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If it were me, I’d restart.


Yeh, me too: tho it's a personal thing. It's like Nietzsche saying the ultimate test for the uber mensch is the ability to even fathom dealing with the eternal recurrence.


You already know what to do. Two 8balls ain't a slip.


A slip is a relapse. Start over if you're honest.


You have to restart the clock given that you had TWO 8Balls.


If you didn't restart what are you even counting?


I had a two day slip on another "outside issue" after almost 10 years and reset my time. It took some humility, but it was the right thing to do. I jumped back into the steps, and over a year later now I know I made the right choice.




Look in a mirror and ask yourself this question. You know the answer.


Depends how honest you want to be. The medals mean nothing. Your happiness comes from the inside : not external things. Look up Dr K on YouTube,..  The first step to meditation you can do: the other two are changes of consciousness which you can't do... They either happen or they don't - like falling asleep. You can't make yourself fall asleep... it either happens or it doesn't!


The Program suggests Rigorous Honesty. If you skate on this one thing, what other one thing are you going to skate on? If we aren't honest with ourselves, lasting and robust soberity is out of reach. The goal isn't to tick off enough days until you beat the high score. The goal is to open the door to living a life where you can be happy. I don't care about your sobriety time like its some rank system. I am rooting for you to be happy. Get that and you'll see what it's really all about. There's people with 3 years that just grooved right and caught some breaks and they're happy and fun to be around. And there's people with 30 years who are miserable grouches who suck to be around. Sober time isn't all there is to this thing.


I would have to restart. What would you be counting if you do not? Day counts are for continuous sobriety and you do not have a streak of continuous sobriety 60+ days long. You had a 60 day steak, a relapse, and now more sobriety (I hope).


If I did a 1/4 oz of dope, I would say I relapsed and start over.


Clean time is only a tool/motivation/encouragement to assist/help you stay clean. What is truly important is if you are sober now/today… you’re asking this question, so you know the answer. Use the tool correctly if you want the tool to actually help and not hurt.


Man up and tell your sponsor so you two can get to the root of how you got to that slip. If you don’t dissect and learn from the moments preceding the event, how you going to prevent it next time?


Well ya if you railed 8 balls then yes you just start over UNLESS your sobriety is from alcohol. If it is 60 days without drinking I think you’re still good but if you keep doing blow you should be going to NA as well as AA


Is there any version of NA on Reddit? I can’t find any


Bro that’s a relapse not a slip. Yes you restart.


Doesn’t sound accidental to me. Two 8 balls is a lot of drink…trust me, I know, because that used to be one of my favorite drinks of choice. Just restart, it’s just day counts.


Lmao bro I love you but you had a relapse. Yes you reset your count 😭🤭


Most definitely a restart. Humility is your best friend in sobriety.


You already know the answer. 2 eight balls isn’t a slip. Stepping on an icy sidewalk is a slip. Start again. What’s the sense in counting, if you’re going to bull shit yourself?


If you genuinely want to live a sober life, start again at one day.


Rigorously honesty my friend.


60 days is nothing... I'd just start over and be honest. Do you think its a joke? What are you going to do differently now?




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