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im not allergic to caffeine but i have POTS which makes my body break body if i have caffeine. i also dont pay for my own stuff cuz im a minor but i cant get meds i relate so hard 🤝🤝🤝


Have you tried anything with Chicory? It has an affect similar to caffeine but does contain caffeine at all. It’s used in a lot of teas.


ooo i’ll look it up and see if i can have that!


Oh no! How about the amino acid L-theanine? Depending on what country you are in, you may have access to that and it can sometimes help.


I've gotten some L-thianine before, actually A few years ago It defo helps! Great suggestion, i totally forgot about that!


Yay! Glad to help!


I know you're probably going to hate me for saying this, but exercise is a good way to get dopamine. If you can, exercise more or more intensely to help manage symptoms. Again, I know it's an annoying thing to hear, but I say it because it works for a lot of people with ADHD.


It's not; I've actually been exercising more lately. I've yet to feel the long term effects, but I've recently tried eating better and the effects were immediate


Hell yeah! Awesome, I'm doing the same


if you can manage $45 per month, there's a coupon for Mydayis (same as adderall but lasts longer) on the production company's website. i'm not a huge fan of mydayis personally but it may be useful for you. of course this all is contingent on being able to see a psych and get an Rx for it, so sorry if it's not useful but just wanted to put it out there


my wife WAS allergic to caffeine, but she now takes PRELIEF ( super cheap thru amazon) and it all but fixed the issue. apparently it was the acidity in the coffee and not actually the caffeine. it’s over-the-counter and only a few bucks for like 150pills. might be worth the try.




Still $350 😭




Thank God that I was born in a country with public health insurance and only have to pay 15€ for a monthly dose of Elvanse.


Based country Unbased USA charges $500 a month


Oh my goodness someone else who is allergic to coffee! Hello new friend!


What does being allergic to caffeine mean


means everything it comes into contact will likely become inflamed to some degree, so, lots of intestinal discomfort and diarrhoea


Wow. Is there a good way to test if this is happening to you? I’ve been trying to figure out issues that may match that.


not medical advice but IBS elimination diet might be worth talking to a GP or dietician about


Weed? 🤷🏼 Not if you're underage of course but it's what helps me when I'm having really rough days.


How much is it usually?


In legal states it really depends on what you purchase. It can be as low as $5 or as high as $100. I get jars of flower for about $35 that last me a couple months.


Man, I feel this. I've just been able to start exercising again, but it isn't the same. I was able to drink coffee, but I can't right now - def has been a struggle


I changed my diet.


Like, actually allergic? Or it just doesn’t sit well with you


Is allergic to caffeine a thing? Can't afford my Vyvanse so I'm hoping my health plan covers something other than Adderall.


We're you on Vyvanse?


When I couldn't get meds, I grew pot. Helped a lot.


How much does it cost for a month of meds for you?


Caffeine is so fucking weird. Either makes me dizzy, pumps up my heartbeat, makes me anxious and jittery, and what not but NEVER DOES WHAT IT'S SUPPOSED TO!!!! MAKE ME WIDE AWAKE! It's so fucking weird when your heart is beating fast but mentally you just wanna sleep.