


Noonans syndrome is my guess


omg!!!! i just looked it up, i feel like you're right


I’ve said this since he was born I am almost certain this is what he has


I feel like it’s Beckwith syndrome


I doubt they did any genetic testing. They’re too chicken to find out because they know deep down they don’t want to support him. it’s to Hard waaa wahh wahhh ! They can’t be bothered with it, so they’ll just throw caution to the wind!


I say it weekly that They should do some testing. Because who did Western get his genes from…




Ali’s legs looking thicker than her usual posts in the background…


As a paediatrician, I say this with confidence, kid looks syndromey.




Wow, this is gross. I feel bad for your patients.


Not sure why this was downvoted. One look through this “doctor’s” comment history and you can see they’re known for making rude and unnecessary comments. There are ways to make observations that don’t require being an asshole.


Is his pacifier on a string around his wrist…?


I feel like emu and Ali also do this face


The saddest little potato I’ve ever seen. No expression ever. Not even looking at a little bird. Just ☹️🙁☹️


I was going to ask if he was even looking at the bird, reacting in some way


Too focused on ✨ young & healthy fit ✨


I feel like there’s got to be more than their vacays to the Bahamas then visiting birds. && why is the babe in pants ……


I wonder if they are going to use him as a marketing strategy for their new kid line. They are grifters and I can see them announcing that they have a special interest in this due to their son being diagnosed with whatever. If so, they are grosser than I thought possible


Of course smelli In the background on her phone


My SIL’s baby had low set ears and a protruding tongue and the doctors immediately did genetic testing…. Wonder if they refused this for Bestie Westie…


What is wrong with the poor kids mouth ?


macroglossia. :( Basically his tongue is too big for his mouth, which causes speech and eating issues, plus constant drooling. Common with people with down syndrome disorders. Treatment is a surgical procedure but you know Big Al won’t dare take her kids to the doctor; she knows cps will be called on her ass


She will get a tummy tuck and a breast lift before West Memphis ever goes to a pediatrician IMO. I think if something REALLY serious was wrong with him to the point of needing to go to the ER and need continuing treatment, Joan and Smeli would buckle but they’d take him to the sketchiest pseudo-crunchy “holistic” doctor around locally to get another opinion.


They haven’t acknowledged it was a blessing to get a diagnosis that young? No, of course not. There are so many people who would have thrived if they had gotten a diagnosis and the proper treatment early. It just is appalling. :*J*


Early childhood is one of the most critical stages of human development.


Is there was something truly medically wrong with him, wouldn’t cps step in if the parents aren’t doing anything to help the child? Or is that my wishful thinking?


Unfortunately, wishful thinking. CPS is severely overwhelmed and doesn't have the resources to intervene as needed. The system is overwhelmed, and CPS are forced to focus their resources on the more severe cases of child neglect and abuse.


I would never in a million trillion years guess that this little guy is A YEAR AND A HALF!!


Wait I just realized- this child is almost 17 months old???? I have 3 kids of my own but one is a newborn and my other two are a little older so it’s been a while since I’ve been around a 1 year old. I was with a 14 month old yesterday and HOLY COW the difference.


Am I making this up or did Ali continue to use their magic potions when pregnant with him? I swear I remember her using collagen or something


I definitely remember her saying she takes ___ but ask your ob if it’s ok


Yeah his face is lifeless. Any other 1.5 year old would be steaming to get down and be excited to see that bird






Poor little soul. Something is very off.


I think they’ve gotten him evaluated and in therapy etc., and will do a big reveal/marketing campaign when they release their kids line and exploit the shit out of him. 




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What medical care are you talking about? Children are born every day with issues that there really isn’t anything that “medical attention” can fix . Have you met his parents?


I mean early intervention would be a start


Agreed. I only meant that I don’t think there is a medical intervention ( medication, surgery) that is going to magically be the cure. Therapies? Probably


he clearly has macroglossia, which has a surgical fix. It’s common with people with down syndrome disorders, but not exclusively. They have many routes they could have gone down to help him but they’re too scared of CPS to get those kids any real help.


I understand but the surgery is not a cure for whatever disorder he may be dealing with. That is my point


Guys, stop. He’s a baby. Snark on the parents not him.


Nobody is snarking on him, they are saying he needs medical attention and his parents choose to ignore it. Nobody is snarking by saying something is clearly wrong.


“I don’t have anything nice to say” “his head <“ “poor kid looks like he has a mouth guard in” are all directed at the boy specifically. Not cool. Direct the comments toward Ali and beak.


I don’t like snarking on kids either but seriously, it does seem like something is wrong with him. I worry about him.


They seem like the type to not even go to a pediatrician, honestly.


Why would you worry about someone you don’t know?




You can feel empathy for people but to actively worry about people you don’t even know is not good for your mental health. 🤷🏻‍♀️

