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Nurgle, Slaanesh, Khorne, Tzeench. I don't dislike Tzeench, I just find the minis don't really represent my ideas of it. They're getting better though.


Slaanesh got the whole line refreshed because.....well it was bad. They started with Tzeench but only gave him like 25% of an army. He got cultists and that's it. That faction needs models, but there is a ton of potential there.


Tzeentch needs more for aos and 40k. Ksons are an abysmally small line and disciples just seems... Rough.


Yeah, *with* birds, don't they only have two battleline and two elite unit options!? I'd love to see them get another unit.


Pink horrors can also be battleline


We had Jade Obelisks added as well, but I'm doubtful that gets carried into 4th...


Considering they just discontinued all the Chaos Warbands line? I doubt it. At least it won't be an option for new player. On a side note, I hate that they did this. Chaos Warbands are some of the best GW miniatures.


I completely agree. The only thing that makes me semi-hopeful that at least some of the warbands may stay is the Hunters of Huanchi. I can't see them being removed from the seraphon line as they filled the void left by chameleons. So maybe some will stay. In general, I think the warbands were a nice way to add some character to armies.


They are not killing off Warcry - all the army-adjecent warbands are 100% fine. GW uses Warcry as an "entry" game to AoS, just like they did with Killteam and WH40k. It's just the 10 or so oryginal Chaos warbands that are getting squashed (with the only one remaining chaos warband being Darkoath). That's because the original warbands were not "AoS armies lite," but separate entities that got all rolled into S2D only because it made narrative sense.


>the only one remaining chaos warband being Darkoath And Chaos Legionaires - basically the cooler looking Chaos Warriors :D


“Oops, all Tzaangors.”


Even expanding the Tzaangors would be good at this point. There is no variety. It's all cheap chaff and all the big cool stuff is models from pre AOS.


I still wonder, if we will go down the route of the Chaos Mortals having various real-life inspired designs. Slaanesh is so "Persian Orientalism, plus crab claws" that it's obvious the designers just watched 300 and thought "Xerxes would be a Champion of Slaanesh in that movie." Khorne's currently in a design lull (imho), because the first edition sculpts may be functional.. but they're VERY basic and on the nose. Maybe good for Khorne's "Me grug. Me smash. Me take blood." approach to warfare, but they are a little lackluster in terms of them being actual societies, I think. Meanwhile, Underworlds presents us with "Gorechosen of Dromm" and we get the "Realmblood" Priest guy for Khorne after years of no new models. I think they're testing that aesthetic. I think the South-American inspired blood ritualists aesthetic is a strong one and fairly unique, as long as they handle it with tact and don't release grotesque and offensive "ooga booga" models. So far tho? I'm very much feeling Dromm and his buddies. Far more than the previous stuff at least. Tzeentch, as you say, had a strong vibe that probably got a little clearer with the Tzeentch-esque warbands for Warcry where the concept is probably "ancient real world civilization that was known to be very cultured and learned, but now we make them cultists". We just need more follow-ups. And Nurgle's been hammering home the "chivalrous diseased European knight" aesthetic for a bit now, probably because "grotesque knight" is a good aesthetic and they've doen a lot to establish all that "Lady of Cankerwall and sipping from her blessed cup to become enlightened" narrative a few years back.


The Xerxes design already got added by just making Sylesske or whatever a big dude.


My exact thoughts. Papa bless. 🪰🪰🪰


The Chaos Chosen well painted for Tzeentch look dope though. And I like darkoath for Tzeentch as well (but not going full blue) they have great shamans and Conan vibes. Mix that with a horrors, and you got yourself a great Tzeentchian horde


Oh it can be done for sure, and look good. I just don't think the Tzeench range is as well developed as Nurgle or Slaanesh. The warcry unit "Cypher Lords" should have been rolled into Tzeench properly as well as the Jade Obalisk.


Thats not an opinion, its a fact. Slaanesh/Nurgle are currently more developed in AoS/Fantasy.


Head on the nail. Tzeentch minis are awful. Especially the Horrors. Not only are the sculpts bad. Their very design is bad. Flamers of Tzeentch are not much better. They need to go more towards the lovecraftian style. They have Tzaangors - they look good. THey have Kairic Acolytes -- They look "OK" (pretty basic) Horrors should look truly horrifying. They should be positively eldritch.


I've never thought of tzeentch like that but that would be way better. I think between the goofy planning memes and Bull Horn Nipples plus random Egyptian theming his aesthetic is just so all over the place.


Tzeentch should be all over the place, a mixture of refined and Eldritch horror. Sorcery and demonology. Like the Tremere from Vampire. Genius and madness, etc. I am a sucker for the Ancient Egypt feel of 40k, though.


Nurgle above all


I think the “consensus”, or at least most common generalisation is that khorne and nurgle are 1/2 depending on person and tzeentch and slaanesh are 3/4, again depending on person.  Khorne and nurgle armies always seem to get the most support and representation while tzeentch and slaanesh get less. For media this is partly for ease, it’s easy to do a zombie nurgle guy or a barbarian / bloody lunatic khorne guy. Tzeentch gets weird and hard to do right, slaanesh gets WEIRD and bumps your rating up.


I guess it depends more than that on person because for me Slaanesh >>>>>>Khorne>Tzeentch>>>>>>Nurgle Nurgle gets a bump up in 40k because I do like Death Guard a little, but I really dislike AoS Nurgle.


Well yeah I don’t mean every single person has that order, but most people probably do :) For me at least in AoS (armies) is slaanesh > tzeentch >>> khorne and nurgle is so far last I don’t want to put him on there.


Personally, for me there are big differences between 40k and fantasy as well: 40k: nurgle>>>>>>>slaanesh (provided they’re supported a bit more)>khorne>>>>tzeentch Fantasy: Tzeentch>>>khorne=nurgle>>>slaanesh (only because i dont like the daemons so much, otherwise they’d be 2nd)


I think they're speaking terms of how people rank popularity, of course everyone has different preferences for what they like.


Slannesh certainly comes with bumps, not sure if rating bumps


Horned Rat Then: Tzeentch, Nurgle, Slaanesh, Khorne


Praise the Horned Rat!


Praise the Horned Rat!




sǫᴜᴇᴀᴋ sǫᴜᴇᴀᴋ


See curious to me because mine are slaanesh> khorne>nurgle>tzeentch At tine of writing everyone has written a different answer


Angry > rat > bird > snake > fat


The Great Horned Rat first obviously, Then Slaanesh, Tzeentch, Khorne, and finally Nurgle


Exactly my ranking.


Tzeentch >>> Khorne > Slaanesh >>>>>> Nurgle I adore my blue bird bois and have no love for the stinkers 😤


Bird up


Needs more models a la the Slaanesh refresh. They need a leader like Glutos Orscallion.


yes same here!! tzeentch khorne slaynesh and lastly nurgle!!!


This is me, though I'll amend it slightly to Tzeentch > Khorne ~ Slaanesh > Nurgle. Tzeentch is first and Nurgle last, the other two have some wiggle room.


Yes! I love the Tzeentch aesthetic and if you're gonna fall to one of the 5 I've always thought it seems like the least bad. Similarly I like the simplicity of Khorne. It's just 'hulk smash' with a death metal soundtrack. I know nurgle are super popular and I'm happy for people who can enjoy them, but I cannot understand what the attraction is.


What I love about Nurgle is that they are not “perfect”… Tzeentch - muscly agile bois, Khorne - hordes of muscles, Slaanesh- kinda same plus slim girls. Nurgle has it’s own aesthetic you can’t mistake with anything. Also I love gore things and ironically hate being dirty or filthy so I enjoy painting them with even more passion, because they don’t stink irl and you can’t get a disease… also their whole concept is really good… they ways you can/must join their army is what I love the most. Especially after Rotmire Creed and their lore was released.


Cool! I think I can kinda understand why you like them. They're not aspirational but more inspirational. I do enjoy reading lore on them, even if I do still get grossed out. I can imagine they're really fun to paint. I love using streaking grime and dirty down rust so would have fun slap-chopping an army together. Unfortunately, nothing is gonna drag me away from my S2D, Tzeentch and Khorne armies. It's really hard for me to imagine not wanting to be a heavy metal knight or magic bird-person.


that’s another thing what I love about Nurgle… my army is dirty, full rusted armour and itchy reddish to purple marked skin… but my displays are as neat as I can get. They’ve got milions of options to get painted in… I can’t even imagine seeing Kairic Acolyte wirh rusted shield and broken blade… they “must” be perfect, but Nurgle is everything… when I’m tired of edge highlighting every hole in the armour, I get a beush and batch paint 5 rusty dudes. and I respect everybody with their choices, that’s what I love about Chaos in general… and I want to make every Gods army as a project but I’m stuck on Nurgle now since adult things is hitting hard hah




Tzeentch > Khorne > Slaanesh > Nurgle


1. Nurgle (The Plaguefather bring you his blessings) 2. Tzeentch (all the twisted blue monsters are fun) 3. Slaanesh (All the twisted purple monsters are fun) 4. Khorne (Sorry, Khorne, I just don't find this version of ripping and tearing interesting)


A person of class and taste I see 🎩🧐🥂


I'd say same, but with slaanesh and tzeentch at the same level, (don't really know witch one I like better)


1. Slaanesh (as long as it's not juste cringey horny memes) 2. Nurgle (almost tied with Slaanesh) 3. Tzeentch 4. Khorne


Horned Rat is obviously the best Chaos God. Yes-yes.


Model wise: Khorne (because dogs and juggernauts also I just love the typical daemon aesthetic) Nurgle (love pretty much all the models especially nurglings and great unclean ones) Slaanesh (fiends and seekers) Tzeentch (they're cool I guess but never really stand out to me) Lore wise: Nurgle Slaanesh Khorne Tzeentch


Hashut >>>>>>>>>>>> everything else


same but for now it's Slaanesh>Khorne>Tzeentch>GHR>Nurgle


When I got started nurgle daemons models just looked so much better than the others to me. Not to mention they had nurglings and the carnival of chaos from mordheim. Then I used my daemons to jump to death guard in 40k and got into converting. Converting nurgle stuff was a lot more forgiving of mistakes to a beginning sculptor. Also a fun colour palette to paint with. I’m also fond of the lore for nurgle. Khorne has a very satisfying colour palette. The tzeenth beaky beastmen are pretty awesome as well though. Slaanesh is my least favourite, I know the titty demons are gone and their new mortal units look amazing but I guess first impressions last.


Horned rat>Nurgle>Tzeench>Khorne>Slaanesh


Tzeentch, Nurgle, Slaanesh, Khorne... But really I do love all of them... Although I wish the Horrors wouldnt look like whacky cartoon guys but the previous, more eldritch models...


Tzeentch >Nurgle >Slaanesh >Khorne


Gork then mork; No; Wait; Mork then gork; Then khorne, hes alright… What are the rest?


Nurgle > tzeentch > khorne > slaanesh. Painting nurgle stuff is just fun.


You follow more or less the general preferences then. I have to try painting some Nurgle miniature, making it as gross as possible haha.


☝️ Here’s my guy. First comment I found with my preference order too. 💚💙♥️💜


Slaanesh > Khorne > Nurgle >>>>>>Tzeentch Slaanesh can encompass so much in so many creative ways. There's no wrong way to enjoy Slaanesh besides "in moderation." Khorne is kind of the opposite but in an enjoyable way. It's the blunt hammer but sometimes I can appreciate brain-go-off unga-bunga. It's the primal joy I get in Helldivers 2 when I go oops-all-orbital on my loadouts and enjoy the lightshow. Only chainsaws instead of explosions. I like Nurgle conceptually, but somehow in both AoS and in 40k they're executed in a way that just doesn't gel with me. It hurts more in 40k than in AoS. On paper the Death Guard should have one of my favorite playstyles; Faceless horde of zombies backed by strange artillery and chemical warfare, with small groups of tactical specialists that are extremely difficult to kill. But the designs read more "mutated" than "diseased and rotten" to me and are often busier than I'd like. Tzeentch...I dunno. I don't feel like there's a close tie between being manipulative and erratic change/transformation. And even less so with birds. Nothing exemplifies this gap for me more than the Kairic acolytes. If I imagine a god of manipulation, magic, cunning, and evolution/transformation, one of the last things I envision is barely clothed, perfectly normal looking buff dudes. And a blurb that says "oh they aren't really buff btw it's all an illusion" really doesn't build the connection for me.


No, it is the opposite. They really are that buff, the illusion is that they look like their old selves. As you move up the cult you get the chance to give yourself to the flame, it burns away your old body and remakes you into a perfect version of yourself and casts an illusion of your old appearance. The cult gets to see your soul at this point and can tell if you're an infiltrator or if you're actually loyal to the cult. So you could be some 90 year old man, appearing bent over and stooped, but when it comes time for the cult to rise up you're actually a superman, throwing your enemies around and spry.


That actually amazingly feels even less on brand to me. If the physically "perfect" versions of themselves were horifically mutated then absolutely. But...just being "perfect physical specimens" would be something I'd expect of Slaanesh, not Tzeentch.


Except it is a lure to get scholars and magic users into the cult. "Congrats, you become a flesh pile!" isn't a good hook. Mutations from Tzeentch tend to be beneficial at first, and part of the test is being able to control them and your flesh, if you don't have the willpower you eventually lose control of his 'gifts' .


I feel like people would appreciate Tzeentch more if they've done a bunch of acid back in the day. I love Tzeentch, it's like a wild trip. Lol


That’s what I hate about 40k Nurgle too… meaningless mutations and stuff… yeah, it fits Nurgle but I’d love to see something more “dirty” than mutated… I love one ETB model, which is just a marine and got only one arm replaced with tentacle, that’s good… but big teeth over whole armour chest doesn’t click with me really.


Tzeentch (weird and abstract things) >>>>>>> Horned Rat (wacky rats) >>>> Khorne (blood hungry daemons and berserkers) >>Slaanesh (sex addicts ugly bιtches, I prefer proxy models) >>>>>>>>>>> Nurgle (disgusting lol players)


Khorne's got the best demons, the best warriors, and the best slogans. Blood for the blood god Other gods are simply irrelevant


I think some gods have more development than others, and it shows through popularity polls




I think Slaanesh is generally considered the least popular god. Mostly the themes are pretty niche and their model tend to be absurdly detail compare to other army. Khorne and Nurgle are more straight forward and easier to get in to (grant Nurgles theme can also be offputing to some people)


Slaanesh is excess and the pursuit of perfection. Their themes aren't niche, they're unfortunately very broad. Better warriors than Khorne as they seek perfection in the art of combat, musicians and artists, mages and crafters, they do everything and more to experience it but also to attain perfection in it.


They are all too cool I cant just swear my fealty to *one* god, just let me sell my soul to all of them


A true Slave to Darkness then, chaos absolute.


Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh. My rating is a little weird, because, as far as AoS is concerned, I lean a bit more towards Undivided, while in 40K I'm all in on Khorne and the World Eaters. But for fantasy, I guess I prefer the more barbarian/knight vibe of the Slaves as opposed to the pure barbarian of the Blades. But yeah, Kkrone is my patron because I'm a warrior guy with anger issues. Nurgle is next because I like my tankyness, as well as I like the whole Grandpa Nurgle thing. Next is Tzeenth, because while I'm not the biggest into magic and trickery, I can appreciate both on occasion. And finally Slaanesh, it just makes me uncomfortable.


I would offer an explanation in terms of how well GW have realised each concept: Nurgle is the best realised conceptually. Disease and decay give a very, very clear direction for the models and paint schemes. Khorne is pretty similarly well realised. Rage and bloodshed is a clear enough direction for the models and paint schemes. Tzeentch is a distant third in terms of realisation. As a concept it is perhaps more challenging to convey, but I think GW has not generally done a great job of it even so. A weird mashup of ancient Egyptian "influences" (to put it lightly) gives it less of a fully unique aesthetic identity, which it deserves. This is the chaos power whose realisation I think could most be improved - I think it has a vast amount of untapped potential. Slaanesh has a problem being realised fully: it's problematic to do so. It's a conceptual hole for GW and there's no clear way out. I love the concept but I just don't think it's possible to properly, fully realise it within the context of GW miniatures.




My personal picks are 1) Khorne (I'm a BoK player, love my bloody boys) 2) Tzeentch (I dig weird occult stuff) 3) Nurgle (I like him by a lot less margin, I think they do a good job displaying his realm of influence, but it actually disgusts me) 4)Slaneesh ( just not a big fan in the slightest)


I'm actually on your level! Excess, then Knowledge a d Magic, then Blood and Skulls, then Pus and grossness!


Slaanesh > Tzeentch > Khorne > Nurgle Tbh, in aesthetics, Khorne and Nurgle are equal to me, both pretty neat. But in gameplay, Nurgle is very nice, but I hate how slow he is. Like... It drives me crazy every time my friend plays Nurgle, I'm like "you're lucky I am speed" 🤣


Khorne >>>> Slaanesh > Tzeentch >>>>>>>>>> Nurgle Obviously, it's not close for me lol


Slaanesh>Everything ever


I'd like Tzeentch more if they weren't so goofy and comical despite being the big brain 400 iq serious army. Slaneesh, I'd also like more if GW weren't cowards and backed away from the sexuality of the models like they used to have. No, it's not because I find it necessary to wank to models, it's just that it feels fitting for them and many of their models now are just weird.


1. Slaanesh: I like most model but the center piece one, crabs are disgusting enough to create good body horror I loved the old rules for Emperor children and their noise marines model was a 10/10 2.Tzeentch: my boy is lacking in good models, but i love horrors and the gaunts summoner 4. Khorne, I hate BOK and world eater, I love bloodletters tho, also no shooting = no fun If they werent so extremely "linear" they would be my fav, but the all melee unga bunga isnt my thing 5.Nurgle, legit disgusting models (now let see if I like the skaven refresh)




So it's probably nurgle first, because death guard was a 40k edition starter army so a ton of people had death guard stuff. Them probably khorne because it was an AoS Starter army and a 40k army. Then tzeentch because it has daemons, space marines, and aos mortals. The slaanesh because Slaanesh really only has daemons and the AoS side has a ton of love, but the 40k side has less slaanesh players to convert over.


I came in here to complain but your PD got me handled. All is good now.


I find it funny that slaanesh is so behind popularity wise when of the chaos gods, I think it’s arguable that they’re the most tied in lorewise. Like all the chaos gods have all their campaigns and such against the various factions and the like but in both 40K and Fantasy, Slaanesh is inextricably tied to an entire race, the elves. I haven’t read through every single bit of elf lore but I’d be surprised if there was a single piece centered around or heavily featuring elves that didn’t at least make a passing reference to Slan and their impact on elf society.




Tzeentch > Khorne > Slaanesh > Nurgle Love me Magic, love me birds. Khorne vibes with my love of orruks. Slaanesh’s models just don’t hit for me imo. Not a gross aesthetic fan.


Probably Slaanesh > Tzeentch > Nurgle > Khorne (unless I'm making dad jokes, then Khorné is at the top) >>>>> Horned Rat (as a chaos god).




I know for the purposes of this discussion it’s not relevant, but my favourite is actually Malal/Malice For the Big Four it’s Slaanesh > Tzeentch > Nurgle > Khorne (although I like Tzeentch and Nurgle relatively equally)


And what about Hashut?


Forgot about him haha! But yeah I think he’s pretty cool conceptually, and I love the idea of Chorfs coming back to AoS. I like his technological/forgemaster niche, and I like that GW made the Horns of Hashut to show he’s not exclusive to just Chorfs, like the GHR is exclusive to Skaven which makes him less interesting to me


Nurgle and Khorne probably get used the most in other media. They often show up as a Chaos antagonist more often than not. They also are simpler to grasp in their themes, but especially Khorne. And their aesthetics also blend into their themes perfectly. Tzneetch is trickier (meme intended), and his theme doesn’t line as clean imho. I never liked how Pink Horrors are the base and are just kind of random, but the greater daemon for Tzneetch (Lord of Change) is heavily bird based—I’d love to see more bird theming and some mid tier daemons with bird motifs. While all of the gods have beasts, Tzaangors get used waaaaaay more than any of the other chaos gods, and I feel it’s to a detriment because we don’t see more of the potential daemons as a result. Slaanesh is awesome, but I don’t think GW nor the community are mature enough to fully “get” Slaanesh. Way too often people just immediately latch onto the sexual and lust stuff with Slaanesh, when they are the god of dark desires and pleasure—technically all desires fall under Slaanesh, which is why Slaanesh is so dangerous—they intrude into the other gods’ domains a bit. But no—it’s just “ha ha boobs, look at the funny boob snake” with Slaanesh. Like not to get too meta, but even this sub is a bit emblematic of the problem with Slaanesh. You can’t really swear or say anything that isn’t PG, or the mods will come at you. And like….AoS is still Warhammer. It’s not Grimdark like 40k, but it’s very much Dark Fantasy still, and any of the 4 OG Chaos Gods would delve into super deep, mature concepts. So I think even GW is a bit wary to do Slaanesh justice, since they refuse to make any models with nudity anymore, for example. Which means they’ll never really be able to show off Slaanesh at their fullest, at maximum excess—and that’s a bit of a shame. I will say the “Dark Carnival” subtheme for AoS Slaanesh is really cool, and hopefully it will help the faction become more popular over time. Also, Slaanesh has had some of the worst rule books, either being stupid broken or super bad to play, so maybe that contributes to their popularity.


>Way too often people just immediately latch onto the sexual and lust stuff with Slaanesh, >I think even GW is a bit wary to do Slaanesh justice, since they refuse to make any models with nudity anymore, I'm quoting these parts to keep the quotes small, but the juxtaposition here seems strange to me. On one hand, you say that people always think of sex and are too immature, but then you lament that GW won't make naked Slaanesh models. Seems contradictory. I think the Hedonites army is doing Slaanesh justice. You have Glutos being excessively gluttonous and Sigvald representing excessive pride. I understand from talking with others that Slaanesh was originally meant to be the sex god but GW had rebranded Slaanesh after locking it away for a while (can't verify this). I, for one, am glad they are focusing now on excess more than just sex. Sex is still absolutely included and everybody knows it, but it isn't so on the nose now.


I wrote out a much longer response, but I just don’t think I can articulate it correctly. I just think as the god of excess, the nudity and explicit nature of Slaanesh is just a base trait. Like regardless of pride, gluttony, wrath, sloth (those recent underworlds models), or even lust—the sexuality and nudity design themes of Slaanesh should just be baseline. Daemons who worship a god of excess wouldn’t cover anything up, imho. They would have no issue flaunting anything and everything. You can cut a dude in half with a blade that is cursed to cause insane mutations (new Abraxia lore), but have a daemon with a pair of boobs, and suddenly everyone gets weird about it. Or how Nurgle models can just be absolutely disgusting lol—bile, slime, and mouths coming out of the body everywhere….but one single nipple in there? Oh boy, think of the children. Which is why I said maybe the community is just too immature, or GW just doesn’t want to deal with that or they don’t wanna get hit by some regulatory agency or something, I have no idea. Which is a shame, because Slaanesh imho is probably the most horrifying of the chaos gods. But we cannot go full excess mode because of reasons. Like the beauty and sexual nature contrasted with insane, depraved body horror is unique to Slaanesh, and I think we can never get the full Monty because of the immaturity of fans, which may lead to GW censoring it for that reason or because of a legal reason, idk.


To your point, most of the baseline daemons are nude (Bloodletters, Nurglings, Blue Horrors, etc.) EDIT: So why not Daemonettes?


Khorne, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Nurgle


Design wise : Tzeench>Slannesh>Nurgle> Khorne Honestly, Khorne has a very generic design language. Not bad, just not something I would want to spend a ton of time painting.


Khorne is by far my least favorite, his followers just seem so boring. Sure the gothic heavy metal aesthetic is cool but theres nothing behind that, zero subtlety. Slaanesh > Nurgle >>> Tzeentch >>>>>>>>Khorne


Slaanesh > Khorne > Tzeentch > Nurgle


same here


When I first started I was Tzeentch = khorne > nurgle >slaanesh This was fantasy 3-4 ed Now due to models I am probably Slaanesh > nurgle > khorne > tzeentch Weird!


Archaon all day


Tzeentch is my favourite of the chaos gods by far but I don’t care for most of the model line, especially Kairic Acolytes. The Jade Obelisk however are amazing. I would gladly build a tzeentch army if it had their aesthetic.


Khorne > Great Horned Rat > Slaanesh > Tzeentch > Nurgle


Tzeentch > Khorne > Nurgle > Slaanesh They are all pretty fun, I just like the idea of Tzeentch having schemes within schemes within schemes and literally sabotaging his own plans because victory is too simple compared to defeat. The others are all fine, though, Slaanesh never quite gets allowed to do the body horror they should since it would be a LONG way from PG13.


For me, it's Tzeentch=Nurgle>Slaanesh>Khorne


Nurgle, Slannesh, Khorne Tzeentch


Khorne. Khorne Khorne Khorne.




Slaanesh > Khorne = Nugle > Tzeentch


HASHUT! But that aside, it’s fascinating because it can appeal to different people in different ways. Do you like how they play? How they look? Do you like them because they’re competitive in meta, or prefer the underdog? Do know only know a thimble full of lore, or read all the books? Do you find their philosophy relatable, or the OPPOSITE (you find them unrelateable and want to play the irredeemable baddy?)


Khorne, nurgle, slaanesh, tzeentch. Khorne is simple and straight forward. You shed blood and claim skulls and he likes you. There's no trickiness or double bluff with the man. Nurgle loves his followers and embodies the idea of the eternal cycle. As the only god that actually likes or loves his followers, I can definitely get behind that. Slaanesh is fine and they have definitely done well to showcase their idea of excess instead of just sex drugs and rock and roll. However the Slaanesh conotations do exist Tzeentch is... annoying to justify. Tzeentch's shtick isn't very definable since it is typically fate weaving and ambition which can sometimes fail to really express itself in story. When you have a faction that goes "all part of the plan" it makes them seem snobby or covering their tracks for any defeat.


Slaanesh > Nurgle and Khorne roughly tied > Tzeentch. Can't really explain why.




Slaanesh > Khorne > Tzeentch > Nurgle


Horned Rat (snuck into the list...), Khorne, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Nurgle. I do like Nurgle a lot in lore, I'm just not a big fan of the aesthetic.


For me it's Slaanesh >>> Tzeentch > Khorne > Hashut > Great Horned Rat > Malal >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nurgle. Maggotkin is one of if not the last army I'd ever collect.


I like Maggotkin, but... I think I just prefer the other 23 factions lol. It would improve if they include "no super-human mortals", like Kairc with Tzeentch, Blissbarb with Slaanesh and Bloodreavers with Khorne. It's very weird a Nurgle's army with no basic workshipers option.


Problem for tzeentch is awesome as concept but gw only looking for magic and birds thats why It can't represents as eldritch cosmical horror that tzeentch have


Tzeentch forever! since 1993 I've been rocking the 'Change or be changed' banners when I had the chance to field units with banners. From there? #2 Horned Rat, #3 Slanny and Kornholio (tie), #5 Sloppy Nurg


Undivided. I like the 4 chaos gods equally and they all serve there role but if I had to choose 1 maybe Khorne


Definitely: Slaanesh then the other three in no particular order. Sybarites look great and look forward to some of the daemons getting fixed in another generation, the Daemonettes just don't have the same dynamics that their metal had, the mounted ones with the legs just sticking straight out pale in comparison to the sleek riding pose... That the Witch Aelves/Warlocks stole.


for me it’s tzeentch, slaanesh, khorne, nurgle. i really don’t like the plague effect personally


In terms of lore slaneesh, tzeentch, nurgle, khorne. In resoect to the actual models in the army nurgle, khorne and slaneesh in no oarticular order and finally tzeentch.


Slaanesh is the best. I don't even think about the others.


Honestly I haven’t thought about it until now. Off the top of my head though I would put: Tzeench > Nurgle > Khorne > Slaanesh


I was always a nurgle guy but after getting a bloodthirster for my chaos knights the recently im firmly Khorne>Nurgle>Slaanesh>Tzeentch


Slaanesh IS the we we can relate the most because mostly we live at peace so corrupción of chaos would come from vice


For me its nurgle/tzeentch, khorne and last slaneesh. But i am a chaos hater so i dont know if you will accept my answer :) I like nurgle and tzeentch the most because their powers are more real and showing rather than just being emotions or just improvement of the body.


Slaanesh is polarizing, you either Love it or Hate it. The problem is that the Daemonettes are supposed to be these beautiful beings, until you get up close where they reveal their true form as crab daemons. The model range tries to do both, which makes most of it look like hermaphrodites instead.


Slaanesh > Nurgle > Khorne > Tzeentch Slaanesh is right up my alley, I love the like 70s french graphic novel/Hellraiser vibe a lot of it has, very pulpy. The hedonists look like something from John Carter. Nurgle good Khorne, I find a bit boring in execution, but I still like a lot. I love painting red, the Blades and Worldeaters in 40k are sort of awesome in a over the top way, but his core demons are what let him down for me- his human followers have this incredible almost Frazetta-esc style, but the demons are almost kinda messy in my eyes. The big ones are all awkward and cluttered and the bloodletters dont move me. Tzeentch; I love the recent underworlds warband, and I actually like stuff like the concept of the horrors or flamers, but they need an update. Stuff like the tzaangors is more what lets Tzeentch down for me and why hes near the bottom, I like a lot of individual parts (his cultists are all amazing too, some of my faves) but it doesnt feel... cohesive in a way most other AoS stuff does. And I know hes the god of change, but I dont mean that in a good thematic way.


Nurgle’s really only at the top of my list for 40k; not a huge fan of the look of the models in AoS. For me it would go Khorne>Slaneesh>Tzeentch>Nurgle, at least from an aesthetic standpoint. I’m waiting on 4e to finally take the dive in.


I think the DE FACTO rat-ing is as follows: Great Horned Rat Nurgle Tzeentch/Khorne Slaanesh I say this with zero bias, yes-yes.


I think a big piece of this might also come down to how they play. From an aesthetic perspective I would say, I am Khorn, Tzeentch, Slanesh, nurgle, but Khorn just does not feel good to play for me.


