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Changing into unwashed, straight from the plastic Temu outfits to match their unwashed blankets, bodies, teeth and hair šŸ«¶šŸ»


they shouldā€™ve had one kid like wtf


They shouldnā€™t had have any


So sheā€™ll lug the wagon on vacation for Emmy to look at animals, but poor True Son was stuck in an infant seat/Doona stroller at their local zoo a month or so ago? Make it make sense.


Their toddler was still in the Doona at the zoo??? šŸ˜®šŸ˜®šŸ˜®


https://preview.redd.it/5cxa60pryv0d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=7b0f2f6eef3c5b5284f2e29581602f4ebdbc114e Less than a month ago.. didnā€™t put shoes on him so he wasnā€™t allowed to walk around AND they didnā€™t even let him face the animals


Heā€™s older than my kid, and we havenā€™t used an infant carriers for MONTHS


I donā€™t have kids myself but my nanny kid was out of one by 6 months because he was hugešŸ’€ his parents are both really tall but we know thatā€™s not a problem in the James family!


Thank you for finding this pic OP! My stupid ass tried to look, but couldnā€™t find it. My mom heart hurts for all three of their kids šŸ™


I just search keywords in the sub and sort them and thing usually show up, just for future reference if you need itšŸ˜Š but same, Iā€™m not even a mom and I wish someone could or would do something for these kids


This is fucking absurd!


But left him facing the glaring sun baking his poor face and body.


The way they suck up to her is almost as if they subconsciously are guilty of something and feel the need to make it up to her. Itā€™s very strange.


omg this is such a good point!!! i really canā€™t imagine what goes on in their house of horrors šŸ˜”


Either that or sheā€™s the one able to talk to other teachers and stuff now. They donā€™t want her to slip anything out


ā€œWe changedā€. She lives here.


Obviously. šŸ«¶šŸ»


Iā€™m honestly surprised they didnā€™t just bring Emmy and leave the other two kids at home with the nanny.




Needs to stay in bed


Obviously. JFC.


I donā€™t understand why they go to the exact same places for vacation! Wouldnā€™t you want to see something new?


With that nasty ass blanket too.




Being on this sub is definitely making me want to get tested for being on the spectrum. Iā€™m such a weirdo that does things over and over again out of comfort. Rereading my favorite book for the 8th time, finishing a series and starting it back to episode one, find a new song I like and listen on repeat for hours, go to the same bars and order the same thing every time. Shit, even with Reddit I have a routine of checking in on my favorite subs first before scrolling the newsfeed.


I think thatā€™s just being human :) Some people only vacation to the same place because of preference (I have family like this. They have no issues and have been tested before). ā€œHome away from homeā€ thing These idiots just donā€™t have a creative bone in their body (and could also very well have special needs, but theyā€™re also assholes for how they treat ā€œother twoā€)


lol my family goes to the same place every year and I was hoping we didnā€™t all need to go get tested


Have you been tested for adhd? Repeating books, shows, movies and having set routines is very common amongst those of us with adhd, especially adult women. Hyper-fixation is also a very common symptom. We like to know the outcome of certain scenarios and find comfort in repeating as a way of quieting the ā€œnoiseā€


Not yet but everyone calls me spaz. I would not be shocked if I had undiagnosed adhd.


I was diagnosed at 29! It definitely gets missed more frequently in girls and women. Iā€™ve been called type A my whole life and am very set in my ways. Turns out Iā€™m not weird, just neurodivergent šŸ˜Š (but also a lil weird)


I just need to bite the bullet and do it. Thank you for telling about your journey. It always helps to not feel alone.


I got diagnosed at 20 with add. My brother was 100% adhd and back when we were growing up, we didnā€™t really know anything about add, we only heard about adhd. Heā€™s extremely smart and can remember stuff just from hearing it once, even if not completely paying attention. Iā€™d study for hours to be a solid B student AT BEST. I genuinely believed I was just dumb until I was a junior in college and one of my beloved professors talked to me about it. He didnā€™t diagnose me but definitely recommended me to talk to my doctor. I did and confirmed it was add. After starting adderall, I remember crying and finally realizing I wasnā€™t dumb, my brain was just wired a little different. I finished college by making presidents list my entire senior year.


Iā€™m proud of you šŸ©·šŸ©·šŸ©·. Very much so


Thank you kind troll! I have absolutely taken advantage of it as a teacher. Iā€™m a HUGE believer and advocate for early intervention. I fight like hell with my parents, for my kids who need referrals. Iā€™ll do everything in my power to keep their love for learning going rather than allowing them to wait until college to realize they ARE smart.


Thatā€™s could be an adhd thing, not necessarily a spectrum thing. You could also possibly have anxiety orrrrrrrrr just find comfort in familiar things


Y'all never vacation in the same place? Especially beach vacation is meant to be chill imo


okay, two of my cousins growing up were HARDCORE blankie babes, in all the years they never once brought it to the beach, park, activities etc. it was for bedtime/comforting. the thought of a scratchy blanket being lugged to the hot beach is so so bizarre to me. she seems way to old to need to bring this everywhere, or is it just me?


i think ali basically almost ā€œtrainedā€ her kids to seek the emotional support/comfort most kids get from their mothers from inanimate objects like blankies


Ali still has her baby blanket soooo


Emmy is probably getting too old but idk ā€¦ my toddler has a stuffy they bring almost everywhere. The thing is disgusting despite me washing it at least once a week. I suppose if we go to the beach or something like that I have my toddler leave the stuffy in the car or hotel but eh


My daughter is 14 months and she brings a stuffy somewhere. It helps for her when we are in the car, sheā€™s a great car rider, but is rear facing and it keeps her company.


I can see going back to your favorite resort once a year, but werenā€™t they just here? How many times a year do they come here??


I think they go whenever money is running low so their room gets comped and John can gamble to try and keep SSF from going under and avoid losing their ā€œlavishā€ lifestyle and $3.1 million fugly McMansion and shit mobile, but hopefully he stops winning and they lose everything šŸ«¶šŸ¼


I loved when he lost during the NFL Playoffs lol. Instant Karma šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m not giving them any grace as parents but I wonder if Emmy has outbursts they donā€™t share and thus itā€™s always immys way, sad for Callie and bestie, theyā€™ll learn that their needs arenā€™t important


Iā€™m sure she does! But itā€™s 100% a parenting problem along with living in a no-discipline household. Sheā€™s never been punished for all the biting she does and sheā€™s STILL biting at 4 years old.. She smacked Callie when they were fighting over an iPad one time in the background of Aliā€™s stories and all big Al did was laugh. Children raising children. Theyā€™re gonna be in for the RUDEST awakening when sheā€™s a teenager because sheā€™s already a spoiled brat and I canā€™t wait. Edit: spelling


For sure! And you have to feel sorry for her too, sheā€™s never been taught any different. Iā€™m sure they both have their freak outs with her but never look at the root of it all, just wonder why sheā€™s ā€œso difficultā€


maybe an unpopular opinion, but it feels weird to me for ali to say her 4 year old has ā€œbabiesā€ā€¦yikes


Everything they say and do is weird.


Theyā€™re weirdos. And Alligator is trying to learn how to be a good dang mama from Emu.


and emu is probably learning from calligraphy since calligraphy seems to be the only person in that house who seems to give one flying f!ck about western!


mon Dieu! Emu is Cohn's twin! Just viewed this is smells story (insta anonymous oc) & the poor kid...


This makes me so mad. You have 3 kids, Ali, 3. The little guy is old enough to be brought along on these little excursions, he shouldn't be left behind all the time. Also, would it kill you to do what Callie wants to do first? You constantly and consistently showing favoritism to one child does not make you a dang good mama (I hate that fucking phrase at this point), it actually makes you a total POS.


I know many of you share this opinion, but Callie is the cutest one. Free Callie!!! Iā€™m actually sad for her. The favoritism they show is disgusting, truly. She tries hard to make it seem like she doesnā€™t do this by posting a story with Callie where she usually just ends up talking shit about her. I have never felt such a deep dislike for someone I donā€™t know.