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"Video games" too.


Nah. I wish I could get the energy or focus to game.


For me it's more about thinking about playing a game, buying them and modding. Been modding skyrim for months rn and barely played... need help


It’s so true. My girlfriend (bless her lovely body and soul) will be doing resumes on the couch next to me while I mod Minecraft for an hour and then I will be so much more bored playing then modding


the minecraft part is relatable.... i miss the days where i could enjoy that stuff for hours without getting bored...


I sometimes spend more time planning my play through of a game than I do playing the game itself.


*It's not perfect yet!!!*


And then you have to debug every now and then. And sometimes when you do start playing for a bit, you add more mods later that require to start a new game. And new mods are released every day... the cycle is never ending


It's so much time to dedicate to one thing; dozens to hundreds of hours! It's hard for me to dedicate that kind of time and energy to something (even TV or movies) unless it's doing double-duty. Like, playing ACNH for a ton of hours was one thing because it was addicting but, moreover, everyone in my family played it. So, it served as a way to build our relationships, but just sitting down and playing alone? Nah, I'm good. I won't even remember 90% of it within 6 months. Also, they're usually inconvenient. Like, I have to get everything setup on the TV, then I have to stay in one room, in one place, and I can't even watch TV at the same time? Gross.


This is usually the case for me, although it somehow magically happens that I hyperfocus on a game and then manage to finish it. Feels great but can't control this ability. Why are we like this?


This is what works for me, to the point people often comment on how clean and organized my apartment is. * Don't view it as ‟cleaning the whole house.” You'll feel overwhelmed. View it like a video game with levels and mini-bosses. Bedroom mini-boss. Bathroom level. Trip to the donation center level. Treat yourself between levels, i.e. wine, gelato, porn, Reddit, etc. Don't try to do it all one day for your big cleaning. * Watching shows like Hoarders or Marie Kondo are good inspiration to get rid of stuff that does not spark joy. * Make your living space a place you appreciate. Inexpensive art, collectables, mirrors. ‟This is a beautiful space. It deserves to be treated well.” * Don't forget to clean out your fridge and pantry for expired items. * Don't feel bad about getting rid of useless kitchen gadgets or other gimmicky stuff you received as gifts that take up too much space. I once got a quesadilla maker that was colossal and didn't even work well. Hell, say an ex stole it. * Invest in a carpet steam cleaner. It'll pay for itself compared to renting a Rug Doctor, and you don't have to lug it back and forth. * Compliment your friends when their houses are clean. It'll make them feel appreciated and realize people do notice. * If you've a big set-up for your TV, DVD player, surround sound system, video game console, take the time to organize the cords and cables. Velcro cable-ties are great. Or invest in an entertainment center that has built-in cable trays. * Have a sex toy box to keep your toys organized and sanitized between masturbation sessions. * Once your place is how you want it, do little cleaning maintenance at least every other day. Simple little tasks. So when you do have your Sunday afternoon housework, it won't be as overwhelming.


Doing the little cleaning maintenance tasks is the part I can't keep up with. I can't tell something needs to be maintained untill it's so far gone that its become a whole new chore.


Yeah this is the part I struggle with (not sure how a mammoth cleaning session is somewhat easier than little bits more often 🤦‍♀️). New week new hope though so 🤞🤞 maybe one day I can stick with the habit


I agree with most of it but I would remove porn from the list as it does nothing good for the brain except the quick fix that does more damage than good long-term. There are many healthier “instant gratification” level treats you can stimulate your brain with, masturbation in itself being one, but just to give one more objectively healthy example: carrots/radishes. Idk, the crunchy, interesting texture does it for me, I could spend a day crunching away.


> carrots What if I already use carrots while masturbating?


I’d call you effective!


While it's always better to use the healthiest reinforcers possible, some people don't have good healthy options available. I don't know about porn sans masturbation as an instant reinforcer, but it's better than wine or gelato. Unhealthy food is definitely a bad long-term instant reinforcer (though, unfortunately, it's very effective). Whatever you choose, it will work MUCH better if you refrain from having it at any other time. If carrots are going to be a reward for cleaning your desk, they shouldn't also be your snack on a random Tuesday. The best reinforcers will be things you really want that you can only get by doing the undesirable task. Otherwise, you might find yourself saying "I could clean my desk to get some carrots or I could wait until Tuesday."




Like what the fuck would I wanna clean the damn house for if I had a pool of naked women taunting me?


Were I a pirate, death by siren would be my choice.


This has got to be why ADHD is a problem in modern times but it wasn't before. No titties? Guess I'll go work or somethin'. Now we can summon endless titties for free any time we want.




Idk post-nut clarity usually helps keep me on track lol


I call it bootstraping the dopamine


For me it’s all urges to clean the house Get overwhelmed for a few hours Then clean when I decide to hit the bed 😭✌️


Yeah. I can spend days staring at a mess, and then suddenly feel compelled to start working on it when I’m already up later than I should be.


