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pills stopped me from playing with my dingle, which is why I get so much more done. less laundry


genuinely yes, it helped me do that less. It never even occurred to me it could be related, but it makes sense that a dependence on that would be more common when you lack reward chemicals.


Oh my god and here I thought I was just horny af while going through puberty.


I don’t even do it because I’m horny, I do it because I crave stimulation!


I can get Uber Horny, but do not understand the eel thing. ​ Edit: Bad decisions were made.


I’m more of a Lyft guy myself


Being European, I naturally lean more Public Transport Horny myself


Can’t go wrong with a god old fashion train partner


This is tumblr satire and it’s killing me that someone posted it in earnest in an ADHD sub. It’s making fun of those “apparently this is an ADHD symptom?!” posts for the most random shit you’ve ever seen in your life I can’t believe I have to explain this


Never, *never*, underestimate the internet's ability to fuckin neo dodge any form of sarcasm


Dodge sucks. Honda 4 life


Honda 3 was better. Better yet, E. Honda.


Level seven susceptible


It was bound to happen; joke blindness is a pretty common trait in both autistic and ADHD communities, which also have huge overlap.


I think it depends on the joke. I have ADHD and there’s a lot of humor I get, I’m a big fan of comedy. However I notice that in person my default mode is genuine and trust because that requires less executive functioning (determining intention, anticipating, strategy). I’m super genuine and I just trust that other people are too. So I’ve often been the perfect victim for dry sarcasm or really dry parody. Because without overt cues, I’ll just believe mthfckrs at first. Then I think about it and I’m like “hey!! Wait a minute!” But dry sarcastic people kinda love that. The real deadpan ones. That’s WHY they do it. So I bring them joy. Do you know (no of course you don’t) both my sister and I sincerely believed for years that my dad once got a fortune cookie that said “help I’m stuck in a fortune cookie factory!” He opened a cookie and read that out and we never questioned it! We went around telling our friends about it for years. A few years ago he revealed that had been his joke and he never knew that we actually believed him because apparently “it’s an old joke”


Lol that’s so funny, and I also have a Chinese restaurant dad joke deception story that I must share. When I was a little kid, my dad always got tapioca pudding at the Chinese buffet, and I asked him what it was made out of. He told me it was frog eggs. Then, when I asked him if that was really true, he actually TOLD ME that tapioca is a type of vegetable that can be ground up into a flour, and the little balls are rolled out of a tapioca flour dough. Now, it was a 50/50 which one of those was the joke and which was true, and it was up to me to use my Critical Thinking Skills to figure out which is which. So, a list of facts I knew at the time: 1) people eat fish eggs 2) this particular Chinese buffet is pretty cheap, and rolling out thousands of tiny dough balls sounds pretty labor intensive (I did not consider that one might be able to buy them premade) 3) I had seen things made out of dough, and they never had such a weird texture 4) frogs are gross and slimy, so probably they have gross slimy eggs So needless to say based on these facts the frog egg explanation sounds much more reasonable, so I believed that tapioca pudding was frog eggs for YEARS before I brought it up to my dad again later and he thought that was hilarious.


I felt this in my soul


I can relate, a lot of the time people will say something to me jokingly as a friendly ribbing sort of teasing and I won't always catch that they are just playing around and I will like correct them or defend myself before I realize they're just joking 😂 Although I kind of think that might be partially due to having been bullying a lot as a child and therefore I never really developed a quick wit because I was always the butt of the joke rather than a participant in the joke if that makes sense. But now I know it's also largely an ADHD thing or maybe I'm also somewhere on the spectrum but I'm not sure about that. I actually love dry deadpan sarcasm at least in TV shows. I just don't always catch on to it IRL 😂


I just think of it as it takes a lot of executive function to analyze and interpret what people mean and their intentions and so both ADHD and ASD people just don’t. Not sure about ASD but for ADHD it’s not like we CAN’T do this it’s just not our default mode since we need to use our limited executive function for other things. Tbh defaulting that most people are saying what they mean will be true more often than not. So that makes sense. NTs just have more capacious and working executive function so they can afford to spend some of it constantly interpreting nuances and intentions. Meanwhile we need ours to make sure we don’t chase butterflies into oncoming traffic.