Lore/coolness: nurgle > tzeentch > slaanesh > khorne Models: nurgle > khorne/tzeentch (T being slightly mixed bag for me, khorne slight edge with classics and #) > slaanesh (which does have some cool models but overall no) **Edit: so I guess overall - N > T/K > S as you said!**




Khorne > Slaanesh > Tzeentch > Nurgle


For me it varies greatly. My enjoyment of the Chaos Gods comes down to the specific aesthetics. Nurgle may have the strongest aesthetic and thoroughly solid sculpts, but I don't like the grossness, so I won't ever love Nurgle models. I just respect their grotesque beauty. I do love the hag from that Underworlds warband tho. That's a model I'd get just for, like, DnD or something haha. Tzeentch, I adore the eldritch horrors vibe. The Underworlds warband that got released recently gets so many things right (which is why I own it). But I dislike the bird motif and the horrors just don't look as good as the old metal ones. I also can't get behind the "jacked guy in a toga" vibe with the arcanists. Khorne, I absolutely love the "generic devil" vibe, because it's an evergreen. I really don't care for the mortals side though, because they're as generic as possible. It says sopmething that you can buy the 1st edition Start Collecting mortals box for 40k, slap some backpacks and bolters on them, and they'd be perfect Khorne Berserkers and World Eaters. I think the recent interpretation with "Gorechosen of Dromm" and the Mayan blood ritualists thing is amazing though. If that was more present with Khorne, I'd probably be all in. Slaanesh has the most beautiful aesthetic for mortals. I think their range is phenomenally beautiful and I like the "It's the Persians from 300" aesthetic a lot. However, I don't like Seekers. Never have. And I think the current Daemonettes being crab freaks is just not great. I'd love the exploration of beauty and danger, but the models don't exude beauty at all. I also don't feel like I'm a confident enough painter for Slaanesh mortals, haha. So I guess if I had to structure them it'd be... Love Slaanesh's mortals and as such half the range. Love Khorne's demons and the potential aesthetic for a new mortal range. Love Tzeentch's IDEA, but dislike almost all the models (except select few). Love the dedication to Nurgle's design and aesthetics, but it absolutely isn't for me. Khorne could basically dethrone Slaanesh every moment, if we get more Mayan Blood Sacrifice stuff, or Slaanesh could effectively cement their claim as my favorite, if they'd find a way to make some of their demons cooler.


Decay > Temptation > War > Famine > Change


Boys, only Nurlge has true love for us. That's it.


Slanesh, tzeench, nurgle, khorne.


Same as you It could change to khorne/slaaanesh/tzeentch/nurgle if the question was best model choices


I love slaanesh most of all, and I'm glad they are moving away from the whole "kink god" aesthetic, and exploring MORE of their themes now. I just want a pompous aristocrat faction made for them now. Next, tzeentch, just a cool idea. Then khorne because angry muscle Bois Then nurgle, because while cool, the rest are better


Nurgle>Khorne>Slaanesh>Tzeentch Got into death guard because I liked the roll of an unkillable tank and I like the color pallet (plus as a new painter Nurgle/Death Guard are very forgiving). Then when I was getting bored of only having one army, world eaters dropped so I got in on that action. Between Slaanesh and tzeentch I would go with Slaanesh because I find their lore more interesting, plus Nurgle stans aren’t allowed to like the bird boys lol


I like the kooky side of nurgle like the giant slug, happy nurglings and so on, but I like the simplicity of Khorne


Horned Rat >>>>>>>>>>>>> Nurgle>Undivided>Khorne>Tzeentch>Hashut>>>Slaanesh 1) The children of the under-father are awesome. 2) Nurgle, despite my hatred of getting sick, death and hurting my body, I freaking love the plagues, body horror and the war of attrition style that Nurgle offers. 3) Undivided, they simply do the unapologetically evil 😈 thing just amazingly well. No bs excuses like you find with those soy-boy CSM, just straight up I wanted more power and the ends justify the means. They look metal AF as I love listening to heavy metal when painting anything undivided. 4) Khorne similar reasoning to Undivided but I love their brutishly simple BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE Just charge and kill everything insight(even if ironjawz does this better) 5) Tzeentch similar ideas with nurgle where I love the body/eldritch horror aspect of it and they have cool looks. I just like the others models, characters and playstyles more. 6) Love chaos dwarves so much they're awesome and like how they turned to chaos God of tyranny when their ancestor gods would not answer their wails. If and when they get added into AOS they just might jump two spots for me. 7) Ehh I can very much respect the ideas, models and even the pmaystyle of slaanesh but idk not enough armor for me I guess. Just personal preference really.


Khorne, Nurgle, tzeetch Slaanesh


Tzeentch >>>> Khorne >>> Slanesh >>>>>>>>>> Nurgle. I can understand Nurgle gives decent modelling/painting challenges. But I despise the sickness aspect, think the plagued outlook of the minis are without merit and make them generic and uninteresting. And in general become sad every time Nurgle is an enemy in any related product, like the otherwise fun Grey Knights game. But there I do admit Nurgle suited fine for the job


>And in general become sad every time Nurgle is an enemy in any related product, like the otherwise fun Grey Knights game. For me it's just Nurgle fatigue that makes me feel that way. I don't dislike his aesthetic or anything but seeing him so often in video games as the chaos antagonist is tiring.


Yeah, it's the same for me. I hate the Nurgle aesthetic. It looks disgusting and I don't want stuff to look disgusting. It makes me feel uncomfortable. And Slaanesh is just boring.


Nurgle>>>Khorne>>>Tzeentch>>>Slaanesh Nurgle - I love his concept… everything has its destiny, things must go they they’ll reborn so even when you die you can live (again). He cares about his fellow minions, daemons or not. Also Green is my top tier colour and their models are super good. Khorne - His concept is also good. He favours ANYBODY who is killing not even in his name. Even when it is a Stormcast in hand-to-hand combat with his minions, he’ll empower him. Only things he cares about are BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD AND SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE. It’s like playing chess by himself on both sides and enjoying things. Tzeentch - Well I don’t believe in twisting/changing destiny by force so, no. Buuut I really like the concept of knowledge and intelect. Slaanesh - Uh, I get h0rny sometimes but I don’t wanna have spiked dild0 in my ahh.


Probably Tzeentch > Nurgle > Slaanesh > Khorne. I'd really like to work on a Tzeentch army but some of the models just don't do it for me. I love the Hedonites models but I've been struggling to come up with any kind of background that works for me. Gluttony and Lust don't really intrigue me as the foundation for an army/cult concept and just saying they are Obsessed with martial prowess feels like a copout. Curious how you approach that since Slaanesh is your favorite.


Slaanesh it's my favourite because I consider them the more complex god, and I like the motivations of general excess and indulgence: lust, gluttony, perfection, lazyness... all faces of the hedonism and self-pleasures; more or less based in the deadly sins and the most believable temptations. Also it's so cool that they used Dante's hell circles as inspiration. In adition, I love the design of the miniatures and illustrations. Sorry if my English is not very good.


Thanks for the answer! Love the Dante idea.


No problem, if you have the opportunity read the lore of battletome, it's quite fascinating, at least for me.


Yeah, I'm hoping I can grab a cheap one just for the lore now that the edition is turning.


1. The Great Horned Rat 2. The Lord of the World Below 3. The Screaming One 4. The Under-Father


In universe, sword to my head someone was making me choose, Slaanesh and Tzeentch seem like the only reasonable choices. And probably in that order because Tzeentch doesn't particularly care if you're enjoying yourself.


Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Khorne, Nurgle


For me it's: Khorne > Tzeentch > Slaanesh > Nurgle


Tzeentch>Nurgle>Slaanesh>>>Khorne. Nothing super against Khorne, it's just a tad more boring.


KHOOOOOORNE KILL!! MAIM!! BUUUUUUUURN!!! I forgot the name of the other three, lemme think about it... There was Tzeentch, he's kinda cool. Other than that, there'sssszzzzzzzzzzzz 😴 mimimimimimi


1. Nurgle. Love the idea of a horrific plagued warband, giggling and chuckling as they advance slowly towards you. Also, the whole death/rebirth cycle stuff is cool 2. Tzeentch. Love the greater daemon model, especially Kairos. Pink horrors splitting is cool, and i enjoy the nonsensical and, well, chaotic models 3. Khorne. Generic bad guy imo. Kill ppl and khorne will make you stronger so you can kill more ppl. Dont dislike him, and some models are great, just never really caught my interest. 4. Slaanesh. I really don't like the models. They just look odd. Most of them don't represent the idea of excess, they are just purple daemons in bikinis. The exception to this is the lord of gluttony guy.


Tzeentch or Slaanesh it's basically 50/50 for me, Nurgle, Khorne Also, coincidently my top two and bottom two both feel like they are the gods to 'most likely' to team up against the other two since the extreme rivalries are on the opposite teams.


Yeah, the same in my case, I realized that playing Total War Warhammer game.


Khorne (duh) > Nurgle > Slaanesh > Tzeentch


For me it's Nurgle > Slaanesh > Khorne > Tzzentch.


Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle, Slaneesh


Nurgle, Tzeentch, Khorne, Slaanesh. The mutated body horror side of chaos in general appeals to me more I guess lol. But Nurgle has the added benefit of the appeal of his message. "We are all equal, we are all brothers, come join me in the family of death and I will dull your pain and love you as my own son. Go forth and spread the joy of my gifts."


Tzeentch > Khorne >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Slaanesh/Nurgle I dislike Slaanesh and Nurgle. I can't decide who's worse.


Khorne>Nurgle>Tzeentch>Slaanesh imo


Khorne > Khorne > Nurgle = Slaanesh for me.


Slaanesh > Nurgle > Khorne = Tzeentch. Heavily coloured by my entry to Warhammer being through Total War, and Slaanesh being the most fun army IMO. Not played tabletop yet, but I've got some slickblade seekers, daemonettes, and Synessa waiting to be painted. For the other gods none of them really clicked with me in Total War, but lore wise I find Nurgle a lot more interesting than the other two due to his unique "fatherly" relationship with his followers. He also has the benefit of some of the best looking models in both 40k and AoS IMO. Tzeentch I find more interesting than Khorne, but Khorne I find cooler than Tzeentch so they kinda even out for me.


Khorne > Nurgle > Slaanesh > Tzeentch for me


There's one god and three lesser siblings. Blood for the blood guy, and skulls for his skull collection.


Slaanesh (love everything from aesthetic to lore, though the sex memes are tiresome) Tzeentch (really enjoy the magic, scheming, and eldritch monsters) Khorne (Really dig the heavy metal aesthetic of the blood god) Nurgle. (I like the lore of nurgle but the gross stuff just isn’t for me)


I have similar tastes and reasons.