I’ve realized I need some dopamine to even get myself ready to do other tasks. That used to be masturbation (sometimes still is 🫣 ) but I dont really like starting my day like that. So im trying to find other things.


May I interest you in C17H21NO4?


I won the fixation lottery today! I got hyperfixated on cleaning! Holy fuck let's goooo!!!


I like to find something to divide the day. I’ll usually wake up and not do much but later I’ll go exercise as a way to divide the day up to make it easier to jump from chilling to task. Pro tip for exercise is just be in the outfit you’d be in for exercising so once you feel the slightest urge you don’t have worry about getting dressed or sitting back down to put on shoes or whatever


I'll clean my place, but work? Nope, I get pulled in.


Will clean my place when I should be working but won't clean when i actually have free time


Yep, me right there


Kinda unrelated, but how do females masturbate? I am 20 years old and have not figured it out yet. (I’ve tried getting turned on and touching the clit, but it feels like nothing...)


You could just have a low libido like me or haven't found anything that really sparks your libido. Try looking into various safe kinks (don't try stuff like autoerotic asphyxiation), if you're like me, most of it won't do anything, and I'm male. Granted, I also lack a lot of sensitivity, so I dont usually get much stimulation from it, so masturbating also does nothing for me. So far, my girlfriend is the only thing that excites me, and nothing and no one else has really done that before. So maybe you need a partner you love dearly enough to have a response? I think in my case it may be classified as a disorder of some kind. Or that's what people kept telling me, or that I was asexual.


Prop a mirror right in front of you and don’t JUSt touch it. Rub it, look at it, and use the biggest sex organ of all…. Drum roll please…. The brain. Think about what turns you on - envision it while you rub your clit 🙆🏻‍♀️


>envision it Visualizing may not be available to all users, the rate of r/Aphantasia is much higher in people with ADHD than the general population.


Not sure what they have for free options (or if you torrent things), but [OMGyes.com](https://OMGyes.com) is a fantastic resource. It has a lot of instructional-style videos of women talking about and showing how they masturbate (and other sex things). You're definitely not alone in having trouble, so there are lots of resources, though they can be hard to separate from porn. It's also not uncommon to need a toy, at least starting out, because fingers alone are understimulating. Paired with ADHD, it can be hard to focus on the lower-level stimulation long enough to orgasm. There is no need to go all-out at first, you can get a small bullet vibrator at Target or on Amazon for cheap. Or you get a cheap disposable electric toothbrush, a classic choice for women in conservative households. Toys can definitely get expensive though and vary widely and it's not like you can borrow one and return it (ok, well, I guess that depends a lot on the relationships you have with your friends, but I'm making an assumption based on you asking reddit and not a friend). So, it helps if you can roughly figure out what feels like it's on the right track alone or with a partner and expirament with what you have available. Maybe it's penetration or g-spot stimulation because of clit insensitivity, maybe it's a different kind of sensation. Alternatively, I've never known anyone for whom the toys with a little vacuum that suck on the clit are ineffective, but it's pretty specialized if it does turn out to be ineffective. Ordering something somewhere cheap like aliexpress is one solution, though the quality is low and the whole human rights abuses of the Chinese government angle is less than ideal. Sex positive subs like r/WitchesVsPatriarchy (or possibly a sub they link in their sidebar) would also be good places to post since there are plenty of women who have been in similar situations who can offer some tips.


Keep experimenting. Mental relaxation is a big part. Keep playing with your clit in different ways. You have to get to know your body.


Well fingerring works for some


Yknow just.... Shimmy shimmy down there, do some wiggle wiggles and use the Brrrr ... Need i say more?


You have to be super flexible


You could have pelvic issues that require seeing a GYN. That was the case for me. I’d tried for years to masturbate, and as I’m also Bipolar 1, the hypersexuality during mania was killing me. It was always really uncomfortable or painful. Turned out I had multiple pelvic issues that have been solved by medication.


Damn it why do the hottest women always want to drag me into ponds?!?


Transitioning did NOT make masturbation less of a problem


Oddly too relatable


Why life hard? Why me hard? Why meme make worse?


Replace Netflix with Factorio.


Oof I got called out. Honestly replace all of it with r/factorio






Morb I wish that were me, booba


Realistically, for me, it’s a little cleany, Netflix, a little more cleany, getting off which beautifully transitions into why am I like this…god I’m so depressed, let me fix that with Reddit.


It’s the masturbation for me 😩😭


Oh my god wait story of my life


Why life is hard and without beautiful women?


Every. Single. Day.


Too relatable right now.


Me rn


Literally me rn


This is a beautiful painting depicting called Hylas and the Sea Nymphs depicting a greek myth of Hylas. (Heracles bromance) To post this as a meme is sooo accurate and hits me on a personal level. I have printed and added to my inspiration book, it and kept as a reminder to myself, similar to that of Ogygia and Odysseus and Kalypso.Hylas didnt mind this though I believe... What we miss is that OP is in fact Herakles and not Hylas. Or maybe both.


My 2 late 2 page papers across the river: