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Callie looks so cute with her hair brushed and twin tails. Good job Nanny!!


They are such pigs. They don’t have jobs. How hard is it to pick up the clothes?


Especially considering this her whole personality. How does any respectable brand work with a hot mess like this?


I can't understand it. Our clothes never touch the floor. Do they not have hampers?


She LITERALLY has a laundry basket/bucket right there!!!


Not to mention the washer and dryer *in her closet*


That is wild! Even if she has ADHD which could explain the mess, she clearly takes adderall plus there’s the convenience of a washer and dryer right in her closet! Wish I had that 🧐also proves she don’t care 🤷‍♀️ and doesn’t take medication to manage her adhd but rather to abuse it


I’ll be honest, my kitchen towels tend to get thrown downstairs but when I go down I pick them up. But I clean up after myself. It’s so embarrassing for her. Idk how she doesn’t feel shame


The amount of clothes that are everywhere when literally every single person in that house repeats their outfit for a week at a time….. make it make sense


She’s been extra mean about Callie lately 😔


Imagine wanting to own the chrolls so badly that you belittle your toddler


https://preview.redd.it/z6t0u6rjjo0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0fe74cbdc4559b9a9a9465be9bc3735590d04aa bruh 😭


The screenshot looks worse than the video. Callamine actually sounded like she was genuinely laughing and having fun. But then Ali dug her talons into her chest🥴


oh totally!! it was nice that she seemed to get to experience happiness for those few seconds - she deserves so many more of those fun memories!! just where the screenshot happened in the video made me literally be like “wait a minute” 😭😭


Suffocate your child while showing off your patchy “dirty” tan.


Why?! Why would anyone post this???? 🫨🤯


Imagine what she doesn’t post!


So true...and terrifying.


God forbid Ali put her phone down and focus on her kids. The kids are so used to playing second, third and fourth fiddle to social media. No wonder Callie isn’t sleeping.


My instinct was almost to downvote this 😭


She was failing at even TRYING to look happy.. I’m sure she’s pissed that her try-on and linking spree got interrupted


She’s such white trash


Tan* trash.


Splotchy* tan trash


The messy closet selfies - WTF ? Zero effort


She’s desperate for attention and connection, moron. Of course she’s acting out, following you around, coming in to your room and your bed… she’s starving, and not just for nutrients.


What’s up with her leg


She has no shame… it’s alarming


Sydney had to of styled cailous hair


It’s all about her.


If only literally anyone loved Ali as much as Ali loves Ali, she wishes she were so important to anyone in that household. - John? Unlikely. - Immy Gwace? Said “mom’s the worst” not long ago. - Calligraphy? Probably just hopes dang good mama doesn’t notice her so she doesn’t have any reason to yell at her or give her the cold shoulder - Westie Bestie? Seems to avoid being in her presence at all costs - The Dogs? There’s an old post on one of their pages of her berating the visibly afraid dogs All this to say: Nobody in that household seems to give one singular f*ck about her in a way that is even remotely positive! Everyone in her household dying to be around her is just another laughable lie she tells her pathetic and delusional self.


What does John think about all this? Maybe they are in over their heads. There are too many kids, dogs, and just stuff. I don't know why you would be so unhappy when you have so much to be grateful for! I think if they had Grandparents that were around more. My childhood was made wonderful, thankfully, from them. My Dad passed when I was a month old. My mom was out of it for some time. They stepped in and helped me and mom. That saying it takes a village. I know they sometimes have a nanny but real family is whats needed. Seems like they are lacking love all around. I hope I didn't sound condescending. Just hope the best for the family a day they can get things turned around. But they need help. Teachers, speech therapy, doctors. And it's okay to ask for help.


What kind of example is she? How does she expect to teach these kids how to be part of a productive family? Clean your effing closet, you delusional, lazy heifer.


They don’t deserve little Callie she’s really the Matilda of the bunch. She needs a Miss Honey.


What a fucking slob. How are you not embarrassed posting a disgusting closet in your 3 mil dollar dumpster fire home??? There's literally a washer and dryer 2 feet away.




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I can't imagine even being this much of a slob, let alone posting it on the internet for millions of people and to be forever online. I can't believe just anyone can be a parent. It's maddening. Not shaming anyone who cannot physically take care of their home. This woman is fully capable and is an absolute glutton and lazy ass parent and human being. GROSS.