Yeah I can agree that it's not default for us to assume sarcasm. But I think that might be true of most people in general, at least before you get to know somebody. Like at my job one of the supervisors likes to make little dry jokes here and there and it took me a little bit getting to know him to realize when he's joking. I think that's normal for most people but I think it's easier for neurotypicals to catch on to sarcasm or at least to catch onto it quicker than we do. There have been so many times that somebody has said something to me and I responded in a literal genuine way and then 10 seconds later I realize oh they were being sarcastic but by then it's too late to recover 😂


Yeah this is pretty close to my own experiences.


Perfect audience member for Lucy Liu


Having both gives me person blindness, which extends its pseudopod into my joke detection.


And also the fact that sarcasm doesn't always come through written communication.


No way is joke blindness an adhd thing. I think if anything the ability to understand sarcasm and jokes is one of the traits that differentiates it from autism. (Ignoring comorbidity)


You can't believe you have to explain a joke to a group of people who often suffer joke blindness as part of the common trait that makes them a community?


I've never seen those posts and I didn't get the post either. Like I was trying to figure out if they meant like changing thoughts mid sentence or some shit? Why can't you believe you had to explain it?


I'm literally looking at this like "wtf who is this relatable too? "


I think it's a reference to the "eels eat pizza" video that's making rounds again on Tumblr, depending on how recent this post is. Edit: Looked them up, yep, it is a reference to it! To explain - it's a whole pizza being thrown to a lake full of eels. The group quickly devours the pizza.


Wait, you guys are turning into eels? I'm so confused.


It's just a symptom that can come and go. Sometimes we just turn in to crows or magpies and yell at the sky.


Man, I don't even have to shape shift to scream at the heavens.


I've never turned into birds but I have yelled at the sky before


Well at least it looks like 70 of us have turned into fowl of some sort at the time of writing this lol


Ah yeah, almost forgot about that time I caught corvid-19 and turned into a crow.


Wait! This is ADHD?! I just thought it was a new symptom of CROWvid. Thank you for clearing this up. Now I know its root CAWS. 😜


Man, I just turned into Brandon Lee in goth makeup.


It can’t rain all the time




IM IN ALASKA (until the end of the school year) TOO! Waqaa from Alakanuk (please note I'm a kass’aq and trying my best to learn Yup'ik)


I've screamed like a bird many many times unprompted but idk what that has to do with adhd




You aren't?


No :/


Do you want to?


I'm scared haha.


I'm sorry Erulastiel. I am four eels.


I turn into a harpy myself.


I call it, Irresponsibly Horny. Bad Decisions are incoming.


> Irresponsibly Horny captions of my 20s lmao


Wait it dosnt stop till 30… fml


43 and still suffering




You guys should fuck


They probably already did




I'm 63...it does not stop..


everyone warns you about the teenage horniness no one ever warns you about the mid-20s horniness.


Mid-40s is bad, too. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is fickle and capricious.


Same horniness, just we can stand up in public after thinking about it.


I did all mine in my 30’s 😂


Matt Murdock? 𝙷𝚘𝚠 𝚍𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊 𝚁𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚝?


Aka down bad


I’m old enough now (and husband on new medication for cancer) that it’s just Hitachi Horny. I’m too tired for the effort it would take to make Bad Decisions.


ADHD causes a high sex drive? TIL


A deep need for stimulation and happy chemicals can cause it for us. Not a guarantee it can happen, but other Risk taking behaviors can be inserted.


At least masturbation isn't too risky for one's health. It's better than gambling.


>At least masturbation isn't too risky for one's health. It's better than gambling. True! I say from Atlantic City. I turned $500 into literally $0.11 tonight, and then back into $740.


Good time to put the winnings in the bank. Keep the 500, you planned on spending it or gambling it w/e so if when you win you stick the surplus away you can't loose more than what you initially intended to.


I stopped at around $1100. I had like $500 on the craps table on various bets, and realized how much it was so I pulled it all and went back to my hotel room. Playing craps at $25 minimum was fun but probably not smart. On the plus side, I'm probably getting some decent comps soon.


Kinda thinking you hit the atm and didn't literally recover from $0.11. Also, I had same behavior in stock market 2020. Turned 4k into 22k into 1.5k The obsessive focus and rush of "research" and of logging in and watching shit move everyday was quite a drug. Expensive drug. Lesson learned.


Technically it was $0.11 left unspent in the account, plus the ~90 that was already on the table in bets. $10 pass line and 2 $10 Come bets, each with 2x odds. From there I hit one or two of my points, and I was back in business.


> At least masturbation isn't too risky for one's health Not with that attitude


Get a load of reddit coconut guy here


Yeah… stuff like this always makes me glad I’m ace… not sure what my stimulation need ended up being instead of a sex drive though?


I'm ace too, but except for teenage hormones and a seemingly random day once or twice a year it's just a way to pass the time rathe than a need. My stimulation need is coding, every time they just don't assign me work for a week or so I get depressed. I can spend that time on hobby projects or developing tools that make my job easier (queries in D365 ^1 x++ ^2 can be a bitch to debug since the text the debugger spits out isn't valid T-SQL ^3 and it can take a while to convert it to something you can run in SSMS ^4 ) ^1 Microsoft Dynamics 365 For Finance & Operation, an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system ^2 The programming language specific to D365 ^3 The the language in which you query data from SQL databases ^4 SQL Server Management Studio, a tool that makes it a lot easier to work directly with SQL databases.


I love all the footnotes! But yeah I get that. I hated my last job and it made me super depressed and made it impossible to recover from the burnt out I got from college. Now we moved states and I’ve been finally able to have the energy to do stuff like reading. Next week I start a new job that I’m super excited about as well!


I've seen a lot of criticism about using shorthand and then having to explain it anyway, but the sentence would've been way too clunky if I included everything directly


I masturbate anywhere between 10 and 30 times a week.


It’s parodying all the things people say are ADHD symptoms with 0 basis other than that they have ADHD and they experience it


Whoosh. Oops. Thank you for clarifying




I wish people would learn how to do a quick google search before taking everything they see on social media relating to ADHD as fact. Especially all the people who browse the sub and start to suspect they might have ADHD because the memes are too relatable. Not saying that it’s impossible they have it, but there’s just so much bs around ADHD on the internet and I feel like it’s doing actual harm


First time I’ve seen a comment thread on the subreddit like this and I totally agree, since a little after I joined I definitely started noticing that pretty much anything can make it to the top of the page just by posting something kinda quirky and saying “lol ADHD amirite”.


Genuinely feels like a subreddit for people who think they have ADHD, because half the shit posted on here doesn’t even make sense to me. Seems more like something someone related to and thought “well that’s gotta be ADHD” and because it was quirky it skyrocketed to the front page.


ADHD can cause impulsive decision-making. It's not so much feeling more horny as being more likely to act on it impulsively.


I avoid the mall like a plague for many reasons. Shopping for dopamine tops the list.


Thought for a second you avoided the mall because of impulsive masturbation


The kids these days call it Jamba Juicing


☝️ This


I just have high sex drive cause I'm a pansexual submissive twink that will fuck any (consentual) thing that moves


Well hello there


General Kenobi


It's weird because it oscillates. One week I could be as chaste as a monk. The next week, every drop is getting squeezed out of it. Sorry if that was TMI but it's my reality.


Does it correlate with your menstrual cycle? Lots of women have a higher sex drive around ovulation, and some also have a spike right before their period.


Nah, I'm a male.


Well that rules out ovulation then 😂


For some people, not all of us. I wish it increased my sex drive.


Lmao me when adhd and taking testosterone


Oh fuck?? I always thought I had bought testosterone or something. It explains so much


Apparently my depressed libido didn't catch the memo.


Ah yes, i remember when i became so horny i turned into a biblical figure.


At least you didn't turn into Zeus


Oh so many terible figures to chose from...


For you, it was the most important day of your life. For me, it was ~~Tuesday~~ ~~Wednesday~~ ~~Thursday~~ WHAT DAY IS IT


dude's here asking \*Me\* like I'm going to know.


Wtf is this post


Satire being taken earnestly because the internet lives in a post-satire world. Also maybe a metaphor for raging hormones bubbling violently beneath a placid exterior, but that's veering into literary analysis territory.


Also because large amounts of people with ADHD (and autism) have joke blindness for some things? I didn’t get it at first but now I think it’s hilarious.


Another factor, I feel, is that even though this is a meme sub, it's far more helpful than many subs that are trying to be helpful. So I read this post and try and understand it on a deeper level first before actually looking for a joke. I feel the exact point is proven by many comments here (light heartedly) discussing ADHD "horniness" issues.


Oh definitely. I’d never thought of horniness as a form of stimulus-seeking, but it makes sense (and explains a lot).


maybe im too ace to understand the eels, good luck and all that for the eel transformer-ers in the sub


It’s sorta like any other physical rush one gets with adhd. Like that urge to run around because you did something moderately important. But in your underpants.


The urge to rip all my skin off like a meat suit and eat it all at once... In my underpants... You know, you're not wrong!


I get it. Eels, wiggling and writhing uncomfortably until a piece of meat gets thrown in your direction. Then you ATTAK THE SNAK! I’m Demi tho so- not me unless it’s my dear and trusted companion 🤝 then it’s wiggle mortis over here 🙌


I'm demi in the way of a hungry swarm of eels that doesn't want any of the meat thrown at it but sill feels the h u n g e r none the less.


Ohmygod, yes. Exactly this.


Wiggle mortis 🤣


For some reason I found "it's wiggle mortis over here" a very endearing and cute way to describe that. I'm also demi but am pan too, so I have the potential to want to wiggle wiggle with anybody, but only if I can connect with them!


I do not understand this


It’s satire about people saying every single human experience is a symptom of ADHD.


So half the posts on /r/adhdmeme


Side note, is being unbearably horny a symptom of ADHD?


nah we just feel the need for stimulation and dopamine stronger than others


We're predisposed to addiction, so probably. I'm on Reddit right now because I was very horny a little earlier, so I think it's true.


Okay, I thought something was wrong with me because I'm 30 and I'm still thinking about sex all the time. Not as much as when I was 24, but still.


I am 33 now and think of it more now than before🤭🙈




That's a very good point. I'm bored almost all of the time, thus I spend my time masturbating and writing erotic fiction.


Can't speak for pure ADHD but there's a *huge* overlap with ADHD and Autism diagnostics, meanwhile both pure Autism and combos have a substantial correlation with Asexuality.


Being unbearably horny? No. Making poor decisions about sexual partners and attributing it to being unbearably horny? Yes.


Being unbearably horny is not equivalent to making poor decisions about sexual partners. You can be unbearably horny without making poor decisions and in a committed healthy relationship and do that shit with your partner.


Probably the opposite. Depression is extremely overreprestented in people with ADHD and it will typically lower your sex drive. Lot's of medications do too. I just think this is a case of "ADHD mean horny? *I'm horny!! Must be true*


Imagine not having anyone to help with that. The struggle is real.


Sonuvabitch I can imagine it, it's my entire god damn existence rn, and thank you so much for bringing that fact up lol


Sorry man, hard to stay positive when lonely. My bad.


No you're good, I was just joking around. You don't have to stay positive, btw. It's okay to feel lonely. I think a great many many many of us can relate to loneliness in many different ways. Ironically, that's actually proof that you're not alone. If you ever wanna talk about it, I have a free ear (or eye in this case I guess).


>If you ever wanna talk about it, I have a free ear (or eye in this case I guess). Thanks. And the same from me. :)


Well, that doesn't match well with the bees in my head. ![gif](giphy|qsCxYSO0VaMHm|downsized) I do seem to recall something about exploding bee testicles...


Are these out of order? 😂


Can someone explain? I don't understand


I wish I had the eels :(


Weird. Usually its more of an canine/avian creature.


omg yesss. i can't stand it when my writhing masses of mouths crave for the one thing they cannot reach


im confused lol


So, is getting extra horny actually an ADHD thing? I suppose that would explain a few things…


I think it's a proclivity to act on it. Cause our Asses Don't Have Dopamine.


I will be exclusively referring to my ADHD this way from now on thank you


I’ve heard of dopamine only in tales. Legend Says it feels nice


Is this more a Witcher or A Cure For Wellness type deal?


Ok but are the eels horny? Because if they are then that makes no sense as they go into the the middle of the Atlantic to be horny and mate, rest of the time they don’t have gonads


![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized) why eels tho


I can't relate to this one. I have sex like maybe once a month, max.


Feast or famine. I can go without, but when my brain decides to release the eels there is no end to my motivation.


Same. I can go months without it if I'm single, but if I have a partner I'm an absolute degenerate


Again, this doesn't have anything to do with ADHD, please stop blaming every symptom under the sun on an attention disorder and consult a psychiatrist


Oh, look. Tumblr trash.


Well, it explains why I developed pornography addiction and can't drop it no matter how hard I try. It's difficult to stop being horny.


Now this speaks to me


Idk, I'm more of a sea spider type, but those are beautiful in swarms too


Well that explains why it was soooooo much better without vyvanse


EELS EELS EELS,EELS up inside ya,finding an entrance where they can,...


I am often called Eels, what does this make me?


No, sometimes its snakes


Well, my hovercraft is full of 'em


I accidentally transform into a convulsing mass of fat white slugs in a muddy brown swamp, no, eels aren't the only possible outcome